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September 29, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-29

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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the WesternConference Editorial Association
andl the Big Ten News Service.
'-e 1934 M (tU9EK~~ 193 E
- so Rwu n scoi
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Pos Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mall, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR ........................ JOHN HEALEY
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas A. Kleene, David G. MacDonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper,
Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean.
Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Donald K. Anderson, John H. Batdorff,
Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley,
Allan Dewey, John A. Doeile, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney
Finger, William H. Fleming,.Robert J. Freehling, Sher-
win Gaines, Ralph W. Hurd, Walter R. Kreuger, John
N. Merchant, Fred W. Neal, Kenneth Norman, Melvin
C. Oathout, John P. Otte, Loyd S. Reich, Marshall
Shulman, Bernard Weissman, Joseph Yager, C. Brad-
ford Carpenter, Jacob C. Siedel, Bernard Levick, George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano,
Robert J. Friedman, .Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryana Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Saxon Finch,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Beulah Kanter, Lois
King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,
Mary Annabel Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Char-
lotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Carolyn Sherman,
Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Betty Vinton, Laura
Winograd, Jewel Weurfel.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts
Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation
and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified
Advertising and Publications, George Atherton.
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William
Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, Richard
Hardenbrook, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tom-
linson, Robert Owen, Homer Lathrop, Donald Hutton,
Arron Gillman, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner. .
Let Hiram
Dolt. .
T O MANY a college educator, Hiram
College may be nothing more than
a funny name for an educational institution. Not
worried by its obscurity and lack of size, however,
Hiram is pioneering in the field of higher learning.
;The student who decides to attend this little
Ohio college this year will never have to rush from
a 9 o'clock in analytic geometry to a 10 o'clock in
Victorian literature, composing his mind as he
goes. Nor will he be obliged to study simultane-
ously for final exams in physics, political science,
French, sociology, and economics. For Hiram is in
the vanguard of a new movement.
With the college year divided into four quarters
each student devotes one entire quarter (or nine
weeks) to a single subject, thus thoroughly cover-
ing four subjects in the course of a year. The
purposes of the plan are obvious. Given nine weeks
in which to do nothing but concentrate on a single
course, the student no longer has such worries as
how to budget his time and how to keep Greek from
mixing with R.O.T.C. Above all, he is no longer pro-
vided regularly with five or six overwhelming as-
signments by five or six. different faculty members
who don't seem to realize how the other half
lives - and gives assignments. And when he comes

to his final reckoning he will probably have more
than a superficial knowledge of the subject in
question If not, then he has lived nine weeks in
vain and will never learn anyhow, probably becom-
ing president of a bank in the end.
Hiram had tried this system for several summers
before the faculty voted to put it into full opera-'
tion. Apparently its success in practice was suffi-
cient to warrant further experimentation. No one
has yet enjoyed four years of the Hiram system,
and it remains to be seen what happens when
someone attempts it. If the individual's total edu-
cation is any more narrowly classified and pigeon-
holed 4according to subjects, let us have none of
it. It's hard enough to make the pieces fit under
the present hodge-podge system.
Then, too, you can probably think of a lot of
courses you wouldn't want to "live" in for nine
Market For

its readers may gather from a recent editorial
on traditions. Declaring truthfully enough that a
tradition is only what the student body cares to
make of it, the editorial goes on to "submit as
worthy of respect" two other traditions in addi-
tion to pot wearing: no dating of any athletic
event and no smoking on the south campus.
A news story in a following issue of the campus
paper relates with an air of shock and amazement
the fact that Michigan freshmen have been eman-
cipated from their badge of shame. Strangers vis-
iting the Michigan campus will be at a loss to dis-
tinguish the freshman from the upperclassman, the
story goes on. Strangers, and pthers, too, will find
students here interested in matters perhaps more
essential to a good education.
Michigan has enough worthwhile traditions so
that it will not miss the passing of such an empty
one as branding first-year men. Few freshmen
here will feel that anything is iissing from their
college lives, but if they should they will find
Northwestern a sanctuary for all who cannot be
persecuted elsewhere.
Prepared For
P SYCHOLOGY seems to differ. Ath-
letes, turning out for college teams,
begin the season's work with warmup practices
to get into shape for the more gruelling grihd to
come. Most of them are already -in condition, but
they don't start scrimmaging the first day.
In the classroom it's different. If the instructor
can't bowl you over the first day with the heaviest
assignments of the semester, he isn't earning his
keep and soon loses out to the more fit of the
species. Not until he has discouraged a round dozen
into dropping the course and convinced everyone
else that they'll do well to get D's, does he slow
down the pace.
Possibly, td continue the analogy, the Michigan
faculty sees no reason why student minds should
not be trained to perfect condition when students
arrive for classes in the fall. Whether they can
understand it or not, the average student is never
more mentally lazy than when he goes to his first
section, inspired chiefly by the fact that he will
only have to stand it 10 minutes.
Starting out courses at the stiffest pace accom-
plishes just about one certain thing: it convinces
the student that he can't keep up. From then
on he's never really abreast of things, ngt even
when it comes to the final curtain.
As Others See It
Collegiate Radicalism
A PROFESSOR in Liberal Arts asked his class at
their first session: "How many of you are
Socialists?" Five students held up their hands.
If this same question had been asked at either
the University of Chicago or the University of
Wisconsin in a typical class probably only a few
hands would have remained down. Paradoxically
enough, it seems that college students,themselves
the children of capitalism, are leaning toward the
According to Edward A. Hayes, national com-
mander of the American Legion, Communist meet-
ings have been held on the University of Illinois
campus. Commenting upon the meeting Com-
mander Hayes said:
"These are the things we must guard against.
Young people are being taught to scoff at our
patriotic principles. Of course, the university
board would not have permitted such a meeting
had the board members known about it, but the
fact remains that young Communists are growing
up in the classrooms."-
Although no doubt college students are more
or less idealistic and socially minded, we find
little basis for the charge that any modern college
is a hotbed of Communism. However, the failure
of our capitalistic structure to absorb collegegrad-
uates has produced a sliglit swing to the left.
If our business structure could successfully place
college graduates, there would be no need for any
campaign to wipe out radicalism in our universities.
-The Daily Northwestern.

A Student' Experience
WITH every agency striving to aid the needy
student on this campus it didn't seem plausible
that an incident of this type would occur, but it
A student in an electrical engineering course was
instructed by his professor to purchase four bulle-
tins from a bookstore at a cost of 20 cents apiece.
The student did this because it was necessary to
have the bulletins at that time. However, he also
wrote to the General Electric Company for the
same pamphlets. The result of his correspondence
was that he received'the identical bulletins from
the company at no cost and with the postage pre-
It is hardly necessary to comment on this inci-
dent. The facts are self-evident.
-Tfhe Daily Illini.
Throwing Away Prejudice
The ideal aim of education is to develop "real
thinking," but that goal is often blocked by nothing
other than sheer prejudice. In a recent survey
made in New York City, it was discovered that out
of one thousand Americans of average intelligence,
98 per cent were prejudiced against Bolsheviks, 90l
per cent against the Turks, 50 per cent against the
Mexicans and 30 per cent against immigrants.
Why should such prejudices be tolerated by any
intelligent man or woman?
One's prejudices basically are due to the great
stress that is placed on primary values and con-
tacts rather than upon ultimate ones. That is to
say, people are primarily interested only in the
groups which comprise their immediate family,
neighborhood, fraternal organization, or even, com-


Collegiate Observer
In the Book-Cadillac Hotel the other night,
two Detroiters were discussing new iaces seen
around the Detroit Fair Racing Grounds this
"Joe's brother Is a nice kid," observed one.
"He ought to make some good dough for him-
self pretty soon."
"Aw," returned the other, "I don't think
much of him. What does he know about
"What are you talking about," cried the first
man seriously. "He knows plenty about horses.
Didn't he graduate from Michigan."
We hear that theUniversity of Oklahoma will
hold a short course for fraternity scholarship
,chairmen. The course is planned to teach the
chairmen the best methods of study which they
in turn will adapt to the study system of their
respective houses. Not a bad idea!
An A. E. Phi at the University of Illinois
calls her boy friend "Omelet" because he needs
"egging" on.
Because of the strike conditions the daily news-
paper of Northwestern University found it neces-
sary to leave the editorial page blank. The stu-
dents soon after openly admitted that it was the
best and most interesting editorial page the Daily"
Northwestern ever printed. With a ready come-
back the editor retorted that it was probably the
only one they were able to understand.
With flies becoming a general nuisance here,
B. B. L. sends in the following contribution:
The while I swat
The buzzing flies,
I can't restrain
My thought and sighs.
I needn't swat
Until I'm blue,
If Noah had
Just swatted two.
Here's a story coming from the University of
Missouri. It seems as though a co-ed- there was
taking Latin. One class hour the professor asked
her what XXX stood for. She promptly replied,
"Love and Kisses."
- * * *
A girl may now marry and continue her course
at Vassar, aefording to reports made by the dean
of that institution. She is expected to live in the
dormitory unless factors in her particular case
make other living arrangements necessary. Like
for instance her husband.

Zion Lutheran
Washington at Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
September 30. 1934
9:00 A.M. - BibleSchool -Topic:
"God in Hebrew History"
10:30 A.M. - Service
"Ministering Unto Jesus
5:30 P. - Student Fellowship
and Supper.
6:45 P.M.--Prof. Preston Siosson
will address the student club on-
"The Church as Pronoter"

The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
Scptember 30, 1934
11:15 - School of Religion
5:00 - Candle-light Devotions
6:00 - Buffet Supper
7:30 - Student Round Table

H illel Foundation
Corne East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
September 30, 1934
11:45 A.M. - Sermon at the Women's
League Chapel by Dr. Bernard
"What the- University of
Michigan Offers and Expects
from the Student"
2:00-6:00 P.M. -Tour of Inspection
of the NewHillel Foundation.

Reli"gious Activites

Subscribe NOW to The
Da ily Official Bulletin Associated Press
Sport News Women's Pages Campus Gossip
Sunday Rotogravure Section
$4.00 pr Yea r
Student Publicat ons Building
420 Mayn-ard Street
- - -e- --1-

THAT PALLADIUM of American politics, to say
nothng of American liberty . . .the Constitu-
tion . . . must be wondering at itself these days.
It has never known such a birthday anniversary
as that through which it has pust passed. The
other 146 were just dates. No one made a fuss
about them.
An assorted lot of defend-the-Constitution or-
ganizations has blossomed into being this year
as leagues, associations, committees, incorpora-
tions or what have you. The mails, particularly the
outgoing mail of an unascertainable number of
industrial concerns, are flooded with get-out-the-
vote circulars which have a "defend-the-Constitu-
tion" tail to wag the whole dog.
The Cook County Republican organization out
in Illinois even managed to put on a Constitution
Day show at the fair with Democratic support but
with no sharing of the proceeds. Highly-practical
politics, that.
WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? The best to be made
of it is that opposition to present or prospec-
tive future policies of the "New Deal" administra-
tion, both inter and intra-party, so far has found
constitutionalism its only common rallying cry:
And with the primaries over, there is very little
to indicate that the voting public has responded
to cries of alarm over alleged perils to the con-
stitution in any striking fashion. No one, so far as
available records show, has been nominated on that
Quite the contrary. Men have been nominated
in far separated parts of the nation both for
House and Senate and for highest state office
who reck nothing of the constitutional questions
raised by the "defend-the-Constitution" boys.
Some are already assured of election.
The great difficulty about framing or attempting
to frame a campaign issue out of a constitutional
question is that most of it goes over voters heads
entirely. It is too legalistic, too much to the general
public a matter for argument among lawyers and
legislators. Realization of that essential weakness
in practical politics of the defend-the-Constitution
drive by "New Deal" foes probably accounts for
the bland ignoring of the whole matter by "New
Deal" spokesmen from the President down.
"Why, of course. Who is attacking it? We are
not. We do not propose to change it. If we violate
it, the Supreme Court is there to call us to order.
There has been no "New Deal" appointment
to that court. Republican presidents named almost
all the justices. And, up-to-date, those justices
have not found any constitutional flaw in "New
Deal" legislation."
Nor is it at all probable that any controlling
opinion by the high court on any aspect of the
"New Deal" now attacked on constitutional grounds
will he handed down hefore the Congressinnal



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23% of people under 20 years of age . .
39%.at3 ...48% at 40...95%overb60...
THESE figures are derived from a series with age? Certainly abuse of epesegom~~
of tests just concluded by science, with improper and inadequate lighting c
vof eye tribute towards this serious increase in def~e-
They indicate the prevalence o y tiveness with increasing age."
troubles at varying ages among nearly one
million human beings. Concerning these Bear this in mind when you consider
figures two eminent scientists have this the lighting of your home. ChoosehlaMp
to say:. that give adequate light and so help' t6
Why, are the eyes of young people so defec- prevent the strain that impairs the sight
Live Why do the eyes become more defective of young and old.

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