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January 23, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-23

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The Weather
Snow and colder today with
severe cold at night; tomorrow
partly cloudy.


it igazi


Student Ideas On
Japan And A Naval
Race ... .


- w


Hilty Asks
For Plans,
Return Of Questionnaire
Results Is Requested By
Publicity Equal For
All Plans Submitted
Reasons Given For The
Exclusion Of S.C.A. And
N.S.L. Plans
All students who have further plans
for a new student government, or fur-
ther criticisms of those which have
already been submitted, were urged1
by. Carl Hilty, '35, president of the
Undergraduate Council, to bring them
in writing to the open meeting of the
Council to be held at 8 p.m. tonight
in the Council Room at the Union.
At the same time Hilty asked that
all fraternity house presidents and
presidents of campus organizations
send in the results: of the ques-
tionnaires which were sent these stu-
dents in carrying out the general sur-
vey on student government. Coupons
printed in The Daily yesterday have,

The League Government System: Its
Perfection Is Somewhat Questioned.

State Places Netx
Bruno Near 1 r
Crime Scene I
PL.. A r A.



Ever since the beginning of the
movement for a new men's govern-
ment it has been consistently re-iter-
ated by interested groups that the
perfect system of government has at
last been discovered by the League,
and that, therefore, it might be nice
if all the men were organized under
the Union as the women are under
said League.
The Michigan Alumnus, in its issue
of Jan. 19, carries this theme with,
"They (the women) brought together
in the Michigan League all their var-
ied organizations and associated them
under the leadership of the League
administration. The machinery is
working over there on the north side
of the campus ....."
Well, is everybody happy?
Professor Henry Anderson of the
engineering school, who helped or-
ganize the League plan, says they
are. Dean Alice Lloyd says they are.
The League government officials say
they are. But no one has thought to
ask the women who work in Utopia
what they think of it.
Herewith are presented opinions of
representative women on the campus
concerning the League. Each opinion
Tired Hoekey
Team Defeats
Point Edwardi


Alvin Karpis

has been typewritten or written in j to their dear old sorority, and help
long hand. There is no chance for win them the activities cup. I don't
misquotation. Names are withheld. believe most of them would want to

been collected to determine the stand-
point of independents upon this sub-
The survey, when completed, will be
used by theb Council members as a
basis for determining what sort of
government shall be incorporated in-
to the constitution which they were
instructed by the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs to draw up and
submit to it.
In answer to the criticism to which
he had been subjected: for not includ-
ing the N.S.L. plan as well as the
S.C.A. plan in the questionnaire ma-
terial: for phrasing inquiries in the
questionnaires dealing only with the
first three plans; and for planning to
judge the student opinion from a poll
which did not give consideration to
the N.S.L. -nd S.C.A. plans. Hilty ex-.
plained that the questionnaires had
been sent to the printers before the
N.S.L. plan was received and just after'
the S.C.A. plan ,ad 4een,.submitted.
He further stated that the printing
of the questionnaire, apart from the
printing of the plans, had been com-
pleted before either of the last two
plans were turned in. In regard to the
poll, Hilty pointed out that question-
naires were left at Lane Hall for in-
dependents and that equal publicity
had been given each plan in The Daily 1
and coupons had been printed in The
Daily to give all those interested a
chance to express their opinions.
He explained, in answer to the call
for a referendum, that the Senate
Committee on Student Affairs had re-
quested that the Council's plan be in
its possession by Feb. 1.
War Threatens
Again Between
TOKIO, Jan. 22.- (P) -A new
danger spot appeared on the vast,
trouble-splotched map of Asia today
as Russia and Japan, two great pow-
ers equally confident of their destiny
in the East, found their expansionist
aims clashing in Sinkiang, huge I
northwestern territory nominally
under Chinese rule.
With threatened conflict in Man-
churia apparently staved off by vir-
tual agreement for Russia's sale of
the Chinese Eastern Railway, an of-
ficial Japanese spokesman said that
the Soviet's alleged penetration of
Sinkiang "menaces the peace and sta-
bility of Eastern Asia."
The maintenance of that peace and
stability, the spokesman asserted, is
Japan' s mission.
Earlier, Koki Hirtota, Japan's for-
eign minister, told the Diet that the
westward movement of Chinese Com-
munists, "coupled with the reported
sovietization of Sinkiang," oblige the
Japanese government to "watch with
concern activities of the Communist
Party and its armies in China."
Authoritative Russian quarters
termed the charges of Soviet political
penetration into Sinkiang fantastic,
but admitted that Russia's economic
influence there has increased since
the completion of the Turkestan-Si-
berian Railway which affords an out
let for Sinkiang's commerce.

'Michigan Pucksters
Below Form But
Visiting Sextet, 3-2


NUMBER I do the work if they were not forced Yrosecution Attempts T0 1
I think that the League as a build- into it by their sororities. sconnect Ladder Wood 1 ./
ing and as an institution is a very The point system, I think, should WithHa-p
fine thing. As for the merit system, be done away with. I don't advo- Nu beHeptmaAnn
that's a different question. It is all cate that an elections system should Will Give Lecture Enemy Number One And
very fine too for them as has time replace it, because dirty politics and Identifications Are 1 Aide Believed Trying To
to go to committee meetings that are sorority pull would again control the
not too terribly vital. As to the wom- elections. I think a merit system Scored By Defense Reach Montreal
en's government system, this is the should be installed, by which a girl
first I've heard of it. After all, there's would be appointed to an important F
nothing much to govern and Dean position because of her ability and in- Reilly Trys To Prove Thatg iy
Lloyd does it all anyway, am I right? terest, not because she has amassed
NUMBER II fnaaignme fatvt ons Foot print Is Not That To Upper Michigan
NMEIIan amazing number of activity points. 11C1
I realize that the League has a defi- Since she would not receive points for Of Suspect
nite place on the campus, and that her work, .,she would work at the Trail Is Picked UpWih
it fulfills the need of many women League only if she really wanted to. FLEMINGTON N. J., Jan 22 - UP
who would otherwise have no interests Thus girls who are in League activi- DiScOVery Of Auto Near
outside their classes. The purpose ties beca-se of sorority demands The state's witnesses against Bruno
of the League in furnishing the pres- would not be compelled to work there. Richard Hauptmann today placed him Monroe
ent organization of the League tends By the present system a sorority girl near the scene of the Lindbergh babyDI .) T
to defeat that purpose. is practically drafted to do League kidnaping and sought to trace the kid- de nt a long.-- e)--T r-
The women who are most in need work, whether or not she wants to. nap ladder to his hands. ing a wide network along the inter-
of outside activities to round out their I also think that the League is It was a day of swiftly moving national boundary, Ontario's provin-
cultural education are not benefitted too much of a bureaucracy. They state's testimony, but not swift enough cial police joined tonight in a maneu-
by the present system. Instead a have so many committees which are to stop a sudden defense attempt to ver to run down America's fast flee-
lot of point-mercenary women do almost useless that it drives the chair- cast doubt on the state's identification pu en Amer one, Alvin
most of the work, not because they man frantic trying to think up petty of Hauptmann as the ransom taker.!ing public enemy number one, Alvin
enjoy it, but because it will bring glory (Continued on Page 6) In an unexpected coup, Edward J.Karpis.
Reilly, chief of Hauptmann's counsel. The trail of Karpis and his quick-
s s brought out that a plaster cast was M^URICE HINDUS jshooting companion, Harry Campbell,
' tdns utdByH elopwood Riules I made of a footprint found in the h lost near Philadelphia after they had
atdns utdyH e Bronx cemetery where the $50,000 ' TJsht their way from a police trap in
To Register In Missouri Areransom changed hands. Maurice Hfindus
No__Aoun ed Nt a bit perturbed by the objec- Atlantic City Sunday, was believed
CLMAMoJa.2 tions of Attorney General David T. e1 Speakpicked up again today with the find-
W ill COLUMBIA, Mo., Jan. 22. -()Commit-Wilentz, Reilly then moved to use re- W il pkn ng of a car near Monroe Mich which
Sam Montague of New Orleans, who 'nn-'eports on the cast and the word of the had been taken from an Allentown,
described himself as an "advance ; state's own witness to show it was not W orld Leaders j Pa.. physician.
agent" for seven Louisiana State Uni- Strauss, sHauptmanns footprint. Belief that Karpis and Campbell
vestStdetth er utdf r auTo Robbins, Shaw He let it be known also that he, were making a desperate dash t rs
the te ts pubicaio ofsa Tr-Determine Freshman wants a phono raph record -.the M da seeboundar ndp apssek hid
tihe whicharuedblctheire of en. riigrwad record that Federal Agent Thomas H. Modern Dictators Will Be th onayadprasse iig
title which aroused the ire of Sen. Writing Awards Sisk said had been made of Dr. John Discussed In Address former home and birthplace, led
Huey P. Long (Dem., La.), arrived F. (Jafsie) Condon's imitation of the Tng Michigan state police to seek the aid
here today to register in the Univer- The Committee on Rules for the ransom taker's voice. HereTonight of Windsor officers in closing the trap
s Freshmen Hopwood Awards yesterday Condon has testified that "John." about them.
Sannounced the conditions under which the ransom taker of St. Raymond's "Stalin, Hitler, Roosevelt- Who So hurriedly did the pair who ab-
Montague said his six companions, this year's contest will be conducted. cemetery, was Hauptmann. Will Win?" will be the subject of Mau- ducted Dr. H. H. Hunsicker at Allen-
whose matriculation has been ap- Any freshman regularly enrolled in Sisk said the report of the footprint rice Hindus, popular lecturer and town and then released him after a
proved by the university here, would a composition course in the English and the cast was in the New York writer, when he speaks at 8:30 p.m. wild, 24-hour ride, abandon his car
arrive tomorrow. department of the literary college will office of the department of justice, but today in Hill Auditorium. nea a resort of the Lake Erie shore
Referring to the snow-covered cam- be eligible for competition in the con- that he could produce it only with per- The lecture will be the sixth on the line, that the motor still was run-
pus, he said he didn't like the "cold" test. A manuscript that has received mission of the attorney-general of current Oratorical Association lecture ning when a rural mail carrier came
reception but, "all the boys are glad to a prize in the freshman contest, how- the United States.. series. upon it. Dell Clark, the carrier, said
come where, I understana, student ed- ever, will not be eligible for a minor Reilly announced then that he Hindus is known as a careful stu- he saw one man leave the machine
itors can print just about what they award in the Spring Hopwood contest. would telegraph the attorney-general. dent of European problems and is and walk in the direction of Monroe.
please." Three types of writing are accept- After the trial adjourned Reilly dis- especially well acquainted with cur- Little importance was attached to the
Journalism students flocked about able: the essays prose, fiction, and ~played a reply from J. Edgar Hoover, rent problems in Russia. He is the find, however, until State police had
Montague to hear his story of Long's abeth.In each of these field, thrn head of the bureau of investigation of author of a number of well-known examined it and discovered the Penn-
ousting of the editors of Louisiana prizes of $50$30 and $20 respece the department of justice, saying Sisk books, among which are "The Russian sylvania license and Dr. Hunsicker's
State's student paper the "Reveille," ies of$0 3,d. $20 ruespec- had been instructed to produce the ( Peasant and the Revolution, ' "Broken instrument bags in the tonneau
when they balked at the Senator' that the prizes may be redistributed report. In Washington, justice depart- Earth" "Humanity Uprooted," "Red With the identity of the car estab-
inatthe pev ta me ritribpatic-mentthished, dermntyof jtcea ets
censorship.ment officials also said that the phon- Bread," and "The Great Offensive."
ular field makes such redistribution ograph record would be made avail- He is a native of Russia and when joined State police and Monroe offi-
able if Reilly desired it. a small boy immigrated to the United cers in a search of resort cottages
Navy Said UnableI { desirable. frth otetwllb ontheprosetilae toy - bega es. Hiz e c dgau atedmfrom catni-'tookinup eatheiglf rWsortotam-s
The judges for the contest will be Hoping to close their case tomor- States. He became an American cit- ,along the lake and Canadian police
Bu S ild Own Ships Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the English oheroeuinattdybgn znndrdaedrmClgeU- took up the vigil from Windsor to Am-
ToB dSPr meL , A. Stra k English the tedious task of tracing the wood Iversity and later took graduate work herstburg, 25 miles down the Detroit
assistant to the President, and Mr. that allegedly went ito the ladder's a Harvard University. Prof. William river, to prevent the fugitives from
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.- P)-( asista to the dPreident, anMr making from the lumber mill to the C. Trow of the School of Education, crossing over to Canadian territory.
An assertion that the Navy could not relations. Hauptmann attic. was a classmate of Hindus while at Officers directing the search were
i1ltos They finally got the ladder into the Colgate.
design or build its own ships except, In order to facilitate the work of T T proceeding on the theory that the pair
with great difficulty was made today the judges, members of the contest evidence over defense objections, Tickets for the lecture are priced might be making for the old Dillinger
the aSenate munitionscm teecommittee, composed of Prof. P. L. along with a chisel the state contends at 50 and 75 cents. They may be ob- haunts of Michigan's upper peninsula
to Schenk, Dr. J. L. Davis, and Mr. C. F. ame from the accused man's own taed at Wahr's Bookstore until 5 in an effort to throw off'the chase.
by John Metten, president of the New Wells, will read all r. s.b- tool chest. p.m. after which time they will be put Karpis, and Campbell, survivors of
York Shipbuilding. Co. itted, and will eliminate unaccep- The first of the ladder-wood wit- on sale at the box office in Hill Audi- the gang accused of kidnaping Edward
Metten said the three major ship- table material ne___sa___,__pmn___r_.Bremer, St. Paul banker, for $200,-
000 ransom, were lushedefromnhidin
building companies, the New York Co., The announcement by the commit- andord atth1e9time of the kidnaping 000 ransom, were flushed from hiding
tee limits the entries in each of the on MarchicCi1,Su1932.oonafte
Newport News Co., and the Bethlehem Rauch told how he missed' a long Cadet Offi1cers
three fields as follows: Fred Barker, alleged partner of Karpis
Shipbuilding Co., had pooled their de- 1. Essays should not exceed 3,000 hboard from the ttiec r theBro 1e in the kidnaping, and his mother had
signing staff while the navy had per- words in length. (All non-fictional taken into custody; a board that the L Receive been shot to death by Federal agents
mitted its own staff to become scat- prose will be considered in the essay, in a sixhour siege.

Complete box score will be
found on page three.
Michigan's valiant, fighting and ex-
hausted hockey team defeated a
strong Point Edward sextet 3-to-2 in
a sporadically brilliant game at the
Coliseum last night. The Wolverines
accounted for two goals in the first
period, and one in the second.
The Wolverines, not yet rested from
their Friday and Saturday encounters
with the Minnesota pucksters, were
playing below form. Co-captain
Johnny Sherf, All-American left wing,
was the spark of the Michigan of-
fense as usual, even though hampered
Iby a bad cold.
The first score came four minutes
after the opening face-off, when
Walter Courtis, spare wingman,
skated in and took Sherf's rebound
shot, driving into the net for a goal.
Action for the remainder of the
first period was desultory until two
minutes before the end, when Vic
Heyliger got control of the puck in
center ice, skated through the Point
Edward defense, and shpt into the
right hand corner of the net past
goalie Claude Harris' stick. A minute
later Howard Jenken, spare Canadian
defenseman, took a pass from Burley
in front of the Michigan net, and as
Johnny Jewell, tending the Wolver-
ine goal, dropped to stop the shot,
lifted in over him.
Point Edward opened the second
period with a rush on the Michigan
goal, which netted them nothing until
a smoothly executed series of passes,
by Milt Burley and Jack Manore
passed up the Michigan defense, and
Manore drove home the puck, tying
the score.
Sherf accounted for the winning
goal of the game. As Nat Geary, sub-
goalie for the Sarnia sextet, cleared
the puck, Heyliger passed it out to
Sherf, alone in front of the net save
for one defenseman. A hard straight
shot blazed past the latter, into the
middle of the net.
The final period was featured by
Sherf's repeated solo dashes down
the ice, but the spectacular work of
Geary and the tightening of the Point
Edward defense prevented further
Point Edward was fortunate in hav-
ing a spare forward line sn a par with
the regulars. The fast skating, and
clever stick handling of Manore was
largely responsible for breaking up
Michigan plays and relieving Harris
of all but six saves in the second per-
iod. Harris is credited with 34 saves
for the evening, while Jewell was re-
sponsible for 21.
FERA Workers Who Are
Leaving Urged To Report
All FERA students who will not
attend the University the second
semester were requested by officials
yesterday to leave their names with
Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, in charge
the student employment burea in the


i {

tee.fed.sate con enas was use in oe co - . .
By centralizing the designs, he said, 2. The maximum length of manu- struciotnesses the raced aship- No special preparations were being
uniformity in building had been ob- scripts in prose fiction should be ment of South Carolina pine from the made by local police and county off-
tained. This he described as beneficial 10,000 words. southern planing mill to New York, Fo MeO OTC cers last night for the possible ap-
both to the navy department and 3. In the fields of the essay and where Hauptmann is alleged to have prehension of Alvin Karpis, latest
the shipbuildig companes, prose fiction the contestant is limited bought part of it late in December, To Be Given Posts In public enemy number one.
bougt prt f i lat inDecmbe, iTo B Gien oll In Karpis was last reported in Monroe,
The navy was said to use the designs to two manuscripts respectively. 1931. arpashoug lal poie in benkep,
supplied jointly by the three com- 4. No competitor is privileged to Through expert testimony, prosecu- Reserve At Ceremony and although loca poice will be kept
panies. ;submit more than ten poems. tors expect to show that the wood i;m touch with all activity by means of
"Isn't the navy at the mercy of The final date for submitting man- part of the kidnap ladder. Four cadet officers of the University the State policradio broadcasts, it is
these company designers?" Senator uscripts in the contest is set at 3 p.m., The trial adjourned today before R.O.T.C. will receivecommissions in not believed that he will head this
Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) asked. Friday, Jan. 25. All manuscripts sub- the expert testimony could be reached, tthe Organized Reserve Corps of tne way. No particular activity was under
Metten said he believed not, but mited to the English office must bear but Arthur J. Koehler, Federal wood United States Army at the ceremonies way at the sheriff's office, or police
added the navy would have much dif- a pseudonym, and be accompanied expert, is expected to be among the to be held at 5 p.m. today in Water- headquarters, as Karpis is thought to
ficulty drafting its own designs. by a sealed envelope containing the first to testify tomorrow. Stanley R. man gymnasium. have been heading for Canada or
Asked by Vandenberg whether the author's name and address. Members Keith, a metallurgist, will be used in Robert J. McKinven, Jr., '36E, pres- northern Michigan.
navy at present could design and of the committee predict that approx- an effort to trace the ladder's nails will receive a second lieutenant's com-
build a good warship, Metten declined imately 75 manuscripts will be turned to Hauptmann. I sinine Infa nt 'sWlim- E F
an answer. min. Two witnesses earlier put Haupt- missionin the Infantry, William E. oorpte.Pre-Exam
mann near the kidnap scene. Jennings, '35E, in the Signal CorpsmC u
*John W. Vos, Jr., '35E, in the'Signal P'iC lY,?TC " 71?~

Dispatch Tells Story Of Heroic
Frenchman's Death In Combat;
PARIS, Jan. 22.-(E)--A story of, tribesmen, who fight to the beat of
heroism in the face of certain death! tom-toms, closed in. Bernard fell,
was told in dispatches from French' stabbed 10 times. The rest of the band
Somaliland tonight as camel troops, was cut to pieces.
Senegalese sharpshooters and. air- What casualties the tribesmen suf-
planes scoured Somaliland's borders in fered was not learned. A troop of the
search of savage tribesmen who slew camel corps, reinforced and assisted
97 French colonial employees, by airplanes, left Djibouti to pursue
The reports contained the first de- them.
tails of the death of Albert Julien French officials emphasized that the
Bernard, twenty-six-year-old admin- affair was purely local in nature, de-
istrator, and the 96 native policemen scribing it as an unfortunate occur-i
who plunged into battle against over- rence incidental to colonial rule."
whelming odds near Dikkil on Jan. 18. French authorities appeared ex-
Bernard with his little force set tiremely anxious to absolve Ethiopia
out from Dikkil on Jan. 17, after re- from any blame in the matter. Condi-
ceiving appeals for help from the Issas tions along the border are such, it was

Corps, and William J. Judson, '35E,
Auto Code Protest in the Ordnance division of the Re-
serve Corps.
is Made By A. F. L. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students,
and chairman of the Military Affairs
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22-(lP)-The Committee of the University will pre-
American Federation of Labor has sent the commissions, and will ad-
protested against renewal of the auto- I dress the regiment which will be
mobile code next week without con- formed in the gymnasium. All the
sideration of drastic changes. members of the committee are expect-,
"Labor will protest most vigorously ed to be present at the ceremony.
to an extension of the automobile Following the presentation of com-
code in its present form " William missions, awards in the recent regi-
Green, federation president, said in mental drill contest will be presented
Grstteenertiondpresidents to the company winning the company,
a tatement Monday night.he auto- competition, the "crack squad," the
"Thle lao sectionnsftheautoy best drilled squad of the Unit, and to
'mobile code have been unsatisfactory the best drilled freshmen from the
from the beginning." companies of the regiment, and the
Meantime, high NRA officials said captain commanding the winning
its administrative board was await- company. The general public is invited
ing a report from the research and to be present at the ceremonies, which
planning division on whether the will include exhibition drills by the

On Gargoyle Cover
Timeliness - both in the cover de-
sign and in the features - is the key-
note of the February issue of the
Gargoyle, which tomorrow will go on
campus sale.
The cover is especially pertinent,
since it depicts students at their fa-
vorite pre-examination pastime. A so-
lution of the problem of men's stu-
dent government will also be pre-
sented in one of the features, outlined
in a conference between Dean Bur-
sley and a prominent film star. It is
so simple and lucid a plan for reform
that the Gargoyle expects perplexed
student statesmen will adopt it im-
mediately, and will draft a consti-
tution embodying its proposal without

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