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January 20, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-20

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Publs .ed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
toofStudent Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
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,1934 1935
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CITY EDITOR ............................JOHN HEALEY
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
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SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
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Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Trreper. Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.

tiaries to carry out what we supposed to be the
modern theory of criminal institutions.
Modern law has, for the most part, done away
with capital punishment, in many states even in
the case of the most dangerous crimes. This has
come about generally on the theory that reform
was In most cases possible if the person who had
committed a crime was given another chance under
the right sort of environment and in association
with the better type of individual. Prisons were
justified on the premise that they would provide
such centers for reform.
In general, however, our prisons have proved to
be nothing more than places of detention for those
detrimental to society, as a culmination of those
man-hunts in which suspected criminals were not
summarily shot down.
State penal organizations have been placed in
the hands of political parasites who know nothing
of the work and whose only interest is a financial
one. Such a procedure has resulted in the practice
of favoring convicts with political or financial con-
nections and in a general corruption within the
prison gates. The system has even gone to the ex-
tent of inter-mixing the hard and experienced
criminal with the young man up for the first time.
If prisons were in the least what theory would
have them, it would be harder to explain the nu-
merous instances of attempted escapes and the
many investigations into prison administrations.
When so many men are willing to gamble their
lives against the long odds escape offers, prison
life must be far from what theories would give us
hope to believe.
AsOthers See It
More Fairy Tales
ONCE UPON A TIME the faculty members of a
large university assembled to discuss things.
Great was the consternation among some of the
members when it was announced that a change in
curriculum was being considered which would per-
haps mean that the services of some would not be
required any longer. Whereupon a lengthy squabble
ensued. Some proclaimed that the engineer was not
getting enough cultural courses, some said that the
engineer had too many now, and others stated
that it made no difference because students would
not learn any more than they do now no matter
what happened.
Finally an elf jumped out of nowhere and spoke
up. He said perhaps the fault was not with the
system but with the motivation behind it. He said
that we would never get anywhere as long as in-
structors taught with the idea that they were
superior intellects trying to impart informationto
poor under-brained students and' that it was
actually harmful for professors to become disgusted
because students would not faithfully prepare their
lesson every night and then teach with a minimum
of effort on their part.
The elf declared that if individual instructors
would go out of their way in an effort to make their
courses interesting to students, many of the
troubles that block the path of education today
could be removed.
He said, "If I were an instructor, I would try
to put part of myself into the teaching of a course.
That is, add my personality to the dry essentials.
You can not expect a student to look at a thick
volume and immediately rare back with a con-
suming inteerst. You must find students' interests
and connect up the course in some way with these
interests; if they have no interests, you should take
it on yourself to create some by fusing facts with
"When you become a teacher you also assume
a responsibility to become an educator. There is
more than just earning a livelihood; there is a re-
sponsibility to instill in the minds of students in-
terests which will lead them on to a desire for
knowledge. With interest to motivate students, any
plan of education will succeed; without it, any plan
will fail.
"Forget for a while the glow of self-satisfaction
that accompanies having a row of titles tacked
on after your names and shelve for a time stories
of your own accomplishments, for there is noth-
ing that antagonizes a student quicker than a
repeated history of your achievements. You must
also realize that you can not goad a student into
activity by sarcastically and ironically baiting
Whereup the elf jumped back into nowhere.

The members of the faculty looked at each other
for a moment and then burst into applause. All
resolved to try the elf's suggestions for a year to
see if they would work, and if they proved satis-
factory, they would be made permanent.
The elf did not tell us whether everybody lived
happily ever after, but we assumethat they did.
-The Purdue Exponent.
Universities As Money-Mayers
FAR TOO MANY students resist education, com-
plains Dean Alice C. Lloyd of the University
of Michigan, pointing to the tendancy to bolt, take
"pipe" courses, choose lively professors, and put
little interest in their subject. "As a result," she
says, "we have the paradox of the real student,
lonely in a university community."
Unfortunately, such "real students" as Dean
Lloyd singles out are inclined to sniff at her
sympathy, for too often they find themselves, not
only unmourned, but actively out of place in the
university environment. Due to the present system
of a college education for everyone with enough
money to pay the fees, regardless of the seriousness
of their purpose, educational administrators can-
not hope for more than a scattering of brave souls
who take their education seriously.
As Dean Lloyd herself points out, the student
now attending university has specialized with thel
purpose of turning his education into wages. With
the depression and educational retrenchment, the
number of posts open for persons with academic
leanings has practically disappeared. The farseeing
student is beginning to realize the utility of using
his four years of undergraduate work for real
scholastic endeavor, if he must work for his living,
afterwards. Far more important just now is the

A doctor in the health service on the North-
western University campus recently made the
statement that low-neck dresses will ward off
pneumonia. A correspondent on the Daily
Northwestern maintains that at a recent dance
on his campus it seems as though he saw nu-
merous girls doing their best to ward off
It seems that a certain student at Indiana Uni-
versity who hailed from a neighboring sheep coun-
try had considerable difficulty getting to sleep.
Upon seeking the advice of the head of the psy-
chology department, he received the following com-
"Well son, I guess you had better try the
old system of counting sheep," said the profes-
"Well," answered the student, "I have tried that
. scheme, but after I had counted 10,000 sheep,
shipped them to the city, and counted them out at
the slaughter house, it was time to get up."
* * * *
The Daily Illini again comes to the fore with
this one:
First little pig: "I never sausage heat."
Second little pig: "Yes, I'm nearly bacon."
Garbed as "Knights of the Road," nine Nevada
University students will give a demonstration of
"hobo" behavior. Being pledged to the Order of the
Sagebrush, honorary good-fellowship fraternity,
the men are commanded by members to perform
a number of anti-social stunts. Included in their
list of duties will be an order to beg meals at the
back door of sorority houses.
Here's a story of which we can't exactly
grasp the meaning:
In her petition for senior class office a co-ed
at Northwestern University included this in
teresting statement: "I am in favor of a series
of very informal senior parties which would be
something more than dances."
* * * *
Eighty per cent of the student body at West State
College recently went on strike because two stu-
dents were dismissed from the institution for al-
leged improper conduct at the homecoming dance.
* * -
Here is an ad appearing in the University of
Maryland Daily: "I am lazy, unreliable, thor-
oughly incompetent and have no references.
Have a car and a few hundred dollars and
kinder hanker for a job as adv. man, editor,
or reporter or anything where there is big pay
and little to do. Prefer weekly in town where
there is good poolroom. Write me anyway, in
case competition is bothering you."
A professor of California State Teachers College
states in an argument for marriage courses:
"We have enough practicing engineers in engi-
peering courses, doctors in medical courses, law-
yers in law courses. Why not, experts in marriage
Off TheRecord
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
is still wondering whether the mountain
woman he met during the campaign knew him,
or just felt antagonistic.
He was driving a winding, little-traveled road in
the West Virginia mountains on the way to a rally.
He saw a lone woman digging a hole by the side
of the road, and stopped his car.
"My good woman," he said, "why are you dig-
ging that hole?"

"F'r m' dog," she said.
"Oh, I'm sorry," said Randolph. "How did he
"Barked himself to death at candidates drivin'
by," she snapped.
Secretary of Commerce Roper hasn't the
slightest chance to slip down to the breakfast
table a little late and a little sleepy.
His daughter, Grace, gets him out each
morning early for a game of shuffleboard be-
fore the toast and coffee,
Back in Stockholm in 1922 one of Sweden's vet-
eran cameramen was told to take over a "green"
actress for a new film to be made.
She worked hard. She wouldn't go to parties. She
had "something," but she was hard to direct be-
cause she was so easily overcome with emotion
she was always bursting into tears.
Time passed, and ambitions brought both the
cameraman and the actress to this country.
One is now Garbo. The other, Sigfrid A. Larsen,
is captain of the dining room staff at the Wardman
Park Hotel here.
The first congressional baby to arrive this
ses ion is a young lady, and she's headed for
the White House according to the proud papa,
Rep. James W. Mott of Oregon.
"Why not?" he grins," she'll be 35 in 1970,
and the way women are going she might be
the first woman president.
"Besides, she's made a good start with a re-
markable show of judgment and initiative.
She arrived just in time for roll call."
The tide of the curious who follow the hearings




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The Mayor Grabs
A Buzz Saw .
TTLOOKS AS IF Mayor Robert A.
Campbell put his foot in it a few
nights ago when he so vigorously stated that
the Townsend Plan will "soon sweep the country,"
and that "it has my heartiest support and ap-
Such a declaration might very easily receive the
huzzas of the populace in Farmertown, North Da-
kota, but the mayor should have known that in a
University center like Ann Arbor a political gesture
of this sort could not fool many.
Professorial comment on the Townsend Plan,
bursting forth in biting adjectives the day after
Mr. Campbell made his reckless statement, has left
the mayor in a rather ridiculous light. A professor
in the sociology department called the plan "cuc-
koo," a member of the political science department
dubbed it "farcical," others in the economics de-
partment dismissed it as "unfair" and "unwork-
Seldom have these men, recognized as authorities
in their fields and as having no motives that would
cause them to oppose any worthy effort, so severely
and unequivocally condemned any measure before
' the country. So convinced are they of the fallacies
of the plan that they have responded with an at-
tack of almost unprecedented positiveness.
It will be interesting to see how many faculty
members and others of their skeptical fellow-
townsmen will accept Mr. Campbell as authority
that "there is no doubt as its (the plan's) work-
It may be recalled at this time that it was Mayor
E Campbell who at the recent Youth Congress said
that the Republican way to get out of the depres-
* sion was "to pull yourself out by your own boot-
straps." He was also the author of the now famous
remark that one must go back to the family to
find a solution for present problems facing the
"But what if you haven't got a family," someone
in the audience called out.
"In that event you at least have the memory{
of one," the mayor answered.
Perhaps the mayor thinks the Townsend Plan
will do away with the need for both bootstraps and
families, Whether or not his statement was intend-
ed as a bit of polItical vote-getting for the spring
election, when he will be opposed by a University
* faculty member, Mr. Campbell can now hardly ex-
pect the support of that portion of the community
which considers before it leaps.
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