.. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1934 THE MICIHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE DIAGONAL IPraise Of War -:- SCREEN REFLECTIONS By BARTON KANE 'I THIS YEAR'S ALI-AMERICAN FRESHMEN- Betty Walsh, Mosher-Jordan fresh- man, had a class in 315 Hill. After finding the front door of the Audi- torium locked, enlightenment and a taxi took her to said number Hill Street. Later, after deep thought, ,tried Hill's Auditorium's back door and arrived in class 15 minutes late and 50 cents poorer. Ginny*Smith, another of the same vintage, although a sophomore trans- fer from Pine Manor, listened to Bill Dixon's colorful account of the last J-Hop. When Dixon paused for breath she sighed, "What's J-Hop?" He will recover. The fireless cooker is the latest ac- quisition at the Theta Delt house. Cook was fired, according to the brothers, but cook refused to accept. Latest report from the front found the same menus being served. Another battle is looming. Strong- arm members of an anonymous frat- ernity informed competitors, by phone, that further nasty remarks on the quality of their house would result in pitched battle. Health serv- ice reports show no action. DAILY QFFICaAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) Exhibitions A memorial exhibition of the paint- ings of Gari Melchers will be shown in the West'Gallery of Alumni Me- morial Hall from Oct. 1 to Oct. 14, inclusive. This exhibition is open from 1:30 o'clock to 5:00 p. m. every day including Sundays and is spon- sored by the Ann Arbor Art Associa- tiOn. Events Today Roger Williams Guild: Sunday 10:45 Sermon, Rev. 1R. Edward Sayles, Min- ister, "The, Many-Sided Christ." 12:00 Student class meets at Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Mr. Chapinan, leader. "'Message and Program of' Christianity." 6:00 at Guild House. Dr. Leroy Waterman will speak on "The Opiate of Religion and the New Moral Leadership." Discussion, re- freshments, social hour. To this ad- dress and social-hour all our students re ivte. Congregational Church: Service of Worship Sunday morning at 10:45 with sermon by the pastor, Rev. Alli- son Ray Heaps. Subject, "Profitable Scripture." An introduction to the series which begins a week later. At 6:00 the Student Fellowship sup- per in the parlors of the church. Prof. Bennett Weaver will',speak on "The Quick and the Dead" and there will be special music by the fifteen piece orchestra under the direction of Thor Johnson of the School of Music. Presbyterian Students: 9:30 Morn- ing Classes at the Church House, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 Morn- ing Worship. "How Religion Affects Personality." Dr. Norman E. Rich- ardson. 5:30 Social Hour and Sup- per. 6:30 Student Forum "Can Reli-' gion Make a Difference?" Panel dis- cussion. Mr. Kenneth Leisenring, Chairman. Lutheran Student Club: The first meeting of the Lutheran Student Club SIGMA NU PLANS TO ENLARGE HOUSE- Suggested headline; since we heard of their new housemother. She has arrived with her five (5) daughters. Pledge pins are at a premium. The Zeta Psi Fraternity began the fall round of social events with a lawn party. The next day a special assessment in,the form of a $100 fine was imposed on the participants to defray the cost of unreplaced divots. Culinary excellence must be the thing at the Delta Gamma house. While the girls were engrossed in dinner recently enough for a week- end at Columbus disappeared from the accumulated purses upstairs. Al McCombs, Union martinet, has removed such encumbrances as tables and stiff chairs from the old execu- tive council room. Overstuffed furni- ture and soft blue lamps now provide the atmosphere for great decisions. Philosophy on the hoof seems dang- erous. A gentleman reputed to be Professor Vibbert, while pondering during a stroll in New York, extract- ed himself from a deep dark hole which had crept up on him. will be held at the Zion Parish Hall (309 E. Washington St.) at 5:30. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on "The Church As Promoter."j Harris Hall: Regular,student meet- ing at 7:00 p. m.. The Reverend Ed- ward W. Blakeman, director of Reli- gious Education at the University of Michigan will speak. His topic will be, "The Place of Religion on the Campus." All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion; 9:30 Church School; 11:00 a. m. Kindergarten; 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Ser- mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. Unitarian Church-Services: 5:00 o'clock - Devotional Service - "Fire sides and Folkways." 6:00 o'clock- Fellowship Supper. 7:30 o'clock-- Liberal Students Union. Outing for Graduate Students: All graduate students who are interested in an outing club are invited to meet at 3:00 in front of Angell Hall for the firat hike of the year. Plans; for, the coming year. wi be.liscussisP tis Mm~e., Ann Arbor Field Hockey Club: Graduate students interested in field hockey will be welcomed as members of this club. First practice will be held on Palmer Field at 9:30. Coming Events Faculty Assembly: There will be an assembly for all students in the School of Forestry at 11:00 a. m., Oct. 2, room 2054 Natural Science Building. Pre-forestry students and others interested in forestry are also urged to attend. English Journal Club: Special meeting Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 4:00, in Angell Hall 2231. All members are urged to be present as important business is to be transacted. Junior Research Club of the Uni- versity of Michigan will meet Tues- day, Oct. 2, at 7:30 p. in. in room 2082 N. S. Dr. Petrie will speak on, "The Work of the McMath-Hulbert Ob- servatory .of the Universit yof Michi- gan." This will be followed by mo- tion pictures. By JOHN PHILIPS CRANWELL C in The Baltimore Evening Sun l There has been so much outcryI against war lately, both by pacifists and by militarists who deplore war as at necessary evil, that we are apt to forgett the presence of quite a number of people who love war for Its own sake. Mr. Cranwell'svarticle is a fair state- nent of the beliefs of that enthusiastic group.t Much ink has been cast abroad and so )many strident voices raised duringt the last few months condemning that1 oldest and noblest of institutions -t war - that the present would seem an appropriate time for a few remarkst on the other side of the question. These remarks are not in the na- ture of a defense of war (any insti-< tution which has flourished and has been glorified as long as the human1 race has been in existence, if not, in- deed, longer, scarcely needs a de- fense), but rather in praise of war forc its own sake and for its accomplish-I ments. The lucid and beautiful prosef of John Ruskin will furnish a text for this praise, a text from a sourcet which one one could call bellicose,. Ruskin's words on the subject are as1 follows: Quotes From Ruskinl "All the pure and noble arts of peace are founded in war; no great art ever rose on earth but among a nation of soldiers. There is no artl possible to a nation but what is based Adelphi House of Representatives, campus forsenic society, will hold a smokermin its room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall at 7:30 p. in., Tuesday, Oct. 2. Prof. John Dawson of the Law School will speak. Mem- bers, freshmen, and all other inter- ested are invited to attend. Tryoutsj -for the society will be held in sever- al weeks.: All Members of Pi Lambda Theta are invited to attend an organiza- tion meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 1, in the Pi Lambda Theta room-2533 U. E. S. at 7:30 p.im. Varsity Gree Club: The following1 men.have passed the preliminary try-I outs for the Varsity Glee Club and are requested to be present at the final tryouts and second rehearsal Monday night, Oct. 1, at 7:30 sharp.I Burrell Samuels, Stephen L. Alino, S. J. Pleskow, J. W. Richardson, T. McCulloch, W. A. Sawyer, B. Samuels, B. J. McCarthy, S. Kubacki, H. M. Offenbach, R. J. Stagnitto, Jack Brin- er, W. Burroughs, F. L. Ford, W. H. Fredericks, B. Kellogg, R. F. Wikle, G.J B. Wells, F. Nachimson, J. L. Marley, K. H. Lustison, F. Hunt, M. Bills, G. Hill, W. Jones, F. R. Walter, R. H. Treadway, L. R. Sperberg, R. B. Ruth- erford, D. C. Magaw, IT:-Bailey, T. Anke el, R. A. i~nee-. S..S, Kasle. Varsity Glee Club: All of the last year members who wish to be in this year's Club, must try out Monday night, Oct. 1, at 7:30 sharp. National Student League will meet at 7:30 p. mn. promptly, Wednesday, Michigan Union. Plans for a picnic will be discussed. Members and all1 others interested are requested to at- tend. Michigan League Against War will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Lane Hall' Auditorium. Everett Johnson will re- port on the Youth Congress Against War and Fascism in Chicago, Sept. 28, 29, & 30. The public is invited. Married Students: Wives of stu- dents and of internes in the Univer- sity Hospital are cordially invited to attend the first meeting this semes- ter of the Michigan Dames, in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League, on Tuesday, Oct. 2; at eight p.mi. As the Michigan Dames is an or- ganization composed solely of wies of students and of internes, who have the same general objective, the group is naturally congenial. The subdivis- ions for Drama, Art, Music, Bridge, Book, Child and General Study offer special interest for those so inclined and also provide social contact for a group not usually included in other campus activities. There will be host- esses at the door to greet each new- comer and to make introductions. on battle. When I tell you that war is the foundation of all the arts, I mean also that it is the foundation of all the higher virtues and faculties of men. It is very strange to me to discover this, and very dreadful; but I saw it to be quite an undeniable fact." With the fact that war is one of the greatest of nature's tools in its1 fashioning of a better race throughl the survival of- the fittest we are not concerned, nor are we here in- terested in the further fact that warc and the waging of war brought about1 the Pax Romana, the only long periodI of real peace the world has everc known. Both are merely arguments. advanced by people who while con- ceding that war may have its uses believe that peace is preferable. l Expanding, then, our text, what do we find about art, let us say, in its< development in relation to war? Starting With Egypt, we discover thatc the magnificent temples, the great statues, the almost time-defying tombs were erected when Egypt was all-conquering. In Greece, we find the periods of Phidias and Praxteles cor- respcnding more or less with the pe- riod of the Athenian Empire. Roman art may or may not be a copy of the Greek and of little worth per se, but, it was Roman arms which preserved much of Greek art to modern times, and it was Roman conquest which, spread the laws of Rome to the utter-j most parts of the known world to. form afoundation for the laws of today. There can be little doubt but that the Renaissance was initiated by the returning Crusaders, who, while en-, gaged in war with the Saracen, had; learned of the beauty which was lack- ing at home. The Saracen, too, made his great contributions to the art of the world while he was at the height of his military power, when Bagdad flourished because the caliphs couldi make war better than their neigh- bors. Spanish culture, in a like manner, owes much to the scimitar of thea Moor. In England, the great Eliza- bethan era corresponds with the be- ginning of England's growth as a conquering nation and the commence- ment of her sea power. The greatest of German music was written in the midst of war. These are but a few isolated in- stances, and, but for lack of space, could be augmented by additional and, striking examples. In Science, Too If we look into other, fields, we, find that war's contribution is no less worthy of praise. In the matter of sci- ence, we need go no farther afield than the World War" It was during that coiflict, and beaise of that con- flict, that the fixation of nitrogen was acconplished; that the dye in-c dustry was borl in the United'States, and that the airplane was develoed from a dangerous and flimsy toy ofI little worth to the safe and luxurious air liner of the present. . Plastic surgery, which should add much to the esthetic value 'of human beings, virtually owes its existence to the battlefield. In other 'lines, par- ticularly in antisepsis, the World war brought about great advantages in medicine. - Here again space, or the lack of it, prohibits the mentioning of more than a few isolated instances. These in- stances, however, are only a part of the evidence that war is the most effective stimulant for making men give the best that is in them, forc- ing work under pressure and at top speed. War Helps Education In the matter of education, war has been responsible for improvement not to be overlooked. In the United States ~;;; ;;; <;;0o 0 MILLER, the BARBER In Business STATE STREET BARBER SHOP 225 So. State St. Opposite Goldman's AT THE MAJESTIC *"THECAT'S PAW" Produced by Harold Lloyd Corpor- ation. From the story by Clarence Budington Kelland. Directed by Sam Taylor. Starring Harold Lloyd. Fea- turing Una Merkel, George Barbier, Nat Pendleton, Alan Dinehart, Grace Bradley, and Grant Mitchell. Abandoning the childishly adoles- cent roles, the stunts and the para- phernalia which first helped to make him one of the world's outstanding comedians, Harold Lloyd returns to the screen with a different and more mature brandl of comedy. The new type of role provides Mr. Lloyd with a character of a mission- ary's son who is taken to China as a little boy. There he grows up in the dreamy tradition of the township of Cheng-tu and the pholosophical sayings of Ling Po. Attaining manhood, and none but Chinese girls available as future mates, the young man is returned to America with instructions to find a wife! What happens to him when he.ar- rives and is hurled into the fury of a helter-skelter American city, and alone, we can find many examples of young men taken from the hinterland, from the mountains and the plains, men who would have lived and died useless to themselves and to human- ity, who would have existed and per- ished like pigs in the mire of ignor- ance, but who, because of war, were carried lands away and were given an insight into and an understanding of learning and wisdom and culture by their contact with the older and mellower civilizations of Europe. From slothful, dumb and unenter- prising country bumpkins, they were trained through the rigors of war and through their contacts, so that when they returned home they were no longer content with the trifling edu- cation which they found, but went out and demanded better schools and a chance to lift themselves and their people some little distance, at least, up the ladder of culture. It was a repetition of what happened to the Crusaders. War was then and is 'now no mean educational force. The Final Glories And, finally, war breeds men. War teaches the greatest of all Christian doctrines, sacrifice. It is in time of struggle and tumult that the leaders of peoples are brought to the fore and the wo'thless man is sunk in the limbo of failure. Thereis a great cry in this country that the man of brains and the man of ability, will not step out and lead. That is true in times of peace. But once let