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September 30, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-30

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CITY'EDITOR.... .............I JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas r . Kleene, David G. MacDonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper,
Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean.
Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
jREPORTERS : Donald K. Anderson, John H. Batdorff,
Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley,
Allan Dewey, John A. Doelle, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney
Finger, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling; Slher-
win Gaines, Ralph W. Hurd, Walter R. Kreuger, John
N. Merchant, Fred W. Neal, Kenneth Norman, Melvin
* C. Oatliout, John P. Otte, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall
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get Hathaway, Marion Holden, Beulah Kanter, Lois
King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,
Mary Annabel Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Char-
lotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Carolyn Sherman,
Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Betty Vinton, Laura
Winograd, Jewel Weurfel.
Telephone 2-1214
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner.

Prohibition Is
A Horrid Word. . .
SOMETHING had to be done about
the movies. Even producers would
probably admit that the majority of them were
rank and insulting to the intelligence. So Legions
of Decency and Committees of Righteousness got
busy at reforming ourmovie entertainment.
With an attitude common to reform move-
ments, they began by attacking the problem back-
wards - instead of concentrating on educating the
public to better movies,.they are trying to prevent
them from seeing anything else. The reformers
are still at it, and will be for a long time to come
'unless they change their tactics or sink into the
oblivion of those who fought for the late noble
experiment of prohibition.
'Because, unfortunately, the movies are pretty
much what the public has made them. A study
of current events since the Garden of Eden
shows that what man is forbidden is what he will
want - and get.
Writing in Liberty, Arthur L. Mayer, prominent
theatre operator, gives a few statistics on the de-
mand for pictures of both the so-called good and
bad type. In Boston, cradle of culture, 40 theatre
operators cancelled their contracts to play "Abra-
ham Lincoln," while "Little Caesar" received no
cancellations. In staid Philadelphia, "Berkeley
Square" was cancelled throughout the territory,
but Clara Bow n "Hoopla" was unanimously ac-
cepted. In the Salt Lake City territory the only way
exhibitors can be compelled to play "Alice in Won-
derland" is by refusing to give them Mae West
pictures until they do.
These statements demonstrate the taste of the
public in cinema entertainment. Producers have
found by experience that most good pictures lose
money, and they are not running philanthropic
institutions. As many point out, they can no more
be expected to produce movies suitable only for
children than can the publishers be expected to
bring out only juvenile books.
Maybe the movie reformers can educate the
public' to temperance in its film fare, but if they
can't there's little hope in prohibition. We don't
want movie bootleggers.
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
Tne names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Art or jingoism?
To The Editor:
The Michigan League Against War and Mil-
itarism sharply censures the Art Cinema League
for showing the film "No Greater Glory." In the
first place, by no stretch of the imagination may
the film, be called artistic; it is a typical example
of Hollywood mass production. Furthermore, the
film is a very clever bit of jingoistic, militaristic
propaganda, all the more dangerous because of the
insidious cloak of fake facifism that has been
spread over it.
The film is one of a series of propaganda pic-
tures created for the express purpose of selling
the American people on war. Backed by the muni-
tions makers and other large financial interests,
who alone stand to gain in the event of war, it has
as its purpose the breaking down of popular re-
sistance to the uncivilized orgy of mass-butchery
that we call imperialist war. Whether or not this
particular film completely succeeds in this pur-
pose is not the question. It is one of a series, and
we can only attack the series by attacking indi-
vidual elements of it.
The Art Cinema League boasts that it is the
first to present "No Greater Glory" in Ann Arbor.
There is a reason for this. Even some commercial
distributors refuse to lend themselves to the plans
of the wealthy war-makers who would cold-blood-
edly slaughter millions to make a few dollars. But
not the Art Cinema League. Devoted, as it claims,
to the ideal of artistic motion pictures, it is will-
ing to screen anything if it can make money on
it. After "No Greater Glory," is is entirely possible
that they may follow with "S. A. Mann-Brand,"
the pro-Hitler, pro-fascist, propaganda film from

Nazi Germany.
The Michigan League Against War and Mili-
tarism accuses the Art Cinema League of prosti-
tuting both art and conscience in showing "No
Greater Glory." We, who are among the hundreds
of liberal-minded students who helped to establish
the Art Cinema League by taking charter member-
ships, unite with liberals, pacifists, and anti-
fascists on the campus and in -Ann Arbor to de-
mand of the Art Cinema League assurance that
films of this character will not again appear on
its program.
--Michigan League Against
War and Militarism.
As Others See It]
Why No Books?
ONE THING that comes to mind at the beginning
of the school year is the apparent misunder-
standing between some of the professors and the
bookstores. It seems that these professors were very
anxious to get off to a flying start in their
courses and therefore made the first assignment
a rather heavy one. When the students get to
the stores for their supplies, however, it develops
that the books are either already all sold or else
have not made their appearance.
We are not sure as to where to place the blame
for this lack of co-operation. Either the professors
are negligent in telling the stores about the re-

Collegiate Observer

At Union College the following eight questions
were presented to the faculty of that school, in
order to determine whether the faculty members
lived up to the students' ideal. Here are a few
1. Does he try to introduce them to life and
thought, rather than merely coach them to pass
2. Does he give the students all that he has
of scholarship, wisdom, and understanding, despite
their supposed immunity to such?
3. Is he enthusiastic, alive, free from all dull
pedantry and dogma?
4. Does he stimulate the mind of the student to
suggest ideas and to correlate the loose ends of in-
* * * *
The rain seems to have turned the mind of
one sophomore. Here's his story:
Rain, rain, don't go away!
Stay, and while staying play
Upon the broad expanse of concrete-
Our hard-surfaced pathway to the street.
Little boys may shout and yell
For you' to go to uh - well
For there is no place I'd rather go
Than to watch your falling H20.
Our own suspicion was confirmed when we read
the statistics compiled by Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology scientists show th'at women re-
quire 25 per cent longer to apply brakes when
driving an automobile than men. .. .. .. .. .. . .
* * * *
A Deke at the University of California says
it's easy to be a hot number if you have money

jo burn.

* * *

University of Oklahoma graduates believe in
God, honesty, sterilization and the death penalty.
This grim collection of opinions was made by a
professor of psychology there recently.
There seems to be little doubt about their pure
motives behind their belief in honesty for this is the
statement the majority agreed with: To be known
as a liar would be so undesirable that I would try
to avoid being caught in a lie."


* k *


This column looks like a poetry corner today
but this is too good to miss up on.
When a fellow kisses you
Struggle to get free
Act as if you're overcome
Breathe quite heavily;
Close your eyes and hold yourself
Rigid, still and fast,
If the kiss should last,
Take ydur breath in little gasps,
Let your face express,
Sorrow, anger, joy; despair,
All those you should stress.
Fight as if to free yourself,
Faint away and then,
He will very likely want
To kiss you once again!




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Sunday Library Service
Eludes Us Again. ..
O NCE UPON A TIME it was the
privilege of every student to use the
complete library facilities of the Library every
Sunday afternoon and evening. Sunday was then,
and always will be, an important day for study.
The student has more uninterrupted time than
on any other day, and, whether he likes it or
not, he ordinarily has to make it count toward
getting through sundry college courses.
A reduced budget forced the University to cur-
tail library service at the beginning of the 1933-
34 school year. With the remaining staff of work-
ers, presumably there was no way of avoiding
shorter hours. Therefore, study halls were closed
during lunch and dinner hours and on Friday and
Saturday nights. In addition, the entire General
Library had to be kept closed all day Sunday.
The first curtailment seemed to cause little
hardship; the latter brought about a great deal. By-
March, after more than a semester's experience
under the Sunday restriction, the student body it-
self was willing to shell out to pay for library
servce when it needed it badly.
Learning that it would cost approximately $375
to keep the main reference room and the periodical
reading room open during the remaining Sundays
of the school year, the Undergraduate Council
began a drive for funds which raised some $160
toward the total needed. All this money was do-
nated by students, either individually, or through
fraternities, sororities, andother organizations.
This concrete indication of student determina-
tion behind the drive seemed to be the assurance
necessary to bring action on the part of Uni-
versity authorities and the executive committee
of the Board of Regents. In response to the Coun-
cil's petition, the latter body declined the $160,
but announced that a way would be found to give
the needed library service.
Although the various study halls could not bej
kept open, students could ask that books they
needed be put on reserve in the reference room.
Under this arrangement, service seemed to be
quite satisfactory during the remainder' of the
year. An average of 200 persons were in the Library
all day on the first Sunday it was reopened.
Anyone who had intended using the Library
today or on succeeding fall Sundays will learn

Off The Record

PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT chuckled at this one:
A Sunday school teacher said, "Now, is
there any little boy or girl who can tell us the
name of our Savior?"
"F.D.R.," shouted an uncompromising urchin.
"Come, come," said the teacher, "think hard."
"Franklin D. Roosevelt," volunteered the second
in line.
"Now, children, after all - " the teacher began.
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt," corrected the third.
"Children!" the teacher expostulated.
Whereupon the proverbial little Percy rose:
"Teacher, it's Jesus."
Chorus: "Yeah, lookit 'im, the doggone Repub-
* * * *
Giggling NRA officials are keeping the letter
in a dark, dark box. It would just add fuel to
the fire.
It is addressed to "Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, in
care of Donald Richberg."

Do you have typing to be done,
or do you want typing to do?
nOr, have you lost anything
In any case, your best medium
is The Michigan Daily
Classified Column

GENERAL PERSHING, in accordance with his
custom since the World War, has been in
France all summer.
He recalls with a smile the time the battle monu-
ments commission approved a design for a mon-
ument to be raised in France. The architect had
chosen two upright shafts capped by a horizontal
The commission approved it. Then the general
showed the design to Mrs. Coolidge.
"Why, it looks like a guillotine," she said.
Slightly unsettled, the general went to France
and showed the design to Paul Pianleve of the
French cabinet.
"Very fine," said Painleve, "but don't you think
- er - it suggests a guillotine?"
The monument stands today, b'ut it was made
on another design.
* * * *





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