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January 19, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-19

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Of Awards For
Contest Made

Senate Leaders Who Will Debate World Court Issue

Men And Women Students Give
Their Opinions Of Each Other
The result of a survey to determine the opinions held by University men
and women students of each other reveals a variety of views, mostly deroga-
tory and surprisingly parallel. The question asked women students was,
"What, in your opinion, is the greatest fault of men students?" The question
asked the men students was, "What, in your opinion, is the greatest fault
of women students?"

Headquarters Company Of
Third Battalion Wins In
R.O.T.C. Competition
Announcement was made ysteray
of the winners in the annual R.O.T.C.
drill contest by Lieut. Col. Fredrick
C ,Rogers, commandant of the Uni-
versity unit.
Capt. Joseph C. Wagner, '35E, com-
manding the headquarters company
of the third battalion, won the com-
pany competition. He will receive a
gold medal at the ceremonies to be
held in Waterman Gymnasium Wed-
nesday, Jan. 26. All the men in the
company will be awarded service rib-
The "crack squad" of Company "L,"
third battalion, won the squad com-
petition under the command of Cor-
poral J. Mason Lyons, '36. Corporal
Lyons will receive a silver medal and
the remainder of the squad will be
awarded bronze medals at the for-
mation Wednesday.
Individual competitions between the
freshman basics in the various com-
panies were won in company "A" by
Edwin B. Katzenmayer, '38E; com-
pany "B," William B. Cobey, '38;
company "C," William H. Upham,
'38E; company "D," Robert G. Jae-
decke, '38; headquarters company
firsi battalion, John H. Beyer, '36E,
Company "E," Edward K. Swain, '38E;
company "F," Charles G. Killins, '38;
company "G," Frank E. Howard,
'38E; company-"H," Hudson G. Dunks,
'38E; headquarters company second
battalion, Vaughn J. Andres, '38E;
company "I," Joseph K. Borges, '38;
company "K," Robert E. Fruer, '38;
company "L," Wayne H. Bice, '38;
leadquarters company third battal-
ion, Gilbert K. Phares, '38E. All these
men will be awarded medals at the
ceremony Wednesday.
The company competition was
based on the movement of the platoon,
depending both upon the ability of
the company commander, and the
drilling ability of the men. Squad
competition covered the school of the
squad, and again depended equallyI
upon the ability of the corporal to
direct the movements of his squad,
and the ability of the men to follow
out his commands. Individual compe-
tion was principally carried out in the
execution of the manual of arms.
Capt. Rosswell E. Hardy, Capt. Wal-
ter B. Farriss, and Lieut. Richard R.
Coursey, assistant professors-of mil-
itary science and tactics, were elim-
ination judges in the drill contest. The
finals of the competitions were de-
cided by Lieut. Col. Rogers, com-
mandant of the post.
Colds, Flu Cases
Dropping, Brace,
Colds and influena seem to be on
the wane, though there still are. a
great number of them, Dr. William M.
Brace, Health Service physician said
Dr. Brace said that no new pneu-
monia cases have been reported, the
number remaining at four. All of
those suffering from pneumonia were
reported improved py the physician.
"Most people seento find out how
to take care of themselves when they
have colds and mild influenza cases,"
Dr. Brace said, "and the care they
take of themselves reduces the dang-
er and eventually the number re-
ported to us here."
Churches To Hear
Faculty Views Here
(Continued from Page 1)
mon in the First Baptist Church serv-
ice at 10:45 a.m. Prof. Bennett Weav-
er of the English department will
speak on "The Necessitous Yea," at
6 p.m. before the Roger Williams

In the morning service at 10:45
a.m. in the Christian Church (Disci-
ples Guild) the Rev. Fred Cowin will
speak on "Why We Believe." Con-
stantine Assaf, of Syria, will discuss
"The Near East" before the student
group meeting at 6:30 p.m.
"Religion Through the Ages," a
dance presentation by Emily White
of the physical education depart-
ment and the Dance Club, will ac-
company the service to be held at
5:15 p.m. in the Unitarian Church.!
Prof. A. R., Morris of the English
department will address the Liberal
Students Union at 7:30 p.m. on the
subject "Poetic Drama."
The Rev. C. A. Brauer will speak
on "Praise Ye the Lord" in the service
to be held at 10:45 in the St. Paul's
Lutheran Church. At 6:30 p.m. a
"Question Box" and the regular Bible
class will be conducted by the pastor.
"Thirsty for True Living" is the
subject to be discussed by the Rev.
H. 0. Yoder in the service to be held
at 10:30 a.m. in the Trinity Lutheran

i ,..,.



The alleged pseudo-sophisticated Most women think most men have
attitude adopted by the majority of no manners, "chivalry," the major-
women students is the primary ob- ity of them answered, "is dead."
jection which male members of the! Close on the heels of this great4
student body have to find with them. masculine fault was the complete
"There should be no half-way about lack of seriousness on the part of
it," they say. "If they are really Michigan men: "Not serious enough;
sophisticated, O.K., but if they aren't, no serious thoughts; they never talk
they shouldn't try to be." of serious things seriously, they
Most opinions presented were ac- burlesque everything as if they were
companied by mental reservations. afraid of it."
"I wouldn't say this about all of them, Speaking of the lack of chivalry
but most of them are just a bunch one woman said, "women like their
of goons," is one comment. Another men to be gallant; at co-educational
goes more deeply into the problem. institutions they are not; there is no
"There are too few of them, con- romance in the world anymore."
sequently they are in demand and More charitable was the one who
therefore too big-headed," he says. said, "Oh, I think they are just all
A more kindly criticism is that j wonderful; they have no faults."
their fault is "the attempt to hide a Equally nice was the woman who
really serious nature under a super- said men's greatest fault was the
ficial, play-girl attitude." Another fact that they "are too quiet."
objects to the fact that "they are all "Childishness under a pseudo-so-
college women." A cynic complains phisticated exterior," answered one,
that "there are too many straight woman, and another accused men of
from the farm." Another type of "being too superficial, too 'Joe Col-
criticism objects to the fact that "they lege' and a lot of Parrot Hounds."
judge men by the amount of money Someone with a sense of humor said,
that they spend on them." "they are all a lot of amoebae."
S ob- "The majority of men," several
Secondary, perhaps only to theo - girls answered, "think girls do every-
jection to pseudo-sophistication, is thing to please men; they think all
the criticism of the lack of intelli- Michigan women are here to find a
gence not only displayed but also husband." Several women said, "They
possessed by women students. A close are all after the same thing and if
t he conceit of many of the girl refuses the man dislikes her
them," or, as another expresses i, and libels her. They expect too much+
"their wretched self-complacency. on the first date."
A seemingly studious student de- Men were also accused of being a
clares, "Some of them make too much lot of "sheep," many girls thought
of an effort to be alive, and others they were "too much alike in dress,
are just dead anyway." "Their worst speech, and manner."
fault," declares another, "is that they Less expressive, but just as vehe-
are just like all other women." An- ment, was the woman who answered,
other objection is voiced as, "They are "they are just kind of 'droopy' gen-
too much bound by convention and erally." And there -was the woman
how others will judge their actions." with a utilitarian outlook who said,
Also there was the wag who de- "they have no aim in life; they are
clared, "They are just what you make not going to school for any definite
them." purpose."

Mrs. Anna Dali
W Weds Former
John Boettiger Marries
President's Daughter In
New York
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-('P)-The
President and Mrs. Roosevelt today
announced the marriage of their
daughter, Anna Roosevelt Dall, to
John Boettiger, former Chicago news-
The ceremony took place this morn-
ing about 9 o'clock at the President's
home in New York City on East 65th
street. It was performed by Judge
J. Frederic Kernochan of New York,
intimate friend of the family.
Mrs. Roosevelt and members of
the family attended. The others
present included Mrs. James Roose-
velt, Sr., mother of the President.
Mrs. James Roosevelt, Jr., Elliott, a
brother, and his wife, Ruth; John,
another brother, and Harry Hook-
er, a close friend of the family.
The couple immediately left for an
unannounced destination.
Boettiger has been residing in New
York City and they will make their
home there.
He recently left the Chicago Trib-
une and is now employed with the
motion picture producers of America.
For months before the marriage,
the capital had buzzed with rumors
of their romance.
The two were seen riding together
out at Fort Myer, where the Roose-
velts keep their horses, in the early
morning, and dancing together at
the fashionable Washington hotels
at night.
They became friends during the
Roosevelt campaign transcontinental
tour when Mrs. Dall was with her
father and Boettiger covered the trip
for the Tribune.

-Associated Press Photo.
A warm fight was presaged in the United States Senate after President Roosevelt asked that body, in a
special message, to ratify American adherence to the World Court. Leading proponents of entry into the Court
are Joseph Robinson of Arkansas, Senate floor leader; Pat Harrison of Mississippi, and Hugo Black of Ala-
bama. Two veterans of many oratorical encounters are leaders of the opposition, Hiram Johnson of Cali-
fornia and William E. Borah of Idaho.

Ann Arbor Derives Its lee And
Sleet From Warm Gulf Wat
By RALPH W. HURD ias reveals. They are the res
Over the ice-bound streets and the front-line skirmishes of o
sidewalks of Ann Arbor, the populace opposing armies, and all our
go slithering and sliding and fall- the weather" conditions come
ing and picking themselves up. this "No-Man's Land" betwee
Over the sandy shores of the Gulf warm and cold air masses.
of Mexico, in Coral Gables or Miami,
the populace go strolling and saunt-
ering and basking in the sun and
swimming in the tepid waters of the
To assert that Ann Arbor derives
its coat of ice, its snows and sleets,
from the semi-tropical waters of the
Gulf seems rather fantastic to the f
casual observer; but to Perome Nam-
ias, who .is now conducting a map
analysis at the University for the
FERA, it is an established fact. -
Up from the warm stretches of the ...
Gulf sweep moisture-laden air mass-
es - down from the frozen stretches
of northern Canada sweep cold mass-
es, formed in the shape of a wedge, V
with the front of the masses sloping
backward at a sharp angle.
"Like a huge snow plow,'' Namias
says, "this moving wedge of cold air
bears 'down on the warm air from
the southern regions, sliding under
the warm air and tossing it up. As
this warm air rises, it begins to ex-
pand; as it expands, it cools; as it
cools, the moisture in it condenses,
causing our rains and snows."
It is an interesting fact, he says,
that during our last precipitation a
few days ago, while sleet was falling
on the inhabitants of Ann Arbor, u..
in higher atmosphere it was raining.
The rain in the upper stratas fell
through the extended tongue of the
cold air mass, causing it to become
sleet on it way down to the earth.
The principle behind these air mass
movements, Namias points out, is
that while they move away from the
regions in which they originate from
northern Canada or the Gulf, to
mention a few, they retain most of
their characteristics of temperature
and moisture. They may be com-
pared to vast armies which organize
and later move on into a new terri-
tory, brining with them their own
customs and completely dominating
the region.
The weather changes, however, pro-
ducing conditions in which the stu-
dent never knows whether to put on }
a topcoat or a overcoat when he sallies
forth in the morning, are the result
of the boundary intersections be-
tween the two currents of air, Nam-

CHANGTEH, Hunan Province, Chi-
na, Jan. 18--(P)- The nationalist
ers government army apparently got off
to a flying start today in a gigantic
drive "against some 200,000 reds,
sult of' charged with pillage and slaughter in
ur two West China.
"damn Troops Deave been pouring into
from Changteh for the last 24 hours. Ad-
en the vance battalions of the army did not
even halt.





New Stock of $1.00 Ties, selling at
75c each, 3 for $2.10, and other
Chas. Doukas - Haberdashery
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1'' i


Emory J. Hyde, '04L, president of
the Alumni Asscociation, recently re-
turned from a tour of the East, re-
ports the organization of a new Uni-
versity of Michigan Club in Hartford,
There were 30 alumni present at the
organization meeting.


Pmty n neat y done in
our a=shop bycometent
314 So State St.,Ann Abor.


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