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January 19, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-19

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wolverineQuintetTo Meet Illinois At Champaign T


Coach Cappon
Has Confidence
In New Five
Harry Solomon, Forward,
Is Only Inexperienced
Player To Start
Michigan's Minutemen, molded into
a Varsity basketball team with only
four days of practice, will meet the
University of Illinois quintet tonight
in an attempt to succeed wherein the
former Varsity failed in the last three
games - to win a Conference game.
After practice yesterday, Cappon
confirmed his statement of Thursday
by announcing that his starting line-
up will include Matt Patanelli, center:
Dick Joslin and Harry Solomon, for-
wards; Earl Meyers and Dick Evans
11 Men Make Trip
Thet entire squad of 11 men, ex-
cluding the five veterans who were
benched last Tuesday for breaking
training, made the trip.
Meyers, Evans, and Solomon will be
starting their first game as regulars.1
Meyers and Evans have played as
substitutes in most of the games to
date, but Solomon's Varsity experi-
ence is limited to three minutes in
the Michigan Normal game. However,
Solomon is a cagyl player, possessing
several unorthodox shots which are
hard to guard.
Despite the sudden changes in his
lineup, Cappon is not conceding any-
thing to the Illini. He believes that}
his present five has enough abilityI
to push the high-scoring Illinois team
to the limit, and he wouldn't be to-
tally surprised if the Wolverines come
out on the long end of the score.
Cappon thinks that his entire squad
is, better than the average, forming
three teams of nearly equal ability.f
But there is not one high-scoring
cager in the whole bunch! An exam-

Illinois Star




Michigan Wins
Diving Honors

Matmen To Open Conference
Season Against Wildcats Today


__ _ _ P AL

- NM,
-Associated Press Photo
Frank Froschauer, star Ilincs f or-
ward who is the third leading scorer
tn the Big Ten. Despite the fact that
'he Illinois ace was held to one point
by Indiana in the Indians' last gameI
he has accumu:aied a total of 34
points in four games.
Trackmen Will
}H old Last T imea s r d
Michigan track observers will get
a preview of the 1935 squad in ac-
tion today at Yost Field House as the
Varsity team engages in its last time,
trials of the first semester and theI

Well, we sat back and read
this column for two mornings
and we are at the end of our pa-
tience. We hate to see these ob-
servers, who seemingly know very
little about the game, misinform-
ing the campus. This suspension
which is undoubtedly an alibi for
Michigan's lack of success in the
Big Ten has drawn altogether too
much amateur comment. This{
ruing of Michigan's best basket-
ball players is a laugh (allowing
of course that Cappon is able to
pick the best basketball players.)
Take Rudness for instance; the
player who has in each game
\watched the best man the oppo-
nents possessed, and who has been
the sparkplug of Michigan's of-
fense: does he deserve such abu-
sive criticism? Can the 5,000 fansj
who rose and applauded when he
left the Ohio State game be
Observers 1.
To the Editor:
Evidently your previous observ-
ers know very little about bas-
ketball. Even Cappon who places
a premium on height will admit
that speed is a great asset to a
player. Who could say that a
guard could lead his team in scor-
ing with practically all set-ups
and still not be in condition. Does
the public know that the suspend-
ed players knew nothing of the
action until the notice appeared
in the paper? Did Observer I ever
play basketball? If he had he cer-
tainly would know that it is hard
enough to get one team that will
click without attempting the im-
possible and trying to have two.
It is apparent to any basketball
player that all Michigan needs
is control of the tip to have a
well-rounded team. C a p t a i n
Plummer is a good shot, excellent
guarder, and fast enough to takeI
care of the average forward. In
Rudness Michigan has a star
whether he plays forward or
guard. In his present position at
guard he is the class of the court,
one of the few men who can
watch his man and the ball at
the same time. Who could guard
Herrick of State, Poser of Wiscon-
sin, and Dye of Ohio as effectively
as Rudness did? All of them, the
stars of their respective teams,
could collect but eighteen points
against this midget.
Wouldn't you, as a sports
writer, say that the criticism that
appeared in your column recently
is very unjust?
An Observer Who Has Played
At least two erroneous im-
pressions were given by Observer
II yesterday. Both show a lack
of observation on the part of the
observer, and are slanderous as-
saults upon the ability of two
cagers of undisputed merit.
I refer to the statement in yes-
terday's letter that Teitelbaum's
individual play breaks up the
teamwork of his mates. Cappon
regards Teitelbaum as a clever
floorman, a good ball handler,
and a reliable team player. Far
from taking shots off balance, his1

fault lies in being too cautious.
Observer II says that Gee can't
even out-play Townsend, fresh-
man center. This is a slam at
Townsend, for right now John
Townsend is good enough to play
regularly on the Varsity.
A Vindicator.
Observers III apparently do not
know Cappon if they think he would
bench five players to provide an alibi
-for a losing team. Two years ago sev-
eral members of Michigan's national
championship football team were sus-
pected of breaking training and it
was Cappon who demanded before
the coaching board that the offenders,
be benched, even though it meant los-
ipg every remaining game.
I believe with Observer Who Has
Played Basketball that Observer I
was undoubtedly prejudiced in his
evaluation of the individual members
of the team. The chief purpose in
printing that letter was to express
the idea it contained that Cappon
should concentrate on building a team
instead of a group of individuals.
A for the recent "benching" it is
only fair to Cappon to point out that
he benched the five players, not be-
cause they were not in condition, but
because they weren't making the
slightest attempt to follow training
rules which are universally accepted.
Most Michigan coaches, including
Harry Kipke and Franklin Cappon
do not demand rigid adherence to any
iron-bound rules, even permitting ath-

In A.A.U. M eet The Michigan wrestling team will
seek to open the Big Ten season with
Maize And Blue Natators a victory over Northwestern at Evan-
'ton today. Nine men make up the
Take No Other Firsts As Wolverine mat squad which leftearly
Records Fall yerterday afternoon for the Wildcat
Rair and will go to Chicago immediate-
lv after the meet to battle the Ma-
DETROIT, Jan. 18. - (Special) - roons on Monday.
University of Michigan's diving stars, n e letterman is making the
Only cn etra i aigte
Fehsenfeld, Diefendorf, and Johnston, trip with the Varsity squad. He is
took all three places tonight in the Capt. Jack Harrod, 145-pound star of
State A.A.U. meet as the remainder the Wolverine outfit. His opponent
of the Wolverine squad failed to win will be the Northwestern leader,
a first place. Handley, who is recognized as one of
Maize and Blue swimmers took the best wrestlers at his weight in the
three second places, twice pushed De- Western Conference.
troit Athletic Club entrants to new I The remaining men are Chuck
records, and themselves bettered the Brooks, diminutive 118-pounder, Alan
old records. Rubin, 126-pounds, Wally Heaven-

Bob Kasely finished three inches
behind Kay in the 220-yard breast
stroke as the record was lovered from
2:57.2 to 2:48.8. ;
In the 500-yard free-style Frank
Barnard was second to Haynie as the
old record of 6:00.3 fell to 5:45.8. Bar-
nard's time was 5:47.
Bob Mowerson was beaten by Lan-
phier of the Detroit Yacht Club in
the 100-yard free style event., Despite
a false start, the swimmers were not
called back. No time was officially
recorded for this event.
Tex Robertson and Fred Cody, Var-
sity stars; did not compete because
of illness.

rich at 135-pounds, Louis Mascurus-
kus at 155-pounds, Frank Bissell, Abe
Levine and Bill Lowell who will
wrestle either at 165 or 175-pounds,
and Harry Wright, star heavyweight.
Match Victors To Start
Heavenrich, Harrod, Bissell and Le-
vine all won their matches against
the Spartans last Saturday at Lan-
sing and Wright came near pinning
Gordon Reavely, the Michigan State
captain who is the State champion
of Michigan.
Wright will face a formidable oppo-
nent in Dewitt Gibson, the Wildcat
230-pound star tackle who pinned
his Wisconsin- opponent last week
in a little over one minute. The whole

veteran opponents and should profit
by it today in Patton Gymnasium.
Furthermore they are not hindered by
injuries as they were the week before
and Keen was able to get in some hard
practice during the week.
Only Seymour Rubin, regular 135-
pounder will be missing and his sub-
stitute Heavenrich put up a good
showing in practice this week. The
matmen are determined to make a
good showing and feel confident of
success in both meets.
NEW YORK, Jan. 18.-- Babe Risko,
of Syracuse, and Vince Dundee, of
Baltimore, today were matched for a
10-round bout at Madison Square
Garden, Jan. 25. They are middle-



Northwestern team put up an im-
letes an occasional glass of beer and f lressive showing against the Badgers
cigarette if they want them, but get- winning by the large score of 54-20.
ting in at 3 a.m. while on a road trip While the Maize and Blue matmen
is stretching liberality just a bit too lost to the Spartans they gained some
far. much-needed experience against their




ination of the box scores of the ten i last before the opening of the indoor
games played reveals that no Wol- season Feb. 9 with the State A.A.U.
verine has scored more than four I


baskets in any one game.
Illini In Fifth Place
The Illini, in fifth place with two
wins and two losses, have three menI
among the ten high scorers of the
Conference. Froschauer, forward, is
third with 34 points, Riegel, six foot
four inch center, is sixth with 31
points, with Combes, forward, in tenth
place with 26 tallies.
Illinois uses a fast-breaking offense
built around these three men, butl
the defense is only average. IndianaI
and Purdue ran up 42 and 37 points1
respectively against the Illini. Accord-
ing to Coach Oosterbaan, who scouted
Illinois, Froschauer,ba well-coordinat-
ed player in all departments of the
game is the spark of the Illini attack.
Riegel is a good performer on the pivoti
line, and his height should enable him
to control the jump against both Pat-
anelli and Gee.
The men who made the trip are:
Gee and Patanelli, centers; Joslin,
Solomon, Everhardus, Ford, and Hill,
forwards; Meyers, Evans, Rieck, and
Oliver, guards.
Michigan Pos. Illinois
Solomon .......F...... Froschauer
Joslin ...........F.......... Combes
Meyers ........ G ............Braun'
Evans ........ .G..........Beynon
Last Year's Finalists Are
Leading Net Contenders
This year's all-campus indoor ten-
nis tournament, which begins at 8 a.m.
today in the Intramural Building,
will see a renewal of the battle be-
tween Bob Anderson and John Rod-
riguez. In last year's final match, An-
derson defeated Rodriguez for the
This year Anderson has been seeded
No. 1 and Rodriguez No. 2 and there
is a strong possibility that they will
meet for the title again.
Each of the 38 entrants will play hisj
first-round match tomorrow morning.
Psi Upsilon will defend its fraternity
water polo championship against Pi
Lambda Phi at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the
Intramural pool.
State Champions Defeat
Ann Arbor High, 21-11'
Lansing Eastern, defending state
class A high school basketball champ-
ions, handed Ann Arbor its second
defeat of the year last night at Yost
Field House, 21-11. Kolberg, Eastern
forward, led the scering with eight
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 18-(OP) -
After four days and nights on the
train, Calvalcade, Mrs. Dodge Sloane's
entry in the Santa Anita Handicap1
here Feb. 23, and regarded as "The
horse to beat," arrived today to begin
training for the $100,000 event.
Bob Smith, head trainer for the
leading money winner of the turf in
1934,. said Calvalcade shipped well
from Columbia, S. C., but he wanted,

The entire squad will compete in'
today's events, which will begin at
3 p.m.
Willis Ward, the bulwark of the
team, will make his first appearance
of the year and will compete in two
events. Ward, who has been practic-
ing less than two weeks, will confine'
his activities to the 60-yard dash,
which event he won in last year's in-
door Conference meet, and the shot
Ward To Race Barnes
A close race is expected in the 60-
yard dash, with Ward paired against
Dave Barnes, a junior star who qual-
ified in last year's Conference meet,
but who was later forced from com-
petition with an injured knee.
Barnes, who has been working out
regularly since early fall, has defeat-
ed Ward several times in practice
trials, but the big star's condition has
come along fast in the last two days,
according to Coach Chuck Hoyt, and
a close finish is looked for.
Sam Stoller, the sophomore sprint
star, will compete in the second heat
of the dash.
The schedule of events: 60-yard
dash, first heat, 3 p.m.; mile run, 3:15
p.m.; 60-yard dash, second heat, 3:20
p.m.; high hurdles, 3:25 p.m.; 440-
yard dash, 3:35 p.m.; low hurdles,
3:45 p.m.; two mile run, 4 p.m.; 88N-5
yard run, 4:15 p.m.; shot put, 2:45
p.m.; pole vault, 3 p.m.; high jump,
3 p.m.




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