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January 17, 1935 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-17

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Sororities To
Vote Today On
Rushing Rules
Panhellenic Meeting Will
Decide On Question Of
A final decision will be made as to
the feasibility of deferred rushing in
a general Panhellenic meeting at 4:15
p.m. today in the League. All sororities
will be expected to send representa-
tives to vote on the issue.
The proposed modifieation of the
present rushing rules suggests a two-
week deferment of the initial intens-
ive rushing period in the fall. In-
stead of opening simultaneously with
the semester, the new plan would
have all rushing postponed until two
weeks after classes have begun, al-I
lowing freshman women time to be-
come adjusted to college.
Betty Aigler, '35, president of Pan-?
hellenic, will preside at the meeting.1
A general discussion will precede the
vote. Dean Alice C. Lloyd will at-
tend and speak briefly in favor of the
Another question to be brought be-
fore the meeting is the time of sub-
mission of initiation slips. Hereto-
fore the slips have had to be in the
dean's office within two days before
initiation. Now it is proposed to
submit them either one week or two
weeks ahead.

Soprano To Sing On Founders' Day Program

A.A.U.W. Group Mme. Lotte Lehmann Discloses
Will Celebrate! ,Her Life History In Memoirs

Founders' Day




Of especial interest to music loversI
Ann Arbor And Ypsilanti are the recently published memoirs
of Minme. Lotte Lehmann, one of the
Branches Are To Honor recent additions to the roster of Met-
Pioners 'tdropolitan Opera singers. Mine. Leh-'
Pioneers Saturday mann will make her initial appear-
ance in Ann Arbor Friday night, Jan.
Founders' Day of the American As- 25, in Hill Auditorium under the
sociation of University Women will auspices of the Choral Union.
be celebrated by the Ann Arbor and In her autobiography, which first
Ypsilanti branches at 3 p.m. Satur- appeared in German under the title,
day in the ballroom of the League. "Anfang und Augsteig," the lively lit-
The pioneers of the association will erary talent displayed has led some
be given the stage, and the enter-
taimenthe stnge oranizd and d- critics to believe that Mme. Lehmann
tainment is being organized and di- would have made a name in 'writing
rected by Mrs. W. D. Henderson. had she chosen to confine her efforts
The theme for the meeting will be to this medium.
"The March of Time," covering the The chronicle of this young star's
period from 1902 when the Ann Ar- career, telling first of her childhood
bor branch was founded, to 1912, tribulations and then of the long hard
when the National Association held fight to success, makes interesting
its convention here. The entertain- reading. She tells of her first love, a
ment will be given as a radio pro- handcme instructor, but that passed
gram with Mrs. Henderson an- quickly, and she transferred her af-
nouncing. Some to take part are Mrs. fections to a certain "Willy."
Joseph S. Markley, Miss Mable Van Marriage Or A Career?
Kleek, Mrs. Louise Karpinski, Mrs. Willy, however, disappeared from
A. R. Crittenden, and Miss Elizabeth the scene when the discovery was
DpaoTSigmade that she had a voice. Willy's de-
Soprano To Sng fection was not her fault, Mme. Leh-
Mrs. Susan Semer, lyric colortura mann explains. She hadn't meant to
soprano, will open the program with give him up, but the autocratic WillyI
a salutation. Other music will be put his foot down on careers for
furnished by the League Trio con- women. "Choose," said he, "between
sisting of Jean Seeley, '36, Maxine me and your career." Mme. Lehmann
Maynard, '35, and Mary Morrison, '35. chose, but softening the blow, she
Each member may bring a guest. wrote, "If you feel you can be happy
Those pouring at the tea to be although I shall love you less than
served after the program are Mrs. my art, I am willing to go on consid-
Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean Alice ering myself as your future bride."
C. Lloyd, Mrs. Herbert T. Goulding, Willy wrote back that he wasn't.!
and Miss Maude T. Hagle of Ypsilanti. This, after all, seems to be what
Hfate intended, but there were many
Hostesses from the Ann Arbor dark moments of discouragement to
group for the afternoon are Mrs. E. be faced before the planned-for ca-I
L. Adams, Mrs. Byrl Fox BecherE reer took tangible shape. It seemed
Miss Edith Barnard, Mrs. Junius E.-
Beal, Mrs. Orlan Boston, Miss Ger-
E rOB sM nue oakum Speaks At
trude Breed, Mrs. John L. Brumm,
Miss Elizabeth Burgess, Mrs. George Graduate Luncheon
E. Carrothers, Mrs. David Cowie, Mrs.
Verner Crane, Mrs. A. R. Crittenden,
Mrs. Tobias Diekoff, Mrs. F. S. Dun- Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, newly ap-
ham, Mrs. Louis M. Eich, Mrs. Wil- pointed dean of the graduate school,
liam F. Giefel, Miss Fredericka Gil- spoke informally yesterday noon at
lette, Miss Elsa Haller, Miss Ellen the graduate luncheon held in the
Hinsdale, Miss Ada Inglis, Mrs. R. L. League.
Kahn, Mrs. Hugh E. Keeler, Mrs. A. Dr. Yoakum discussed the attempt
0. Lee, Mrs. Moritz Levi, Mrs. Arthur of.the committee on relations to unify
B. Moehlman, and Miss Jeanette all the schools and colleges of the
Perry. University. In order to integrate the
Others among the Ann Arbor host- work of the various units, the work!
esses are Mrs. James Pollock, Mrs. has been divided into several divis-
John F. Shepard, Mrs. Charles A. ions, the financial, the educational,

for some time that no sooner had
one stdmbling-block been removed
than another loomed in the path.
Scholarship Witlidra wi
There was first the anxious time
when the family met in conclave to
decide ways and means for the great
career. This obstacle surmounted,
there was that other terrible moment
when the scholarship she was enjoy-
ing at the Etelka Gerster School was
withdrawn on the ground that she
had not shown the requisite talent.
The further admonition was yet
more discouraging. "If you are still
deteimined to achieve something, it
will be better if you take some prac-
tical profession." Mmne. Lehmnann's
rise to her present peak of fame is
tilled with such anecdotes, but they
prove interesting reminiscences, ac-
cordting to Mine. Lehmann.
Art Exhibition
To Be Shown
At Alumni Hall
An exhibition of pictures selected
from the Michigan Artists' Show re-
cently held in Detroit and the "Fifty
Prints of the Year" exhibit will open
Friday, it was announced yesterday
by Douglas D. Loree, secretary of the
Ann Arbor Art Association, which is
sponsoring the show.
The pictures will be on display from
1:30 to 5 p.m. every afternoon until
Jan. 31, in Alumni MVemorial Hall,
it was announced, and students will
be admitted to the show without
charge. In addition, the galleries will
be open to the public without charge
from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday,
Jan. 24. At all other times there will
be a slight admission charge for non-
members other than students, Mr.
Loree stated,
The association will hold its annual
meeting Friday for the .election of

Honor Society
Hears Lecture
By Detroit Man
H. M. Merker, a member of the
Parke Davis and Company staff, De-
troit, was the guest speaker for the
regular meeting of Tau Beta Pi which
was held Tuesday night at the Union.
Mr. Merker chose "The Engineer and
Medicine" for the topic of his speech.
Mr. Merker brought several appli-
cations for, positions that had been
sent to him by various persons who
were seeking jobs. He read them to
the group, criticizing and approving
certain ones. He pointed out the im-
portant factors of a good applica-
tion. Included in his list were care-
fulness of grammar, spelling, the
form of the letter, and typing.
Mr. Merker spoke of the recent
improvement that has been shown
in business, using his present sur-
roundings, Parke Davis Co. and De-
troit, as examples. He said that all
fields of business are gradually pick-
ing up.
"College is an excellent foundation
for any business, but it doesn't give
sufficient experience," Mr. Merker
said. "In order to be successful it
is necessary to have something be-
sides book learning." Mr. Merker
went on to say that in engineering,
as in any other field, it is necessary
constantly to keep up on the subject.
This is best accomplished by reading
the current literature written by au-
thorities on the matter.
Supper was served at the Union
before the business meeting.
Music Group Will
The Music Group of the Michigan
Dames will meet at 8 p.m. today at
the home of Mrs. Frank O'Beirne,
404 Pauline Blvd. North American
Indian Music will be the subject for
the meeting with illustrations by Mrs.
John Johnstone, vocal soloist, and
-Mrs. Paul Wiers nianit

Susan Semer, lyric coloratura soprano, will sing several numbers on
the Founders' Day program of the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti branches
cf the American Association of University Women to be held on Saturday
at the League.
Many Facilities Are Offered To
Women At Palmer Field House


By JOSEPHINE McLEAN I foot of the hill. These like the field,
The tennis player speeding across I neeced levelling.
the hard clay court at Palmer Field I Facilities Increased
cr the student enjoying hot choco- In 1926 as a result of many inves-
late before the open fireplace in the tigations, the Board in Control of
lounge of Women's Athletic Building Athletics became enthusiastic about}
is oblivious to the fact that these the women's program and decided to
facilities were not always available promote it by increasing its facilities
for women. and setting aside more than $300,000.
"The building up of an athletic Palmer Field House, one of the fin-
plant for women has been a gradual est athletic buildings for women in
process," said Dr. Margaret Bell, di- America, was erected at a cost of sev-
reotor of physical education for eral hundred thousand dollars. The
women. "From the limited facilities in houses were razed and the street
Barbour Gymnasium, we have ex- cutting through the field was filled
panded our plant so that it ranks with in, thereby making the field a con-
the best in the country." tinuous plot of ground. Sixteen well-
Gymnastics and marching were re- I constructed tennis courts replaced the
quired of all women up Dr. Bell's ar- others.
rival in 1923. A questionnaire filled out "sports are luxuries" Dr. Bell con-
by these students indicated general PnSed.s"Welgieshe.Bein -
disonentwih te xisin prgrm.tinned. "We give the beginner a
discoritent with the existing program. chance to learn the fundamentals of
Program Extended a sport and we give the advanced
"To satisfy the students objecting player the opportunity to become pro-
to routine work, the program was ex- ficient."
tended to include such electives as "The person outside of school is un-
archery, baseball, hockey, golf, riding, able to obtain such equipment unless
canoeing, tennis, soccer, and track for she can afford to belong to a club or
the spring and fall terms, and folk to build it herself."
and natural dancing and swimming I___
for the winter months.
The extension of the program was 15 Pledges Are
seriously hampered by the inadequate
facilities. The Field House was a bare j
cottage, and in consequence the Initiated into
women were compelled to use Bar-
bour Gymnasium for locker accom-
The athletic field divided by a street S
was cluttered by frame houses border-
ing. Forest Ave. Four tennis courts Following the initiation of 15 new
stood on the site of Mosher-Jordan members, at 5 p.m. yesterday, the
Halls while the other two lay at the semi-annual initiation banquet of Al-
pha Nu, honorary speech fraternity,
was held in the Union.
Arthur Marlowe, '36, was toastmas-
IFV'TTflin ICI +v nrA TAillion C1-onnino,'7T crv

Sink, Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Mrs. the extramural, the extension divis-
Edson R. Sunderland, Dr. Jeanne Sol- ion, and the building program. Some
is, Miss Edith Thomas, Mrs. C. D. of its accomplishments, he said, have
Thorpe, Miss Lora Tinkham, and Mrs. been the taking of qualitative surveys
Leigh J. Young. of faculty salaries, the organization of
Hostesses from Ypsilanti are Miss a unified system of entrance require-
Lucretia Case, Miss Helen Dietz, Miss : ments, and surveys of the grades of
Mary A. Goddard, Mrs. Gilbert Peet, students.
Dr. Geraldine Snow, Mrs. M. E. Sol-
lar, Miss Marion Stowe, and Mrs. J. JUDGE JEFFRIES TO SPEAK HERE
J. Woods. Judge Ira J. Jeffries of the Wayne
County circuit court will discuss the
FRENCH LECTURE GIVEN Townsend Plan at 8 p.m. today in the
Charles Koella was the guest speak- Masonic temple. His speech is being
er for the Cercle Francais meeting sponsored by the Washtenaw County
held at 4:15 p.m. yesterday in the Townsend Club.
Romance Language Building. I
This was the second of a series of
lectures given in French for the club. CONT I N U ED SALE
Mr. Koella chose for his topic, "Gyp."
The lecture was attended by a large
crowd.of Fine Values
One Lot of
of I One-half Off -Sunday Nite
and Street Dresses
SFOR ALS I All Blouses - % and ?>Off
iteeRemaining Negligees and
and Dinner Dresses Pajamas - ff
to be closed out regardless
of cost or former selling { TO CLOSE OUT
price. 25
SIZES 12-40
SIZESI Ielt Hats
50c each
605 East William SH OPP E
-. ,8 Nickels Arcade


officers and the board of directors,
I followed by a reception at 8 p.m. at
Alumni Memorial Hall.
The Michigan Artists' Show was
an exhibit on display through De-
cember at the Detroit Art Institute.
Ii -.____ I


in Artist and Long
$1.69 and $1.95
Various Styles.
Sizes, Small, Medium, Large

. ,.......
Included in the program will be ~ Jt,~ 10 I~
"Pale Moon" by Logan, "By the Wat- i
ers of Minntonka" by Laurence and
"From the Land of the Sky Blue Motion Pictures: Majestic, "The
Water" by Cadman, all sung by Mrs. Little Minister" with Katherine Hep-
Johnstone. Mrs. Wiers will play burn; Michigan, "Great Expecta-
"Woodland Sketches" by MacDowell, tions" with Henry Hull; Whitney,
"From An Indian Lodge" and "Told "Two Heads on a Pillow" with Neil
at Sunset." Hamilton and "Invisible Man;"
Transportation can be obtained by Wuerth, "What Every W o m a n'
calling Mrs. James Bradbury, 22060. Knows" with Helen Hayes and "Kan-
The Child Study Group of the sas City Princess" with Joan Blond-
Michigan Dames met from 3 p.m. to ell.
5 p.m. yesterday at the home of Mrs. Dramatics: "Outward Bound" pre-
Newell A. Atwood, 909 Woodlawn sented by Play Production, 8:30 p.m.,;

ter, and William Uroening,0 gLa, ve
the toast to the new members. The
response was made by Ralph Dan-
hof, '36. Carl Nelson, '37, president
of the organization, also spoke, and
was followed by Charles Rogers, '37L.
Prefaced by several humorous re-
marks, Rogers traced the history of
Alpha Nu, which is the oldest or-
ganization on the campus, from 1850
to the present time. "It stands now,
and has always stood, for better
speech training and general advance-
ment of all," he declared.
Rogers pointed out how Alpha Nu
once took an active interest in camp-

315 South State St.



Ave., the members of the group tak- Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. us politics, but declared that "it is
ing their children with them. Mrs. Peace Films: "All Quiet on the no longer the policy of this organi-
Atwood is chairman of this division Western Front," 4 p,m. and 8 p.m., zation to have other interests outside
and Mrs. Frederick W. Peterson is , Natural Science Auditorium, of its field."
faculty advisor. Dancing: Iut Cellar. The banquet was to have been ad-
dressed by Former-governor Wilber
Mrs. H. S. Bull and Mrs. Carlo A. Word has been received here that Mr. Brucker was "unavoidably de-
Reading acted as hostesses for the Professor Eunice Wead of the de- tained" however, and notified Alpha
all-day meeting and tea of the Arts partment of library science, who has 'Nu officials, at the last minute that
and Crafts Guild yesterday in the .been seriously ill in a Washington he could not be present.
studio in Nickels Arcade. Angus Bab- hospital, is much better. It is expected The election of officers for the sec-
cock was present again to assist in that she will return to Ann Arbor in ond semester was announced by Presi-
the work. a few days. dent Nelson for next Wednesday.
1I I I


- ,


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