The Weather Snow flurries and much colder today; tomorrow partly cloudy. L it iau ti Editorials Gold Clause Dilemma .,. Agriculture's Outlook,. VOL. XLV. No. 93 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1935 nn -m-s 3-7 7 311 r 1u At" 707-'!1-7-U m -7 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Foreign1 ScholarshipsC Are Created Regents Offer These In Response To Requests By Eastern Countries j . I Grants R stricted To Fiie Arts Only A Combined Curricufum Form ed For Music And Education Students Ten tuition scholarships for for- eign students and a new combined curriculum for music school students were created by the Board of Regents at their monthly meeting held yester- day afternoon. The scholarships were established in response to requests by high officials of five countries in the Near East, transmitted to the University through Dr. Mehmet Aga-Oglu, lecturer in Oriental art. The governments of the five countries, Persia, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, and Egypt, agreed to take care, of all other expenses of the students, if the University would create the tuition scholarships. Restricted To Fine Arts It was provided that the grants will be available to students in the field of fine arts and will be good for one year with a possibility of renewal. They will not be issued to more than two students from each country in any single year. The 'new combined curriculum for music school students will enable un- dergraduates to receive the degrees of bachelor of music from the School of Music and bachelor of arts in educa- tion from the School of Education after five years of study. This new course will meet the pres- ent stipulations for each of the two degrees, Prof. Earl V. Moore of the' music school explained yesterday. Under the new set-up, students will spend their first three years in the School of Music, their fourth year i jointly enrolled in the School of Music1 and the School otEducation, and their fifth year exclusively in the School of Education. New Requirements The new requirements will call for the completion of 60 hours of work in1 liberal arts, 60 hours in music, 251 hours in education, including music education and directed teaching, and 5 hours in optional subjects.A Professor Moore stated that this change will make it possible for grad- uates to obtain certificates from the Department of Public Instruction in Lansing allowing them to instruct both a music major and an academic1 minor. Under the present system, he stated, this isnot possible. Accept Gifts The Regents acknowledged the re- ceipt of various gifts, including the Hewlitt Memorial Plaque, in memory of Albion W. Hewlitt, professor of in- ternal medicine and director of the clinical laboratory from 1908-16. The plaque was presented to the Univer- sity by the widow, Mrs. Albion W. Hewlitt, of San Francisco, Dr. George E. Frothingham, of Detroit, and Dr. C. Van Zwalenburg, of Riverside, Calif. Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of Baltimore, honorary curator of the museum of zoology, contributed $100 for use by Prof. Edwin B. Mains, director of the University herbarium. Gifts to be used for emergency scholarships for women were received from Collegiate Sorosis sorority, 1501 Washtenaw Ave., and the Detroit Alumnae Association of the University of Michigan. An additional sum was contributed by the Michigan Athletic Managers' Loan Fund. These three gifts, totalling $400, will be administered by the student loan committee. Meetings Approved The Regents also approved a planj to invite the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Asso- ciation of America to meet in Ann Arbor from Sept. 9 to 14 next fall. Clayton G. Hale, of Cleveland, was appointed a non-resident lecturer in; insurance in the business adminis- tration school for the second semester. Mr. Hale is at present a casualty un-j derwriter for the firm of Hale and Hale, Cleveland. Bernard B. Hirsch, acting conduc- tor of the Varsity Band, was reap- pointed to the same position for the second semester. Prof. Nicholas D. Falcone, who is the conductor of the band, and is now on leave of absence, was given an extension of his leave to include another semester. Leave of Absence Granted Prof. William W. Bishop, head of the department of library science, was Professors Tell What Answers Hauptinann IVlohawk Death loll 32- They Would Give In Digest Poll Charges He By FRED WARNER NEAL war. Who is going to say? One owes Seven University professors were a certain allegiance to a higher body W as Tricked S interviewed last night in an attempt to get their reactions to the ques-. tions asked in the recent Literary Di-I gest college student poll on war. The rinestions asked were: (1) Would you bear arms for your country in case of a defensive war? (2) Would you bear arms for your country in case of an aggressive war?, politic, and often a war of aggression is the best defense." Prof. Lewis M. Gram, head of the civil engineering department and di- rector of the University FERA Com- mittee on FERA: (1) "Yes." (2) "Under certain circumstances, I! would." Prof. Paul Cuncannon of the polit- U.S. Plans Investigation Of Puzzling Sea Disaster Says Police Beat Him Into Misspelling The Words Appearing In Note The answers to the questions given ical science department: No comment. by the professors are as follows: Prof. John Sheppard of the psychol- Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- j ogy department: (1) "It is a question ciology department: (1) "Yes." (2) "I of great difficulty. If it really were cannot answer because it is too dif- a defensive war, I would." (2) "No."_ i ficult to say what is and what is not an aggressive war." Prof. Howard M. Jones of the Eng- lish department: (1) "Y~s." (2) "Probably not." br. Frank Robbins, assistant to the President: No comment. Prof. John Muyskens of the speech department: '1) "Yes." (2) "It is very difficult to distinguish an aggressive Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the polit- ical science department: (1) "I would answer it as did Prof. McIntosh, a Canadian professor at Yale when he applied for American citizenship. He 'aid he would bear arms only if he were convinced the war was not ag- gressive." (2) "No." Dr. William Bromme of the Univer- sity Hospital: (1) "Yes." (2) "Yes." New University Ruling Effects Pledge Group, Inspection Of Campus Made By Legislators Asserts He Never Saw Stolen Baby Sapanse ends Bruno Stoutly Denies That Bil He Had Ever Been In I n t o Frontier' Hopewell Grounds FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 25 -(, Aerial Attack Destroys Two - Bruno Hauptmann today topped Border Towns Taking his stubborn denial that he ever saw the Lindbergh baby or turned a hand j Lives Of 44 Chinese toward the ghastly ransom hoax with' a gutteral tale of police beatings and PEIPING, China', Jan. 25. - (P) - trickery. Japanese bombing planes flashed More than a day in the telling, the across the Chahar border today to impassive carpenter ended his direct spread death and destruction in two story by charging that the police beat frontier towns, reports reaching Peip- him when they arrested him and then ing said, as Sino-Japanese negotiators made him write down words and mis- sought peaceful settlement of theI spell them as the ransom writer did. border dispute. Before he could leave the stand, The day's toll of Chinese dead, the however, Attorney General David T. report said, was 44, 18 militiamen and Wilentz laid down a barrage of ques- 5 villagers dying in Tungchetze where tions to get the reply that Haupt- three bombs fell and 21 militiamen mann told the truth "to a certain and police meeting death in Tuhsikou extent''after he wastrapped in New where the planes dropped eight York last September. bombs. But the accused insisted that he Japanese casualties in the clashes, "told the truth already" on the stand of the last four days along the Cha- har-Jehol frontier were placed in re- today, and he doggedly denied a ports received here at 162 killed and knowledgerodfthe ransom notenst anearly 200 wounded. Wilentz produced a little red note-! Japanese military authorities in book with similar words and letters Jpns iiayatoiism k withmlar' woand Peiping, however, insisted their loss- in Hauptmann's hand. i es were only two dead and six injured.I "Never Saw Lindbergh Baby" Simultaneously with the bloodshed, With not a flicker of fear, Haupt- negotiations proceeded between Chin- mann looked at the little sleeping ese and Japanese representatives for suit that the Lindbergh baby wore a diplomatic settlement of the bound- the night he was kidnaped and slain ary controversy. and said quietly: Chinese sources said an agreementk "I never saw the Lindbergh baby, had been reached reconciling diver- alive or dead." gent claims over the frontier's properf With the same immobility of ex- location. Some Japanese circles, No Relief, They Shoot Three And Kill Selves CHICAGO, Jan. 25. -(kP) - Leaving the body of a slain relief worker in their home. a crippled youth and his mother went gun- ning into a divisional relief head- Investigators Will Ask Why Crash Occurred In Calm Sea On A Clear Night Steering Apparatus Had Gone 'Haywire' quarters late today, wounded three persons there, and then fired their Freighter Hit By Liner last bullets into their own brains. Hi Liner The killers, apparently mad- Makes No Rescues; 15 dened by withdrawal of relief, were Unaccounted For R. W. Arden, 25, and his mother.aTM An hour after the wild shooting NEW YORK, Jan. 25. - (IF) - Coast orgy at the West Chicago Ave. re- Guard headquarters announced to- lief station, ofsicers broke into the night: that 31 bodies of those who per- Arden home on north Sedgwick ished in the Mohawk disaster had Ave., and found Miss Alice Ervin, been recovered. about 22, dead from a bullet One died after having been rescued through the head. The body was and 15 are still missing. seated. upright, in the parlor of the little home. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. - {t')- Miss Ervin was a case worker Forty-seven lives appeared lost to- who had called on the couple. night as the Federal. government rushed an inquiry into the sinking of .the Ward Liner Mohawk off the Jer- ovie Of H oly sey Coast last night. ,/ Throughout the day and into the night, Coast Guard craft plied around Land Features the scene of the sinking ship, seeking bodies. Overhead, the United States Church ServiceE Navy Blimp K-1 circled about. From them came the grim words: "Nothing sighted."/ Childrn Of The Co Of the missing and dead, 32 are dren O T e Coa members of the crew and 15 are pas- Fields 'Scrambled Ego' I sengers. Restrictions Are Made On State Solons Confer With Freshmen Moving Into President Ruthven And Fraternities Board Of Regents Freshman pledges wilt be allowed Committees of the state legislature to move into fraternity houses the met here with President Alexander second semester of the school year G. Ruthven, members of the Board 1934-35, the University Committee of Regents, and administrative officers on Student Affairs voted in their of the University to confer on the meeting yesterday. general situation and the needs of A motion was also passed authoriz- the University, it was disclosed yes- uhrs- terday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as- ing Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs- sistant to the President. ley to grant such permission when- The group of legislators, including ever, in his opinion, the condition the senate and house committees on warrants it, subject to the same re- the University, made an inspection strictions df last year which state: tour of the campus during the after- (1) That the freshman allowed to noon. The conference was held fol- move into a house must be scholastic- lowing a dinner at the Union. ally eligible to be initiated into the Memb er of the two fraternity, and (2) that the fresh- Members of the two committees, fratrniy, ad () tat te fesh who came to Ann Arbor, were : Sen. man must present the Dean of Stu- Ho a r '6 of A ett, w ho dents with written permission fromI Harold Saur, '15, of Kent City, who his parents or guardian to move into is the chairman of the senate group, hisprentyoguardie iSen. Edward W. Fehling, '06L, of St. a fraternity house. Johns, Sen. Don Vander Werp, '10, A further restriction has been '11L, of Fremont, Sen. Denias Dawe, added this year by the Committee, '89M. the essence of which is that after Rep James D. Fry, '23, of Battle next'semester permission to move in- ReJmsD.Fy 2,ifBtl nt fraterniiest wisonbegrted on Creek, chairman of the house com- I to fraternities will not be granted on mittee on the University, Rep. George a blanket basis but will be granted A. Schroeder, of Wayne, speaker ofI only to houses which have acceptable the house, Rep. Vernon J. Brown, of scholastic averages. Mason, Rep. Fred J. Houseman, of If permission to move into houses Albion, Rep. Walter F. Remer, of is to be granted next year, the Com- Saginaw, Rep. Douglas D. Tibits, mittee ruled, the average of the fresh- '05M, of East Jordan, and Rep. Red- men who will move into fraternities mond M. Burr, of Ann Arbor. the second semester of this year must remain equal to the average they maintained during the first semester iC it c z when they did not live in fraternity;P Ian houses. To Close Two Freshmen intending to live in fra- W ternity houses next semester must have given their landladies two weeks State notice befoi'e the end of this semes- C le s ter, Dean Bursley stated. ---- At the request of the Undergraduate President Of Teachers'. Council, the student affairs commit- tee further voted that the report on Schools Rap Economy student government be postponed' Measure from Feb. 1 to Feb. 25. The list of patrons and patronesses Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald's plan fGnv. +r Tan-kD. Fitzgerald pln- ] 'G pression he declared that the dead! furrier, Isador Fisch, his friend andj partner, left with him the thousands' of ransom goldbacks that were pried from the beams of his Bronx garage. Then, as spectators stirred restless-' ly, he worked with Edward J. Reilly, his chief of counsel, through the columns of figures that told the story of his Wall Street plunge - only to1 place the burden of the big money on the shadowy Fisch. He denied with emphasis that he ever had been in Hopewell, or onj the grounds of the lonely Sourlands house from which the baby was stolen March 1, 1932. He denied he wrote the ransom let-j ters; scornfully, he put aside the kid- nap ladder, saying it looked like "a music instrument." i i however, insisted that Japanese troops were being moved up to the border to re-inforce the 2,000 men now stationed there. While Japanese military authorities declared that "the desired conditions within the disputed area have been accomplished," reports persisted that a fleet of 20 armored cars patrolled the boundary and that aerial bomb- ing was still in progress. New Means Of Relief Sought In Conference i I i To Be Sermon Topics A one-reel Burton Holmes trav- elogue depicting scenes in the Holy, Land, and a stereoptican lecture on' "The Church and the Catacombs,", which will be presented at the stu- dent meeting to be held at 7 p.m. to- morrow in the St. Paul's Lutheran! Church, will feature the SundayI church program. In _ tie morning service at 10:45 a.m. the Rev. C. A. Brauer will deliver a sermon onI "Caanan and Faith." "Children of the Coal Fields," is the subject for the sermon to be delivered by the Rev. Harold P. Marley in the twilight service at 5:15 p.m. in the} Unitarian Church. Prof. John L. Investigation Pending Determined to learn why the Mo- hawk and the Norwegian freighter Talisman collided off Sea Girt in a calm sea on a clear night, the United States Steamboat Inspection Service ordered its inquiry to open tomorrow morning at the customs house, United States Attorney Martin Conboy also indicated that the Fed- eral Grand Jury would investigate, The disaster puzzled mariners. The investigators had this question upper- most in their minds: Why did the two ships, both south- bound out of New York, collide al- most prow to prow? Faulty Steering Apparatus From surviving crew members of the Mohawk, there came the state- He denied that he collected the LANSING, Jan. 25 -(A")- Three $50,000 ransom; that he ever even hundred Michigan social workers, saw Dr. James F. (Jafsie) Condon, faced with the prospect that unem-' who says he gave the money to Haupt- ployment will be a permanent nation- mann in St. Raymond's Cemetery, al problem taxing the talents and before he was arrested. resources of the Federal government, went into the second day of their' St eOf Bo , state-wide conference here today, 'State Oy, o t seeking new methods to provide re-I lief for Michigan communities. T ui stay, Set-rions The picture of unemployment as. a permanent national problem was Three-year-old Francis Bryan re- drawn for the conference delegates mained in a serious condition last Thursday by Howard O. Hunter, field; night at the University Hospital as a representative of the National Relief result of a shot through his chest, Administration. received Thursday when he was play- 1 Hunter told the delegates Thurs- ing with a pistol at his home in Mor- day that despite an increase in em-' enci. ployment the size of the nation's re- The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her- lief rolls has not lessened. Emer- bert Bryan of Morenci, took the gency relief, he said, was no solution loaded revolver from a dresser draw- for the unemployment problem. r er, and while playing with it, pulled "Unemployment should not be con- fh o +ri r - rI, I-.II-- -..a A ___ 4..,- .,_..a. .,+ ,.r , ''e Brumm of the journalism depart- ment the liner's steering apparatus ment will read the play "Scrambled went "haywire" after the ship had Ego" before the Liberal Students' hove to below Ambrose Lightship to Union meeting at 7:30 p.m. calibrate its compass. The Rev. Henry Lewis will speak After the, freighter came back to on "Is It Worth Our While To Study port today - carrying no survivors Christianity?" in the service to be from the Mohawk, a fact which only held at 11 a.m. in the St. Andrew's intensified the fear that all those not Episcopal Church. The Rev. Lewis rescued by the liners Algonquin and will also lead the discussion at the the Limon were lost -her captain, student meeting at 7 p m. in Harris Edmund Wang, blamed the Mohawk s e m i a p iH ifor the collision. At the First Baptist Church the The Mohawk, a much faster ship Rev. R. Edwr Bayts Chil gve athan the Talisman, left its pier at 4 Rev. R. Edward Sayles will give ap.m. yesterday, an hour before the sermon on "I Am the Vine" in the freighter departed. service to be held at 10:45 a.m. At After the Talisman dropped her p.m. Walter Crow will give a com- ftrheTlsa dopdhr mentaryonthebook,'"Lar'y. m-pilot at Sandy Hook, Capt. Wang said he and his second officer, Olaf Naan- the subject of the RevE C til- I sted, were on the bridge. th 'ssuberm of thebegv E.nC.till:IDescribes Event man's sermon to be given at 10:30'<"A lookout was stationed forward, a.m. in the Zion Lutheran Church. the night was clear," the freighter's The subject for the Bible lesson at ! master said. 9 a.m. is "Peter's Denial." "The Talisman was steering a The Rev. Charles W. Brashares will course nearly south and was headed speak on "Living Power" in the serv- to pass the Barnegat Lightship on the ice to be held at 10:45 a.m. in the Talisman's starboard. The lightship First Methodist Episcopal Church. was some 15 miles ahead. An informal discussion hour will be "The Mohawk was observed a mile t for the J-Hop were also approved. The following organizations werel given official recognition by the Com- mittee: The Landscape Design So- ciety of the University of Michigan, The Christian Science Organization at the University of Michigan, The B'nai B'rith Hillel Independents, TheI Aeronautical Engineers, a division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Sigma Eta Chi, na- tional Congregational society. International News Exchange Is Seen of economy in education is meeting resistance from a new source. Already vociferously protested against by Dr. Paul Voelker, state superintendent of public instruction,1 Governor Fitzgerald's plan to close two state teacher's colleges is also d nclby tha Cni il o Paoa I - opposeau y Lne ouncl ofi Teacnersj the trigger. The bullet passea College Presidents, which issued a re- through the right side of his chest. port to the State Board of Educa- The wound was cleansed and tion setting forth the needs of teach- X-rayed, and, while doctors believe er's colleges in Michigan. he is in no immediate danger, they The report, a 100-page pamphlet. termed his condition serious. sidered the product of a depression," said Hunter. "It must be regarded{ as a phenomenon in its own right.a No matter how or when prosperity returns, there will be millions of un- employed. the program after the Wesleyan Guild Service at 6 p.m. Five Hundred Attend Annual Meeting H er e, cites the increase in urban popula- tion and changing conditions which require a normal school system that cannot be further centralized, as the i , ,non r: nni ti n NEW YORK, Jan. 25.- The first governor would have it. international exchange of news com- Chrgesthat n l schoos a mentaries between the United States Charges that normalschos are and Great Britain - planned to foster enlarging their scope beyond their, better understanding between the two rightful bounds, and were duplicat- peoples - will be inaugurated Feb. 12 mng the work of the University and by the British Broadcasting Corpora- j other general institutions were an- tion and the Columbia Broadcasting swered by showing the advantages of System geographical accessibility offered by F the four state normal schools, and the Sir Frederick Whnyte, K.C.,.I., functions assigned to these institu- ' British diplomat and editor, will dis- tions by the state charters. cuss English and European events for i the WABC-Columbia audience each Despite the fact that the present Saturday night. Raymond Gram depression has put many teachers out Swing, one of the editors of "The Na- ? of jobs and has created a large wait- tion" and former American news- ing list of trained instructors, the I paper correspondent, will comment on demands for teachers from teachers American events over a British net- colleges in 1933-34 exceeded their work each Tuesday night. output of that year, according to the I m,,I amnh t E.JU.JYu'W1 I. (.11 II .J~.(I1I .C1I More than 500 dentists from all Is Endor e*Cun over Michigan attended the annual Is n orsed By County Ufficial homecoming clinic at the School of __'__ *Dentistry yesterday, and participated E rin a meeting at the Union. By ROBERT E. BROWNi responsibility for the repayment of Both morning and afternoon ses- The Washtenaw County National his loan, and he himself is partly re- sions were taken up with examina- Farm Loan Association is one of the f sponsible for the repayment of every b t aspects of the New Deal which has other loan made to any other member tions by the dental school faculty. The been received wholeheartedly by the of the association. latest methods in the fields of pros- normally Republican farmers of the This cooperative sharing is true, he thess, hdenthstrylmetallurg~, county, and which has been endorsed added, of interest installments as well Iteicld ensry mtaug, by prominent members of the county as installments on the principal of the root canal surgery, oral surgery, government, and officials of the city loan, although principal repayment therapeutics, and psychology of of Ann Arbor. installments are suspended for the and bridgework, gold inlay, and in- ;Farmers of Washtenaw and border- present. This payment will resume and idgewofkhgoldeinlaereandown- $0 counties have subscribed more after July 11, 1938, Mr. Merrithew in- fection of the teeth were shown. than $48,000 in stock of the Wash- dicated. President Alexander G. Ruthven tenaw Association, according to Mr. Our association, he stated, is part gave an address of welcome to the Ralph C. Merrithew, secretary-treas- and parcel of the great chain of co- men and women present. Dr. Clar- urer of the local organization. The . operatives that have subscribed for ence S. Yoakum, vice-president of or two distant on the Talisman's starboard quarter. She was overtaking the Talisman on the Talisman's star- board side. "The Mohawk was going much faster than the Talisman and drew abreast of her and then ahead. Smashes Into Ship "As the Mohawk was drawing ahead she suddenly sheared sharply to port and ran directly across the Talisman's bow, nearly at right angles. "The Talisman at once reversed her engines and starboarded her helm in order to swing to port, but the Mohawk came directly in front of her bow at high speed. "The Talisman's stem came into cortact with the Mohawk's port 40 or 50 feet from the Mohawk's stem. The Mohawk's speed swung the Talis- man around to the east and then both vessels parted almost at once. "The Mohawk's stern turned and di- rected her course towards the shore and the Talisman followed. "The Talisman sent out wireless calls for help and messages were ex- changed between the Mohawk and Talisman. Steamers Limon and Al- gonquin came up and picked up those who were in the Mohawk's life boats. F 1 f