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October 02, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-10-02

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The Weather
Partly cloudy today and to-
morrow; cooler tonight.

C, 4r

IA1Fr ig a



jMovies In And Out Of Schools.
Higher Education Worth Fight-
ing For.



Ascent Ot
Piccard Is
Flight Into Stratosphere I
Delayed By Unfavorable
Weather Conditions
High Wind Velocity
Is Cause Of Delay
Inflation Of Balloon Will
Start Tomorrow; Actual
Flight Set For Thursday
The flight into the stratosphere
by Dr. Jean Piccard has been post-
poned until Wednesday night due to
adverse weather conditions, according
to Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski, Guggen-
heim Professor of Aeronautical En-
gineering, who is assisting in prepara-
tion for the flight.
Professor Pawlowski, who returned
yesterday afternoon from the Ford
Airport near Dearborn, from which
point the flight is being made, stated
that high wind velocities and high
pressure areas over Michigan have
caused the postponement and that
preparation for the flight, weather
conditions permitting, would begin
at approximately 7 p.m. tomorrow
and that the actual ascension would
not begin until 4 a.m. Thursday.
The reason for the many hours
of preparation before the actual flight
was explained by Professor Powlow-
ski when he said it takes a good
many hours to fill the huge bag with
hydrogen gas. The balloon itself is 175
feet high and has a capacity of 600,-
000 cubic feet.
The Piccards are waiting for a wind
velocity of not more than five miles
per hour so as to eliminate any pos-
sibility of the bag breaking away from
the ground crew. "If a sudden gust
of swind sweeps the balloon off the
ground and out of control of the
ground crew the only thing that can
be done is to release the ripcord and
let out all of the gas. As it takes
$8,000 worth of hydrogen to fill the
bag. the-. Piceard& are"kiMngO
ckances with uncertain.xweather.
Dr. Piccard will act as chief ob-
server on the flight, while his wife
Mrs. Jeannette Piccard will serve as
pilot. She is the first woman in the
world to pilot a balloon on an at-
tempted flight into the stratosphere.
Professor Pawlowski as a member
of the American Aeronautical Asso-
ciation was asked by Edward J. Hill,
winner of the 1927 Gordon Bennett
Balloon Race and director of ground
operation for the flight, to serve as
an assistant along with 30 other
members of the association to help
with the preparations for the ascen-
About 150 CWA men are being util-
ized as "muscle men" for the flight,
there being over 100 guy ropes holding
the balloon to the ground.
Labor Leaders
Reject Offer
0 f Employers
Green Brands Challenge
As 'Subterfuge' To Gain
Unfair Advantage
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. - (AP) -
A challenge by organized employers

to organize labor, inspired by Presi-
dent Roosevelt's call for a "trial pe-
riod of industrial peace," was brushed
aside as "subterfuge" by American
Federation of Labor officials here to-
Acting as the Federation was open-
ing its annual convention here, the
National Manufacturers Association
urged the President to proclaim a
truce period "in which neither group
(employers and employees) or the
government, will attempt to changeI
existing relationships by force."
The manufacturers challenged the
labor organization to "bring forth a
similar acceptance from its conven-
"That is subterfuge," exclaimed
William Green, president of the Fed-
eration, when he saw the manufac-
turers' statement.
"Let them first piblicly announce
they will obey the decisions of con-
stituted authority as the President
suggested last night.
"They can issue no challenge to
labor, they can make no protests,
until they have first agreed publicly
to abide by the decisions of these
constituted authorities."

Hopwood Awards committee

Issues Rules For

'35 Contest

The final date for submitting man-
uscripts to the Avery and Jule Hop-
wood Awards Contest for 1934-35 has
been set at April 17, according to the
new contest bulletin issued by the
Hopwood Committee.
As in the four previous contests,
the awards this year will be given in
the four divisions of each group, ma-
jor and minor.
The major awards, of not more
than $2,000 each, will be provided in
the fields of drama, the essay, fiction,
and poetry. Writers who are eligible
to compete for major prizes include
only senior and graduate students.
Minor prizes, amounting to approx-
imately $250 each, are awarded in the
same four divisions of creative writ-
ing as embraced in the major awards.
Any properly qualified undergraduate
in the University may enter manu-
scripts in this division of the con-
In order for a student to be prop-
erly qualified for the Hopwoods, he
must be regularly enrolled in the Uni-
versity for both semesters of the year,
and must be carrying at least 12 hours
of "C" grade work each semester. The
only other requirement is that each
contestant must be enrolled in at
least one composition course in either
English or journalism during one of
the semesters.
Last year $5,750 was distributed in
prize money to the winning contes-
tants. Since the contest was estab-

lished in 1930, more than $40,000 has
been awarded.
The entire contest was made pos-
sible under the terms of the will of
the late Avery Hopwood, prominent
American dramatist and member of
the class of 1905 at the University,
who left one-fifth of his estate to
the Regents for "encouraging of crea-
tive work in writing."
The number and value of the prizes
is at the discretion of the committee
on the Hopwood Awards, and the in-
come is distributed annually as the
committee sees fit.
This group, for the 1934-35 contest,
includes Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the
English department, director of the
Hopwood Awards, Dean Edward H.
Kraus, chairman, Prof. Louis A.
Strauss, chairman of the Englishde-
partment, Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of
the philosophy department, and Pro-
fessors Howard Mumford Jones, Ben-
nett Weaver, and Erich A. Walter, all
of the English department.
The judges of the contest include
each year a group of men and women
in the highest rank of their respec-
tive literary fields. The judges' names
will not be announced until the timet
when the prizes are distributed.
In addition to the awards described,
there are also special prizes given to
freshmen. In 1931 the committee
established a separate freshman con-
test. This contest includes writing in
the essay, poetry, and fiction, with
prizes of $50, $30, and $20 given for
the winning manuscripts in each of
the three divisions.

T es tament To
G.O.P. Left By
Calvin Coolidge
Posthumous Article Gives
Political Advice About
Future Of Parties
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2 - (P) -
The future of the Republican party,
Calvin Coolidge wrote shortly before
his death, is guaranteed "by the re-
quirement of good govern'ment."
piilished in tliecurrent issue of the
Saturday Evening Post, the posthu-
mous message of the former president
"Parties disintegrate only when
their power for public service is gone.
Nothing indicates that the Republi-
can party is approaching that stage."
Mr. Coolidge died in the interim be-
tween the defeat of Herbert Hoover
and the inauguration of Franklin D.
Roosevelt. His last discussion of
public affairs, captioned "political
parties," set forth the view that:
"So long as human nature continues
to be what it is, our country will need
the services of. two great parties to
secure the best that there is in the
administration of public affairs.I
Sometimes, one party will be in con-
trol and sometimes the other party.
By candid criticism and investiga-
tion the minority will always have not
only a restraining influence but often-
times a constructive influence on the
proposals of the majority. The Re-
publican party is not going into
eclipse because it does not control the
national government."

Sophs Afraid? Vets
Of '37 Inspect The
Huron Battle Sites
Sophomore blood is boiling. More
than that, the men of 1937 are really
angry. "How can it be insinuated
that we, the freshmen of last year,
were not eminently successful in our
forays against the boys of '36 ?And
what's more, how can The Daily
carry a story saying that sophomore
classes always lose their spirit?"
In proof of their prowess they re-
called one Wednesday night, a year
ago, when the freshmen staged a
jnmimic battle-not of Gettysburg but
of "gettys-pants." Ferocity and agil-
ity were exhibited on both sides-
ferocity on the part of the freshmen
and agility on the part of the sopho-
mores. At least so say the men of '37.
During the course of the "highly
successful evening" five fraternity
houses were raided, enough opposition
for a pitched battle being encounter-
ed in two of them. The affair was
not completed before two members
of the 1936 delegation had been tak-
en "swimming" in the Huron and two
more had been forced to render an
unfamiliar version of a strip tease in
the Parrot.
But will the men of '37 repeat?
Wyer To Talk
On Plans For
"There is no one way out of the
depression, any more than there was
one cause that brought it on," de-
clares Samuel S. Wyer, prominent
engineer and former government ad-
visor who is to speak at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the Natural Science Audi-
torium on "Contributions to a Way
Out of the Depression."
Speaking under the auspices of the1
Technic, Mr. Wyer will outline the
program of planned economy as it
was published in a series of pamph-
lets by the Social Engineering Fund
of Columbus. Copies of his pamphlets
will be available at the auditorium
after the lecture.
*fBelieving that we are not suffering
so much from over-production as
from maladjustment of production,
distribution, and consumption, Mr.
Wyer proposes a plan for the balanc-1
ing of these factors by government
agency. It is expected that the dis-
cussion will stimulate controversy,
and the editors of the Technic are
looking forward to the campus recep-
tion of the address.

America Must
Choose, Says
R. N. Baldwin
Communism Or Fascisim?
Asks Vanguard Speaker
On Civil Liberties
Scores 'Vigilante'
Strike - Breakers
Roosevelt Administration
Called 'Coalition Gov 't'
In LiberalAnalysis
A prediction that the United States
was driving directly toward the point
where it must choose between Fascism
and Communism was made yester-
day by Roger N. Baldwin, president
of the American Civil Liberties Union,
in a speech in the Lane Hall Audi-
torium. Baldwin's lecture was spon-
sored by the Michigan Vanguard
Baldwin described the similar
choice facing the German nation two
years ago, and said that a like situa-
tion is not far off in both Englandj
and France. "The United States," he
continued, "is further back on the
same road, but must eventually make
a similar choice."
Baldwin declared that the Roose-
velt administration, which he termed
a "coalition government," was defi-
nitelyion the side of the propertied
classes, and predicted that a "leftist"
movement in the rank and file of la-
bor organizations would provide the
opposition in an unavoidable con-
Disregard for the Constitutional
rights of free speech, press, and as-
semblage were charged by Baldwin.
He cited particularly the unhampered
work of "vigilantes" in the San Fran-
cisco and Minneapolis strikes. Bald-
win censured Secretary of Labor Per-
kins, whom he called "cautious lib-I
eral," for her allege readiness to
deport radicals seized by the "vigi-
The next bitter class struggle in
this country will come shortly on the
subject of social insurance, Baldwin
asserted.- "However," :he continued,
"even if a labor victory is won in this
and similar issues of lesser import-
ance, the general trend of the New
Deal will be toward reaction."
The chairman of the meeting was
David R. Hobbs, '35L. After Baldwin's
speech, Maurice J. Wilsie, president of
the local chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union, briefly dis-
cussed the work of the organization
in Ann Arbor.
Three Faculty Men
Win X-Ray Honors
Three members of the University
faculty were honored at the conven-
tion of the American Roentgen Ray
Society, which has just ended its
session in Philadelphia.
Dr. Fred J. Hodges, head of the
X-ray department of the University,
and Dr. Vincent C. Johnson were
given bronze medals as third prize
awards for their scientific exhibit.
Dr. Carleton B. Pierce, assistant to
Dr. Hodges, was elected a member of
the executive council of the organiza-
tion. Papers were read by Dr. Johnson,
and one by Dr. Pierce that had been
jointly prepared with Dr. Henry Field,
Jr., of the internal medicine depart-
Dr. Pierce, Hodges, Harold W. Ja-
cox, and Johnson, have been accepted
as qualified X-ray specialists by the
American Board of Raiology, com-
posed of representatives from the five

I leading X-ray societies in the country.

G.O.P. Heads
Plan To Stem
A Dem. Wave
New Deal Supporters Are
Predicting Democratic
74th Congress
Micligan Primaries
Seen As Significant
November Election Will
Be A Criterion Of Public
O. K. Of Administration
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2. - {E)P-
With the general tide of public favor
still flowing in the direction of the
New Deal, Republican generals are
building sea walls for the present
campaign which they hope will stop
the Democratic wave for 1936.
In the most optimistic Republican
headquarters it is conceded that un-
less some unusual setback is experi-
enced by the Roosevelt administra-
tion between now and November 6,
Democratic control of the 74th Con-'
gress is certain.
Jockeying For Position
While the old guard Republicans
are putting up a bold fight against
the pro-Roosevelt forces for favor in
November elections, their real aim is
to get their party in position for an
ebbing of the Democratc tide which
they expect will set in before the
1936 campaign.
Any strength they might gain in
November of course would be a de-
cided asset to the Republican or-
ganization. However, general indica-
tions for the country as a whole point
to a preponderance of Democratic
victory in the contest for Congress!
control. Those indicatons are streng-
thened by checkups of the relative
party strength exhibited in primary1
elections which closed in September.
Point To Michigant
What effect another sweeping Dem-
ocratic victory would have on the Re- I
publican party remains to be seen.
GOP leaders, however, claim to see
a tendency on the part of conserva-
tives to swing away from the New
Deal. They point for confirmation to
Michigan and a few other 'states
where some anti-administration can-
didates polled bigger votes in primary
than Democrats.
Nevertheless, the GOP is con-
fronted by the fact that the Demo-
crats already are assured of a ma-
jority --49 --in the next Senate, and
more than 180 House seats - only 38
less than a majority in that branch.
I nter fraternity Tryouts
Meet Today At 5 P. M.
A meeting will be held for all
old and new tryouts for the Inter-
fraternity Council at 5 p.m. today
in the Council offices, Room 306
m the Union, according to Alvin
P. Schleifer, '35, secretary of the
Alpha Nu To Hold
Freshman Smoker
The first freshman smoker of the
year for Alpha Nu, national honorary
speech fraternity, will be held in the
rooms on the fourth floor of Angell
Hall Wednesday at 7:30 p. m., it was
announced yesterday by Karl Nelson,
'37, president.
It is expected that some prominent
speakers, old members of the organi-
zation, which is the oldest on the
campus, will address the group. All

freshmen interested are urged by
officials to attend.

To Speak At Union

Plan For New
Sewage Plant
Awaits Funds
Great Health Improvement
Expected From Change1
In DisposalScheme.
Plans for Ann Arbor's proposed
$324,000 sewage disposal plant are1
fast, getting under way, it was an-
nounced yesterday by George San-
denjurgh, city engineer.t
cated about three and one. half
miles from the heart of the city,a
it is expected that it will be one of
the largest public improvements Ann
Arbor has had in years. It will have
a capacity of 4,500,000 gallons per
day. At present all is dumped in the
Huron river, making an unpleasant,
as well as extremely unhealthful sit-
uation for families living along its
Some 30 per cent of the cost, labor,?
and material will come from the Pub-
lic Works Administration, amounting
to approximately $123,000. Some work
on it started last week, and Engineer
Sandenburgh put the summer of 19351
as the tentative date for its comple-;
Actual construction of the build-
ings, which are to be of considerable1
size, will begin in about two months,
Mr. Sandenburgh said. More than
150 men will be employed in two
The cost of operating the new plant.
has been set close to $24,000 per year.
Seven or eight men are expected
to make up a sufficient operating
The new plant will use what is
known as the "actibated sludge" sys-
tem in purification of the sewage. The
present system costs nothing at all,
but the great health improvement of
the new project is expected by offi-
cials to well exceed its expense.
Workifig with the city engineer
are two local firms, Shoecraft, Drury,
and McNamee, and Ayres, Lewis, Nor-
ris, and May. The plan, authorized
by the Public Works Act, was agreed
to by the Ann Arbor Council in 1933.
October 6 Deadline
For FERA Requests
Unless those students whose appli-
cation blanks for FERA jobs have
been accepted file personnel cards by
Saturday, Oct. 6, with the FERA com-
mittee their names will be removed
from the eligible list, announced Prof.
Lewis Gram, chairman of the FERA
committee, yesterday.
Over 100 eligible students have not
filed these cards, said Professor Gram,
and in the event that they do not
attend to this before the deadline
Oct. 6, their jobs will be given to stu-
dents on the waiting list. He also
advised students who have not re-
ceived jobs to fill out the personnel
Professor Gram stated that it was
probable that many students whose
applications were accepted did not
register at the University this semes-
ter. If any such vacancies occur, he
said, they will be filled by those on

Public Discussion Is To
Follow Address By N. D.
Republican Senator
Former Journalist
Is Luncheon Guest
Leader Of Arms Inquiry
Will Probably Discuss
Washington Affair
Sen. Gerald P. Nye (Rep.-N. D.)
will address students and townspeople
at 3 p. m. today in the ballroom of
he Union.
The topic of his address has not yet
been announced, but it is expected
by Union student officials, who have
arranged the program, that he will
speak on the current munitions in-
vestigation at Washington.
Senator Nye has played a promin-
ent part in the probe in his capacity
of chairman of the senate investigat-
ing committee. His task is not yet
completed, however, as the work of
the committee has not been finished
and will be continued this fall.
He was instrumental in bringing
before the inquiry facts about the
practices and habits of munitions
Senator Nye is- recognized as one
of the more progressive Republican
members of the United States Senate,
and is also one of the youngest men
in Congress in spite of the fact that
he has served as a senator from North
Dakota since 1925.
He first went to Congress to fill a
vacancy caused by death. Since then,
he has been twice re-elected in 1926
and 1932 by large majorities.
Senator Nye also played an impor-
tant part in the Congressional investi-
gation of campaign funds held 'in
1930 and 1931, which resulted in the
submission of legislation limiting
campaign expenditures.
Prior to his entry into Congress,
Senator Nye was a journalist. He
worked on papers in Wisconsin, Iowa,
and North Dakota, as both an editor
and a publisher.
Senator Nye will be entertained at
a luncheon at noon today in the Un-
ion at which prominent faculty mem-
bers and undergraduates will be pres-
The afternoon program was plan-
ned by Union officials as the first in
a series of open forums which will
continue throughout the current year.
As has been the practice in the past,
the meeting will be thrown open to
general discussion and questions fol-
lowing the speaker's address.
It was emphasized by Allen D. Mc-
Combs, '35, president of the Union,
that townspeople as well as students
are invited to attend and that there
will be no admission charge.
Water Colors
And Oils Are
Seen In Exhibit
Prof. Valerio's Summer
Class Shows Variety Of
Subjects And Treatment
The water color and oil paintings of
Professor A. M. Valerio's Summer
Session drawing class, on exhibit on
the first floor of the Architectural
Building, show, for the most part,
great promise, according to Professor
The water colors are all products
of beginning students in this course,
and portray a variety of subjects, se-
lected individually by the painters

as their whims or inspirations moved
them. Brilliant colors predominate,
with only occasional attempts in dull
greens and grays.
The exhibit is unusual in that all
members of the class are represented.
Students deemed by Professor Valerio
as having contributed the most out-
standing work, however, include Miss
Drucilla S. Palmer, R. Leone Saxton,
'35SM, Robert C. Taft, '36A, Herbert
W. Stevens, '36A, and Richard B.
Pollman, '36A. Miss Palmer, alone,
has had extensive experience in paint-
ing, having several oils to her credit.


Senator Nye


Speak Today At
M ichigan Union

Have O .

Users Must
K. From Office

Those wishing to make an-
nouncements in the Daily Official
Bulletin are asked not to send their
communications to the offices of
The Daily. All notices must be
taken to the office of the Assistant
to the President, Room 1017 Angell
Hall, before 3:30 p. m. week-days
or 11:30 a. m. Saturday in order
to be included in the bulletin for
the following day. They must be
Plan Undergraduate
A meeting of the entire membership
of the Undergraduate Council has
been called by Carl Hilty, '35, presi-
uen fu , yuo .nnnm in v'iienur..yinfh

Gen. Johnson Urges Support Of
NRA Under Next Administration

daent, tor b:0m p. M. Wednesday in the !
Union to elect members to the judicial
committee and to complete the unfin-
ished business of last spring. Rushee Fee Slips
Five members will be elected from Must Be Turned In
the Undergraduate Council to the va-,
cant positions on the committee and;
will serve for terms of one year apiece. Rushees must turn in their receiptsf
Their duties will be to sit with the received when they registered at the
faculty judicial committee in its ses- Interfraternity Council Office, to the
sions and to act in an advisory capa- office of the Dean of Students before
city. In past years this system has 12 Friday, Oct. 5, if they expect to
proven its efficacy. pledge a fraternity, according to Alvin
Other matters to be brought un deal 1P. Schleifer, '35, secretary of the

WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. - (IP) -I
Gen. Hugh S. Johnson said goodby
to NRA employees today and urged
them in an emotion-chocked voice
to give continued loyal support to
those who succeed him.
Two thousand workers jammed the
Commerce Department auditorium
and both at the beginning and close
of Johnson's speech gave him a thun-
derous ovation.
"It is now time to say goodby," he
said. "I can-"
Johnson's voice broke. His lips
trembled. Tears came into his eyes.
"God Bless You"I
For a minute the General tried to
control himself, but could not and

an "army that fought so well to-
Gen. Johnson disclosed that the
barrage of criticism hurled at him
last May caused him for the first time
to consider a plan of reorganization
which would mean elimination of
himself as the directing force.
Planned Retirement
He said that again on June 26 he
mapped a general reorganization plan
and a specific one on Sept 9. All of
these, he said, contemplated his re-
The new board which is to guide
the Recovery Administration, John-
son said, is composed of "my friends,
faithful and just."
Better leaders, Johnson asserted
could not have been picked to run
i the Rie Eagle and he asked the NRA

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