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September 30, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-30

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lThe Weather
Becoming fair Sunday; Man-j
day fair; not much change in


t igau


Sunday Library Service Eludes
bs Again ...s
Prohibition Is A Horrid Word ..



Special Jury
Will Judge
District Attorney F ol e y
Continues Questioning
Suspect's Acquaintances
Psychiatrists Will
Examine Prisoner

Enrollment Increase
Less Than Expected
Latest enrollment figures set the
number of students who have en-
tered the University this year at
8,713, an increase of 851, or 10.8
per cent over the 7,862 registered
in the same period last year.
At the end of last week, the gain
over the school year 1933-34 was
-16.5 per cent, but the drop report-
ed yesterday is probably due, in
the opinion of Dr. Frank E. Rob-
bins, assistant to the president, to
the large number of students who
came early to avoid payment of
extra fees for tardy registration,
and those who returned in ad-
vance to secure FERA jobs.
The literary college shows a net
increase of 563 students over last
year. The engineering college
registers a gain of 175.
There are 6,314 men registered

Schools Ask I
For Increase
Predict Hopkins To Give
Funds After Thorough
Investigation Of Need
Rural Districts Are
In Desperate Plight
Hope To Further Eliminate
Illiteracy In Adults Is
Expressed In Program

New Minister Campus To See Talking Picture

Detectives Are Unable To
Connect Bowman With
NEW YORK, Sept. 29.- (3)- A
special jury panel to try Bruno Rich-
ard Hauptmann, indicted on the
charge of extortion as the receiver
of the $50,000 Lindbergh ransom pay-
ment, will be asked in Bronx County
court next Wednesday, District At-
torney Samuel J. Foley announced
The district attorney said that the
motion will be made to get the trial
under way speedily, but he declined to
state the trial date.
"Maybe about a week from next
Wednesday, we might go to trial,"
Foley said.
Previously it had been pointed out
that the trial date would depend on
the outcome of conferences between
the prosecutor and defense counsel.
Foley continued today the question-
ing of friends and acquaintances of
Hauptmann, many of whom have
been found in albms taken from
H'auptmann's Bronx home several
days ago.
Kloppenburg Questioned
One of these friends, Hans Klop-
penburg, returned to Foley's office
for further questoning today after
being interviewed for five hours by
Foley and members of his staff yes-
The district attorney made it clear
that no suspicion is attached to Klop-
Foley said today that early next
week three psychiatrists, one ap-
pointed by the district attorney's of-
lice, op the state, ofNew jergsey
and one by fi defense, will examine
The hope of Chicago police that
they had nabbed the man who re-
ceived the ransom seemed to fade to
day as Chief of Detectives John L.
Sullivan, of Chicago, announced that
he could find nothing tangible to link
Joseph Bowman' with the crime.
Bowman, alias James O'Dea, an ex-
convict, and his wife were seized last
night, Bowman was questioned dur-
ing the early morning by Melvin H.
Purvis, chief of the Chica go unit of
the bureau of investigation.
Police said that the suspect bore a
"striking resemblance" to the "John"
glimpsed by Dr. J. F. (Jafsie) Condon
during the payment of ransom.
Fisch's Brother Quizzed
"We have nothing to link this man
to the Lindbergh kidnaping except an
anonymous tip received last night,"
the detective chief admitted.
Detective Arthur Johnson, of the
New York police, arrived in Leipziz,
Germany, today and questioned Pin-
kus Fisch, brother of the late Isa-
dor Fisch. Hauptmann, in explaining
to police his possession of $14,500 of
Lindbergh ransom money, said that it
had been entrusted to him by Isidor
when he went to Germany last De-
cember. Isador died in Germany last
Rain today drove police searching
for additional clews at Hauptmann's
to the cellar of the building. Thus far
police carpenters and detectives have
pulled apart Hauptmann's garage.
The work of sifting the garden plot
was begun yesterday but the heavy
rain halted additional work outside.
Prominent Liberal
To Lecture Here
"Civil Liberties" is the subject of
an address to be delivered by Robert
N. Baldwin, president of the Ameri-
can Civil Liberties Union at 4 p. in.
tomorrow at the Lane Hall Auditor-
, Speaking under the auspices of the
Vanguard Club, Mr. Baldwin will re-
veal the results of his personal ob-

servations of the status of the mdi-'
vidual under the various governments
of Europe today.
Prominent defender of rights of
free speech, and famed for his activ-
ity among conscientious objectors
during the last war, and for his par-
ticipation in the Patterson textile
strikep of 1924. Baldlwin has been a

ui iir year, an increase of01 i.9per WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 - (P) -
cent over the same period a year The Federal Government is spending
ago, and 2,399 women, in increase $2,400,000 a month to provide work
of 8.2 per cent. for 40,000 unempl'oyed teachers, but
Officials in charge of enrollment that isn't enough-new demands for
expressed the opinion yesterday funds to keep schools open are just
that when figures will finally be about swamping the FERA.
tabulated about Nov. 1, an increase The point is that although the
of nearly 10 per cent over last year 40,000 teachers do have jobs, on an
may be expectedassignment to teach 12,000,000 people
( how to read and write, many schools
Baldwin Series insmall towns and rural communities
may have to close unless they get
U- T BFederal aid.
ToB e Given The hard-pressed school districts
want President Roosevelt to bolster
.o.d Autho their local funds with an allotment
Noted AuN t 0 1r from the discretionary relief fund at
his disposal. They hope for an early
decision from the White House.
First Lecture By Dr. Bell Many country districts, dependent
Called "An Introduction on property taxes dwarfed by depress-
ion and drought, contend that their
To Christianity" school doors cannot open at all this
fall unless the Federal Government
The first of the four Baldwin Lee- comes to the rescue. Most state legis-
tures, "An Introduction to Christian- latures which might provide addition-
.t, tbdiral state aid are not scheduled to meet
ity," to be delvered here by Dr. Ber- until January.
nard Iddings Bell, noted author and No Money Spent Recently
lecturer, will be given in Hill Aud- No funds for this purpose have been
itorium Sunday night, October 14, it set aside by the Relief Administra-
was announced yesterday by Dr. Ed- tion since $16,000,000 was expended
wardW. Blakeman counsellor in re- I between last February and June. That
ward Ws educatn c money went to schools in rural sec-
tions and to towns of less than 5,000
The remaining lectures, also to be population whose local resources were
given by Dr. Bell, will take place in exhausted.
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Mon- In educational circles it is predict-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday after- ed that any aid extended by the Presi -
noons at 4:15. The Sunday lecture dent to maintain the schools this fall
will-be de~~v red at 8 p m ..:and winter would be distributed by
The specific titles of the lectures Harry L. Hopkins, the relief admin-
will not be announced until next istrator, after thorough investigation
week, when the student and faculty of each application.
committee sponsoring them will meet This policy was considered likely
to discuss plans. despite the present campaign of the
Dr. Bell has lectured at various National Education Association to ob-
eastern colleges and universities, and tain a Federal grant of $500,000,000
has written frequently in the Atlan- from the next Congress for distribu-
tic Monthly and Harper's. A minis- tion to all public schools on a basis of
ter of the gospel, those who know average daily attendance.
him say he is exceptionally well qual- Teachers Get Training
ified to discuss the topic announced. Thousands of the 40,000 teachers
The Baldwin Lectures had their or- meanwhile are receiving instructions
igin as early as 1879 when the Rt. ri training centers scattered over the
Rev. L. L. Harris, bishop of Michigan, Country.
announced his desire to establish Hopkins and Dr. Lewis R. Alder-
"Adequate religious education and man, director of unemployment re-
guidance for students." Many pio- lief for teachers, regard the elimina-
neered in the movement, among them tion of illiteracy as the biggest oppor-
one of the early governors of the tunity in this program.
state, H.P. Baldwin, who gave near- "I think we reached 1,000,000 adluts
ly $35,000 to the fund and served as last year who couldn't read and
treasurer. After his death, the lec- write," Dr. Alderman' said. "But
tures were named after him. there are 11,000,000 more in this
Similar lectures have been built up Country. The 1930 census reported
by various denominations, and Dr. only 4,283,753 illiterates, but examina-
Blakeman states "it is hoped that tions in the wartime draft showed a
these may be so scheduled and cor- much higher percentage of the popu-
related that they will offer a series lation actually was unable to read
each month, or three a semester. I and write well enough to share in
would like to have these lectures community life.
sponsored by the group to which the No progress in wiping out illiteracy
funds belong but patronized by mem- was made in 622 counties of the
bers of all religious groups. United States from 1929 to 1930, and
According to the Rev. Henry H. 511 counties went backward.
Lewis, rector of St. Andrews, in re- "We feel this is our year to give
cent years many distinguished men these adults a chance to know what
have delivered Baldin Lectures, it's all about."
among them being Sir Wilfred
Greenfell, Bishop Roots of Hankow,' WIFE TO ACCOMPANY PONZI
and Prof. Frank Garvin of New York. BOSTON, Sept. 29. --(P) - Mrs.
Last year the lectures were given by Rose Ponzi, wife of Charles Ponzi,
Dr. Otto Wedel, of the Student Work has said she will go with her husband
Committee of the Episcopal church. when he is deported to Italy.
Report Censuring Presidential
'Beer Party' Is Turned Down

Is To Take Up
Fisher To Be Filled By
Dr. Brashares
Chicagoan To Open
Series Of Sermons
Topic Of First Sermon Is
'How Religion Affects
The Personality'
Speaking for the first time as pas-
tor of the First Methodist Episcopal
Church at 10:45 today, Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will deliver an address
on "Enlistment," a subject designed
especially for students and those
"young in spirit.'
Dr. Brashares comes to Ann Arbor
after 12 years of service in the Grace
Methodist Church in Dayton, O. He is
a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan Uni-
versity and the Boston Theological
Seminary and has traveled extensively
in Mexico, Europe, and Palestine.
Dr. Brashares declared himself
"mindful of the traditions of the Uni-
versity, and of my responsibility to
the fine work accomplished by Rev.
Frederick Fisher as former pastor
of this church."
Dr. Norman E. Richardson, pro-
fessor of religious education in the
Presbyterian Theological Seminary,
Chicago, will deliver a series of five
Sunday morning sermons at the First
Presbyterian Church on "Building
a Christian Personality."
The first of the series will be given
by Dr. Richardson at 10:45 a.m. today
on "How Religion Affects Personal-
Dr. Richardson is a graduate of I
Lawrence College, Wisconsin, and has
studied theology in Berlin and Mar-
burg, Germany, and obtained his
Ph.D. from Boston University.
He is a member of the national
executive committee of Boy Scouts
of America, and is the author of a
number of books on religious educa-
tion, ote o. the'most recent being
"The Christ of the Classroom."
"Profitable Scripture" will be the
subject of the regular Sunday morn-
ing service conducted by Rev. Alli-
son Ray Heaps at the Congregatonal
Church. Prof. Bennett Weaver of the
English department will speak on
"The Quick and the Dead" before
the student fellowship meeting held
at 6 p.m. today.
Rev. R. Edward Sayles will de-
liver a sermon on "The Many-Sided
Christ" at the Roger Williams Guild.
The student meeting of the Guild at
6 p.m. will have Prof. Leroy Water-
man, head of the department of
oriental languages, as speaker, who
will talk on "The Opiate of Religion
and the New Moral Leadership."
Rev. Edward W. Blakeman, director
of religious education of the Univer-
sity, will discuss, "The Place of Re-
ligion on the Campus" at 7 p.m.
before the student meeting at Harris
Plan Substitute
Cattle Food In
Drouoht Area
Scientist Discovers N e w
Product Which T a k e s
Place Of Forage
BALTIMORE, Sept. 29. - (P) -
Two new cattle foods, one looking like

a plug of tobacco and the other like
Boston brown bread, both offering
aid for stock feeding in drought areas,
have been announced.
The plug is made of molasses and
cottonseed meal; the Boston brown
bread of molasses and corn meal. Both
use a new scientific principle for
mixing molasses which has been for
many years a cattle fattening food
but difficult to handle because of its
The new process was announced
by Guy Leonard, a chemical engi-
neer. He is well known among chem-
ists as the man sent here from Eng-
land in the World War to assist in
developing an acetone process for use
in making cordite.
Leonard takes all the stickiness out
of the molasses by masking it with
cottonseed or corn oil. Into a hot pot
he pours molasses and the meal de-
sired for cattle feed. Mechanical vanes
keep the mixture stirring.
The heat first dries the water out

Final arrangements for the special
engagement of "The Human Ad-
venture," a full-length talking pic-
ture which sketches the rise of man
from savagery to civilization, have
been completed, according to Uni-
versity officials.
The film was produced under the
scientific supervision of Dr. James H.
Breasted, famous archeologist and
historian, with the facilities of thej
Oriental Institute of the University of
Chicago, the largest archeological or-
ganization in the world. Direction
and narration of the film is by his
son, Charles Breasted, executive sec-
retary of the Institute.
The campus presentation of this
picture was made -possible through
the work of Prof. H. A. Kenyon, Uni-
versity Director of the Lydia Mendel-
issohn Theatre.
The film, which required more than
three years to complete, grew directly
out of the researches and explora-
tions of the Oriental Institute - the
first and only laboratory for the study
of what Dr. Breasted describes in
the film as "the most remarkable pro-
cess known to us in the universe: the

rise of man from savagery to civiliza-
tion." The picture carries the observer
by airplane through the lands where
civilization first arose - Egypt, Pales-
tine, Syria, Anatolia, Iraq, and Per-
sia - and other places to which the
Institute has dispatched altogether
fourteen expeditions. Eight of these
are observed while actually engaged
in the scientific recovery of the lost
chapters of human history.
Special planes were chartered and
professional cameramen were em-
ployed to produce a story which has
never before been told on the screen.
Two separate trips were made from
Chicago to the Near East to produce
the film. More than 32,000 feet of
negative were exposed, and much of
the film was made from the air in
more than 9.000 miles of flying.
Although -the exact date for the
presentation has not yet been an-
nounced, it has been announced that
it will appear about the week of Oc-
tober 14th, and it has been empha-
sized that the picture is of such a
nature that it will be of particular
interest to all students of history,
archeology, fine arts, anthropology.

_ _ ;

Of Man 's Rise To Civilization


Polc e Are At
A Standstill In
Goodrich Hunt
All Clues In Search For
Murder Suspect Prove
To Be Groundless
DETROIT, Sept. 29 - (P) - The
search for Metton Ward Goodrich,
sought since Wednesday in connec-
tion -with the brutal slaying of 11-
year-old Lillian Gallaher,. was prac-
tically at a standstill tonight, as pol-
ice of several cities and states check-
ed hundreds of clues and found most
of them valueless.
Fred W. Frahm. chief of dectectives
here, expressed the opinion that "it
is just about time that he was arrest-
ed, someplace," but admitted that
police have little on which to base
their search for Goodrich and his
Although reports have come from
all parts of the United States and
even from Canada, police have con-i
sidered seriously only those from
Ohio, the home state of the fugitive.
Tonight, advices from Cleveland
said police are convinced Goodrich
has not been in that city since the
slaying. Detective Gilbert Mosley,
who directed the search for Goodrich
both in Cleveland and Akron, said all
tips have been thoroughly checked
without a valuable clue being discov-
Hungry Eskimos
Un knowingly Save
Herder's Fortune,
SEATTLE, Sept. 29-- R) -Andrew
Bahr's mission of mercy to starving
Eskimos preserved his lifetime savings
for a while at least, for lawyers even
today can't serve a court summons on
a reindeer herder 100 miles north of
the Arctic Circle.
Bahr was directing the herding of
3,000 reindeer more than 1,000 miles
across the northern tundras-food'
for a village of hungry Eskimos on
Richards Island, in Beaufort Sound,
off the Arctic Ocean-when the courts
gave judgment against him. He
doesn't know it yet, and his little for-
tune is safe until he returns from the
frozen North.
The story behind it is this:
Bahr, a Laplander, married Mrs.
Marith Bahr in 1927 and came to
Seattle to invest $60,000 so they could
live comfortably the rest of their lives.
They brought two apartment houses.
Mortgages were involved, for he bor-
rowed $40,000.
The Canadian Government learned
of the plight of the Eskimos, and con-
tracted with the Lomen Reindeer Co.,
who picked Bahr as the only avail-
able man able to guide the big herd
on its long trek.
The depression struck, hurting
apartment owners. An insurance
company obtained a judgment against
Bahr for $52,741, after suing for the
money he owed them.
Judge Clay Allen issued an order
setting aside the judgment, dimissing
the suit, and the action must begin
all over again when Bahr returns
from the Arctic.
Professor Glover Will
Remain At University
pnf Tam a m7 !S7 -r a of +

Giant Liner To
Explore White
SpotsOf Brazil
Delay In Delivery Of Oil
Engines Halts Shipment
Of Air Cruiser
W) - Her huge duraluminum frame
completed, the glittering skeleton of
Germany's super giant of the air idly
hangs inside the Zeppelin hangar
here awaiting installation of her four
powerful crude-oil motors.
Meanwhile, plans are being com-,
pleted for an exploration tour with
the "LZ 129" over the "white spots"
on the map of Brazil.
Handicapped by delay in delivery of
the crude-oil engines, the satisfac-
tory solution of the motor problem
keeping the engineers of three lead-
ing German motor factories busy on
the test stands, the finishing touches
to the monster air cruiser cannot be
expected until February, 1935.
Almost twice as large as the storm-
tried veteran "Graf Zeppelin," the
new sister ship, having a capacity of
6,600,000 cubic feet, measuring 812
feet in length and 132 feet in height
over all, will likely be named for the
late soldier-president, Paul von Hind-
Eckener to Conduct First Tour
"Because of climatic conditions the
dirigible will start on the scientific
flight at the latest in August, 1935,"
said Dr. Hugo Eckener, adding "pro-
vided, however, that the hangar at
Rio de Janeiro is ready by that time.
Otherwise, the expeditin must be
postponed until the early summer of
1936." The skilled pilot will com-
mand the ship during this spectacular
exploration tour.
Appliances which permit the diri-
gible to be "anchored" in the air and
also enable passengers to alight and
embark by means of a tackle device
are said to make the "LZ 129" most
suitable for such an enterprise.
The Brazilian Government has
agreed to the plan of the expedition
which will be headed by the German
explorer, Paul Vageler, professor at
the Agricultural Institute at Berlin-
Dahlem. Vageler went to Rio de
Janeiro several months ago to make
financial and scientific arrangements
for the flight.
Senator Nye To Discuss
Munitions Investigation
U. S. Senator Gerald P. Nye of
North Dakota will address the stu-
dent body at 3 p. m. Tuesday in the
ballroom of the Union, according to
officials of the Union organization,
who completed arrangements for the
program last night.
Senator Nye will also be present at
a luncheon Tuesday noon at the
Union, at which 25 prominent faculty
members and undergraduates will be
in attendance. He is scheduled to
address a meeting in Detroit Tues-
day night.
It is expected that he will speak
on the current munitions investiga-
tion at Washington, which has at-
tracted nation-wide interest. Sen-
ator Nye is recognized as one of the
'leading figures in the probe.
According to Allen D. McCombs,
I 35 president of the Union, the

Official Asks Co-operation
Of Students In Drive To
Correct FERA Abuses
Jobs To Be Givei
To Most Deserving
Reporting Of Unworthy
Job-holders Would Give
Work To Needy Students
"Chiselers" probably exist among
those students having FERA jobs,
Prof. Lewis Gram, chairman of the
FERA committee of the University,
said yesterday.
There is a pressing need to weed
out these students to give jobs to men
and women on the campus who are
really in need of employment and who
are now on the waiting list, said Pro-
fessor Gram. A check-up on those
who have falsified their financial
position on the application blanks to
get jobs is practically impossible from
the administration offices of the
FERA, he claimed. The only thing
that will help, he continued, is the
active participation of the student
body in reporting cases of "chiselers"
of which they have knowledge.
Scattered reports of persons having
jobs and who do not need them come
into his office, he declared, but no
names have been divulged and no
action could accordingly be taken. If
the students on the campus under-
stood the dire need of scores of per-
sons who were unable to get into the
FERA quota of jobs they would be less
reticent to divulge instances of "chis-
eling," he said.
The answers that were filed in the
application blanks as to financial con-
dition by students desiring jobs were
accepted as true by the committee be-
cause of the practical impossibility of
tracing them as to their honesty or
falsity. On the other hand, he said,.
if cases were reportd to him by other
students who had knowledge of a
person getting a job on false state-
ments, he could take action to replace
him with a student who had filed a
true affidavit.
Professor Gram also wished to 'an-
nounced that 152 students who have
applied for FERA jobs have not fill-
ed out personal cards. He said that
those students who are on the wait-
ing list should fill these out as well
as those on the eligible list because
vacancies in the eligible list will occur.
F.D®R. To Report
To Country With
Defence Of NRA
Tomorrow's Broadcast'
Designed To Get Backing
From People
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. - W) -
President Roosevelt drafted today a
new accounting of his Administration,
designed among other things to stop
business and political critics of the
NRA and send that reshaped agency
off to a flying start.
. In what is intended as a man to
man chat with the people by radio
tomorrow night he will speak in this
fashion for the first time since last
June when he left for a Hawaiian
The three months interval has
brought new and outspoken demands
from business leaders for at least a
new definition if not a shift in the
present trend of administration pol-
icies -especially those vital ones
dealing with government spending,

budget balancing, currency stabiliza-
tion and NRA control of business.
The same period has allowed Pres-
ident Roosevelt personally to tour the
ST.\STEPHEN, N. B., Sept. 29--(AP)
-Norman Lister, automobile mechan-
ic, dreamed a car fell upon him break-
ing his back. Superstitious, he avoid-
ed going under an automobile until
yesterday. While unloading a ship-
ment of cars a hoisting chain broke.
The car pinned him and in addition
to a broken back he suffered frac-
tures of one leg and four ribs. His
condition is critical.

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Sept. 29-
'(AP)-A report attacking President
and Mrs. Roosevelt because of an al-
leged hilarious "beer party" in the
White House last Christmas was re-
jected today by the New Jersey con-
ference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church after lengthy debate.
The strong censure of the Chief
Executive was contained in a report
by the temperance board of the con-
ference, presented by the Rev. L. L.
Hand of Lambertville, its chairman.
Hardly had he completed the read-
ing of the report when clergy and

a true citizen to read in bold head-
lines 'Beer Floods White House'," the
report read, and continued its al-
leged quotation with "'The stately
front hall was piled with kegs of beer
and the dancers drank to satisfy
themselves of the Rooseveltian bev-
erage. In the conviviality of the oc-
casion all formality was thrown over-
board and hilarity reigned'."
"Such is the example which the
Chief Executive and the First Lady
set for the youth of the nation," the
report concluded.
In Washington, Stephen P. Early,
a prsinia se reta,,v termr]th

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