The Weather RaOn, snow, and colder today The 4ud tonight; snow and colder Buzz tomorrow. Ove Esca VOL. XLV. No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1935 Editorial Mayor Grabs A aESaw... rThe Wall To pe What? . , PRICE FIVE CENTS _ _..__ _ - Michigan Five Defeated By Illinois, 34-22 Revamped C a g e T e amn Holds ilini Even Until Last Nine Minutes Evans, Meyers And Joslin Lead Scoring Hockey Team Wins Over Minnesota, 4-3; Heads Toward Big Ten Title BULLETIN MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 19--P)--. Two goals in the last four minutes of play propelled Michigan's hockey team to a four to three triumph over Minnesota in a bruising battle here tonight, making the Wolverines favorites for the Big Ten championship, ordinarily the Gopher's prize each winter. CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Jan. 19.-- (Spe- cial) - dWith Frank Froschauer's sparkling individual playing in the first half being displaced by even bet- ter team performance after Fros- chauer left the game on fouls in the' second period, the Illinois basketball team defeated a weakened Michigan five here tonight 34-22. In Disagreement -Associated Press Photo. DONALD R. RICHBERG upt Voelker Decries Closing Two Normals Plan Of Governor To Shut Teachers' Colleges Is Criticized LANSING, Jan. 19 -Wr)- Recom- mendations of Gov. Fitzgerald to the legislature that two Michigan teach- ers' colleges be closed, Saturday, drew the fire of Dr. Paul Voelker, state Froschauer scored nine points in superintendent of public instruction. the first half to almost equal the en- The Governor's recommendations tire Wolverine offensive. The half end- also included one that all institutions ing 13 to 12, but when the Illini cap- of the state be required to work to- tain left the game after 11 minutes ward a self-sustaining basis. of -the second period had been played "We must preserve at all costs the the score was still close, 19-17, and only machinery we have which is un- the Wolverines had led for a few der the management of the state for minutes of play. providing the advanced training for In the last nine minutes the Ruby- teachers which is so sorely needed, men roved steadily ahead, with sub- * ** even though we may grant there stitute Howie Benham and Sophomore is no urgent need for new teachers Harry C.mbes do; n. mot of the scor- I at the present moment," Voelker de- ing. clared in referring to the recom- With four regulars benched be- mendation that two schools be closed.; cause of infraction of training rules, "It is no simple matter to destroy the Wolverines were never at top an institution whose roots have gone speed, although they held their own down into the sentiments and attach- unti thei riwn frantic passing and~ ment's of thousands of people. * * *° shooting ruined their chances late in It must be remembered that the the second period, budgets of the teachers colleges are Arthur Evans with eight points, not a very great part of the state Earl Meyers with five and Dick Jos- budget. The closing of two teachers lin with four, were Michigan's high colleges would represent that type of scorers. Matt Patanelli's great defenrs economy which is described as 'penny sive play held the Illinois centers to wise and pound foolish.'" two baskets. Richberg And NRA Officials Are In Clash Emergency Council Head Differs With Members Of. Recovery Board Opinions Of Group Also Said To Vary Administrators Deny That There Are Hindrances To Auto Code Renewal WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 - VP) - Donald R. Richberg was disclosed to- day to be in disagreement with offi- cials of NRA's administrative board. This development followed persist- ent reports that there was sharp di- vergence of opinion among members of the board itself. Richberg, head of the national emergency council and also of the group named to draft NRA policy, said at the White House it was "an unfortunate impression" that the automobile code was to be renewed automatically on Feb. 1. Members of the board said they knew of no difficulties in the way of renewal. An indication that members of the board itself have opposite viewpoints followed a recent speech by S. Clay Williams, board chairman. He said that NRA should be continued on a temporary basis, substantially with- out change. Other members of the board, questioned as to whether this speech represented the board, said no emphatically. Members of the board interpret the differences as the natural outgrowth of healthy argument among men of strong opinion. Richberg said the automobile code would be carefully studied before a decision was reached on its renewal. He said the automobile employers had shown an interest in the regu- larization of employment "but the main question is the speed with which it is to be run." - Congress Will Try To Speed Up Leo islation WASHINGTON, Jan. 19- ('J) - Heading into their first week of real rapid fire action, congressional lead- ers today gave signs of a willingness to speed up the bonus and prepare for six days of hard work on social se- curity legislation, war profits, a $4,880,000,000 public works bill and lesser odds and ends. The 74th Cgress has been in ses- sion since Jan. 3 without putting a single piece of the new legislation on the statute books, and signs were that not even the coming week would see enactment of many things of major importance. Advocates of the Patman $2,100,- 000,000 bonus bill meanwhile decided at a meeting to use every means pos- sible to expedite that measure in preference to the American Legion bill. The former would pay the bill by printing new money, the latter by whatever means Congress thought best. The general congressional week will start with a bang Monday. G Faculty Members To Speak On Religion A panel consisting of six faculty members will present views on var- ious subjects pertaining to religion at the Congregational Student Fel- lowship meeting to be held at 6:15 p.m. tonight in the church. A ques- tion-and-answer period will follow the talks. The speakers, with their subjects, are as follows: Prof. A. F. Shull of the zoology department, "My Philoso-f phy of Life;" Prof. Preston W. Slos- son of the history department, "My Conception of Immortality;" Prof. E. C. Goddard of the Law School,f "The Basis for My Interpretation of the Bible;" Mrs. Mary C. Van Tuyl of the psychology department, "Pray- er - Has It Any Value in Our Lives Today?"; Prof. Clifford Woody, di- rector of the bureau of educational reference and research, "Public Wor- ship -Its Value;" and Prof. John Bradshaw of the mathematics de- partment, "What God and Christ Mean To Me." BASKETBALL BOX SCORE Sunderland Named I To Federal Group1 Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the Law School, has been appointed, by the Attorney General of the United States, a member of the Advisory Committee to pass upon rules of pro- cedure for regulating the practice in the federal courts in law actions. Authority to make such rules was conferred on the Supreme Court of the United States by act of Congress, last May, and a preliminary study is now being carried on by the Depart- ment of Justice; As the work prog- resses the results will be brought be-I fore the Advisory Committee from - time to time for consideration and 1 criticism, before being submitted to the Supreme Court. Professor Sunderland was the ; draftsman of the present Michigan' rules of practice and of the new Il- linois Civil Practice Act which be- came operative on January 1, 1934. Hilty Says Students Must Take Steps To Establish Own Regulatory Body Five Plans Are Now To Be Considered All Proposals Provide For Student Jurisdiction In Some Measure Added emphasis waa piacea on the formation of a new men's student government by the policy laid down by the University and presented by- President Alexander G. Ruthven at a meeting of fraternity presidents and house members yesterday, accord- ing to Carl Hilty, '35, president of the Undergraduate Council. With the University definitely on record as opposing the general lax condition of finances, scholarship, and social standards in fraternity houses but having set up no body to regulate this condition, it will be up to the students, themselves, to act through their governmental organization, HiL- ty stated. One Or Other Must Act "Because of this condition," Hilty said, "if the students do not take steps to establish their own regu- I latory body and their own standard of behavior, itwould seem reasonable to believ that the University will undertak to do this for them." It is now up to the students to decide just what form of govern- ment they wish to adqpt, how much jurisdiction they wish it to have, and in what ways they wish it to meet the University policies and their own problems in this field, he said. Five Plans Presented Five plans for a new form of men's student government have" been pre- sented to the Undergraduate Council for consideration and, for the pur- pose of carrying out the survey of student opinion upon this subject, have been submitted to the student body during the past two weeks. All of these plans contain in vary- ing degree some provision for stu- dent jurisdiction in the fields of schol- arship and social conduct, and, Hilty declared, it is important that stu- dents should express their opinions and criticism in this regard. During the past few years the Uni- versity has been subjected to the criticism that its attitude was too paternalistic and, consequently, it has tried to avoid too much interference, but due to the conditions now pre- (Continued on Page 8) Steve Farrell Trophy TO Be Put On Display Award Given To Winner Of Big Ten Dash Event Is Completed The Steve Farrell Memorial Award, the trophy to be given to the winner of the Big Ten hundred yard dash, will go on display in the Union lobby this morning, Carleton W. Angell University sculptor who just complet- ed designing it, announced yesterday. Commemorating the name of Ste- phen J. Farrell, Michigan's beloved track coach for many years who died last fall, the trophy is to be given to the winner of the dash each year. The present claimant of it is William H.! Russell .of the University of Illinois1 who captured the event last year in 10 seconds. The trophy, done in bronze, consists of a statue of "Steve," standing on a pedestal. On each side of the pedes- tal is an image depicting the hun- dred yard dash -a runner tying his shoes, getting set for the gup, running, and breaking the tape. Below this is a space for the name of the winner and his school, and an inscription giving the history of the trophy. Mr. Angell, who is a nationally noted artist and sculptor, first began work on the trophy some three months ago. A model of clay was first made, then a plaster mould, and finally the bronze cast. The trophy will remain in the Union lobby near the bulletin board for near- President Ruthven Threatens To Close Fraternity Houses Unless Conditions Are Soon Bettered In Aggressive War Not included in the list of colleges asked to register their opinions in the poll on war being conducted by the Association of College Editors in conjunction with the Literary Digest, students of the Northport Freshman College nevertheless submitted the questionnaire to themselves with the folowing results: Ten students thought that the United States could stay out of an- other great war, while five students thought not. If the borders of the United States were invaded, 15 stu- dents would bear arms in defense of their country, 2 would not; if the United States should invade the bor- ders of another country, one would bear arms, 16 would not. . Ten students favored a policy of "an American navy and air force setond to none" as a sound method of insuring us against being drawn into another great war; seven stu- dents disagreed. Student Symposium To Be Held Tonight A symposium of leaders in campus activities will be held on the subject "Why Student Government ?" at the meeting of the Presbyterian Young People's Society to be held at 6:30 p.m. tonight in the Presbyterian Church. Those who will participate in the symposium are Maxine E. Maynard, '35; president of the League, William G. Ferris, '35, managing editor of The Daily, Douglas R. Welch, '35, re- cording-secretary of the Union, and Lewis Kearns, '37L, sophomore pres- ident of the class of '35. The Rev. H. E. Evans, counsellor for Protestant students and assistant football coach -at Columbia Univer- sity, and Charles A. Orr of the eco- nomics department, will also partici- pate in the program. The speakers will give their opin- ions on "why Christian students should be concerned with a collec- tive solution to the problems exist- ing on our campus," it was announced by David G. French, '35, president of the organization. only one North port Student Would Join President Ruthven's Statement The University has adopted fraternity standards of conduct in three fields. The chapters are expected to conduct their financial operations in a business-like way; the organizations must give serious attention to their scholastic standing; and they must live up to the standards of social conduct set up by the University Committee on Student Conduct. The University insists that the fraternities have the responsibility of adopting measures which will insure that a satisfactory standing is maintained at all times. When it is satisfied that the fraternities are as- suming a proper amount of responsibility the University will attempt , to assist the chapters. When it is convinced that responsibility is being avoided and conditions are unsatisfactory the houses will promptly be closed. ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN. --"------t a Major Royce WillSpeak On Aviation Here To Tell Of Alaskan Flight In Science Auditorium At 7:30 P.M. Monday Major Ralph Royce, commandant of the First Pursuit Group at Selfridge Field and a noted war ace, will de- scribe his recent flight with the Army Air Corps from Washington to Alaska at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Science Auditorium. Sponsored by the aeronautical en- gineer's division of the American So- ciety of Mechanical Engineers, Major Royce is expected to give a vivid ac- count of the dangers and hardships of his long flight to Alaska. He is soon to conduct a series of mid-winter flight tests with the First Pursuit Group near Duluth. The noted aviator has had more than 2,000 hours in the air and has flown more than 30 different types of planes. He has been in the U.S. Army air service since 1914. During the war he was commanding officer of the First Aero Squadron, com- manding officer of the First Observa- tion Group,ha director of the Aero- nautical School at Amanty, France, and served on the general staff of the American Expeditionary Forces. This is one of a series of non-tech- nical talks sponsored by the aeronau- tical division of the A.S.M.E. on avia- tion subjects. Shields Seeks Reelection As Regent Of University LANSING, Mich., Jan. 19 -(P) - Edmund C. Shields, senior member of a local law firm, a member of the State Board of Bar Examiners and former director of the Michigan NRA organization, Friday announced his candidacy to succeed himself as re- gent of the University of Michigan.. Shields, Democratic party leader in Michigan, was appointed to regency Feb. 19, 1933, by former Gov. William A. Comstock. His present terms ex- pires Dec. 31, 1935. Chapter Presidents Order Immediate Cleanup After Receiving Ultimatum 350 Attend Meeting At Union Yesterday Not Satsified With Social Conduct, Scholarship, And Finances Fraternity presidents last night ordered an immediate and thorough "cleanup" in their houses as a direct result of an ultimatum by President Alexander G. Ruthven that fratern- ities would be closed promptly un- less conditions in the houses took an "about face" immediately. President Ruthven delivered this statement at a closed meeting of 350 fraternity presidents, house man- a g e r s, University administrators, alumni officers of the University, and faculty advisers, held yesterday in the Union. It was the first time since his ap- pointment to the presidency AIve years ago that President Ruthven addressed a large group on such a subject. University Not Satisfied "We are not satisfied with the way in which some fraternities are meas- uring up to the adopted standards of the University in regards to social conduct, scholarship, and finances," he told the group. He further stated that when houses fail to accept their responsibilities and conditions are found to be unsatisfactory, the Uni versity will ask national organiza- tions to withdraw their local chap- ter's charter. House presidents evidenced their belief that the President meant 'busi- ness" and would stand back of his statements with promt action, by ordering all members not to bring women into the houses unless they were properly chaperoned and to keep all intoxicating liquor off the premises. The President indicated in his message that if fraternity men showed an interest in correcting the prevelant evils in these three fields, the University would make every ef- fort to assist them. Three Alternatives Suggested He suggested three alternatives by which the fraternities could attack the problems involved. They were: (1) Ask the University to approve faculty advisers appointed by the fraternities, who would be held di. rectly responsible for the conduct of an individual house, (2) form house committees to study and correct the problem in cooperation with the Uni- versity, or (3) appoint responsible fraternity proctors. He wished it un- derstood that these- plans were of- fered only as suggestions and that any other plans for the solution of the problem would be appreciated. , Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu- dents, explained a series of charts showing the comparative scholastic ratings of representative fraternity and independent men over a period of 10 years. Briggs Makes Explanation Robert P. Briggs of the economics department, chairman of the com- mittee on exceptions to Rule 2 of the Financial Standards and Regulations passed last fall, explained the pur- pose and method of operation of the rulings tot the fraternity leaders. "All we are asking fraternities to do is to submit to us the necessary data so that you can run your houses as you would a business establish- ment. In other words we are trying to help you help yourself," Mr. Briggs stated. The three principal purposes of the financial rules, as outlined by Mr. Briggs, were (1) to leave a history of the financial conduct of current members so that future members could not charge them with leaving the fraternity with debts, (2) so you will know how your chapter is oper- ating at the present time, and (3) to raise the financial standards. of houses who are below average .rather than to pull good houses down. Prof. Leigh J. Young and Paul Kempf are the two other members of the committee on exceptions to Illinois (34) FG Froschauer, f ........4 Combes, f............1 Riegel, c ............ 1' Mickelson, g .........0 Henry g ............1 Braun, g .....:......0 Dehner, c ............1 Benham, f ...........2 Beynon, g...........0 Outtschow, f ........1 Vopicka, g ..........0 Mills, f ..............0 Totals ..........11 Michigan (22) FG Joslin, f.............2 Solomon, f ..........0 Patanelli, c ..........0 Meyers, g ............2 Evans, g,...........3 Ford, f.............0 Hill, f ...............0 Gee, c..............0 Everhardus, f ........0 FT 2 5 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 PF 4 2 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 TP 10 '7 4 0 3 0 2 4 1 3 0 0 S.C.A. Plan Is Most Practical Of Those Submitted, Says Anderson Based on a survey of the student wieldy and poorly attended. The governments in more than sixty col- survey also showed that general vot- leges in the Middle West, the plan ing for council members, under the submitted to the Undergraduate party system, resulted in the council Council by the Student Christian As- being politically controlled and there sociation although perhaps not the being unfair representation." most democratic is the most practi- Anderson further stated that any cal, according to Russell F. Ander- form of student government, before son, '36, president of the S.C.A., who adoption, should take into considera- was interviewed yesterday. tion these negative qualities of make- Anderson stated that he believed up in the student body and that he, the plan submitted by the National believed the plan as submitted by Student League was by far the best the S.C.A. cabinet, which calls for from a democratic point of view of both ex-officio membership and pro- the five plans which have been pub- portional representation of minority lished in The Daily. However, he groups, was the most applicable to added, "recognizing the Michigan the Michigan campus. By the S.C.A. campus as being passive in its atti- plan any minority group with an tude toward student government, I active constituency can seat a mem- doubt if there would be enough inter- ber. est to elect the 25 required delegates A recent criticism appearing in The to the Council. Noting this disin- Daily charged that statements are terest, the S.C.A. plan calls but for only general as to the jurisdiction six elected members of the Council." of the Council, Anderson said, but Uleman Explains Importance Of Technical Work In Broadcasting By COURTNEY A. EVANS especially poor over one that does not The radio, to most students, is only have the proper facilities. It's all in .tthe equipment, the studio and the a receiving set that brings them their proper arrangement of the orchestra. favorite programs. The most notable "It takes exceedingly expensive ap- exception that proves the rule is Tur- paratus," he continued, "to properly ell Uleman, chief technician and as- transmit the full sound range, and sistant to Prof. Waldo Abbot in the that is highly necessary in orchestral - -broadcasting. Naturally the studio University studios of Station WJR. must be sufficiently 'damped' to pre- We dropped in on him the other vent undue sound vibrations." day just before broadcast and asked Uleman also pointed out that the him what was exciting about the radio orchestra is arranged in such an or- profession. He said he couldn't see der that the instruments will be in anything exciting about it, but he did varying distances from the micro- admit that he had met such famous phone in relation to their sound. A personages as Ted Husing, noted Col' particularly ferocious drummer, he umbia sports announcer, Graham Mc- said, was placed 40 feet from the Namee of the NBC, and the two well- microphone in one NBC broadcast known Chicago sports commentators, which he witnessed. Quin Ryan and Pat Flannigan, in his The time for the broadcast began, work with stations WSBT and WFAM and Uleman walked into the control at South Bend. room. He put on a set of earphones, Uleman made these connections twisted a few dials, and waited for while he was a transmitter in South the cue from Detroit. The Victors, -1 _ ....,a - 4-12 4.1,- - -, ,f- A t .r ---A- 11 TT-;,,--,4- . I 12 13 34) FT 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 'PF 2 0 3 3 1 4 0 1 0 0 TP 4 1 1 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 . a s t ,l