The Weather Snow flurries and scmewhat colder today; tomorrow fair with rising temperature. C, 4r olift t i tg au lIaitt Editorials Students Answer The Peace Poll ... Normal School Retrenchment . VOL. XLV. No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 2'7, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Stage Is Set For Hop On' February 8 P a r t y Regulations Are Announced By Junior Dance Committee Ticket Sell-Out Is 'Virtually Assured' Hubbs And Vander Schalie To Lead Expedition To Guatemala i By FRED WARNER NEAL A University expedition into the wilds of Guatemala will begin today when Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of the Zoology Museum fish division, and Dr. Henry Vander Schalie, assistant curator of the mollusk division leave Ann Arbor en route for Lake Petin, the base of their explorations. The expedition, which will take the exploring scientists into the heart of the ancient Maya country, is the fourth biological survey"trip taken into Central America by University men under the auspices of the Car- negie Institute of Washington. Professor Hubbs and Dr. Vander Schalie expect to be gone until May, and while in the sultry Guatemalan jungles, they will search for rare species of fish and shells in the iso- lated lakes of the Petin country. It will be the first time that section, of the country will have ever been! explored in recent times and with modern research methods. Besides the large Lake Petin, which has no outlet, they are in hopes of discovering some 20 unknown and iso- lated inland lakes. The results of their survey are expected to disclose the biological conditions of Mayan civili- zation, and to contribute substantial- ly to the knowledge of the 2,000-year- old culture. "On account of the fact that the lakes have no outlet, some rare and hitherto unknown species of fish and mollusks may be dis- covered,"' Professor Hubbs stated. While it took previous expeditions more than two weeks to make the long trip from Puerto Barrios, Guate- mala, to Lake Petin by coastwise steamer, river launch, and mule pack, Professor Hubbs and Dr. Vander Schalie will do it in little more than an hour by plane. Lake Petin is of unknown depth, (Continued on Page 3) Music Of Week's, Kassel's Orchestras To Be Heard Over Station WJR With a sell-out of tickets virtu- ually assured, J-Hop committeemen last night were completing final ar- rangement for the "biggest party of the year," which will dance to the music of Anson Weeks and Art Kas- sel from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., Friday, Feb. 8 in the Intramural Building. The Hop music will be broadcast friom Station WJR through the cam- pus studios, according to William R. Dixon, music chairman. The few remaining tickets may be obtained at Van Boven's, the Union desk or from committee members. Booths Nearly Gone Booth Chairman Charles Marsch- ner last night called the attention cf independents to the fact that nearly all available booths have been re- served. Any group wishing to obtain one should communicate with him at 3807 immediately. Permpission to drive cars for social purposes during the Hop week-end will be granted by the Dean cf Stu- dents if the necessary permission from parents is obtained'. The regulations adopted by the J-Hop committee to govern the Hop, announced last night by General Chairman Edward H. Litchfield, fol- low: Regulations for Hop Dancing ceases at 3:00 a.m. and guests will please leave the Intra- mural Building by 3:30 a.m. Only persons bearing tickets issued by the Hop Committee will be ad- mitted to the hall. No corsages shall be permitted to be worn at the Hop. (Excluding fe- mal omiiitftee Member.) 1 There shall be no decorations of individual booths except by the Hop Committee. All charges for taxicabs in excess of the rates authorized by the city ordinance should be reported to the Hop Committee. T Hop Comm mmittee shall be re- sponsible for the proper conduct, while in the gymnasium, of all those attending the Hop. Smoking in the booths or on the floor of the hall is absolutely forbidden, and is per- mitted only in the place provided for that- purpose. The use, possession or showing the effect of intoxicants will not be tolerated. Offenders shall be ejected from the hall and thein names reported to the Judiciary Committee. Violations of the regulations of the Hop traceable to any group, but not to individuals, shall render the en- tire group liable to penalty. No person shall reenter the build- ing after once leaving. Booth Organization A ruling of the Health Service makes it necessary that individual paper cups be used in serving ginger- ale at the J-Hop. Gingerale will be served only to the booths complying with this order. Each booth must furnish its own cups. The decorations committee re- quires that two floor lamps be used in each booth as part of the fur- nishings. The furniture of the booths may be taken into the Intramural Building only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Friday, Feb. 8, and must be removed Saturday, Feb. 9, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Burke Is Mentioned As Democrat Head LANSING, Jan. 26 --()- A politi- cal battle royal for the helm of the party in Michigan was in prospect Saturday as Democrats completed preparations for their state conven- tion in Detroit next Thursday. Elmer B. O'Hara's bid for contin- uance as chairman of the central committee is expected to meet stren- uous opposition from the so-called Comstock faction which appeared bent on installing an outstate leader. Thomas H. McAllister,.Grand Rap- ids, and W. A. Seegmiller, Owosso, and George Burke, Ann Arbor, have been mentioned for the berth. VAN TYNE IN TEXAS i Scholarships Of $1700 Open To L oe al Students Fund Is Part Of Ten Year Program Of Michigan Alumni Association A total of $1700 in fellowships and scholarships to be awarded to women students was anounced yesterday as a climax to the mid-year meeting of the Alumnae Council, representing all organized groups of Michigan alumnae in the United States. The development of a fellowship and scholarship fund by women graduates of Michigan is part of a ten-year program of the Alumni As- sociation, which is working on var- ious projects. Award Planned For June Two senior gift scholarships of $100 each are to be awarded in June on the basis of scholarship and fi- nancial need. They are known as the Judith Ginsburg Colten scholar- ship and the Seymour Beach Conge scholarship. The late Mrs. Colten, of Detroit and Grand Haven, was one of the originators of the present scholarship program. The late Mr. Conger, in whose memory the second scholarship is given, was a graduate of the Univer- sity and a distinguished foreign cor- respondent. Three fellowships of $500 each are to be awarded for graduate study, either to women of another college for study at the University, or to Michigangraduates for study either here or at another college. One of these fellowships was given in mem- ory of Lucy Elliott, whose name it bears, who was for many years prom- inent in the educational life of De- troit. The second award, the Ida May Malfroid fellowship, is made possi- ble by a gift from the Flint alumnae group. The third graduate fellow- ship is in memory of Dr. G. Carl Huber, late dean of the Graduate School, whose contribution of $100 first started the fund. To Announce Details The details of application for these awards are to be announced later. This year's scholarship awards mark an increase of $1,000 in total sum over the amount given last year. Harriet Jennings, Grad., now holds the Sara Frances Boynton fellowship of $500, which was the only one of its kind given last year. Mary Louise Kessberger, '35, and Anna K. Ehren- field, '35, hold the two senior gift scholarships. The annual convocation of the alumnae group began with a meeting (Continued on Page 6) Riots And Fire Are Feared At Jackson Prison JACKSON, Jan. 26. -(P) - Ex- pressing fear of an outbreak of riots and fire in the Michigan state penal institutions in the event J. C. Arm- strong, new parole commissioner, car- ries through his announced plans for eliminating the "special good time" privileges of the inmates, the prison commissioners and the three wardens tonight appealed to Armstrong to con- tinue the present policy. Armstrong, shortly before entering office, announced that the special good time allowances would be re- stricted to inmates who made extra- ordinary service for the State. Dr. William P. Shaw of Lansing, Do You Want To Be President? U. OfM. Will See If It's O.K. Would you like to be President of the United States? Or would you be content with mere- ly being a millionnaire manufacturer? Regardless of what you want to be, the bureau of appointments and oc- cupational information, under Dr. Luther T. Purdom, will tell you, if you ask them, whether or not you have the ability to be it. The question, "What would you like to be or do?" is being asked of all high school students who enter the University. It is contained in the entrance applications, along with the usual queries asked of prospective freshmen. The answer is not obliga- tory, but as nothing is said to that effect, it will probably be answered, registration officials believe. The answers to that question are then to be sent to the bureau of ap- pointments and occupational infor- mation where officials will attempt to analyze the students inherent qualifications and tell him, if he wish- es, whether or not he has the right type of mind and capabilities. According to the section of the President's report dealing with the bureau, a new policy is to be the analysis, t1on request, of the abili- ties of any student who asks for it. In this way, officials believe, fresh- man can be aided in starting off on the right track in the University. Fir e Damages Photo Shop On, N.9 University Loss Of $4,000 Reported; Restaurant Next Door Flooded By Water A fire estimated to have caused more than $4,000 worth of damage was reported at 5:45 p.m. yesterday in the basement of the Francisco- Boyce Photo Company, 719 N. Univer- sity Ave., and was successfully ex- tinguished by the local fire depart- ment. The fire was located in the extreme front of the cellar of the store, and its source was believed to have been a number of bales of paper. The store had been entirely cleaned out a short time before the fire was reported by one of the clerks, but no cause has definitely been fixed. Firemen were investigating the wir- ing of the store, in the belief that a short circuit, or defective insulation might have been the cause. E. J. Fran- cisco, one of the proprietors of the store, stated his belief that there was no chance for spontaneous combus- tion. Little of value was in the cellar of the store according to Mr. Fran- cisco, and the principal damage will be in the stock on display on the street floor. Although no flames reached this part of the store, smoke and water practically ruined the cards and equipment on display. Mr. Francisco stated that no irrep- arable damage had been done the store, announcing that they will be open for business Monday. He said that he could make no accurate esti- mate of the total cost of the fire, but believed it would be about $4,000. The Subway Restaurant, located under Miller's Drug Store, and next to the basement of the photography shop was flooded with about 14 inches of water, but only incidental damage was inflicted. No result of the fire was reported in the store on the other side of th hneds hnn President To Control Work Relief Funds Executive Power To Be Used In Administration Of Four Billion Republicans Seek Modification Of Act Move Follows Opposition To Secretary Ickes As PWA Director WASHINGTON, Jan. 26 - () - Assurances that President Franklin D. Roosevelt will personally admin- ister the $4,000,000,000 work relief fund were given today by a high Ad- ministration authority. As if in reply to Congressional op-' position to continuing Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes as the public works director word came that the President will do the job himself, dealing through existing government agencies and allocating funds as he believes necessity dictates. This information was made avail- able just as Senate Republicans de- cided at a party conference today to seek a modification of the broad powers conferred upon the President in the work relief bill. Senator Charles L. McNary, Re- publican leader, said the conference agi'eed to ask for full and open hear- ings before the Appropriations Com- mittee. After the committee acts, he said, another conference of the Re- publicans will be held to determine the party attitude and draft any specific amendments that may be needed. The Republicans, McNary said, will ask that "those who are to ad- minister the act be brought before the Appropriations Committee to give their views on its operation." Authoritative spokesmen said that Presidential allocation of the fund would mean that Ickes, who handled the first public works money, pre- sumably will be in charge of only those funds given his department by the President. The same would apply to Harry L. Hopkins, present relief administrator. It was believed that in all prob- ability the President will have an! advisory group - composed possibly of cabinet officers but more likely of technical experts-to make recom- mendation on the allocation of the funds. No new setup would be made except for the advisory group. Witness Will Give Hauptmann Alibi1 BROOKLYN, Jan. 25. - (') - Ed- ward J. Reilly, chief defense lawyer for Bruno Hauptmann, said today that his next witness will testify he saw Hauptmann at a Bronx gasoline station the night of the kidnaping. Reilly refused to disclose the iden- tity of his new surprise witness, but insisted that the man even had writ- ten proof of his conversation with Hauptmann on the kidnaping night. Disclosure of the planned testimony follows Reilly's assertion that the de- fense would be based in part on an alibi that Hauptmann was not in Hopewell on the night Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's baby was abducted. Reilly said he would place the man on the stand at his first opportunity when the trial opens Monday. Flood Swells List Of Dead In Northwest Earthslides A n d Storms Inundate Large Areas; Toll Reaches 40 Villages Evacuated; Cities Are Isolated Several Missing; Believed Buried Under Tons Of Earth And Water SEATTLE, Jan. 26. -(P) --Gigan- tic earthslides and floods in the wake of a ferocious storm swelled to 25 to- night the list of fatalities in the Pa- cific Northwest. Eleven additional fatalities were re- ported today in the water soaked British Columbia, bringing to 15 the number of dead in the Canadian prov- ince. Previously four persons were list- ed as dead in British Columbia and] 10 in American territory. Several persons were missing. Some of these were believed to have been buried under countless tons of earth and water unleashed by the storm. Many others were injured. Hun- dreds remained marooned. Several vil- lages have evacuated and cities and towns still were isolated. Sunshine warmed the flood-stricken area but at the same time melted more snow to add to the misery-dealing volume of flood waters. MARKS, Miss., Jan. 26. - (A') - As the mid-South counted its flood dead at 27 today, the Coldwater River pushed its path of destruction further southward to raise property damage estimates to $5,000,000 or more. With thousands in refuge camps 1 or marooned, relief workers estimated that 25,000 persons were suffering from the northwest Mississippi ram- page, and residents of the lower reaches of the stream waited in fear- ^ul anticipation. Cheered by the arrival of ten large flat-bottom boats, manned by United] States engineers, the refugees at Marks expected the last of the ma- rooned in this section soon would be brought to safety. Centennial O f Michigan Is Given On Radio Officially opening the two year Cen- tennial celebration commemorating the admission of Michigan to state- hood, Dr. Randolph G. Adams, direc- tor of the William L. Clements Li- brary, spoke from Morris Hall, over Station WJR at 5:30 p.m. yesterday, tracing the early history of Michigan. President Alexander G. Ruthven in' introducing Dr. Adams, emphasized the importance of looking back on the events leading up to the celebration. Pointing out the direct influences upon the settlement of Michigan, Dr. Adams mentioned that this is the1 400th anniversary of the expedition of Cartier down the St. Lawrence, an expedition which opened up the gate- way to the Michigan country. The Glee Club under the direction of Prof. David Mattern sang during1 the program. State Representatives James Frey and Mrs. George E. Scher-' merhorn, state regent of the D.A.R. also spoke issuing in the two year, Centennial celebration. A student was playing a piano Fri- day in one of the School of Music's studios. He heard a rap on the door, but thinking it another student, he paid no attention and went on play- ing. The door opened and what he de- scribed as "a comely though rather elderly lady" entered. "Are you going to use the studio all hour?" she asked Ipolitely. "No," he replied, trying to think where he had seen the woman before. "I'm nearly through." The lady engaged him in a con- versation, inquiring about his piano work. "What do you do," he asked hei. "Oh," she answered modestly, "I sing. And I also play the piano. I don't know which I like the better." The student left his newly-made acquaintance and walked down the hall. Suddenly it dawned on him where he had seen the lady before. He remembered her picture in the paper. It was Mme. Lotte Lehmann. Captain Relates Crash Of Liner With Talisman Breaking Of Steering Gear Only Way Of Accounting For It, He Says NEW YORK, Jan. 26-RP)-Giving a vivid account of the collision Thursday night of the Ward liner Mohawk and the freighter Talis- man, Capt. Edmund Wang of the Talisman today told a Federal in- quiry board that something appar- ently had gone wrong with the Mow- hawk's steering apparatus. Capt. Wang was the first witness before the body which seeks to an- swer these questions: Why did the two ships crash off the Jersey Coast when the weather conditions were not adverse, the sea moderate, the visibility fairly good? How did the ships come together off Sea Girt, N. J., when the Mo- hawk had left the port of New York earlier than the Talisman, a slower vessel? Capt. Wang, whose ship knifed into the side of the luxurious Ward liner, sending it to the bottom in the frigid waters, testified that the Mohawk and the freighter were steaming south when the former abruptly swerved from her course and directly across the Talisman's bow. The ships struck with a teriffic im- pact, the captain said. _ He received no. warning blast from the Mohawk until she was about 50 feet away, Capt. Wang testified. Af- ter the crash, the vessels locked, but shortly afterwards the Talisman backed out of the hole she had made in the side of the liner. "Breaking of the steering gear is the only way of accounting for it," Capt. Wang replied. "There was ab- solutely no reason for his swerving. No seafaring man would have swung his ship over like that." Mrs. David F. Brucker of Mansfield, 0., mother of Jane Brucker, '35, was reported yesterday among passengers of the Mohawk, ill-fated Ward liner which sank Thursday night off the Jersey coast. The body of Mrs. Alice Williams, also of Mansfield, sister of Mrs. Brucker, also a passenger on the Mo- hawk, was found last night. Mrs. Dor- othy Dann, who was travelling with the women, was rescued. Mrs. Brucker is a cousin by mar- riage of former Gov. Wilbur M. Brucker. Summer Session Is Set At Moscow U. NEW YORK, Jan. 26.- American students and faculty men will have an opportunity again this year to pur- sue studies at the summer session of Moscow University, Dr. Stephen Dug- gan, director of the Institute of Inter- What Do You Do? Oh, I Sing, Says Lehmann One Man Is Wounded As Rioters In Baton Rouge Flee From Militia His Death Plotted, Senator Charges Martial Law Is Declared By 'Kingfish' In Capital Of Louisiana BATON ROUGE, La., Jan. 26 -(M) - Senator Huey Long's dictatorship rode out an armed uprising here to- night as more than 100 "square deal- ers" surrendered or fled into the rifles of national guardsmen. One man was wounded. A threatened pitched battle be- tween the militia and anti-Long forces came as a climax to an excit- ing day, which saw martial law de- clared in his parish and city by Gov. 0. K. Allen and Senator Long charg- ing in court that antagonistic pub- lic officials plotted his death. It was only a short time after the Senator abruptly ended his inquiries into the alleged conspiracy against his life when square dealers started ko assemble at the airport. At first they were unarmed but guns soon appeared. As the anti-Long men began to form their battle line, a company of guardsmeni under Col. E. P.nRoy reached the airport, unslung their weapons, and prepared for action. Forces 500 Yards Apart The opposing forces were only about 500 yards apart. The guard- men deployed in a line about a quar- ter of a mile in length and lying flat on the ground began advancing slow- ly. The armed citizenry, carrying pistols, rifles, and shotguns, backed up against the woods nearby. Ernest Bourgeois, president of the anti-Long Square Deal Association, was in command df the citizens. It looked for a short time as if neither side in the impending struggle would weaken. Both forces maneuvered cautiously, their gifns posed. Then suddenly, finding themselves outnumbered and surpassed in equip- ment, most of the square dealers sur- rendered to Col. Roy. They were dis- armed, placed under technical ar- rest, and freed. The citizen shot and wounded was identified at the hospital as George N. Allessi, 36 years old, of Independ- ence, La., a member of the Tangipa- hoa parish police jury. Operation Performed Physicians said buckshot had en- tered his body just above the heart, in the abdomen and in his arm. An emergency operation was performed. Disorder broke out at the airport tonight as guardsmen still deployed over the field. A hundred or more men, women and children had collected about the field after the surrender. Suddenly, someone yelled: "There he is! There is the spy." A short, stoutish man was pointed out. The crowd believed he was re- sponsible for notifying the guards- men the citizens were assembling on the airfield. The crowd rushed at the man, knocked him down, tore his clothing and tramped on him. Guardsmen charged to the rescue but were fin- ally ordered to fall back and shoot gas guns at the crowd. Robbery Is Averted By Dr. R. K. Brown Police believed yesterday that a ser- ies of robberies in the several doctors' and dentists' offices in the Campus Building at 711 N. University Ave. had been averted through the quick action of Prof. Robert K. Brown, of the Dental School, who took into cus- tody a man suspected by the police. The man had been followed by of- ficers for the past few days, and oc- cupants of the offices had been warned that he had been loitering around the building for some days. He entered Dr. Brown's office posing as a salesman, but had no credentials or identification. He was held at pistol-point by the doctor while the police were called: No charge was lodged against the man, but he was put out of the city by police. A robbery was experienced in this building a few years ago, and all the offices were on the alert after Huey Long Routs Uprising With Use Of National Guard Equipment Of New County Jail Built By University Mechanics By ROBERT B. BROWN A large part of the iron bars and grill work of the new Washtenaw County Jail and sheriff's offices were made in the shops of the University for the county, according to Deputy Sheriff Richard Klavitter. The new jail is not yet complete on the interior, but is already housing prisoners, and the offices of the sher- iff's department. It is regarded as one of the most complete and up-to- date structures of its sort in the State, incorporating all of the latest developments, and very modern in its design. The jail has been so constructed that only one do :r is ever accessible to prisoners, assuming that they could escape from their sections of the prison. Windows are of gloss, but an iron grill is in place between the panes. This grill has been hardened ers. A ward entirely separate from, the quarters of the other prisoners is used for women, and still another section is used for men being held pending the hearing of their cases in court. Each section is separated from the others by steel doors, and sound proof doors opening onto a center space which may easily be controlled from one point. The sheriff's office is the only opening facing the jail entrance. It can be closed from outside or in by steel dccrs, and the interior door to the central corridors may also be locked. Quarters are provided in the basement for itinerants, who are giv- en clean beds, and opportunities for bathing and shaving. Located in the cellar as well, are cells for "solitary and silent" confinement. These are used for hardened offenders who re- fuse to follow the regulations of the