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January 19, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-19

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The Weather

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The Fate Of The Opera .. .
January, 1935, In World Peace.
Time Waits For lo Legislator . .

S n o w Saturday; Sunday
snow flurries and much colder.



Wife Echoes,
'Liar' Cries f
Furor Created In Tiny
Courtroom By Cry Of
'You Are Lying'

Members Of Economics Department


to flemnffh

Townsena van Proposat

Accused Remans
Quiet Throughout
State Uses Bruno's Words
Regarding Scrawl Found
On Wood Panel
FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 18. - ()
-Bruno Hauptmann heard the state
use his own words today to admit a
betraying, hidden scrawl in his Bronx
He heard, too, from the angry lips
of his wife, an echo of his own "liar"
cry in the courtroom where he stands
trial for murdering the Lindbergh
Both times he remained silent, in
contrast to his raging demand yester-
day that a state witness "stop lying!"
And toward the end of the day he
heard his counsel score - again by us-
ing the name of the dead Isador Fisch,
from whose efforts Hauptmann says
he got the ransom money that he
spent and hid.
As, the state swung into testimony
of the brokerage accounts into which,
it claims, much of the ransommoney
went, Edward J. Reilly, chief of de-
fense counsel, found an opening. He
drew from a brokerage customer's
man that Fisch visited the firm with
Hauptmann a half dozen times.
State Stresses Money Finds
Near the close of their case, prose-
cutors pounded away at the sensa-
tional house and garage finds that de-
veloped when Hauptmann was
trapped with a gold-backed ransom
bill last September.
In the house a closet panel, brought
into the light, revealed the scribbled
address and telephone number of
James F. (Jafsie) Condon, state wit-
nesses swore.
From the garage beams, cunningly
concealed, came rolls of ransom bills
--$14,600 in all.
"Jafsie" has accused Hauptmann as
the furtive "John" to whom he paid
the $50,000 ransom in St. Raymond's
Cemetery the night of April 2, 1932.
Striking back, the defense sought
to cast a screen of doubt over the
words and numbers on the wood trim
panel. They fought, unsuccessfully, to
bar Hauptmann's admission that he
wrote them, Chief of Counsel Reilly
contending the words were "in the
nature of a confession."
Overruled by Supreme Court Justice
Thomas W. Trenchard, Reilly repeat-
ed that Hauptmann's constitutional
rights were being flouted.
The outburst from Mrs. Hauptman
created a furor in the tiny, jammed
courtroom even greater than did
Hauptmann's frenzied command that
a state witness "stop lying" yester-i
She had listened, pale and haggard,
through many days of testimony while
everyone wondered at her composure.
But today the state seemed so as-
sured of the strength of its case that;
it announced any day might bring an
end of prosecution evidence.I
Trip Testimony Brings OutburstI
Prosecutors were engaged at the
moment in showing, through an elder-
ly Bronx matron, that Hauptmann
and his wife made "a trip" out of town
on the day of the Lindbergh kidnap-
ing, March 1, 1932,and that Haupt-
mann on that trip had suffered a leg
The state contends he suffered such
an injury when the kidnap ladder
broke and threw him and the baby
to the ground, killing the baby.
Mrs. Ella Achenbach a former
neighbor ofathe Hauptmann's, was on
the stand. She hardly had begun her
story when Mrs. Hauptmann rose to
her feet.
"Mrs. Achenbach," she cried out,
"you are lying."
Opposition To
Nazis' In Saar

Is Disbanding
ritory, Jan. 18. -(RP)-The last ves-
tiges of Nazi opposition disappeared
today so that Reichsfuehrer Hitler will
take over the Saar March 1 with a
clear path ahead.
Socialist and Communist organiza-
tions were dissolved and their funds
given to the Nazi winter help fund.

The much-discussed Townsend
Plan of old age pensions was ridiculed
yesterday by members of the eco-
nomics, political science, and sociolo.-
gy departments, who severely criti-
cized it as being "unworkable and un-
The statements made by these pro-
fessors are in direct contrast to the
opinions of Mayor Rooert A. Camp-
bell, who yesterday praised the Town-
send Plan in a speech here, claiming
that "there is no doubt as to its
workability." Mayor Campbell pre-
dicted that the plan will "soon sweep
the country," and declared that "it
has my heartiest support and approv-j

"as a measure to expand production,
it is extremely doubtful that it would
have anyappreciable effect."
"The comparisons made by advo-
cates of the Townsend Plan, con-
cerning the amount required to ad-
vance the plan and the total turn-
over of business, is invalid," he con-
tinued. "The turnover in a year is
about a trillion dollars, while the
proposed pension fund is approxi-
mately 24 billion.' This, it was ex-
plained, meant that Dr. Frank Town-
send, author of the plan, had con-
fused real income with the number
of dollars spent, not allowing for the
fact that one good is sold a number

al." of times.
Taking the lead in opposition to Professor Peterson added as an-
the plan, Prof. Shorey Peterson of other criticism that the plan assumes
the economics department pointed when 10,000,000 persons over 60 are
out As the chief defect that if, as its retired and pensioned, 10,000,000 jobs
proponents claim, 10,000,000 persons will be created. "A great number of
over 60 years of age receive $200 per persons that age do not have em-
month, and if the price level does ployment," he asserted. He said that
not rise or the purchasing power of the plan "is but one of a number of
the dollar fall, one-tenth of the popu- schemes to divide work, and also falls
lation would be getting at least 50 into t cate or k, whdchlso-
per cent of the real income at the de- vide for a government spending pro-
pression level." He called this "gross-gram."
ly unfair." A---

ly restrict business activity." The
pensions, it is proposed by adherents
of the plan, are to be paid out of a
national fund, raised by a sales tax.
Professor WatminN, monetary ex-
pert of the economics department,
denied that the Townsend Plan was
inflationary in nature, but stated that
if it were to go into effect, there
"might be a danger of inflation." He
explained this by pointing out that
"when difficulties caused by trans-
ference of income from the group to
another become apparent, the gov-
ernment might be forced to print
an excessive amount of money to pay
the pensions." He termed the plan
"wholly unworkable."
"Farcical" Dorr Says
With regard to the political possi-
bilities of the Townsend Plan, Dr.
Harold M. Dorr of the political science
department called it "farcical." He
explained, however, that he is for a
"modified program" of old age and
unemployment insurance. Although
neither of the two major political
parties have such a plank in their
platforms, Dr. Dorr pointed out that
President Roosevelt is committed tot
such a program "for sincere reasons,"
and stated that "it would be politic-
ally possible and will become effec-
Professor Arthur Wood of the so-
ciology department frankly derided,
the Townsend Plan as "cuckoo." "Ii
heartily endorse some form of old
age insurance," he emphasized, "and
it is a vitally necessary thing. It is
bound to come, but such a scheme
as the Townsend Plan is obviously
a ridiculous proposition."


Unionizing Of
All Professors
Should Be Affiliated With
American Federation Of
Labor, He Says
Speaks At Laundry
Workers Meeting
Teachers Need Concerted
Action, The Same As
Other Workers

Criticism Leveled

Of CollegeAthletes

Townsend Advocate

Pittsburgh Coach Defends
Policy Of 'Aiding Boys
Who PlayFootball'
Proper Soliciting
Will Be Permitted

At Sub

Effect "Ridiculous"
Proceeding on another assumption,
namely that operation of the Town-
send Plan would expand production
to the 1929 high, Professor Peterson
declared one-tenth of the population
would still be getting one-third of the
real income. "That speaks for it-
self," he said. "It renders a perfect-
ly ridiculous effect in the distribu-
tion of income.
"However," Professor Peterson said,

Nearly all other members of the
economics department concurred with
Professor Peterson's criticism of the
plan, Professors I. L. Sharfman and
Leonard L. Watkins advancing fur-
ther objections.
Sharfman Scores Tax
Professor Sharfman, chairman of
the department, declared that "to
supply the funds necessary for the
plan's pension system would require
a tremendous tax which would great-



Church Group
To Hear Talks
By Professors
Religious Views Of Faculty
To Be Presented Before
Six faculty members will present
their views on various religious prob-
lems and answer questions from..the
audience at the meeting of the Con-
gregational Student Fellowship at
6:15 p.m. tomorrow in a feature of
the program to be offered by Ann
Arbor churches.
The panel will consist of Prof. A. F.
Shull of the zoology department, Prof.
Preston W. Slosson of the history de-
partment, Prof. E. C. Goddard of the
Law School, Mrs. Mary C. Van Tuyl
of the psychology department, Prof.
Clifford Woody,;director of the bureau
of educational reference and research, I
and Prof. John Bradshaw of the
mathematics department.
To Continue Series
In the service to be held at 10:30
a.m. in the Congregational Church
the Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will con-
tinue his series on "The Old Testa-
ment in the New Times" with a ser-
mon on "The Thunder of Sinai." The
next in the series of lectures on "The
Evolution of Religion" will be given
by Prof. W. H. Worrell of the oriental!
language department on the subject
"The Mohammedans."
Several campus political leaders
will participate in a symposium on
"Why Student Government" follow-
ing the vesper service to be held at
6:30 p.m. in the Presbyterian Church.!
The Rev. H. E. Evans, counsellor for
Protestant students and assistant
football coach at Columbia Univer-
sity, will also address the meeting.
The Rev. William P. Lemon's sermon
in the morning service at 10:40 a.m.
will be on "What Is Salvation."
"The Problem of God" is the sub-
ject selected by the Rev. Henry Lewis
for his sermon in the 11 a.m. service
at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Herman Page will address
the student group on "Prepar ation
for Marriage from the Church's Point
of View" at 7 p.m. in Harris Hall.
Detroit Pastor To Speak
The Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will speak
on "Human Wisdom or Divine Revel-
ation" in the service tonbe held at
10:30 a.m. in the Zion Lutheran
Church. The meeting of the Stu-
dent Club at 6:45 p.m. will be ad-
dressed by the Rev. N. A. Menter,
pastor of the Salem Lutheran Church
in Detroit.
"A Visible Faith" will be discussed
by the Rev. Theodore R. Schmale in'
the service at 10:30 a.m. in the Beth-
lehem Evangelical Church. A discus-
sion of "The Inevitable Conflicts of
Active Christianity" will be held by
the Student Fellowship at 5:30 p.m.

Advertising Chief
Favors Proposed
Bills InCongress
That legislation further regulat-
ing advertising in the food, drug,
and cosmetic industries, favored by]
the advertising committee of the
Proprietary Association, would pass
this session of Congress was the
prophecy of E. H. Gardner, secretary
of the advertising committee of the
Proprietary Association, who ad-
dressed the students of the School of
Business Administration Wednesday.
The advisory committee, of which!
Mr. Gardner is secretary, has been
appointed by the manufacturers of
proprietary medicines to censor all;
advertising copy submitted to it by,
members of the association. The pur-
pose of the movement, Mr. Gardner
stated, is to remove all extravagant
claims pertaining to their products
and to so prepare their copy as to1
not give offense to the public.
A Family Affair
"This undertaking has been re-1
ferred to as the first attempt at self-
regulation of advertising made by any
industry. That is, a 'family affair,'
and the force of the recommendation
lies in the fact that the members of
the industry feel that a committee in-
side their family understands their7
problems better than an outsider,"
Mr. Gardner said.(
-Members of the association are
not required to submit their copy, but1
are merely invited to do so. In the
first four months of its activity, ad-'
vertising to the extent of $27,000,000
has been reviewed and not a single
suggestion made by the committee
has been disregarded by members of
the association.
Not only printed advertisements
are subject to scrutiny but radio ad-
vertising' as well is also checked. Some
daily complaints are received from
other manufacturers who are offend-
ed by the claims made in radio ad-l
These complaints, Mr. Gardner ex-
plained, are carefully reviewed, and
many of them are passed on to the
broadcasting companies, who have
cooperated admirably in the first at-
tempt of an industry to help adver-
tisers bring copy into line.
Former Kalamazoo
CollegeHead Dies
KALAMAZOO, Jan. 18 -VP)- Her-
bert Lee Stetson, president-emeritus
of Kalamazoo college, died at his
home here early this morning. He
was 87 years old and was known to
all the students, alumni, and friends
as "The Grand Old Man of Kalama-
zoo College."
He had been a member of the
Kalamazoo College faculty since 1900,
when he came here as professor of
psychology and education after hay-
ing served as president of Des Moines
College in 1889-1900.

Capital Mourns
Death Of Stack,
State Officer
Democratic Majority On
Administrative Board Is
Lost By His Passing
LANSING, Jan. 18. --(P) - John
K. Stack, Jr., who was just starting
his second term as auditor-general
of Michigan, died in St. Lawrence
hospital here early today, a victim
of pneumonia.. He was 50 years old
and a resident of Escanaba.
Stack was taken to St. Lawrence
hospital last Monday. His case was
considered acute at that time, but for
two days he held his own. Thursday
his condition changed and was pro-
nounced critical. He died at 2 o'clock
this ,morning. His wife and three
daughters and his brother were at his
bedside when he died.
The death of Stack will, in all prob-
ability make way for a Republican
majority on the State Administrative
Board, members of the political
science department of the University
of Michigan pointed out yesterday.
Stack had been the deciding mem-
ber of the board since the Republican
victory in November. State Treasurer
Theodore I. Fry, State Superintendent
of Public Instruction Paul Voelker,
and State Highway Commissioner
Murray D. Van Waggoner, together
with Stack, had made up the Demo-
cratic majority.
Flags were at half mast aL the Cap-
itol today as official Michigan
mourned his death. The auditor-gen-
eral's division -was closed. A public
statement by Governor Fitzgerald
paid tribute to Stack as a "courageous
public servant."

Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the so-
ciology department urged that all
college professors join unions affil-
iated with the American Federation
of Labor in an address before 50
members of the Laundry Workers
Local Union, 155, yesterday at Labor
"Teachers in general all through
the United States are gradually com-
ing to the realization that their
'friends are in the trade unions," Pro-
fessor Carr asserted, "the place of
the teacher, as well as everyone else
who works for a living, is with his'
fellow workers and friends -in the
union of his craft, affiliated with the
American Federation of Labor."
Praises Federation.
Professor Carr, who is the vice-!
president of the Ann Arbor Trades
and Labor Council, praised the Amer-
ican Federation as the "organization
which pioneered the public school
system and is still its champion." He
urged the "active participation of
every worker" in a trade union as
the only method of equalizing the
"economic inequality between the in-
dividual employer and the individual
Professor Carr's speech was given
at the opening of the laundry un-
ion's winter social season. He was
preceded by the Rev. Father Allen J.
Babcock of St. Thomas Parish, who
declared that the worker's only way
of meeting his employer on a basis'
of equality was through the "numeri-,
cal and collective strength of an or-
Upholds Collective Bargaining
* "It is the inherent right of every
worker to join an organization of his
own choice for the purpose of collec-
tive bargaining in the same manner
that it is his right to work. It is also
the right," he added, "of every work-
er to receive a day's pay equivalent
to furnishing him and his family with
the necessities of life."
Professors and all members of the
teaching profession are no different
than any other type of workers, Pro-'
fessor Carr explained. Stating that
they should join a union for the
"betterment of themselves and all
others," he emphasized the necessity
of concerted action of all workers.
Notice Served On
Gamblers By T oy
LANSING, Jan. 18.- (P) - Attor-
ney-General Harry S. Toy issued a
statement today warning local law
enforcement officers that the anti-
gambling laws must be rigidly en-
forced or the state will take action.
The attorney general particularly
served notice on Macomb county of-
ficials that the alleged operation of
two gambling establishments in that
county by "Lefty" Clark and Danny
Sullivan must cease. Toy said he
informed the Macomb county sheriff
and prosecutor that the attorney gen-
eral's office will step in unless local
authorities close the two establish-

-Associated Press Photo.
The Townsend plan, calling for Fed-
eral paymentsof $200 a month to all
persons over 60, was introduced in
Congress by Representative McGroaty
of California, shown above in a speak-
ing pose.
Conference On
Fraternities To
Be Held Today
Called By Ruthven For
Purpose Of 'Discussing
Vital Matters'
The undergraduate and alumni of-
ficers of fraternities, and administra-
tive officials of the University will con-
vene at 2 p.m. today at the Union for
a meeting, the definite purpose of
which has not been disclosed.
The meeting was called by Presidenti
Alexander G. Ruthven with the in-
dicated general purpose of "discuss-
ing vital matters both to the Uni
versity and fraternities." He could1
not be reached at his home last night
for a clarification of this statement
Philip A. Singleton, '35E, president
of the Interfraternity Council, called
a meeting of all fraternity presiden
for 12:45 p.m. today in the office
of the Council, Room 306, the Union
Singleton would make no statement
last night but indirectly indicated
that the Council was not meeting tci
present any opposition to the Uni-
versity at the later meeting.
One fraternity president stated tha
although he knew nothing officially
it was his belief that Singleton calle
the meeting so that fraternities woulc
be prepared for discussion with the
University as a group rather than a
individual organizations.
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bur-
sley also stated that he knew nothint
definite about what would be dis-
cussed at the meeting.
Democrats Split
On Bills Giving
Bonus Payment
Support Given Patman Bill
In Spite Of Opposition
Of Legion Commander
WASHNGTON, Jan. 18. - (R) -
Backers of the Patman bill to pay the
$2,100,000,000 soldiers' bonus with new
treasury notes surged forward today
with a threat to force a vote in the
House if administration leaders seek
In an informal caucus that threw
into sharp relief a division of opinion
among bonus advocates as to just
what bill should be pressed, 125 House
Democrats went on record Thursday
night for quick passage of the meas-
ure introduced by Representative Pat-
man (Dem., Texas).
The commander of the American
Legion has come out strongly for the
Vinson bill, which leaves to the treas-
ury the method of financing the
bonus. Assailing this measure Thurs-
day night, Representative Glassaway
(Dem., Okla.), said it was a "bank-
ers' bonus bill." He contended the
bankerswould "at a bons in in.Pr

'Jock' Sutherland
Views At Young


ATLANTA, Jan. 18 -(P)-- Agreeing
that solicitization "of the right kind"
is legitimate activity of colleges, the
committee of recruiting of the Asso-
ciation of American Colleges today
condemned certain practices regard-
ing the treatment of athletes.
"Every institution," the committee
said, "has a right to seek contacts
with prospective students. The right
kind of student solicitization will help
a college to select the kind of stu-
dents it desires to serve."
The committee, however, recom-
mended in its monthly report filed
with the secretary of the association
without discussion, that athletes be
treated alike with other students.
Athletes Not To Be Favored
"In regard to the recruiting of ath-
letes," the committee said, "we take
this occasion to reaffirm the historic
position of American educators that
students who are athletes should re-
ceive "no more and no less considera-
tion," than any other group of stu-
"We have no desire to fix the blane
for the present deplorable situation
in the recruiting of athletes and their
subsidization, nor do we intend to go
on a muck-raking expedition to dis-
cover individual offenders against the
idea we have announced."
Coach Defends Subsidization
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 18-P)- Ris-
ing to the defense of subsidization of
college athletics, Dr. John B. Suth-
3rland, head football coach at the
University of Pittsburgh, voiced the
belief there isn't anything wrong "in
aiding the boys who play football."
The Pitt mentor, known as "Jock"
wherever football is played, said:
"I don't care who is subsidized on
my squad. As far as subsidization of
?layers is concerned, it is getting no
better fast, although I do believe it
is not being carried on in the way
it once was. For my part, I can't see
how it is going to be prevented.
Criticizes "Kickers"
"Usually you will find the ones who
are kicking the loudest are the ones
who are merely covering up more
than others.
"I got some help going through
school and I can't see anything
vrong with that.
"The boys working on college pap-
ers, members of the band, and hun-
cireds of others receive aid. I can't
see any difference in aiding the boys
who play football.
Played For Pitt
Dr. Sutherland was the lineman
on the University of Pittsburgh's 1916
football team, called by many foot-
ball men one of the greatest of col-
lege aggregations. That eleven was
coached by Glenn Warner, and "Jock"
succeeded him after Warner went to
The coach's views were given before
a meeting last night of the Young
Men's Forum attended by a group of
high school football players, the ques-
tion about subsidization was put to
Dr. Sutherland by one of the youths.
At the same time, the Pitt coach
took occasion to say that profession-
al football lacks something that
money cannot buy. The pros, he said,
do not have the spirit of the college
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. .19.-The
University of Michigan and Univer-
sity of Minnesota hockey teams bat-
tled to a 2-to-2 tie in an overtime
game here tonight.
Captain Dies After
Crew Is Rescued
HALIFAX. N. S.. Jan. 15 -OUP-

Lindy Plans To Fly The Pacific
As Test For U.S.-Orient Air Line

NEW YORK, Jan. 18.-(P)-Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh is expected toI
take the leading part in the conquest
of another ocean for United States
aviation, just as soon as the court in
Flemington, N. J., decides whether
Bruno Richard Hauptmann murdered
his son.
'The famous flier, it was revealed
by intimate associates today, is ex-
pected to fly the Pacific Ocean pre-
liminary to the establishment of an
experimental air transport service be-
tween America and the Orient which
will reduce the transportation time
between the Orient and the new world
to 60 flying hours.
The Pan American Airways system,
whose technical committee LindberghI

rest, the Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh!
returned to the East from California
four months ago.
It is not expected that Mrs. Lind-I
bergh will make the Pacific flight, as
she did the two trips over the Atlantic
with the Colonel last year.
A giant trans-ocean training plane,
the Clipper-Pioneer, sister ship of the
record-holding Brazilian Clipper, has
been delivered to Pan America's ma-I
rine operating base at Miami and is
engaged in a series of training flights.
This training plane will be flown to
California following the completion of
its Caribbean training schedule, prob-
ably in about three weeks.
Then, if the Hauptmann trial is
ended, Lindbergh will probably join
the pioneering crew in California.

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