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January 24, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-24

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The Weather
Generally fair Thursday, not
so cold in late afternoon and
night; Friday snow flurries.


:43a iiij

'Make This Thy Dwelling
Place' . .. Answering World
Court Opponents...



Possibility World Court Entry Objections
Srred fBy Professor Preu


Of Opera
Board Votes 'Yes' With
Provision That Suitable
Book Be Submitted
Students Will Meet
To Discuss Policy
Group Feels That Opera
Should Get Away From
Usual Type Of Show
The Board of Directors of the Mich-
igan Union last night voted to con-
tinue the Union Opera for next year
provided that by April 15, 1935, a
committee consisting of Daniel Quirk,
Prof. Herbert Kenyon, and Prof. Earl
V. Moore, members of the Union
Opera advisory committee, are satis-
fied that a book of sufficient merit
to attract the attention of the stu-
dent body has been submitted and
that men on the campus have shown
sufficient interest in the production
end of the show.
A committee of three members of
the board will be appointed this week
by Allen D. Combs, '35, president of
the Union, to meet with these three
men and with members of Mimes,
honorary dramatic society, in order
to follow the board's recommenda-
tion for the drafting of an entirely
new opera policy.
"We do that because it is felt that
the past style of Union operas has
become outmoded," McCombs de-
clared in explaining the board's atti-
tude on change of policy. Various
suggestions were made for changing
the style, among them that the show
should include no female roles, that
women should be included in the cast,
and that the size of the chorus should
be cut down to make it less a bur-
lesque. Hope was expressed by board
members that future operas would be
able to get away from the "dance-
hall type" of songs and would include
some which would add to the reper-
toire of Michgan songs. It was felt
almost unanimously by the board that
despite the loss of several hundred
dollars on this year's show, an activ-
ity which has attracted so many
Michigan men is well worth keeping
"The Michigan Union can't be ex-
pected to continue an opera while
losing money every year," it was
stated, "but it is felt that a good show
will reawaken campus approval and
put the opera back on a sound finan-
cial basis."
It was decided by the board that in
the event that an insufficient amount
of material had been submitted by
the date set, the show for next year
would be abandoned with the provis-
ion that the opera might be revived
in some later year.
No censure was expressed on the
manner in which this year's opera
was produced, many members ex-
pressing their entire approval of it.
Professor Moore, in particular, high-
ly complimented the book, but de-
clared its treatment this year showed
that more time should be given to
smoothing out difficulties.
Kodak Official
To Lecture To
Chemists Today
Dr. Walter Clark of the Eastman
Kodak Company research laborator-
ies will speak at 4:15 p.m. today in
the chemistry amphitheater under
the auspices of the American Chem-
ical Society on "The Application of

Photography to Chemical and Chem-
ical Engineering Research."
Dr. Clark has won fame in many
divisions of the chemical photog-
raphy field, and is an internationally
recognized expert on the theory of
photography. He was honorary or-
ganizing secretary of the Seventh In-
ternational Congress of Photography
at London in 1928, and was for some
time a physical chemist of the Brit-
ish Photographic Research Associa-
tion. While he was the superintend-
ent in charge of research at the
Kodak, Ltd. Laboratories in Harrow,
he conducted some original experi-
ments in the development of photo-
chemistry, and studied extensively the
chemistry of gelatin and other col-
His doctorate thesis, "On the Light
Sensitivity of Photographic Emul-
sions," has been widely quoted as an
authority on the subject. The lec-
ture is free and is open to the public.

...J J E../ L/ t. / .i._/ .i. Ll l./ V V l.1 R R _ tlti V V

Prof. Lawrence Preuss, who gives his
opinion on the question of the entrance
of the United States into the World
Court in the article below, has devoted
many years to the study of Interna-
tional Law. He is at present teaching
the subject in the University. On a
leave of absence granted him last ,year,
Professor Preuss travelled extensively
in Europe on a Social Science Fellow-
ship, studying political crime.
Some time ago, Professor Preuss col-
laborated with Professors Reeves and
Dickinson on an international law
work that they were preparing for the
iHrvard Research Club.
Objections to the entrance of the
United States into the World Court
that have been voiced by various Con-
gressmen and Senators at Washington
were discounted yesterday by Prof.
Lawrence Preuss of the political
science department.
Professor Preuss said that the Court
is distinctly an American idea and
that American statesmen for the past
quarter of a century have advocated
the entrance of the United States into
such a body. He added that every
President since Woodrow Wilson has
been in favor of joining the Court.
In discrediting the idea that the
country would be drawn into foreign-
conflicts by membership in an inter-

national body such as the World
Court, Professor Preuss offered that
the United States is now a member
of the Permanent Court of Arbitra-
tion which sits at The Hague. This
country has been a. member of this
body ever since it was organized, he
said, and it was the first state to pre-
sent a case to the court for considera.-
tion. The big disadvantage of the
Hague tribunal, according to Profes-
sor Preuss is that, despite its name.
it is a temporary organization and as
such lacks the value of continuity
which the Word Court possesses, he
The World Court is composed of
13 judges representing the different
types of law used in all the major
countries of the world. In. all, 53
countries are represented. While the
United States is not represented in
the Court as a country, one of its
statesmen has served as a judge in the
Court since its foundation, Professor
Preuss said.
John Bassett Moore, a noted lawyer,
was the first Americ-in to sit as a
judge in the Court. He was succeeded
by Charles Evans Hughes, the present
chief justice of the United States Su-
tcontmuea on Page 6)

.." cmgc v r

Date Of Annual
S.C.A. Jamboree
Is Announced
Benefit Program To Be
Held April 2; Jeff ries
Student Christian Association of-
ficials announced last night that April
2 had been set as the date for the
second all-campus jamboree which is
sponsored each year by the S.C.A. for
the benefit of the University Fresh
Air Camp.
John H. Jeffries, '37, was appointed
chairman of the committee in charge
of the jamboree. Jeffries has been a
prominent leader in activities of the
S.C.A. during the current semester
and announced yesterday that plans
were under way to bring some nation-
ally known entertainers for the jam-
boree program.
J. Fred Lawton, '11, author of the
words to "Varsity" and composer of
the popular song "Tigers On Parade,"
has agreed to be master of ceremon-
ies at the jamboree. Lawton presided.
over the program last year which was
well received by an audience of more
than 3,000 persons. The program last
year featured the complete personnel
of the Varsity Band, Glee Club, and
the Ukranian Chorus of Detroit.
In response to public request, Jeff-
ries announced that the presentation
of "Bum Army" will be repeated this
year. The original cast of "Bum
Army" is made up of the members of
the Vortex Club of Detroit and Jeff-
ries stated that the club "graciously
consented to again put on the skit
which is taken from one-of the Mich-
igan Union operas."
The Fresh Air Camp, which is lo-
cated about 25 miles from Ann Arbor
near Paterson Lake, has served an
average of 400 boys during each of
the 13 years of its existence. The
camp was founded in 1922, and the
first permanent equipment built near
the lake in 1925 at the present site.
A new building is being built on the
grounds of the camp with the aid of
CWA labor. The club house will be
available for use by the University
students during the fall and winter
The boys who go to the camp are
selected by approximately 15 social
and welfare agencies located in Ann
Arbor and Detroit.

Russia's Future
To Be Brighter
Says Hindus
Predicts Its Agricultural
Supremacy Within Ten
Years, Barring War
A brilliant future for Russia and
for the Russian people, if they are not
plunged into a serious war, was pre-
dicted last night by Maurice Hindus,
noted author anSI lecturer, who spoke
in Hill Auditorium on the Oratorical
Association Lecture Series.
Within the next 10 years, the Rus-
sian people will improve their stand-
ard of living to a degree that "will as-
tonish the world" as a result of the
revolution and the Five-Year Plan,
he stated.
Describing scenes of "teeming" ac-
tivity, where before the institution of
the Five-Year Plan there was "noth-
ing," Mr. Hindus described Russia as,
"the vastest business enterprise the
world has ever known," and Stalin as
"the greatest business builder the
world has ever known."
A system of collectivized farming,
underwhich farms are built and oper-
ated by groups of peasants subject
to rigid discipline, has already boosted
Russia to a position where it is "a
large scale agricultural country," ac-
cording to Mr. Hindus.
Comparing the rapid growth of ag-
riculture in Russia to the growth of
a plant, he prophesied that even if the
Russian revolution were to collapse
completely, "the one thing that would
be left in the country would be the
collectivization of land."
The revolution, to which he attrib-
uted this gain in farming, is based
upon "the psychology of a military
campaign, the psychology of intoler-
ance," Mr. Hindus explained. As a re-
sult, "there will be no political free-
dom, and hence, no political opposi-
tion, for a long time to come," he pre-
dicted. .
He admitted the failure of the rev-
olution and the Five-Year Plan in
many lines of development, but
showed that in its primary functio1,
"the rooting out of all forms of pri-
vate enterprise in city and in village,"
it had been successful. The Five-Year
Plan has not only uprooted private
enterprise as an institution, but has
also eliminated "the urge" for it in
Russian citizens.

Council Votes
To Withhold
Poll Results
Difficulty Of Task Leads
To Decision To Delay
Neglect Of N.S.L.
Request For Referendum
Of Women Students Is
Termed Unnecessary
A decision to withhold the compila-
tion of the results of the survey on
student government, conducted by the
Undergraduate CouIcil and complete-
ed yesterday, was reached last night
by Council members after an open
meeting, in which opinions had been
expressed by representatives of camp-
us organizations and schools.
This decision was made because
Council members deemed it impos-
sible to accomplish the task of com-
piling the results and drafting the
new constitution before the start of
the examination period. It was felt
that the Senate Committee on Stu-
dent affairs would concur in the
N.S.L. Claims Neglect
Delegates ofathe NationalStudent
League, in the open meeting, were
frankly indignant at the lack of con-
sideration which they said had been
given their plan in the survey. Al-
though admitting the unfeasibility
of holding a campus election on the
five plans which represented only
minority opinions and declaring that
they had no constructive criticism,
they did submit a statement express-
ing their viewpoint. It follows in
"The picture of the defunct, unrep-
resentative student Council attempt-
ing to create a truly democratic plan
of government is an anomaly more
pathetic than ridiculous. They're
still lame ducks despite the twentieth
To Arouse Student Sentiment
"The composition of the present
council makes it impossible for any
program to be formulated which em-
braces the real interests of the entire
student body. The final authority rests
with the students. We therefore pro-
pose to conduct a campaign in which
so much student sentiment is aroused
in favor of a real democratic govern-
ment that the insignificant views of
the present council will be crushed
under the support we hope to gain."
These delegates also requested a
referendum to women students on the
question of whether they wanted a
separate government, but Maxine
Maynard, '35, president of the League,
pointed to the fact that such a vote
had been taken and had revealed that I
they were in favor of it..I
Council To Compile Results
A further recommendation of the
delegates was to the effect that a com-
mittee composed of representatives of
the groups backing the proposed plans
and an impartial member be chosen
to compile the results of the survey.
A motion to this effect, when put
before the council, failed of support,
it being felt that this was a Council
function. A committee of Council
members was appointed to do this
A representative of the College of
Architecture told the Council that his
college had an active interest in stu-
dent government and consequently
desired to secure membership in the

new body.
Considerable attention was given to
the matter of arousing opinion, espe-
cially that of independent students,
concerning the proposed change in
government, the N.S.L. delegates
claiming that this "apathetic" condi-
tion was due to the fact that inde-
pendents had been given little oppor-
unity to express their opinions in the
Council members defended their ac-
tions by showing that every student
had had a chance to express himself,
either on a questionnaire, a coupon
from The Daily, or simply by writing
a letter to the Council or to The
Lindbergh Wood Expert
Is University Alumnus
Arthur J. Koehler, the govern-
ment expert who testified in the
trial of Bruno Hauptmann, accused
of the kidnaping and murder of
the Lindbergh baby, is a graduate
of the University School of For-
Pctrcr it. ' nnc iP. n in ,,n.tarrnl o

Oxford Man Will
Here To Give+
li Engineering


Two Noted History
Scholars To Teach
Philosophy Department
Chairman Will Conduct
Course At Harvard
Distinguished men and women from
California to England will be brought
to the University this summer to aug-
ment the faculty of the Summer Ses-
sion, according to Prof. Louis A. Hop-
kins, director.
Chief among the prominent men
will be Prof. R. V. Southwell of Ox-
ford, England, who is coming to teach
in the enlarged program in engineer-
ing mechanics under a grant from the
Chrysler Corporation.
The history department will be aug-
mented by the services of Prof. H. S.
Lucas, recognized scholar in medieval
history and the author of works on
the part of the low countries in the
Hundred Years' War. Prof. Ernest G.
Schwiebert, chairman of the depart-
ment of history at Valparaiso Uni-
versity, will also conduct courses in the
Parker Goes To Harvard
Prof. B. D. Edwards of the War De-
partment at Washington, Prof. H. W.
Vanneman of Ohio State University
and Prof. Lester B. Orfield of the
University of Nebraska will give
courses in the Law School this sum-
mer. In the department of philosophy
Prof. George P. Adams, of the Uni-
versity of California will take over the
work of Prof. DeWitt H. Parker, chair-
man of the department, who will con-
duct courses at Harvard this summer.
The school of education will have
on its staff Prof. John Mulhern of the
University of Pennsylvania, and Mr.
P. T. Rankin of the Board of Educa-
tion in Detroit. Other visiting faculty
will be Prof. C. M. Reynolds of Stan
ford University, in the sociology de-
partment; Prof. W. H. Shideler of
Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, in
the geology department; Prof. A. B.
Wolfe of Ohio State, in the economics
department; and Mrs. Hazel Geniesse
of Washington, D.C. in the speech de-
Extensive Library Courses
A continued program of extensive
library courses will be offered by
distinguished visiting faculty men and
women among whom will be Prof. L.
B. Wright of the Henry Huntington
Library in San Marino, Calif.; Prof.
C. B. Shaw of Swarthmore College;
Prof. F. L. D. Goodrich of the College
of the City of New York and formerly
a faculty member here; Mrs. Vera
Cooper of the DePauw University Li-
brary; and Miss Claude Pettus of
Emory University at Atlanta, Pa.
In addition to the above, seven dis-
tinguished visiting faculty members
will be attached to the biological sta-
tion at Douglas Lake. This year, as a
special feature of courses in the land-
scape design, Prof. Harlow O. Whit-
temore, chairman of the department,
will conduct a group of students to
study the southern tip of Sugar Island,
which was presented some years ago
to the University by former Governor
Chase S. Osborn.
I AKRON, Jan. 23 -(A)- Pay in-
creases which will average five cents
an hour for nearly 40,000 workers
will be made, effective here next week,
at Goodyear, Firestone and Good-
rich plants. The increases, it is esti-
mated, will add close to $2,000,000 to
their pay envelopes in the coming

Hubbs Slips; Scientists
Rush For Open Spaces
An odor permeated the University
Museums yesterday, and the inno-
cent cause of it all was found to be
none other than Prof. Carl Hubbs
curator of the Zoology Museum fish
The scientists ran out of doors,
leaned out of windows, covered their
noses with cloths and did everything
possible to escape the smell,rbut in
spite of all that there was much
coughing and smarting eyes.
The explanation, it developed, was
that Professor Hubbs had spilled a
gallon of formalin, a preservative re-
sembling formaldehyde, which gives
off a penetrating gas. When the con-
tainer overturned an assistant rushed
to the phone to call the chemistry
department in searchof a neutralizer.
But when the chemists had consulted
in vain and could suggest 'nothing
helpful, the formalin gas just had to
run its course.
And run itsscourse it did. The Mu-
seum has lost its proverbial stuffy
odor, and you can still smell the taint
of formalin in the air. And if you
ask anybody what happened, the'
say, "Oh, nothing. It's just Profes-
sor Hubbs.
Middlewest Is
Swept By Cold
Wave;_70 Die
With falling temperatures recorded
all day yesterday by the University
Observatory, it was expected last
night that the mercury would drop
to near 10 degrees below zero.
Yesterday shortly after 8 am., the
temperature was 11 degrees above
zero. At 7 p.m. it had fallen to 6.5
degrees, and at 8 p.m. was down to
5.5 degrees, with indications that the
mercury would continue to drop. The
temperature Tuesday night, set at
19, was accompanied by slight snow.
The low temperatures here are a
part of a severe cold wave that is re-
ported to be sweeping the Northwest-
ern United States. It is possible that
the temperature may drop to the low-
est point of the present winter, it
was indicated.
(By Associated Press)
Intense cold, floods and storms be-
set the nation Wednesday as winter
launched its most bitter assault of
the year.
Minnesota temperature records -
some of them extending back 50 years
- were toppled by a frigid wave that
drove the mercury down to 51 below
at Eveleth. Seventy deaths through-
out the middlewest were reported.
FERA Students Leaving
Next Term Must Report
All students who are now working
under the FERA and who will not do
so the next semester, as well as all
FERA students who will not return
to the University for the second term
are again requested to report to Miss
Elizabeth Smith in the office of the
dean of students as soon as possible.
University officials of the Federal
Emergency Relief Administration are
cleaning up their records, it was ex-
plained, and must know the names of
those students who will not be em-
ployed next semester.

Defense Will Attempt To
Break Down Testimony
Of Wood Expert
State Expected To
Close Case Soon
Koehler Says Kidnaper's
Ladder Was Made By
Hauptmann's Tools
FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 23 --(iP)
- Bruno Hauptmann's anxious denial
that he kidnaped and killed the
Lindbergh baby will be given to a
Jersey jury at noon tomorrow, his
chief defender said tonight.
"Noon sharp," added Edward J.
Reilly, chief of defense. But before
that, the defense will do its best to
break down today's accusing testi-
mony of a government wood expert
- a story that traced the grim kidnap
ladder to Hauptmann's tools, to his
Bronx attic and to the lumber yard
where he was once employed.
Prosecutors said tonight that 20
minutes would suffice to complete
Arthur J. Koehler's direct story. He
is the expert who used Hauptmann's
own plane today to show the jury
that it left betraying ridges on the
State To Rest
Then the defense expects to use
two hours in cross examination, and
the state will rest --unless it decides
at the last minute to add a minor
witness or two.
"We do not expect to spend more
than the morning cross-examining
Koehler who we understand is the
last of the prosecution's witnesses,"
said Riley tonight.
Hauptmann's eyes, usually cold and
indifferent, snapped in annoyance as
his tool chest was thrown open to
the gaze of a crowd that braved driv-
ing snowstorm to jam the tiny Hun-
terdon County Courtroom.
He hunched his shoulders and
braced himself in his chair as Koeh-
er calmply improvised a little work
table on a corner of the judge's bench
and sent crisp pine shavings curling
to the courtroom floor with Haupt-
mann's well-worn plane.
Flooring Matches.Ladder
Carefully the expert explained to
the jury how an upright of the lad-
der from which the baby is alleged
to have fallen to his death matched
perfectly a piece of flooring taken
from the attic of the Bronx house in
which Hauptmann lived at the time
of the kidnaping.
"As a result of a careful study of
the two," Koehler testified, "I have
come to the conclusion that those two
pieces at one time were one piece.
They have been cut in two."
With a calmness surpassing that of
the handwriting experts, who named
Hauptmann as the author of the ran-
som letters, Koehler, a middle-aged
man of average stature, bald, and mild
of manner, demonstrated the experi-
ments which led him to the conclu-
sion that Hauptmann's tools built the
ladder with Hauptmann's wood.
He recited his painstaking tracing
of the ladder lumber from a South
Carolina mill to a Bronx lumber-yard
and thence to Hauptmann's garage.
He demonstrated the use of Haupt-
mann's woodplane, revealing the sim-
ilarity of its knife marks to the marks
on the ladder.
Nail Marks Identified
He recounted how he had matched
nail marks in an upright of the ladder
with the nail marks in two beams in
Hauptmann's attic, using enlarged
photographs to make his statements
more vivid.
He testified, too, that a wood chisel
found on the Lindbergh estate near
the ladder on the night of March 1,
1932, of the same size and make as one
missing from Hauptmann's tool chest,

had been used in cutting out the re-
cesses for the ladder rungs.
He told how a saw and the wood
clamps in Hauptmann's kit were sim-
ilar to those used in constructing the
There was never a tinge of doubt in
(Continued on Page 6)
Interfraternity Council
Files Petitions With Dean
Petitions requesting that eligible
freshmen be allowed to move into
fraternity houses the second semester
and that the University credits of
fraternity members, who are in ar-

Import Noted
Faculty For
Next Summer

Will Be Given To

Jury Early


Field Work Opportunities Open
To Student At Biological Station

Slosson Answers Digest Poll;
Favors Entrance Into League

Students who yawn this spring as
they look out the classroom window
and wish that classes were held in
the Arboretum will have an oppor-
tunity this summer to go to school
under such circumstances. That is,
if they're interested in such things
as flora and fauna and bryophytes i
and things.
For the past 26 years, students have
been able to study the natural
sciences out in the woods, on the
shores of isolated lakes, or while
tramping through heavy underbrush.
The Michigan Biological Station, on
the shores of Douglas Lake in Che-
boygan County, has offered advanced
courses and field work in botany and
zoology under ideal conditions for
such study since 1909, when the Uni-

"The excellent conditions for study,
the fine climate, adequate fauna and
a representative northern flora makes
the station an ideal place for inde-
pendent investigators as well as stu-
dents in search of advanced field
work under such conditions. The
absence of the limitations of the us-
ual University schedule and the dis-
turbing influences of urban life, while
still retaining comfortable living con-
ditions, makes the Biological Station
an outstanding enterprise," Profes-
sor Hopkins stated.
Visiting faculty men who will par-
ticipate in the program this year are:
Prof. William W. Cort, of the depart-
ment of hygiene and public health
of John Hopkins University; Prof.
Charles W. Creaser of Wayne Uni-

In response to questioning as to
how he would answer the current
Literary Digest college peace poll,#
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-I
tory department felt it necessary to
qualify all of his answers with the
exception of one.
To the question "Should the United
States enter the League of Nations?"
Professor Slosson gave an unqualified
"yes" as his answer.
In giving his opinion as to whether
the United States could stay out of
another great war, Professor Slosson
emphasized the fact that his answer
would depend on the circumstances.

Condemning the policy of an
"American Navy and Air Force sec-
ond to none" as a method of insur-
ing us against being drawn into an-
other great war, Professor Slosson
said, "Super-armament frightens
other nations and tends to make them
league against you, so you are really
weaker than you were before."
Professor Slosson placed qualifica-
tions on government control of arma-
ment and munitions industries. "This
could hardly extend to munitions in
the broadest sense," he said, "since
that would include the entire chem-
ical industry, but in the limited sense

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