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October 02, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-02

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CITY EDITOR ...........................JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
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Movies In And Out
Of Schools.
L ARGE HOUSES over the week-end
greeted three- and four-star shows
playing at local moving picture theatres. This
was true of artistic and less artistic fare alike. Fur-
thermore students are not the only ones who
could inform you at some length as to the touching
story of "No Greater Glory" or laugh appreciatively
when you mention the gags of Harold Lloyd or
Bob Montgomery.j
The popularity of the movies is no new thing.
On the contrary it is a popularity that suffers not
a whit from the fact that we are offered over and
over again the same plots, the same stars, the
same pictures under different names. The power of
pictorial presentation - and especially motion pic-
ture presentation -makes up for all defects.
No one can question the educational value of
the movies, although that value may be more de-
structive than constructive. The reformers live in
hope that the films can be purged of harmful
elements, and by their very zeal show belief in
the conversion of souls that may be effected by the
Oddly enough, in view of these self-evident facts,
the movies still remain almost entirely outside the
pale of formal education. A few rather dullish pic-
tures shown at public school assemblies, a start at
making and using educational films at the Uni-
versity of Chicago - that about sums up what the
schools have done about the movies.
Perhaps educators have no desire to make edu-
cation painless %nd pleasant, but they cannot
escape their duty to make it more effective.
With the motion picture an unquestioned aid to

greater effectiveness, expense alone cannot in ordi-
nary times be a sufficient reason why it should be
denied access to the classroom, to flourish with
great effect but little benefit in other places.
Higher Education
Worth Fighting For .. .
H ARDY PIONEERS of yesterday
Hi braved flood and famine, Indians

year, however, is heartening to all who believe in
higher education. Far from forgotten during less
prosperous years, colleges and universities are now
in the midst of a comeback that has surprised
everyone - educators as much as anyone else.
Most of the newcomers that go to make up the
increase in attendance are working for their school-
ing and perhaps undergoing other hardships as
well. Today an education, certainly, is one thing
young men and women will fight for. As long as
this spirit prevails, no one need worry about the
future of learning. It is emerging from the testing
period stronger than before.
Yes, Brooklyn Was
In The League.. ..
IT MUST BE WITH A source of very
deep regret indeed that Mr. William
Terry, Memphis's gift to the New York baseball
club, now contemplates one of the less gallant of
his remarks made before the start of the defunct
baseball season. Some reporter asked - with that
peculiar persistence, which, they tell us, is a char-
acteristic of all reporters and the bane of all those
questioned - what Mr. Terry thought of the
Brooklyn entry in the National League race. We
can picture Mr. Terry sitting on the boss's desk.
his legs swinging free, surrounded by a convivial
group of laughing (everyone laughs when Brook-
lyn is mentioned in New York) newspapermen.
"Brooklyn?" asked Mr. Terry with what now ap-
pears to have been rather too much wit, "Are they
still in the League?"
Well, two days before the end of the season
Mr. Terry's club was tied with the St. Louis Car-
dinals for first place. The two remaining games for
New York were with Brooklyn. If New York won
both they could do no worse than tie for the
pennant. But they did not win both. They lost
The answer to the question, Mr. Terry, appears
to have been "yes."
[As Others See It
Double Shadow
UCH HAS BEEN SAID about the part to be
played by the universities in "moulding the
new social order," but there has not been nearly
enough consideration given to the role of uni-
versities - especially privately endowed institu-
tions like Princeton -in the new order after its
formation and crystallization. This question bids
fair to become one of the gravest issues which has
yet faced the educators of the country.
The tendency for society of the future seems to
be in the direction of a rather drastic redistribu-
tion of wealth, designed to preclude either dire
poverty and extremely low living standards at the
bottom of the economic ladder or an excessive con-
centration of surplus wealth at the top of the lad-
der. When one looks about him here at Princeton
and sees to how great an extent - physically
speaking - it is the creation of men of great
wealth, the question naturally arises as to what re-
source would take the place of the millionaire's
bounty in meeting Princeton's financial necessi-
ties in the future. Obviously the need for money
is greater than ever before. A new library, more
memnbers and larger salaries for the faculty, in-
creased research and graduate study, and the ex-
pansion of the curriculum into fields hitherto ne-
glected - all these needs are pressing upon the
University if it is to serve scholarship and human-
ity as it should.
One alternative presents itself, but it is a du-
bious and an unpleasant one. That is the exten-
sion of financial aid to private universities by
government. At present, through the FERA, the
Federal government is extending a helping hand
to the students of privately endowed colleges, as
well as to those who have hitherto been public.
This aid is much needed and appreciated, but
there lies the possibility that it is only a prelude
to further assistance; and the danger of that
course is the extension of political control, that
bane of state universities, to include these institu-
tions not yet under the aegis of partisan politics.
Even at that, political control of education, bad
as it is, is usually no worse than the subtle servility
to wealth and special privilege which has some-

times pervaded the atmosphere of colleges depend-
ing upon men of wealth for their endowment.
There seems to be no way of evadng these two
alternatives, both unpleasant; but there should be
careful consideration of ways and means to protect
the independence of higher education, either from
having to identify itself with the established order
for self-protection, or submitting itself to the exig-
encies of partisan dickering and control.
-The Daily Princetonian.
Polly Perks Up
AMERICAN intellectual curiosity, which makes
our citizenry demand its Sunday morning
newspaper at 9 o'clock on Saturday night, has
never included magazines. Somehow, the genteel
readers of slick-paper editions are content to wait
around until the simple one who invested is
through, and then they do their higher reading.
It is just this willingness to wait until the fresh-
men have read their copies that is killing off the
Purple Parrot (campus humor magazine). Well
known in North campus houses is the fact that one
Parrot is enough for 10 men. The only diffi-
culty with this plan is that one subscription is not
enough for any staff to publish a magazine for
those 10 men. Simple enough on paper, but few
have understood.
Now the Board of Publications, which waits
until it can wait no longer, and then makes
the point where it will abolish the Parrot unless
the brothers stop reading over each other's shoul-
ders. The only chance for Polly to be long for
this world is that the fraternities string along with
the new 100 per cent subscription plan.
A - l- vr~aifnviof hn rnhnm f t n T r

Col leglate Observer
According to the Campus Scout at the Uni-
vei sity of Illinois the following incident hap-
pencd at that institution: A man wandered
on the tennis courts and sat down on a bench
watching an exciting match that was being
"Whose game?" he asked.
A shy young co-ed sitting next to him looked
up hopefully and said:
", am."
Fraternities at DePauw are starting a new
pledging system whereby every freshman sees every
house and every house sees every freshman.


* * *


A friend of mine, when young and plastic
Was told by friends enthusiastic
That college life was fine and glamorous.
She acted on advice so clamorous
and came; but now perturbed and grieved
She finds that she has been deceived.
It's not the ideal place she fancied -
In fact, she thinks it downright rancid.
Duke and Virginia Universities recently protested
the eligibility of a piccolo player in the University
of North Carolina band, charging that the musi-
cian accepted pay at a seashore resort this sum-
Here's a true story coming from the Uni-
versity of Oklahoma. The other day in a class
at that school a co-ed's eyelashes came un-
glued and fell down on her face. The startled
professor screamed, "Migawd a cefitiped6!"
* * * *
The enterprising students of St. Thomas College
take out insurance policies against being called on
in class. For a down payment of 25 cents they may
collect five dollars if the professor calls their name.
Also at the University of Missouri a student can
insure himself against flunking. If a student flunks
a course, the company will pay his -way through
summer school.
* * * *
M.S. a sophomore Daily reporter gives me
the following contribution:

Buy Where You Can See ALL Makes.
$74.50 NOISELESS Remington, Underwood and Monarch
equipped with tabulator and carrying case. Without
carrying case $69.50.
$64.50 CORONA SILENT. Peer of portables made Silent!
New quieting principle. Noise attacked at source.
Yet standard, trouble-free mechanism same as Cor-
ona Sterling. Equipped with tabulator and carrying
CORONA STERLING. Smith-Corona. The peer
of portables. First portable to please even profes-
sionals. Floating SMITH-SHIFT used on L. C.
Smith typewriters for over thirty years and now
being adopted by other makes of large typewriters.
Tabulator. Piano key action. Carrying case.
ard keyboard with carrying case. Tabulator models
$45.00 CORONA FOUR. Originally $60.00. Fully
equipped. Standard keyboard, Carrying Case. Tab-
ulator model $50.00.
ard keyboard. Carrying case. Similar to $60.00
models. Tabulator models $50.00.
$33.50 CORONA JUNIOR, Underwood, Remington,
Royal Signet, Standard keyboard. Capitals and
lower case; steel frame; carrying case. These ma-
chines are known as stripped models and lack the
refinements of the $45.00 model-"in-between buy."
$24.50 CORONA THREE. Made portable typewriter
history. Over 600,000 sold at $50.00. Three-bank
principle, hence lightest of all portables-yet does
the job of a full size machine.
The above comprises all the better known portable typewriters. We
have a large stock of new portables as well as new L. C. Smith and
reconditioned typewriters of all makes at moderate prices. Used
typewriters accepted in exchange. Renting and Repair Work a
specialty. Convenient terms may be arranged.
314 South State Street
Authorized Dealer: New L. C. Smith, and Smith-Corona,
Noiseless, Underwood and Remington Portables.
Since 1908 Phone 6615


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thoughtful cows
doting spouses


deceptive molars
righteous clergies
unholy people
dirt becomes
learned scholars
foolish poets
~* * * *
Washington and Jefferson College students were
surprised recently to find signs on the campus stat-
ing "please walk on the grass." The president of the
university says he means it. The campus belongs to
the students, and if they like to walk on the grass
as well as their president, to do it, he was reported
-to have said.
* * * *
Add this to your list of definitions: A frater-
nity pin says a co-ed from the University of
Indiana, is a collegiate wedding ring.
A Washington
jT WELL CAN BE imagined that Republican
Chairman Fletcher never spoke more from the
heart than when he commented in Chicago upon
the difficulties of organizing a successful opposi-
tion campaign in the face of "New Deal" lar-
Mr. Fletcher was in something of a chpstened
mood over the party outlook. He would not go, in
the face of primary returns generally, beyond say-
ing that the news of party prospects on election
day relayed to his and his western national com-
mittee colleagues in Chicago, was "fairly satisfac-
tory." That is modest enough for a party chair-
man in all conscience.
UT CHAIRMAN FLETCHER, responding with-
out doubt to what had been said inside the
conferences about the need of more direct pot-
shots at President Roosevelt himself in Republican
campaigning, added that there would be "no pull-
ing of punches." A good many Republican candi-
dates are troubled about that.
The evidences of Roosevelt personal popularity
have been very great, and still are if the various
state primaries are any guide. What to do about it
is a matter for each Republican nominee to de-
termine for himself. Some may not welcome fiery
blasts at the chief "New Dealer" by party orators
sent to their aid.
Reverting to that fine Fletcher word, "largess,"
however, there is one thing the Republican na-
tional campaign management has been surpris-
ingly slow to note. It cannot be charged against
that alleged "arch-radical" of the "New Deal," Dr.
I Tuawell, because he is off jaunting about Eu-

I - 1 11 .

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