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January 22, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-22

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The Weather
Generally fair and cold to-
day, possibly followed by light
snow at night or tomorrow.





In Delaware...






Are Made
Heads Of Daily, 'Ensian,
Gargoyle, Against Any
Change In Control
Resolution Passed
By Various Heads
The General Jurisdiction
Clauses Of Proposals
Cause Action

The Daily Sunday published the constitution of the present Under-
graduate Council and four substitute plans. This ballot is printed for the
convenience of students who wish to express their preference on these
plans and have no other means of so doing.
Either check the plan which you prefer or number the plans in
what you believe to be their order of merit. Boxes in which the ballots
can be deposited will be placed by 9 a.m. today in the lobbies of Angell
Hall and the General Library.
1. Present Plan
2. Union Plan
3. Alternate Plan
4. Student Christian Ass'n. Plan
5. National Student League Plan

Varsity Cage
Team Defeats
Revamped Lineup Gives
Michigan First Big Ten
Victory Of Season
Matt Patanelli Is
Defensive Leader
Fisher, Wildcat Ace, Held
Scoreless In First Win
Over N. U. Since 1929
Three sophomores'and two juniors,
playing together for the second time
since Coach Cappon benched four
regulars last week, gave Michigan
its first Conference basketball vic-
tory in five games when they de-
feated Northwestern, 19 to 11, here

Causes Six


To Cancel J-Hop Parties

Proposals Of
Dr. Henderson
Are Accepted

-- ,

Memorial Trophy

University To Accredit
Freshman Colleges
Extension Division


Disapproval of any change in stu.
dent government which contemplates
among its provisions, any change ir
the authority or jurisdiction of th
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions in relation to the various stu-
dent publications was expressed las
night in a resolution approved by
the editorial and business heads of the
Gargoyle, the Michigensian, and The
* Basing their action upon the pos-
sible interpretation of the genera
jurisdiction clauses included in sev-
eral of the proposed plans for a change
in student government, the publica-
tion heads indicated their approval
of the manner in which the board ex-
ercises its control and especially of
the way in which the method of selec-
tion of heads is operated.
Heads Sign Statement
Those signing the statement were:
Joseph E. Horak, '35, business man-
ager of the Gargoyle, Eric W. Hall,
'35, managing editor of the Gargoyle,
Robert J. Henoch, '35, business man-
ager of the Michiganensian, William
J. McFate, '35, managing editor of the
'Michiganensian, Russel B. Read, '35,
business manager of The Daily, and
William G. Ferris, '35, managing ed-
itor of The Daily.
It was pointed out in the resolution
that an actual assumption of the
duties of the board by a new council
might not be contemplated in any of
the plan, but the general manner in
which tle sections on jurisdiction
were,.worded lft. them open to this
Hold Meeting Tomorrow
The five plans of student govern-
ment, which were published Sunday
in The Daily, have been submitted
to the Undergraduate Council as pro-
posals for a change in men's student
government. The survey being con-
ducted by the Council to determine
student opinion upon these plans and
upon the whole question of student
government will be terminated at 8
p.m. tomorrow with an open meeting
of the Council.
It was announced last night by Carl
Hilty, president, that any student de-
sirous of expressing any further opin-
ion upon the subject might do so by
bringing a written statement to the
meeting, the statement to be subse-
quently used in compiling the results
of the survey.
Hilty further stated that all ques-
tionnaires, which were sent by the
Council to fraternity house presidents
and to presidents of campus organi-
zations, must be in his hands by to-
morrow in order that the Council's
recommendation to the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs might be
ready to be submitted by the date re-
The questionnaires have, in addi-
tion, been placed in Lane Hall for the
use of independent students or those
not affiliated with another organiza-
tion. Coupons, printed elsewhere in
today's Daily, have also been provided
for these students.
Prof. Jones Is
Granted Money
By Foundation
$3,500 Given As An Aid
In Writing Book To Be
Started Next Year
As an aid in writing "A History
of the Development of the American
Mind from 1700-1770," $3,500 has been
granted by the Rockefeller Founda-
tion to Professor Howard Mumford
Jones of the English deparment.
In writing the book, Professor
Jones will concern himself principally
with investigating the growth of in-
tellectual ideas and attitudes in litera-
ture and the arts during the Colon-
ial Period.
When the book is completed, Pro-
fessor Jones will have published the

second work of its kind in the coun-
try. The first was published by Moses


New Cold Wave
' Heralded By 19
University Observatory
e Officials Forecast Zero
A drop of 19.6 degrees between 8
a.m. and 7 p.m. yesterday heralded a
new cold wave that may conceivably
take the mercury down to 5 below
zero, according to a report made
last night by officials of the Univer-
sity Observatory.
The temperature Monday morning
was recorded on the official thermo-
meter of the Observatory at 37.8. At
7 pm. at had fallen to 18.2. The wind
was in the west last night, going at
11 miles per hour. The barometer
was reported to be rising rapidly.
Five degrees below or lower was pre-
Is Nation-Wide
The falling mercury here is but a
part of a nation-wide cold wave tat
has swept the continent, leaving in
its wake deaths and damaged or-
chards. In some parts of the Rocky
Mountains, temperatures as low as
28. below zero were reported yester-
day, while Nebraska recorded 19 be-
low, and in Northern Minnesota 22
below was recorded. .
No snow was expected for Ann Ar-
bor, although Western United States
was blanketed. Farmers in Utah and
Idaho especially greeted the snow
with joy, as it came as a boon to
their parched land.
The ice situation in Ann Arbor
was again bad last night. Coming as
it did on top of a drizzling mist, the
extreme cold made pavements and
sidewalks a solid sheet of ice in
many places. Driving was extremely
precarious, and walking difficult. The,
Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County
road commissions were spreading
sand, salt, and ashes on slippery
highways, and warnings were issued
to motorists in this part of the state.
No accidents had been reported last;
(By Assoelated Press)
The winter storm lustered violently
down into the South and across the
eastern states Monday, bringing zero
weather to Texas and Kentucky, lash-
ing. the Gulf coast with rain laden
gales, swelling streams from Wiscon-
sin to Dixie and taking two score
lives or more.
The beleaguered North Pacific
coast had a respite from the un-
wanted wintry seas as temperaturet
rose, but it was still snowing in Spok-l
ane and frost threatened a coast sec-
tor south of San Francisco.e
Minnesota Coldest1
Bitterest temperatures prevailed1
over Minnesota, where the mercury
touched bottom 32 degrees below zero
at Crookston. It was 25 below at
Blackfoot, Idaho, 26 below at Havre#
and Miles City, Mont., and a new1
blizzard swirled into southwestern
Colorado again blocking the narrow
gauge line of the Denver and Rio
Grande Western.
The zero front passed Chicago att
midday, moving steadily eastwardt
and south. Pennsylvania, in the six-
ties and soggy with rain, anticipatede
by nightfall a 50-degree drop. Temp-
eratures ten below zero were fore-
cast for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
and Ohio.
Deaths multiplied. Two Negroest
drowned in a Mississippi deluge. A
week-end of traffic and other ice acci-
dents accounted for 60 deaths in In-
diana, a dozen or more in Ohio, one,
in Texas, three in Oklahoma.
Independents To Vote
E On mmmm,'as' iii floflJ PInn

Men Prove To Be
'Hot Shots'; Defeat
Women fn Riflery
Proving that the men may be the
"hot shots" that the women claim
they think they are, the University
R.O.T.C. rifle team decisively defeat-
ed the women's rifle team in a shoul-
der to shoulder match on th women's
rifle range in Palmer Field House.
Th R.O.T.C. team, led by Cadet
Major John S. Cole set up a team
average score of 94.2, while the aver-
age score of the women's team was
91.1. Both teams had been coached
by the regular army officers serving
as professors of military science and
tactics in the University R.O.T.C. Pa-
tricia L. Woodward, '35, captained the
girls' team.
One of the woman sharpshooters
hotly denied the rumor that the gaudy
uniforms of the R.O.T.C. laddies had
made the girls' team nervous, but ad-
mitted that individual members of the
team who had been shooting 98's and
similar high scores had fallen into the
low 80's. She also decried the slop-
piness of the R.O.T.C. marksmen, who
appeared, she said, "in shirts, and
shorts, and slacks, and such!" The
men of the R.O.T.C. team have of-
fered a return match, according to
Cadet Major Cole, but no date has
been set. The regular schedule of the
men's team begins the week of Feb. 26,
when several telegraphic matches and
the Corps Area matches are scheduled.
Comstock Will
Head Delegates
To Convention
John W. Dwyer Opposes
The Former Governor In
Bitter Fight
Former Governor William A. Com-
stock emerged the victor in a bitter
fight Saturday when he was elected
chairman of the Washtenaw County
delegation to the state Democratic
convention over John W. Dwyer, local
Vituperative epithets flew thick and
fast as the debate on the chairman-
ship raged. "I will not accept him as
a leader," Dwyer shouted. "He quar-
relled and was fighting with both
branches of the legislature and with
departments. He advocated plans
that were ridiculous, bringing dis-
grace on the Democratic party."
"We cannot trust Comstock," Dwy-
er told the county convention. "He
has ruined the party and should
have the decency to refuse to accept."
Horatio J. Abbott, Democratic na-
tional committeeman, also sought the
chairmanship of the county delega-
tion, but he too, after being severe-
ly criticized by Dwyer, was put aside
in favor of the former governor.
Comstock reprimanded Dwyer, say-
ing "Your remarks are not only out
of order, but are far from going on
the road to harmony that you were
talking about. I did not run for gov-
ernor. Your convention committee
put my name on the list."
Ignoring Dwyer's motion to vote on
striking Comstock's name from the
list of delegates, William L. Walz.
county chairman who presided, told
him, "I admire your courage, but not
your judgment."
Feb. 28 Last Day
For 1934 Licenses
LANSING, Jan. 21- The deadline1

Recommendations made by Dr. Wil-
lam D. Henderson, director ofsthe
Extension Division of the University,
in regard to giving credit for work
done in the 22 emergency freshman

last night, colleges under the control of that
Matt Patanelli, sophomore foot- division were recently adopted by the
ball regular, led the Wolverines in executive committee of the literary
one of the greatest defensive exhi- college, it was announced yesterday
bitions ever seen in Yost Field House, by Dr. Lloyd S. Woodburn, assist-
holding Lyle Fisher, 6 feet 4 inch fIant to Dean Edward H. Kraus.
scoring star, without a point until Dr. Henderson's recommendations,
forced to leave the game in the sec- made in a report to President Alex-
ond half on four personal fouls. It ander G. Ruthven following an ex-
was the first victory a Michigan cage amination of the colleges by four
team has scored over Northwestern members of the literary college fac-
siSe Jan. 5, 1929. ulty made the following points:
Patanelli starsia. that the student be able to
Though the husky Wolverine for- meet all freshman matriculation re-
ward collected only one point his
perfect floor game and work in tak- quireinns
perfct ioorgam andwor in ak- b. that he be certified as to char-
ing the ball off both backboards was b.tahtheecrifdasoca-
nghefothefacdsthasacter, ability, and quality of his work
largely responsible for the fact that by the director of his freshman col-
the Wildcats got only one ield goal lege and by the superintendent of
in the first half, while Michigan was schools for the area in which the col-
collecting three field goals and three lege is located; and
fouls to lead, 9 to 4, at half time. c. that his freshman college cred-
Earl Meyers. another sophomore its be validated for courses compar-
starting his second game for Michi-itbe vltedgivingouresmn rd
gan, teamed with Dick Joslin to fur- able to those giving freshman credit
nish the victors' main offensive provided his work in the University
mainstays. Meyers had three field during the first year of residence is
goals and a free throw for seven of a satisfactory grade.
points, while Joslin, and Norm Vance, The third point of recommenda-
Wildcat guard, both had two field Lions was explained as calling for
goals and two free throws for six satisfactory work in an advanced
points. thcourse of the subjects for which credit
PpayiGrea..Fl1.r Gme. is asked, the details of the valida-
Play'sret Floor Game tion procedure to be determined in
Michigan's inexperienced t ea m each case by the department con-
played a floor game worthy of a cerned.
quintet of veterans, using John Gee's The procedure, Dr. Woodburnex-
enormous height to control the tip- aTe sameas that ta-e
off and handling the ball cleanly in plained, was the same as that taken
the attempt to work through North- in the case of transfers from new
western's strong defense. Time after and unknown colleges, where the
time Dick Evans or Meyers was quality of work is not definitely
forced to shoot from far out in the known.
court but Patanelli, Joslin and Gee A time clause in the decision of the
were following in better than they executive committee stated that stu-
have in any previous game this sea- dents desiring validation of their
credits must enroll before Sept. 1937.
The game stairted veryslowly, each This action was taken, Dr. Wood-
Tem gameistateid veayslwlkneaschburne said, because of the present
team trying to find a weakness in
the other's defense. Joslin's free emergency status of the freshman
throw was the only score in the first colleges, which have been set up at
tenminutes.eoWiytshNorthwestern's present only for the duration of the
defense apparently impregnable, Ev- academic year.
defnstrieaareongtyoimprGegnbleeShould the colleges in question be
bas t a ong tom. Gee tooknthe changed to a permanent basis, or the
sank a lopping, one-handed shot system extended for a longer period,
from the side , nfurther action will be taken. The
Never Headed above decision applies only to the
With 14 minutes gone Vance start- College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, it was announced, and other
ed the scoring for the Wildcats with Artsgit was maknunedand other
an easy shot on a pass from Fisher colleges will make separate rulings
dinr9 p thon the matter.


* * *
Farrell Memorial
Trophy Completed;
Displayed At Union
"Awonderful man. A great sports-
These are among the statements
kxmerican athletic officials made re-
,arding Stephen J. Farrell, Michi-
fan's great track coach, who died
wo years ago.
Now his name is to be commemor-
ted as long as the 100-yard dash is
un in the Big Ten conference. The
2teve Farrell Memorial Award, last
,eek completed by Sculptor Carle-
"on W. Angell, stands on display in
}'he Union lobby-a tribute to one of
he greatest sportsmen of the age.
The trophy, in the form of a stat-
ze of the late coach, will go to De-
,roit in about two weeks, where the
Jniversity of Michigan Club of that
~ity will exhibit it. Then it will go
?o Champaign, Ill., where William H.
Russell of the University of Illinois,
Xho won the 100-yard dash last year,
will keep it until the track meet this
Agent Scores
Hauptmann In
Market Deal s
Prosecution Asserts That
Defendant Quit Job On
Ransom Date
FLEMIN'GTON, N. J., Jan 21-(/P)
-How Bruno Richard Hauptmann
;uddenly quit his carpenter's job
when the Lindbergh ransom was paid
and plunged in fat figures in Wall
Street was told to his murder trial
jury today.
Tomorrow, prosecutors indicated,

Only 10 Of 66 Fraternities
Will Hold Annual House
Affairs, Poll Reveals
Filing Of Petitions
Denied By Bursley
Interfraternity Council To
Delay Meeting Until Next
J-Hop week-end, usually the gala
social period of the University year,
lost much of its glamour to many fra-
ternities as a result of President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven's "cleanup" pro-
gram inaugurated Saturday, and 52
houses definitely stated last night that
they planned no house parties during
that period.
Of 52 houses, six said they had
abandoned plans for their house
parties following President Ruthven's
statement that houses would be closed
if attitudes in three fields did not
change immediately. These fields were
social conditions, scholarship and fi-
nances, but fraternity men evidently
assumed that the President was plac-
ing particular emphasis on social con-
ditions in his program.
Every fraternity on the campus,
including professional houses was in-
terviewed by telephone last night and
of the 66 interviewed only ten planned
to have house parties. The remaining
few were to decide at house meetings
tonight whether to curtail their social
The six houses voting against house
parties because of the President's ulti-
matum were Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi
Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma
Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Delta
Kappa Epsilon.
Houses Contacted
One house president declared "we
figure we'll avoid a touchy situation
for the time being." Another, rather
irately suggested that "we may hold
a box social if the President doesn't,
mind." Another house president when
asked whether their plans had been
dropped because of the President's
statement, blankly asked "What state-
The 10 houses who declared for
a house party stated that every ef-
fort would be made to keep the parties
within the bounds of University so-
cial standards.
The ten fraternities that will hold
house parties over the week-end are:
Delta Sigma Pi, Beta Theta Pi, Psi
Upsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi, Theta
Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Theta,
Theta Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta.
Alvin H. Schleifer, secretary of the
Interfraternity Council, said yester-
day that the Council would not meet
this week to discuss the Saturday
meeting not only because of the prox-
imity of final examinations but also
because any action taken by the
Council now would have to wait un-
til next semester to take effect.
Says Council Filed Petitions
Schleifer further stated that the
Council, through its officers, had filed
petitions to the University Commit-
tee on Student Conduct, asking that
eligible freshmen be allowed to move
into fraternity houses the second se-
mester and also that University cred-
its be withheld from any fraternity
member who ended the year with ar-
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley denied that Schleifer had filed
these petitions in his office. "I was
in my office until 5:45 p.m. yesterday,"
the Dean stated, "and no person filed
any petitions there."
He said that if the petitions were
filed today the University Commit-
tee on Student Conduct, would meet
sometime this week to decide the is-
Questioned as to the number of
fraternity presidents who had inter-
viewed him today in regards to plans
for correction in the three fields
specified by the President, Dean Burs-
ley said that a number of men did

come in to talk the matter over with
Decision On Gold
Clause IsDelayed
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21-(P)-The
nation, even the world, may be
straining for a quick settlement of
the "gold clause". case, but the Su-
preme Court gave good notice today


Un Qer ~e ras e. .! Vans a Ul ay
anellie both collected on their free
throws when fouled by Babe Bender
to make the score 5 to 2, but the
Wildcats again drew within a point
of Michigan on free throws by Vance
and Bender.
The two teams maintained the
same relative positions through most
of the second half, Meyers, Blume,
Evans, and Vance scoring alter-l
nately before Northwestern made its
last desperate spurt.
With the score 15 to 8 Vance sank
a free throw and Pendergast got a
field goal from near the foul line to
cut Michigan's lead to four points.
Though only minutes remained to
play the Wolverines refused to stall,
collecting four points on baskets by
Meyers and Gee before the final gun.
Michigan Wrestlers
Beat Chicago, 19-15
CHICAGO, Jan. 21.-(/P)-The
University of Michigan wrestling team
handed Chicago its second defeat in
three days, defeating the Maroons,
19 to 15, at Bartlett Gym tonight.
The last event of the program de-
cided the meet when, with the Ma-
roons leading 15 to 14, Wright of the
Wolverines threw footballer Sam
Whiteside in 5:20. Summaries:
118-pound: Ware, Chicago, threw
Brooks, 9:15,
126-pound, Rubin, Michigan, de-
feated Zukowski, 5:15.
115-nond. Teavenriieh Michi-mn.

iJanuary Gargoyle
Will Present New

Government Plan they hope to rest their case.

An entirely new angle on the prob-
lems of student government, and one
which has been overlooked by the
best brains on the campus, will be
presented to the student body in the
January issue of the Gargoyle, which
goes on sale Wednesday.
Whatever may be said of it, the
editors guarantee that it will gain
much more favor with the free-
thinking liberal minded student body
than any of the plans which have
been offered them so far.
Distorted photography, d e ali n g
with examinations, and a story of
the University Glider Club, will be
new features in the magazine. The
popular "faculty minds at play" ser-
ies will appear with a prominent
woman member featured.
C. Hart Schaaf, Grad., who won
the October short story contest, has
another prize-winning story in this
month's magazine.
It was announced by Joseph Hor-
ak, '35, business manager, that any-
one wishing to send the Gargoyle
out-of-town may obtain a mailing
envelope free of charge at the Gar-
goyle office.
Magazines will be on sale in every
building on the campus.

After a Treasury agent had reeled
off figures that disclosed marginal
stock purchases. of $256,442.15 in
1933, the timekeeper of a New York
apartment project produced books
this afternoon to show that Haupt-
mann failed to work on April 2, 1932,'
and returned only once after that.
It was on April 2, 1932, that Dr.
John F. (Jafsie) Condon paid the
$50,000 to a man whom he has iden-
tified as Hauptmann in a Bronx
Since then, the State says it can
prove, the once thrifty carpenter
fingered every cent of the ransom
money, tossing most of it into the
stock market, spending some of it on
himself and hiding the rest.
Late today prosecutors called upon
Mrs. Cecilia Barr, ticket seller at
Loew's Sheridan Square Theater,
who identified Hauptmann as the
man who bought a ticket with a
folded $5 ransom bill the night of
Nov. 26, 1933.
At one point, a defense cross-ques-
tion to the young woman's testimony
brought a hiss from a spectator. She
had been asked if she expected a
movie contract for her testimony.
The pale defendant listened with
close attention-almost, it seemed,

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