THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, SATURDAY, Moral Leadership." Discussion, re- mer Field. On Oct. 4 players from this grrup will play the Ann Arbor Hockey Club. These practices may be counted to- ward the three required practices for eligibility for a class team. Medical rechecks on heart and lungs are re- quired of all students who have not had a medical examination this year. Hygiene Lectures-Change in meet- ing place: The"hygiene lectures for Freshmen and Upperclass students will be held on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, respectively, in the am- phitheatre of the West Medical Build- ing instead of Barbour Gymnasium asy previously announced. freshments, social hour. To this ad- dress and social hour all our students' are invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday morning:I 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a., m. Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kinder- garten, 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Henry! Lewis. Unusual Golle4.% Printing Isa Modern fine printing, the exh now on display in the corridor c of the General Library, is, accor to Miss Ella M. Hymans, curato rare books, one of the more than a rltic Sh iibit ases ding r of ord- mary interest and attraction. Rabbi Bernard Heller will conduct* services at the Women's League Chap- Terming the collection one el, Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. best of recent years, Miss H His subject will be, "What the Uni- cited it as containg some of ti versity of Michigan Expects from beautiful examples of modern and Offers to the Student." Every- raphy which the library owns one is cordially invited to attend. The revival of fine printin Harris Hall: Student meeting Sun- featured begin, Miss Hymans day evening at seven o'clock. Speak- the eighteen-ninties withN er, The Reverend' Edward W. Blake- Morris, artist and : craftsman man, Director of Religious Education, ardent leader in the new mo at the University, Topic, "The Place In 1891 he founded the k of Religion on the Campus." All Press at Hammersmith, Lonc Episcopal students and their friends ing his medieval manuscrip early painted books as model are cordially invited, types, styles of decoration, an trations. The most notab Unitarian Church-Sunday Serv- ductions of this press ate"C ices: 5:00 o'clock-Devotional Serv- "Golden Legend," and the K ice, 6:00 o'clock-Fellowship Supper, Chaucer. The Library doesn 7:30 o'clock-Liberal Students Un- these, but four other volumes ion, 9:30-Morning Classes at the te Church House, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. press are on display. Freshmen-The Life of Christ, Soph- omores-The Creed We Live By, Up- Doves Press Exhibited perclassmen-Ethical Theories and In close proximity to the Ethical Behavior. 10:45 - Morning cott Press books are three Worship-"How Religion Affects Per- at the Doves Press establis sonality." Dr. Norman E. Richard- T. J. Cobden Sanderson nd son. 5:30--Social Hour and Supper. Waler in 1900, also at H Make a Difference?" Panel discuss- smith. Contrasting sharply 6:30-Student Forum-"Can Religion heavy-faced type' and elabora ion. Mr. Kenneth Leisenring, Chair- ment of the Kelmscott Press man. printing is characterized by it absence of decoration' except plain but beautiful initials. Roosevelt Puts William Morris had many. ers, according to Miss Hyma eI iief ]burden Essex House and Vale Presses show Kelmscott influecide, as early products of the Roycro SLocal U tS founded by Elbert Hubbard} Aurora, N. Y., in 1895, the Cr Press of George Booth, arid Hopkins Says That He Is ston Press of 'Ne* Rochelle founded by George 661vil, Tired Of 'Alibis' And f~ddb ereCnel An outstanding contempora Warns State erican printer whose product of the Hymans be most typo'g- i ng here said, in William ,-as ah vement. ehlscott don, us- pts and s for his nd illus- le pro- Caxton's elmscotta not own s, and a elmscott Kelms- printed shed by d Emery ammer- with the te orna- s, Doves its entire for the follow- ans, and s clearly s do the ft Press, at East ranbrook the Elf in 1901. ary Am- s are on S S f a e a a s c c x x c t ,t on Famous townq At Li b rary work, rather than any kind of decor- ation, Miss Hymans commented. One case is devoted to specimens of firle work by the California print- ers, Helen Gentry, Edwin and -Robt. Grabhorn, and John Henry Nash. Another contains good examples by some of the Uniiversity Presses, those at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and, Yale. Most of the volumes:shown were printed by private presses, but some work of the commercial presses are classed as fine. Exaniples of the work of about forty printers in the United States and Great Britain have been select- ed for this exhibit. Mention has been, given, Miss Hymans claims, to onlyI a few of the more outstanding, but all' merit more than a casual glance, she said. Miss Hymans said she wished to call particular attention to the last case. It contains books on the sub- ject of modern fine printing. The Fleuron and Ars Typographical aref periodicals devoted to instructive and readable articles on various phases of printing and book decoration. All the volumes on display here are well printed, she explained, and are writ- ten by men who are recognized as, authorities on the subject of modern typography. Telephone To Brin I I 1 PERSONAL laundry service. We take UA A IF individual interest li the laundry Cu LASS1F1E uJ problems of our customiers. Girls' A )VERTISING; ilks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Place advertisements withC lassif2ed Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. The classified columns close at five 611 E. Hoover. 2x o'clock previous to day of insertion. _TE Box numbers may be secured at no WANTED extra charge. Cash in advance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW line) for one or two insertions;. 1Oc per reading line for three or suits. Will play 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- more insertions. lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- Minimumr 3 lines per insertion. I Telephone rate -15c per>reading line cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 for one or two insertions. North Main. 7x 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. LS -AN FUN 10% discount if paid within ten days LOST AND FOUND fromt the date of last insertion. I__________________ Minimum three lines per insertion. LOST: Black Persian lamb scarf By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one mo l ..8.....c from coat. Notify Mrs. Forney Cle- . lines E.O.D., 2 months.........3c ment. 1015 Lincoln. 2 lines daily, college year........7c j 4 lines E.O.D., college year ....7c 100 lines used as desired..........9c LOST: Mottled red and grey Schaef- 300 lines used as desired.........8e fer pen. Last between Mosher and 1,000 lines used as desired ........7c 2.000 lines used as desired ........6c Angell Hall. Reward! 448 Mosher. The above rates are per reading line, --- - - ---- based on eight reading lines per inch. LOST: The barrow for a black and Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add wiefuti e.Rwr 63 6c per line to above rates for all capital white fountain pen. Reward 1603, letters. Add 6c per line to above for South University. bold face, upper and lower case. Add OUcthUeriy j per line to above rates for bold face PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 'capital letters.PRFSINL EVCS The above rates are for 71 point - type. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Call the -Kempf Music Studios for FOR RENT - ROOMS artistic piano tuning. Terms rea- sonable. Phone 6328. 1x LARGE corner room for one or two-- -TICE upperclassmen. Campus district NOTICE 1102 Prospect. Call 5778. FOR RENT: A piano. Recommended by music student. Ph. 2-3641 eve- GEDDES AVE. Attractive single room in quiet home for graduate or fac- nins. ulty man. Phone 4324. Trusty Returned To Jail FRONT SINGLE room, very attrac- tive. In campus district. Reasonable. Acquitted Of New Charge Call 4429. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Sept. 28- (P) -Frank Martin went back to prison FOR- REN -- AP-- TM- NT - joyously today with a verdict acquit- ATTRACTIVE apartment. Two rooms. ting him of killing Helen Spence Ea- Enclosed porch. Hot, soft water, on, notorious woman convict, ringing refrigeration. Everything furnished, in his ears. garage. 15 Packard. Phone 2-2464. Martin, a trusty guard serving a APARTMENT, upper floor. Pour 21-year sentence for slaying a man rooms, bath, gas stove, electric re- in 1930, had been charged with first frigeration. Furnace, garage. 514 degree murder for shooting down the Pauline Blvd., girl convict when she failed to heed --his command to halt after her escape SUITE of rooms with private bath from the state farm for women on and shower for 3 or 4 men. Steam last July 12. heat. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. The defense centered about Helen's LAUNDRY___ "desperate character.'' STUDENT SPECIAL: Rough dry 8c pound. Shirts, beautiful hand fin- - ish, 10c extra. Home Hand Laun- dry. 520 E. Liberty, 628 Packard. { NS Phone 8894. 5x STUDENT LAUNDRY. Good soft water. Will call for and deliver. Telephone 4863. 3x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. SAVE THESE COUPONS Careful work at low price. 4x They may prove valuable later on. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY 1 a -1 football To A linini. Football by telephone, an innova- tion in alumni activities, is to be in- augurated by various University Clubs throughout the state this year. The plan is to have several clubs in the state on a loudspeaker tele- phone hook-up with one of the Uni- versity coaches' Here to give them the "dope'' on the football team and its chances. The telephone meeting will be held for 15 minutes each Friday noon during the football season. The plan grew from a telephone luncheon given by the Kalamazoo University Club two weeks ago at Kalamazoo, when the group was ad- dressed by Asst. Coach Cappon from his summer home in South Haven. TWO SHOT DEAD PARIS, Sept. 28.- (P)-Rene Bel- tamine, an Italian, and Jean Ali- bert, a Frenchman, both said by po- lice to be gangsters, were found shot dead in a sleeping compartment of the Vintemille-Paris Express. Officers are uncertain whether the killings were a murder and suicide or a double gang execution. I er, W. Burroughs, F. L. Ford, W. H. Fredericks, B. Kellogg, R. F. Wikle, G. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. - (M)- B. Wells, F. -Nachimson, J. L. Marley, I The Roosevelt Administration served K. H. Lustison, F. Hunt, M. Bills, G. new notice on the country today that Hill,' W. Jones, F. R. Walter, R. H. Federal relief efforts were, designed Treadway, L. R. Sperberg, R. B. Ruth- to be supplementary, and that the erford, D. C. Magaw, I . T. Bailey, T. states and municipalities must carry J. Anketell, R A. Bunce, S. S. Hasle. a greater load. To 500 social workers and civic Varsity Glee Club: All of the last leaders, assembled on the White year members who' wish to be in this House lawn for the opening of 1934 year's' Club, must try out Monday Conference on the Mobilization for night, Oct. 1, at 7:30 sharp. Human Needs, President Roosevelt re- peated his declaration at last year's Michigan League Against War and meeting that only after all other re- Militarism will 'meet at 8 p. m. Tues- sources prove insufficient should the day in Lane Hall Auditorium. Ever- Federal Government "add its re- ett Johnson will report on the Youth sources to the common cause." Conference Against War and Fascism Harry L. Hopkins, relief adminis- in Chicago, Sept. 28, 29, & 30. The trator, later told a conference lunch- public is-invited. eon that he was tired of "alibis." He warned those states not co-operating Outing for Graduate Students: All that they face withdrawal of Federal graduate students who are interested relief. Community chest drives were in an outing club are invited to meet pointed out by Hopkins as a relief Sunday afternoon at 3:00 in front of fund source. Angell Hall for the first' hike of the , The President, Hopkins and New- year. Plans 'for the coming year will ton D. Baker, former secretary, of' be discussed at this time. war and chairman of the mobiliza- tiqn, gave separate views on how long Student Christian Association com- it would be before private agencies mittee on Church Relations will meet could take over the relief burden. With Mr. William Barnes, Sunday Calls for Unity of Effort afternoon, Sept. 30, at 4 p. m. The meeting 'will be held in the cabinet "A unity of effort a little while room of Lane Hall. longer," the President said, "will, I am confident, bring national success Congregational Church: Service of to our nationally unified efforts to Worship Sunday 'morning at 10:45 bring Old Man Depression to the point with sermon by the pastor, Rev. Alli- where we can finally master and de- son Ray Heaps. Subject, "Profitable stroy him." Scripture." An introduction to the Baker asserted that good local ad- series which begins a week later, ministration had averted "dangers" At 6:00 the Student Fellowship sup- attendant to Federal relief. He said per in the parlors of the church. Prof. it was his "eager hope, as we know it Bennett Weaver will speak on "The is yours, that soon the entire burden Quick and the Dead" and .there will of relief may be returned to local be special music by the fifteen piece shoulders." orchestra under the direction of Thor Hopkins recalled that there were Johnson of the School of Music. 117,000,000 persons dependent on re- lief in July, but did not predict the Roger Williams Guild: Sunday 10:45 time when the government could with- Sermon, Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Min- draw its funds. ister, "The Many-Sided Christ." "But," he added, "it isn't going to 12:00 Student class meets at Guild be as bad this winter as I had House, 503 E. Huron. Mr. Chapman, ! thought." leader. "Message and Program of President Roosevelt called it the Christianity." 6:00 at Guild House. privilege, rather than the duty, of the Dr. Leroy Waterman will speak on individual American to bear a share "The Opiate of Religion and the New in relief. display is Bruce Rogers. In 1896 Rogers began designing books and other printed matter for the River- side Press, and has made himself known as one of the leading design- ers of printing type. Notable exam- ples of his work shown in the cases are the "Essays of Montaigne,' print- ed at the Riverside 'Pi'ess, 1902-4 Geoffrey Tory's "Chahip Fleury" and "The Private Papers of Jame's Bbs'- well," both' from the printing house of W. E. Rudge, 1928-34. , Praises Goudy Miss Hymans called Frederic Goudy another type-designer who has done much for his craft. He and Mrs. Goudy operate the Village Press at Marlborough-on-Hudson, N. Y. Mrs. Goudy sets the type for most of the books issued by this press, and binds many of them. The samples of their work shown are "Three Essays," "Book-Buying," "Book-Binding," and the "Office Of Literature,"'-by Augus- tine Birrell, printed' for thfe Grolier Club in 1924. Daniel B. Updike founded the Mer- rymount Press at Boston in 1893. He is perhaps the only master of 'modern printing who has' almost entirely abandoned medieval and Renaissance i style. The two Merrymount imprints on. display show that tJdike' relies mainly on beautiful type, well pro- portioned type page and good press- Everything ENDS TONIGHT! The Michigan Theatre presents Benny Meroff and his company on the stage, plus "Hideout," with-Rob- ert Montgomery,; Maureen O'Sulli- van, and" Edward Arnold: **** BENNY MEROFF & Company on the Stage "HIDEOUT" With the best{ stage show seen here since Fred Waring made his stand here two years ago, Benny Meroff and his smooth music; aid ed by an excellently portrayed pic ture, "Hide Out" give Ann Arbor movie-goers one of the finestjpre- sentations of the past' few years. Following a highly successful season at a Cincinnati resort, Ben- ny Meroff is beginning a fall vaudeville tour that promises a great deal. The orchestra presents a group of keen arrangements of old and new tunes, which is cl- maxed by-a saxophone'solo of "All I Do Is Dream of You" by the ver- satile band leader. Two members of the orchestra, a rather: rotund gentleman by the name of Red Pepper, who does everything from mean things on'a trumpet to a side splitting -mita- tion of Sally Rand (fans and all) and Jack Marshall, 'a clowning trombone artist, furnish the' hilar- ity. The two boys alone are worth the price of admission. 'Three charming young things, with the aid of the entire orchestra, do two glee club numbers, a la Fred War- ing, that are equally good "Hide Out" is the best thing of the light, frivolous comedy that we've seen. A Broadway playboy goes to the country, and the results have you almost in the aisles. Rob- bu "these I9 In. the human, suspenseful story by one of AmCeaS greatest -writers!i In the kind of r oleHarold Lloyd portrays!1 o in the finest cast ever seen in a Harold Lloyd coedy in the laughs that bring happy tears, and the tears that bring hilarious laughs! in the clever thrills that fill. you with delight l FOOTBAL At WINES FIELD (corner Hill and Division) YPSILANTI CENTRAL HIGH vs. ANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL Saturday, September 29 at 2:30 P.M. Admission: Adults 50c - - Children 35c Season Tickets: Adults $1.50 - Grade & Junior High Students $1.00 q 0 1 A I 11 .14 E PAW with From CLARENCE BUDINGTON , YP Y,,3)I1 1-111 :- tmrif