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January 23, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-23

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IV ii -


Pub.is ed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
Asociated (bilgat rs
-+1934 gef 1935"-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special dis-
patches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street.
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas f. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, I
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,J
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Rob-
ert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin,
Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte
Rueger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Wino-
grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
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Richard E. Chaddock.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
Kollig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine
Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Tresper, Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.

vivid accounts about the poverty and the dire mis-
ery of the large majority of Nippon's population. It
is hard to believe that these people can furnish
enough money to build and man the huge dread-
naughts that plow the seas today.
The question also arises as to how far Japan
will go to catch up and maintain an equal ratio
with the larger powers. Certainly the United States
and Great Britain will not sit idly by and wait for
Japan to build up a strength equal to theirs. It
looks like the vicious circle again.
It is alarming to think of our country turning
out million-dollar boats on a production basis, with
the burden of cost that will fall on us, but to think
of Japan with her well-nigh penniless population
trying to do it is well-nigh impossible.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
The Professor Replies
To the Editor:
Apart from forensic training, there seem to be
two reasons for public debate -publicity and en-
lightenment. Convictions on both points lead me
to decline Mr. Wade's invitation to supply a speaker
to engage in debate on the Townsend Plan of old-
age pensions.
As for publicity, an inordinate amount of atten-
tion has already been paid the plan, and I am dis-
inclined to extend it. Indeed, I should greatly have
preferred to reply privately to this invitation, had
Mr. Wade not sought its publication. But then,
quite likely, the real purpose of the invitation would
have been defeated.
Since a public reply seems necessary, may I state
with candor my reason for declining? It is that,
in my opinion, the cause of enlightenment would
not be served. Persons seeking light have.already
been afforded an abundance of it. With a clarity
and simplicity I could not equal, the more obvious
yet fundamental defects of the plan have been set
forth in the Ann Arbor Daily News by Mr. Walter
Lippmann and by analyses in other papers avail-
able to local readers. Those interested have doubt-
less read these discussions, and if they persist in
a faith in the efficacy of the plan, the explanation
must lie in a condition which logical analysis can
scarcely overcome. I am frankly baffled by the
mystical attitude and will-to-believe which charac-
terizes the considerable following of Dr. Townsend.
Since the leading spokesmen of the movement
themselves persist in elementary errors which have
already been called repeatedly to their attention, it
seems unlikely that the proposed debate could pro-
ceed on a level which would promote enlighten-
ment. t-Shorey Peterson.
As Others See It
Courses In Marriage
THE MOVEMENT toward including marriage
courses in the curricula of colleges and univer-
sities takes a jolt on the chin in an editorial
from The Indiana Daily Student.
The writer of this editorial "can't see the neces-
sity of such a course," and ventures the opinion
that the best background for successful marriage
- learning how to live -.is amply covered already
in most curricula.
A classroom is hardly the place to learn how
to live. Nor is the social environment of college
the best background for this business of living.
College life is an artificial existence. It has no
counterpart in the world the student faces after
four years of studying required subjects that may
contain no interest for him, participating in casual
romances, attending Junior proms -and depend-
ing upon the monthly allowance for sustenance.
College students in general have a better time of
it than they imagine. They have access to the
pleasures of life without incurring the responsi-
bilities. And that smacks more of preparation for a
free love cult than for marriage.
The only place a college student can learn how
to live is in extra-curricular activities, which are

not, in most institutions of higher learning, recog-
nized as curricular training. In activities outside
the classroom he learns to work, and to get along
with his fellows. But that again has no connec-
tion with the question of courses in marriage.
Marriage has physiological, psychological and
economic aspects which cannot be learned in the
usual college curricula. And despite their attempted
insouciance, college students have little enough
knowledge of such matters. A course in marriage
at this University would be an excellent idea.
-The Daily Illini.
Open Book Examinations
EMANATING AS IT DOES from the University
or Chicago, the plan for an open book method
of examination does not cause any great surprise.
The action is in line with other liberal plans orig-
inated under Dr. Hutchins, Chicago's youthful
Under this system of examination, to be given a
trial in a humanities course final, students will
have recourse to their textbooks. Superficially, a
student might think such a final a snap, but as the
instructor points out, a book will be of little use in
finding an important fact during a short examina-
tion period if the student does not really know;
his subject.
The conditions under which a student works at
college should be as much like those he will en-
counter in practice as possible. A lawyer does not
prepare his arguments from memory, a doctor does
not write every prescription without consulting a3
book, nor do the persuasive speakers draft their,
orations without reference to documents. They
know the broad aspects of a suitation; they know
the related material. With the aid of a book during


One would think with examinations coming
on and professors who once seemed like pretty
good gents rapidly assuming the appearance
and some of the nastier traits of "Ming the
Merciless" that the fan would begin to show
signs of easing up. That's where we're wrong.
Last Friday night at Cornell University two
students were sitting quietly at a table in the
campus drinkery. One remarked that he didn't
like the other's tie and proceeded to display
his displeasure by whipping out a knife and
cutting it off. Then he politely handed the
knife to his friend who obliged him in the
same fashion. The next to go were all the
buttons on both vests, then they tore the col-
lars from each other's coats, then ripped the
coats up the back. Every action was done as
dispassionately as possible, and they politiely
and firmly rejected any suggestion that they
should stop.
* * * *
A Minnesota law student claims to have figured
out all there is to know about this career business.
He maintains that "A" students make the teachers,
"B" men make the "white collar jobs," "C" men
make, the best lawyers, "D" men make the legis-
lators and "E" men make the money.
A psychology professor at Northwestern Uni-
versity was lecturing to his class and trying
to differentiate between human psychologists
(those who experiment with humans) and
animal psychologists (those who experiment
with rats, etc.) Seeing that his class was not
able to grasp the explanation, the professor
tried a new angle. He said:
"Let us take the illustration of the engineers
and the Lit students. The Lit students would be
the animal psychologists. The engineers would
typify the rat psychologist. Which we think is
.a good explanation.
Directors of Oxford University once voted not to
install baths because the students who occupied the
dormitories attended college only eight months a
* .,*
Pardon us for this one, but it really is a true
story coming from the University of Maryland.
Recently at that institution they held a dance,
the tax of which was judged by the weight of
your "date." One of the fellows put his heart
throb on the scale and noticed a sign which
said "AMBUSH SCALES." Perplexed he asked
the weigher what the card meant and he said,
"That is the name of the scale we are using."
"Ambush scales? Never heard of them," said
the student.
"Yeah, you know," said the official. They lie
in weight." (Wait).
c. .r

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A Washington

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Student Ideas
On Concentration .
LETIN carried an unostentatious
notice addressed to "all literary college students"
and informing them that student opinion on the
subject of concentration programs is being solicited
by a faculty committee now studying the subject.
It is probable that most students, carelessly
checking through the D.O.B. to guarantee against
going to a class by mistake or missing a luncheon
meeting of the League Against Luncheon Meetings,
paused long enough to grasp the implications of
this suggestion on the abstruse subject of degree
Judging from the frequent and even violent crit-
icisms heard of the concentration system, it is a
matter about which most students are concerned
- and very* personally concerned. The considera-
tion of it is not, however, a matter for which stu-
dents will put aside all other earthly things - as
they might for a football game, a good show, or
even a final examination.
The anticipation of finals is just at present too
real and terrible thing to be pushed aside by'
the remote possibility of a change in content, pre-
requisites, or administration of concentration pro-
grams at some future date at least eight months
off. Any day now students will be starting to study;
in the meantime nothing must be allowed to inter-
fere with their systematic efforts to induce the
proper mental state for going through this gruel-
ling and abnormal period.
When final examinations have gone their usual
way and left the student no business more pressing
than the occasional pleasures of a college town it
will undoubtedly still take more than an itinerant
item in the D.O.B. to arouse the campus to vocifer-
ous interest in concentration requirements. Butethe
task will then be possible; it is not now.'
Since no change can be made effective before the
fall semester of the school year 1935-36, we assume
that the committee of the literary college will con-
tinue its study and gladly receive student ideas at
least into the early part of next semester. We also
hope that at that time sufficient concern can be
aroused so that the student point of view will have
its justified effect on any decisions that are
Japan And
A NavaliRace .. .
THE IDEA of Japan entering into a
race for naval armaments is report-

1 - - '1 J
F CARTER GLASS of Virginia had happened to
think of it, he rated a fine, chuckling "I told you
so" on the day the Senate put on an impromptu
celebration of the sixth anniversary of the birth of
the Kellogg-Briand peace pact.
For when the Senate ratified the pact with only
one belated dissent, Glass voted for it in rather
shamefaced fashion. It irked his belligerently frank
temperatment to endorse a measure he regarded
as futile. He salved his conscience by saying so
right then and there. The pact never would mean
anything anyhow, he declared.
Young Gerald Nye, chief gunner of the Senate
search for munitions-making sins, trotted out fig-I
ures to show that the actual product of six years
of a universal world pledge against resort to war
to further national policy, was only to be calculated
in the billions that have gone into armaments
in that time. No one troubled to challenge that
estimate of the degree of deadness of the peace
If it is dead, of what did it die? Was every sig-
natory government, including France and the
United States, acting with tongue in cheek when
it solemnly put its name on the dotted line to abide
by that strange international covenant? Was some-
thing left undone that could have made it an ef-
fective safeguard of world peace?
Young Nye believes so. So does Senator Clark of
Missouri. They worked out an agreement in the
Senate interchange to this effect:
"If the pact were properly implemented by the
support of public opinion in this country and in
other countries it would not be necessary for the
United States six years after negotiation of the pact
to be doubling its budget for military and naval
appropriations," said Clark.
"Exactly," answered Nye.
Now that seemed a striking conception of what is
lacking to. make the peace pact effective in view
of what was well understood at the time it was
conceived, negotiated and executed. Messrs. Kel-
logg and Briand had no thought of adding that
particular gadget to the world's peace machinery
' when they began the sequence of exchanges which
finally produced the pact. They were just playing
the game of international politics.
What actually brought about the peace pact was
the pressure of public opinion both here and
abroad. Jane Addams and a group of peace workers
who called on President Coolidge started it. They
urged that the first Briand gesture, recognized and
treated at the state department as merely a diplo-
matic gesture, not be pigeon-holed. So a counter
proposal for a universal instead of a bilateral peace


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