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January 17, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-17

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The Weather
Snow flurries Thursday;
much colder at night; Friday




The Townsend Plan ...
No Discrimination Against




Convicts Captured
After Break From
California Prison

O -

Guards Retake Prisoners
After Two-Hour Fight
At ValleyFord
Warden Near Death
As Result Of Beating
Six Men Are Kidnaped
In San Quentin Prison

SAN QUENTIN, Calif., Jan. 16--(P)
- Four c o n v i c t s escaped from
crowded San Quentin prison today
by felling the warden and kidnaping
six men, ran wild for two hours; and
were captured after a running fight
in which their leader was perhaps
fatally wounded.
The 63-year-old warden James B.
Holohan was beaten so badly he was
not expected to live. Frank B. Sykes,
chairman of the state board of prison
terms and paroles, one of those taken
captive, was shot in the hip. All four
convicts were hurt. They were taken
to the prison hospital upon being re-
turned from the scene of their des-
perate las4 stand at Valley Ford, 54
'miles north of the prison.
In possession, of 45 caliber auto-
matic pistols and much ammunition
obtained from unascertained sources,
the four prisoners - "bad men" -
stormed the warden's residence, beat
Holohan mercilessly and rolled out
of the great walls with their host-
Besides Sykes they captured War-
ren Atherton, Stockton attorney, and
J o s e p h Stephens, Sacramento
banker, both members of the board;
Mark E. Noon, board secretary, and
Harry Jones and C. L. Dose, guards.
Into a single state automobile they*
crowded the hostages and them-
State and city police and even two
fighting planes from Hamilton field,
the army's newest bombing base
nearby, joined in the pursuit. High-
ways were blocked, drawbridges
hoisted, and every peace officer in
northern California was called.
Shots whizzed back and forth along
the picturesque redwood highway.
Two deputy sheriffs and District
Attorney Albert E. Bagshaw of Marin
county, the latter a former assistant
United States attorney, made the
The felons -made their last stand
in a creamery building after their
car had been disabled by shots. One
showed his face through a window
and was met with the charge from
a sawed-off shotgun. The four then
gave up.
Rudolph Streight, 35 years old,
Alameda county robber, was the
leader. The others were Alexander
MacKay, Los Angeles robber, Joe
Crristy, 26 years old, Los Angeles
kidnaper, and Fred Alenders, 27
years old, sent up from San Fran-
cisco for robbery and assault. All had
records as bad prisoners.
Three-County Gun Battle1
Features Illinois Robbery
LA SALLE, Ill., Jan. 16- (P) - A
sheriff, a bank cashier and a bank
robber died and three men and a boy
were wounded today in a series of
gun battles that raged through three
Three pitched engagements, fought
with guerilla savagery by 65 partici-
pants, took place along a thirty-mile
line as four gangsters sought to blast
their way to freedom after they had
been beaten back in an attempt to
loot the Leonore (Ill.) State Bank.
The lives of Charles Bundy, 54
years olda bank official, and Sheriff
Glenn Axline, of Marshall County,
were killed by the gunmen's bullets.
Howard Meyer Is j
Winner In Contest
Howard Meyers, '37. was awarded
first place in the fifth annual extem-
poraneous speaking contest held at
4 p. m. yesterday between the 11 sec-
tion of speech 31.
Meyers spoke on "Hitler and World
Peace," and will be awarded the
Oratorical Association medal for ex-
cellence in speaking.
Tn t - ln.- na fii nain -y-up

Michigan Warden To
Clean House At Jackson
JACKSON, Jan. 16. - ) ))-
"We're going to clean up that sort
of thing at once," declared War-
den Charles B. Shean, when in-
formed of Smith's statement about
drinking by inmates. Warden
Shean formally took over the
management of the prison at
"Only an organization of in-
mates can make such a situation
possible," he declared. "Of course,"
he added, "with so many trusties
outside such tings are always
possible. Liquor has been made in-
side the walls from potato peelings
and on the farms from ensilage,
but these things can and will be
Open Mystical
Play At Lydia
Stars Of 'Double Door'
And 'The Royal Family'
Have Roles
"Outward Bound," a supernatural
drama by Sutton Vane will be pre-
sented at 8:30 p. m. today in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre for a three
night run, as the fourth and last of-
fering of the Play Production group.
Names of the students playing
principal roles in the play were an-
nounced last night by Valentine B.
Windt, director of the production.
The role of Mrs. Midget, a char-
woman, will be played by Hattie
Bell Ross, Grad. Miss Ross has
appeared in a number of Play Pro-
duction offerings, notably as Shirley
Kaplan in "Street Scene." Jean Cur-
rie, Grad., is making her debut in
the role of Mrs. Cliveden-Banks, a
society matron, and Claire Gorman,
'36, is also making her debut as
Tom Prior will be portrayed by
Frank Funk, '35, who was com-
mended by many for his work in
"Double Door," Charles Harrell, '35,
the Tony Cavendish of "The Royal
Family," will play the role of the
Rev. Duke, Carl Nelson, '36, is cast
in the part of. Lingley, a business
man, while Goddard Light, '35, will
play the role of Henry.
Scrubby, a mysterious old steward,
will be played by Daniel Goldman,
'36, and James V. Doll, '35, will por-
tray the role of the Rev. Thompson.
The scenery for the play was de-
signed by Oreon Parker, Grad. The
other members of the production
staff are Virginia Frink, '35, cos-
tumes, Eleanor Heck, Grad., proper-
ties, Frank Rollnger, '36, sound ef-
fects, Virginia Chapman Goetz, '36,
book holder, Harriet Kesselman, '35,
box office manager, and Ruth Le-
Roux, '36, and Dorothy Ohrt, '36,
head ushers.
The plot of the play, according to
Mr. Windt, is based on a strange
company of shipmates, mystified by
a vaguely appresive feeling of un-
reality a n d uncertainty, who sud-
denly discover that every last one of
them is dead.

Five Cagers
Ousted From
Varsity Team
Failure To Remain Within
Training Rules Is Cited
As Cause Of Benching
Capt. Al Plummer
Is Among Number
Deposed Players Will Not
Make Champaign Trip
With Rest OfSquad
Failure to stay within the train-
ing rules prescribed by Coach Frank-
lin Cappon resulted yesterday in the
benching of four regular Michigan
cagers, including Capt. Al Plummer,
and one second team player.
The men benched are Capt. Plum-
mer and George Rudness, guards;
Chelse Tamagno and John Jablonski,
forwards, and Jack Teitelbaum, sub-
stitute forward. Plummer, Teitel-
baum, and Tomagno have previously
earned letters in the sport, while
Jablonski and Rudness were regulars
last year, until they were declared
ineligible at the end of the first se-
Cappon asserted yesterday that no
one- of the five would make the trip
to Champaign for the Illinois game
Saturday, but may win their berths
back by the time Northwestern comes
here Jan. 21 if they can prove to Cap-
pon that they will conform to his
training standard.
"They had individualistic ideas
about training which differed from
mine," was the reason given by Cap-
Pon for benching the men.
During the past two days, these
five benched veterans have been giv-
en no part in the drill supervised by
Cappon, but have been confined to
shooting baskets.
With the task of filling four holes
in his starting lineup, Cappon has
been working the 11 remaining mem-
bers of the squad on offense, trying
to determine which five will take the
floor against Illinois Saturday when
the Wolverines will be seeking their
first victory in four Conference
games. Ten of these 11 cagers will
make the trip to Champaign.
Matt Patanelli is the only member
of the recent starting quintet who
will be available. Although Cappon
will not decide definitely upon his
new lineup after today's scrimmage
against the freshmen, it appears that
Patanelli, center; Ford and Joslin,
forwards; Rieck and Meyers, guards,
have the edge.
Dick Evans and Russ Oliver,
guards; Harry Solomon, Bob Hill,
and Chris Everhardus, forwards; and
John Gee, center, may become regu-
lars if their performance today war-
rants it.
Ferris Jennings, guard, who injured
his knee in practice Tuesday, will
also enter the fight for a position,
when he returns in several days.
Claude S. Carney, '96L, chairman
of the Michigan Department of Labor
and Industry, will address the junior
and senior engineering classes on the
subject "Workmen's Compensation
Law of Michigan" at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 348 West Engineering Building.
Mr. Carney is a past president of
the State Bar Association, and is pres-
ent director of that organization. He
has been an outstanding member of
his profession, practising for many
years in the Kalamazoo Circuit.
He has been much interested in the
aspects of the ethics and disciplinary

processes of the legal profession.

State Exposes
Hauptmann s
Attorney Reveals Finding
Underlined Words Used
In Ransom Notes
Lawyers Ready To
Take Up Next Step
Negro Laborer To Testify
To Finding Baby's Body
In Thicket
FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 16. - (P)
--Discovery of English and German
dictionaries in the Bronx home of
Bruno Richard Hauptmann, with
words used in the Lindbergh ransom
notes heavily underscored, was dis-
closed tonight by Attorney-General
David P. Wilentz of New Jersey.
Wilentz made the disclosure in an-
swer to a defense question raised at
Hauptmann's murder trial today -
why the same man would misspell
simple words and correctly spell the
more difficult ones in the ransom
"Hauptmann is a dictionary stu-
dent," Wilentz declared, "and we will
prove it."
The state, he added, found two sets
of dictionaries in the Bronx house -
one German and one English - with
E words such as "hazardous," that fig-
ured prominently in the ransom notes,
heavily underlined.
Prosecutors today capped their,
handwriting case against the car-
penter with the opinions of eight ex-
perts that he was the ransom writer,
and prepared to begin testimony con-
cerning the finding of baby Lind-
bergh's hidden grave.
Thus the state, intent on sending
the carpenter to the electric chair, is
ready to show how Col. Charles A.
Lindbergh's first-born son lay buried
in a thicket while Hauptmann alleg-
edly wrote 14 lying letters and
snatched the $50,000 ransom in a
Bronx cemetery.
A Negro laborer, William Allen,
stumbled across the baby's shallow
grave on May 12, 1932, more than two
months after he was stolen from his
Hopewell home a few miles away.
Allen will testify and then the body,
(Continued on Page 2)



And Art

National Student
League Outlines
Plans For Future
Activities For Semester To
Include Anti-War And
Fascism Demonstrations
Diversity and ambition featured the
proposals of action for the coming
semester outlined by the executive
committee and approved by the group
at the term's final meeting of the Na-
tional Student League last night in
the Union.
The proposals were grouped under
the general headings of anti-war and
fascism work, student government,
publicity and education, Negro dis-
crimination, economic demands, or-
ganizational activities, and social af-
fairs. Volunteer committees were
formed to work on the proposals in
each of these sections.
The chief part of the anti-war and
fascism program deals with a demon-
stration to be held April 4 in sym-
pathy with student protest strikes be-
ing planned for that day in schools
and colleges throughout the country.
Feb. 24 has been tentatively set for a
meeting preliminary to the April 4
demonstration. Another demonstra-
tion for the same cause is planned for
May 30, National Youth Day.
The National Student League's pro-
posal for student government, appear-
ing in The Daily today, was outlined
and plans were made for mustering
support for the plan among other
campus organizations.
A union of University students
working on FERA jobs is the most
important suggestion to be acted upon
by the committee on economic de-
mands. Another plan called for ap-
plication to University authorities
for a non-profit book exchange to be
sponsored by the University and to
employ students on the payroll of
the FERA.
Other proposals concerning eco-
nomic demands included striving for
the abolition of the Civilion Conserva-
tion Corps as a means of relief, in-
creased FERA jobs and wages, and
some form of aid to needy high-school
Negotiations have been undertaken
to obtain as speakers next semester
Angelo Herndon, central figure of the
famous trial now pending in Georgia,
Jane and Herbert Newton, much-pub-
licized white and negro couple, A. B.
Magill, noted liberal writer, and Sam-
uel Patterson, secretary of the Scotts-
boro Defense Committee.
Further plans include organization
of a National Student League chap-
ter in Ann Arbor High School, a Hern-
don-Scottsboro mass meeting, and
asking the support of the local Phi
Beta Kappa chapter in a movement
to extend the fraternity to Negro col-
SAARBRUECKEN, Jan. 16 - (IP) -
Adolph Hitler's Saar opposition
crumbled completely today and the
Saar, in effect, passed into Nazi


World Court Two Equally Prominent
Bands Are Engaged As
Was Done Last Year
Tickets Placed On
Sale At 5.50 Each

Decorations Planned.
Intramural Building,
Maize And Blue


Kassel's Orchestras Are
Chosen To PlayAtJ-Ho

Associated Press Photo
Johnson Offers
Opposition To
Entering Court

Roosevelt's Message
Termed First Step
Joining League


Hugh Johnson
Promises Aid
To Roosevelt'
Former NRA Official Will.
Take No Job According'
To Radio Address
NEW YORK, Jan. 16 -()- Hugh
S. Johnson declared tonight he in-'
tends to "put everything I have on
the ball for what Franklin D. Roose-;
velt stands for."
The former NRA executive said all
the "talk" that he is going to work
for "big business" gives him "a pain,"
"I'm not going to take any job.
I'm going to sacrifice another year
to do just what I have been doing
steadily for the last two and one-
half years - put everything I have on
the ball for what Franklin D. Roose-
velt stands for."
"I can do it better out of govern-
ment than in, because I don't have
to walk any official tight ropes. I
coudn't do it at all onany industrial
The General's address was broad-
cast over an NBC network.
Saying he had beenoffered some
jobs, Johnson said "they all shuck
out to rest on NRA publicity and some
idea of the pull in Washington and
it gives me a faint nausea."
In the first place, he added, "it
isn't right to capitalize a big noise
in public service."
"In the second place, I haven't any
pull with anybody. Washington fix-
ers are selling what they haven't got.
Nobody has a pull with this Admin-
istration except the depressed part
of our people. * * * They have the pull
of human sympathy and a whole lot
" I don't know what particular ad-
ministration plans are. I speak for
myself alone. But I know that this
is the heart of the President's policy
and I have always been for it so
hard - so viciously, if you like - that

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 -(k)- A
burst of opposition oratory, assert-
ing that the United States was mov-
ing toward entry into the League of
Nations, today greeted in the Sen-
ate a special message from President
Franklin D. Roosevelt urging Amer-
ican adherence to the World Court.
In a twenty-two-line message, one
of the briefest by a Chief Executive
on a major subject, Mr. Roosevelt
joined his predecessor Presidents -
Harding, Coolidge and Hoover -in
advocating adherence to the three
protocols now pending "In such a
form as not to defeat or to delay the
objective of adherence."
Almost immediately a bristling op-
position drive began. Senator Hiram
Johnson, of California, ordinarily the
President's strongest supporter in
minority ranks, took the floor to flay
the ratification resolution as "the
first step" toward America entering
the League of Nations.
With a biting sarcasm that kept
the well-filled floor and gallaries in
rapt attention, Johnson ripped into
the Court resolution as an effort to
"meddle and muddle in the hysterical
internationalism that Europe has and
that Europe never will get rid of."
So vehement were his words that
old observers recalled the League of
Nations fight that split the Senate
15 years ago.
In his message, read just before,
the President had asserted the "move-
ment to make international justice
practicable and serviceable is not
subject to partisan considerations."

The orchestras of Anson Weeks
and Art Kassell, both nationally
prominent dance bands, will play for
the 1935 J-Hop, Feb. 8 in the Intra-
mural Building.
Following the custom of last year
two orchestras of equal prominence
have been engaged. Formerly one
famous orchestra supplemented by a
band of lesser importance, have fur-
nished music for the J-Hops.
Tickets this year are being sold
at the same low price of $5.50 and
may be obtained from committee
members. Until Jan. 19 the sale will
be restricted to juniors, but after
that date members of all classes may
buy the remaining tickets.
Plans for the maize and blue dec-
orations that will transform the In-
tramural gymnasium for the "biggest
party of the year" are now in the
hands of commercial interior decor-
ators and the construction is prog-
resisng rapidly.
Anson Weeks began his career as
an orchestra leader when he was a
student in the University of Cali-
fornia and rapidly rose in favor.
Soon he signed a contract to play in
the Peacock Court, Hotel Mark Hop-
kins in San Francisco. Last summer
he played in the Trianon at Chicago
and at present is playing in the Hotel
Carter, Cleveland. Bob Crosby,
brother of the famous Bing, got his
start with Week's orchestra in Chi-
cago. Kaye St. Germain is Anson's
featured vocalist.
Art Kassell, and his Castles in the
Air, made their reputations at the
Hotels Gibson and Netherland Plaza
in Cincinnati. They next went to
the Schroeder in Milwaukee and are
now playing at the Bismark in Chi-
cago. For the past five or six years
i they have been featured artists on
the Columbia Broadcasting System.
The playing style of the two or-
chestras will offer a sharp contrast,
while Week's music is fast and
"swingy" Kassel favors slow and
sweet melodies.
Reservations for booths are now
being made by fraternities and inde-
pendent groups. All women attending
the Hop will be given favors.
Members of the committee from
whom tickets may be obtained are:
Robert Speer, Charles Frick, Charles
Marschner, Dorothy Roth, Robert L.
Morris, George S. Harris, Richard
Gerkensmeyer, Irving Levitt, William
Dixon, Harold Nixon, Raymond
Bunge, Helen Zeck, William Bagby,
and Kirk Whaley.
Ticket Chainnan Charles Frick last
night announced that sales the past
week have been heavy.
Students Must
Renew Permits
To Drive Cars
All 1935 Tags Should Be
Attached Before Feb. 1
AccordingTo Rea
All students possessing driving per-
mits and who have purchased 1935
plates, are requested by Assistant to
the Dean Walter B. Rea, to renew
their permits and to obtain their
student permit tags.
For those who have first semester
permits, Mr. Rea announced there
will be no additional charge for re-
newal. All permit tags will be void
on and after Feb. 1, 1935, and any
subsequent driving while using per-
mit tags bearing 1934 license num-
bers will be considered a violation
of the automobile regulation and
constitute grounds for disciplinary
action, according to Mr. Rea.
He further stated that those stu-

Dr. Heimann Advocates Planned

Government Ee
"To save the profits that are made
out of private enterprise, big business
men of America and all other en-
lightened countries must be willing
to give up a share of their gains or see
the loss of their whole profit as well
as the destruction of the economic
system in which they live, declared
Dr. Eduard Heimann, German econo-
mist, speaking before the faculty
Economics Club last night at the Un-
A planned economic system, based
on government control or ownership
of the key industries, such as the
railroads, steel, coal, finance and
nthr frennrs holding strategicosi-

of coal and iron, for instance, by di-
rectly controlling the relative amount
of capital to be invested in each in-
dustry for a given year.
The problem of technological un-
employment is of primary importance,
Dr. Heimann declared, and the gov-
ernment could at least make the at-
tempt to solve it permanently, follow-
ing the course of economic planning.
If the unemployed could be given jobs
now through a public works program,
and if they could gradually be drawn
into industrial jobs the problem would
at least be closer to a solution.
0tGiven this condition - everyone
employed -the government could
prevent future technological unem-,
ployment by holding back capital to be

N.S.L. Plan For Student Government.
This is the fourth of a series of proposed forms for a new men's student
government, each of which will be printed in The Daily in order to give
students an opportunity for expression of criticism on them. Such
opinions should be submitted to the Council through The Daily or the
Sec. 1. The Council shall be composed of the president of the
Michigan Union, the president of the Student Christian Association,
the editor of The Michigan Daily, the president of the Michigan
League and twenty-five representatives of the men and women
students, elected by the student body according to a system of propor-
tional representation. The officers of this council shall consist of a
president, vice-president, and secretary, elected by the Council mem-
bership which will likewise elect all committees.
Sec. 2. Any group of students desirous of representation on
the Council shall meet and nominate a full slate of twenty-five candi-
dates. Nineteen of this number shall be general University candidates
(from any college), while six shall be designated as specific college
candidates: one each from the Colleges of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Engineering, Combined Schools, Medicine, Law, and Grad-
uate Study.
Sec. 3. To qualify a slate of students for a place on the elec-
tion ballot, a petition of endorsement, signed by 200 students shall
be necessary. Each party shall also be required to draw up a program
of aims and purposes, such program to be published in The Mich-
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