Y, JANUARY 20, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS 4' Contemporary American Graphic Art: Benson's Etchings By ANDREW E. PROPPER It has been said that "all good American etchers go to Paris." And one might add that, once there, they often stop being American etchers; sometimes they stop being "good."I Day after day, during their years abroad, these gentlemen sit and etch: often they even stand and etch (oh! excuse me, Mr. Saroyan) but the pity of it is that they insist upon turning out meritorious plates wholly devoted to the ancient cathedrals, the crowdedj market places, and to some of the more homely citizens of "la belle France." Then, when these talented gentlemen return to their native shores, they do a plane or two of "Coney - Island - On-A-Hot-Sunday - Afternoon-In-August," or "Tall Build- ings." No one, alas, seems to have had have portrayed "the American scene," and, with a feeling of duty done,'they sail once more for their pet cafe in! Montmartre. Thus it comes aboutI that the collector cannot omit such very fine plates as Mr. Herman A. Webster's "Old Houses in Frankfort," or Mr. Arthur W. Heintzleman's "Famille Suisse," from any represen- tative assembly of 'American etch- ings.' No one, alas, seems to have had the foresight to suggest to these gentlemen that some such subject as "Front Porch in Davenport, Iowa," or "Back Yards, Norwalk, Ohio" might prove the source of a surprising in- spiration. No indeed, they must needs do a flea-bitten Parisian beggar in- stead. Fortunately, it may be recorded that Mr. Frank W. Benson did, indeed, go toParis, but he came back. And an- other peculiar thing about Mr. Ben- son is worthy of notice - a catalogue Raisonne of his etched work reveals the curious fact that his first etch- ing was made in 1882, and the date of _ ,= ;. ' - . N: N. -Courtesy of Gage Galleries, Cleveland, 0. BLACK DUCKS AT DUSK two hardy hunters who have made the island in the early hours of a bleak October morning. With only black and white to aid him, Mr. Benson makes us feel the keen air and hear the shrill honks of the water- fowl as they wheel and circle in that cold, thin atmosphere. This spontaneity, largeness of plan- ning, breadth of effect and facile but never perfunctory drawing which are the hall-marks of all Benson etchings have their roots in his early training and practice as a painter. He is en- dowed pre-eminently with what is kncwn as the "painter's eye." His plates have a directnessrand economy of line which is deceiving; for such ease of performance is by no means acquired without arduous and persis- tent labor. A successful etching can- not be accomplished by mere brav- ura. A smart piece of work with the brush will sometimes "come off," and brilliant color will often hide a faulty line; but in etching one can count neither upon accident nor incident. The process itself will give away the trickster. Hence each of these lines that seems to have been dashed off at express speea must have been well and truly laid with painstaking con- scientiousness. Mr. Benson has been called the Dean of Contemporary American Etchers, but he is more than that. He is an internationally-known artist who, in pursuit of wild-fowl on the North American coasts and upper Ca- nadian Rivers, first found this rich new field of artistic activity for etch- ing-needle and drypoint. '.i t , E J 1 1 f 1 1 i 'i BUCK 'A House Divided' Brin Her Chinese Trilogy To An End A HOUSE DIVIDED. By Pearl Buck. John Day. $2.50. By JOHN SELBY Now there is an end to Pearl Buck's Chinese trilogy, which beg so brilliantly with "The Good Eartr continued somewhat less brillian with "Sons," and today closes on t plane of its beginning with "A Hou Divided," The three volumes have covered years, the period between thec China and the new, whatever that 1 may be. Even Mrs. Buck, out of b great knowledge of China, does r venture a prediction, although s does close with Yuan, son of Wang t Tiger, in the arms of Meiling. A both are of the new generation. Y1s7 is the .nof n.lun dnr Werfel Recreates Little-Known Page In World War History FORTY DAYS OF MUSA DAGH. us. That's the only thought that paci- By 1:iani Werfel. Viking. $3. fies and consoles me. When I think that, I feel I'm no worse, no less hon- S. By DOROTHY GIES oureble, than any other many among Certainly one of the most signifi- those millions . . . By fighting, we cant works to emerge from the fertile cease to be just manure, rotting Lackground of the World War is "The somewhere round the Euphrates. By S. Forty Days of Musa Dagh," Werfel's fighting we gain honour and dignity. an latest. publicationl, a novel of epic Therefore,. we should see nothing h," scope, achieving immensity of sweep ahead, and think of nothing else, but tly !nd p ower ul drama through its tale hqw to fight." he of racial conflict. A stirring and little- The whole pattern is vibrant, in- ise known page in the history of the war tense, vivid with a wealth of indi- is here recreated into an unforgettable vidual scenes and characters. Ter 50 fabric. Haigasun, the sage and dominant old In 1915 the Turkish leaders, bent on priest, Iskuhi, the madonna-like ast a nurging of their nation, set about school-mistress, and Sato, the half- ier the extermination of a despised mi- witted and sadistic child, all are part jot nority, the Armenians. With brutal of the feverish mass that left its im- he ,-ang-froid and unconscionable cruelty pact on the pages of Armenian his- he the disenfranchised race was driven tory. Occasional diffusity may mar aid f from its villages to suffering and cer- tain death. A single remote commu- nity, four hamlets clustered about the his second was 1912. What was Mr. Benson doing between these dates? A glimpse at the pages of "Who's Who" reveals the answer; he spent his time painting canvasses which won, him a long list of honors and medals, and these products of his brush are now to be discovered in almost any American Museum. But Benson's life might be used as an illustration for an essay on hob- bies: first you ride a hobby and then the hobby rides you. The instinct of the sportsman led the artist to the rod and to the gun for his recreation, and, as a result, Benson today is the Dean of Contemporary American Etchers, who has given us a long list of unforgettable plates dealing with the fowler's and fisherman's life and' with wild fowl in flight and at rest. In the great watery wilds of the northwest, Benson first found good sport and then discovered that geese in flight were fitting subjects to serve as a medium of aesthetic expression. Benson never tires of etching those splendid wild geese in their diverse as- pects of flight over wide waters and marshy marge. In such a plate, for ex- ample, as "Canvasbacks" he finds an exquisite pattern in the ordered flight of wild fowl as they wing theirt way through an unclouded sky. Again in the plate called "In Dropping Flight," which I consider the finest of his bird etchings, we may see howt thoroughly Benson knows his game birds; he understands every aspect of. them - their bodily structure, their manner of flight, of swimming,-of feeding, and of resting.. Sometimes, in his etchings, the em- S phasis is placed upon the fowl, with with the surrounding deftly described by a swift generalization of signifi- cant environment such as reeds, water, rky or cloud. This is true of suchj a plate as "Black Ducks at Dusk" dillustrated), where the suggestion of, moving wings is seen and registered E with precision that is scientific and beauty that is breath-taking. At other times it is the :andscapet which plays the major part in the etching - but a landscape always seen through the eyes of the man with a gun, hidden in a blind and awaiting7 his game. Such a plate is "The Duck Blind" (illustrated) where one sees I a cold checker-board sky silhouettingi ., l --- -- - .11 =s /, The Most Complete LENDING LIBRARY in Ann Arbor This Week's Feature is FRANZ WERFEI'S "The Forty Days Of Musa Dagh" Reviewed in today's Book Section WITHAMS Corner S. Univ. and Forest Phone 2-1005 Jil i I 1 1 1 !3) '1 i -Courtesy of Gage Galleries, Cleveland, O. DUCK BI4XND i"' 1 1 'II INDICTMENT O On Jan. 22, MacMill lish a strong indictment the title Why Wars Mt contains chapters by American women: Mrs Roosevelt, Carrie Chapn William Brown Melon Brewer Boeckel, Emily Judge Florence E. Alle Hamilton, Jane Addams Canfield Fisher. F WAR an will pub- of war under ust Cease. It ten leading . Franklin D. nan Catt, Mrs. A Few Very Short Glimpses At Some Recently Published Books - - - GREE CARE TING A Fine SelectionI of VALENTINES- 1c to 50c ey, Florence Newell Blair, FICTION !comes the fierce and primitive war- n, Dr. Agnes WE ARE BETRAYED. By Vardis' rior. Alfred, remaining amid civilized , and Dorothy Fisher. Caxton. $2.50. The third ease, misses out on quite a bit. volume in Mr. Fisher's tetralogy of NON-FICTION confessional novels. This one deals IN THE SHADOW OF LIBERTY with a ew years of the married life By Edward Corsi. MacMillan. $2.50 of Wridar and Neloa. A chronicle of Ellis Island, told with B warmth and insight, and bringing MR. FINCHLEY'S HOLIDAY. Bymuch of the color, paeantry and lif Victor Canning. Reynal & Hitch- of America's gateway. cock. $2.50. The story of a chiefo clerk in a lawyer's office, who wanders ANOTHER CASTLE. By Alfred all over the English countryside on Neumann. Knopf. $3. The tragic his vacation and experiences all the story of Louis Napoleon, told' dra- K-? adventure that is of necessity found matically, and with an understanding on the English countryside. of the forces which shaped this man's WetherfordD MAN, and Stories.olonel liLABOR, INDUSTRY, AND GOV- Wetefr tre. By Gordon ' RFNMEN T. By Matthew Woll. Grand. Derrydale Press $7.50. Stor- Appleton-Centuy. $2. The vice- ies centering around Colonel Wenth- p etofCt he a e erford, horses and hounds. Illustrat- president of the American Federa- : edby illim J Hay' pintigs.tion of Labor analyzes the relation- . ed by William J. Hays' paintings, ships between labor, industry, and SUNLIGHT ON THE HILLS. By government from the viewpointof Elizabeth Carfrae. G. P. Putnam's the middle-of-the-road workingman. Sons. $2. Unfortunate circumstances' A STUDY OF HISTORY. By Ar- almost thwart Kay Douglas's dream nold J. Toynbee. Volumes I-III. Ox- of romantic happiness, ford University Press. $17.50. The THE ROAD TO THE LEFT. By first volumes of a projected work of Clara Wallace Overton. Farrar & 13, advancing Mr. Toynbee's philoso- SRinehart. $2. Shall Lisa choose phy of history. the egrant and wild Stan or the dis- _ appointed but faithful Henry? Main TWIN-BORN. By Dolf Wyllarde. E Coming Books Macaulay. $2. Arthur, cast among FICTION the natives even as was Tarzan, be- HE SENT FORTH A RAVEN. By Elizabeth Madox Roberts. Vik- T OCg.B THAT FELLOW PERCIVAL. By suan is e son o a war Iora o ui he is not able to follow his father's path. As a raw youth, he returns to his father in the uniform of a revolu- tionary; he is not able to bear arms against the old man, however, and fi- nally finds himself in "a coastal city," where he nurses his love of knowledge, and of the soil in the partly western- ized home of his mother. He comes too close to revolution again, however, and must leave. He goes to America, and for six years he is one of that large group of Chinese who come to us for knowledge which they may take back to China and use for her good. Yet, when at- last he does return, he is confused. His course does not appear clearly, nor does he ever find it, except by impli- cation in the end. In the first two books of her tri- logy, Mrs. Buck made perfectly clear for western eyes the background of modern China. She has ended by do- ing precisely the same for the con- tradictory China of today. Yuan', fearful, distrustful venture into Amer- ica. his hatred and love of us, his futile attempt to apply his knowl- edge to the twisting mass which is what is left of thousands of years of culture - it all is magnificently set in Mrs. Buck's almost Old Testament prose. THE SCREEN! AT THE MAJESTIC "KID MILLIONS" . A United Artists picture starring Ed- die Cantor and featuring Ann Sothern, SEthel Merman, and the Godwyn Girls. talsoa feature, "Monkeyshines," dealing with the day's adventures of a chin- panzee; a fine Mickey Mouse cartoon, "Dognapped"; Hearst Metrotone News. That Eddie Cantor is still highl; popular with the fans is to be seen from the throngs which necessitated a third evening showing of a part of last night's bill. Just exactly why pop- eyed Eddie, whose real name, we are informed, is none other than Isidor Iskowitz, is still so popular is a little harder to explain. . In "Kid Millions" there is the same well-worn routine that aas buoyed it and carried along his "Roman Scan. dals," "Whoopee" and the others. Th formula now seems to be: (1) tak some violent transportation from the normal walks of life such as (in "Kid Millions") the inheritance of 77 mil- lion dollars (2) add a few sharplv drawn characters like an East Side thug, a Virginia gentleman, an Egyp- tian "sahib," a daughter of the sahil7 who is more than a little batty and (3) shake well with dancing girls and take with (4 "O.K. Toots," "An Ear- ful of Music," "When My Ship Come In," and Irving Berlin's "Mandy." That's all there isuto it! Now, will Pthat appeal to you again? A little shamefacedly we admit that we, too. enjoyed Eddie Cantor in "Kid Mil- lions." Thisscurrent riotous assemblage of girls, songs, and Eddie is held to- I gether by a "plot" which asks: Who shall inherit the archaeologist's 77 millions? Eddie, the gangster and his girl, the Southern gentleman, or the sahib? Eddie is almost married off to the sultan's nutty offspring, is almost boiled in oil, is almost - and then gets the jewels and goes back across the ocean, solo, via aeroplane, to marry his "O.K. Toots," who be- comes his partner in a free-ice-cream- for-the-kiddies business. That's the general tenor of it all. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, co- starred for the first time, will roll you in the aisles as they take the parts of two squad car policemen out to get Peg-Leg Pete, who has "dog- napped" Minnie Mouse's chow. You should, by all means, shudder with horror when the rampant buzz saw grazes Peg-Leg's ample pantaloons. Eeee-yow! -G.M.W.,Jr case of Musa Dagh, wrote in blood their defiance to the edicts. Shut up in the mountain fastness, they re- sisted the overwhelming numbers of the Turks for forty days and nights. Werfel's story pivots about Gabriel Bagradian, wealthy, cultured Armen- ian, who has lived the pleasant in- consequential life of an expatriate n Parisian society for twenty-three - years. Now, at the beginning of the war, he has returned to the land of his birth in Asia Minor, with a charm- ing French wife, Juliette, and a young son, Stephan. Imperceptably the homeland enfolds him once more, and the ties that bind him to his race become steel-bound and irresis- tible. When the blow falls, it is Ba- gradian who leads his people into the natural stronghold of Musa Dagh, to hold out against the age-old oppres- sors of their race. We see the whole War, and all its aspects of malignance and horror, re- duced to the size of a mountain fast- ness. The exiles on Musa Dagh live no inspired lives. Faced constantly with the threat of destruction, the defend- ers still yield to jealousy and sin and mutiny. The breath of hate and the unnatural proximity to one another ;warp their lives and distort their out- j .ook. Only Gabriel and one or two >thers retain their clarity of vision. 3agradian says -and it is here the lind aim of their hopeless heroism ,s crystallized --"At this moment all over the world, millions of men are .iving in trenches, just as we do. They're fighting, or else they're wait- .ng to fight, bleeding, dying, just like k We have Cards for most every occasion Birthday, Wedding, Friendship, Sym- pathy or Sick Cards. See our January Special in PRINTED STATIONERY. 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Dormie. Appleton-Century. BEAUTY FOR ASHES. By Grace Livingston Hill. Lippincott. NON-FICTION PEACE AND THE PLAIN MAN. By Sir Norman Angell. Harper. DELIVER US FROM DICTA- TORS. By Robert C. Brooks. University ofRPennsylvania. WHAT IS AMERICAN LITERA- TURE? By Carl Van Doren. Lending Libraries NEW FICTION: Three cents, five cents a day. Valentine Cards. Fran- 68c and 75c each W I1 'll