UARY 16, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE *~r l A L ' '17' House Presidents Give Opinions For, Against Deferred Rushing 'Cinderella To Sororities Have Almost Evenly Be Presented Divided Decisions Over Issue Lehmann To Make Initial Ann Arbor Appearance Jan.25 Checks And Plaids Are Smart For Winter Wear For Children Naue Cast For Second In Series -SI'lays peing Friday In League Dean Lloyd Favors Plan;' Claims Students Need Period OfAdjustment In addition to the almost unanim- Or anizations Back Plan. The announcement that Lotte Leh- As It Exists; iReduces mann, Metropolitan Opera star, will ry si sing in the Choral Union Concert Dirty Rushing'Series, Friday night, January 25, in #ill Auditorium is welcome news for Balancing the approving votes that those music lovers who have had the have ben indicated in favor of the opportunity of hearing her in her deferred rushing plan are the dis- American appearances before. Her ap- sentng voices of 11 houses opposing pearance here this season will be her the.~ inr~rnovaion.Ann Arhr r-Rhiit ously voiced approval of freshman Betty Spooner, an Ann Arbor High women in favor of deferred rushing, School girl and a member of the cast as shown by the replies in the of two other Children's Theatre plays, Orientation questionnaires, Dean will have the part of "Cinderella" in Alice C. Lloyd and a number of house the dramatization of the French fairy tale given this week-end in Lydia presidents have already indicated ap- Mendessobh Theatre. probation of the plan. The newly Miss Spooner, who played in "Jack formulated amendment, to be voted and the Beanstalk" and "The Pied on tomorrow in Panhellenic meeting iper," will have the chance Friday i by all sororities, suggests a two-week and Saturday to be the unhappy little; poor girl who dreams her way to balls postponement of the intensive rush- and glass slippers. , ing period in the fall. The prince who searches the king- "I am in favor of it," Mist Lloyd dom over for Cinderella will be played stated yesterday. "We ask too much by Robert Slack, '35, known for his. work as "leading lady" of this year's1 of freshmen in the way of sudden Michigan Union Opera. I adjustment to campus life. A breath- The parts of the mother and two. ing spell seems necessary, and in the sisters are taken by Harriet Kessel- end it will react to the advantage of man, '35, Suzanne Potter and Betty the sorority. The hectic rushing period Brinkman. Miss Kesselman is a mem- as it now exists concludes with many, S I I A summary of criticisms of the For a long time a stranger to the ' * proposal was offered by Judith Lass- American stage, M ste. Lehmann was ge* er, '36, president of Alpha Epsilon long an outstanding figure of the 4fAs Phi. "In the first place," Miss Lasser post-war era in the lyric theatres of stated, "rushing would interfere much Europe. Her Sieglinde, Eva, Marschal- more with the studies of the women Hin, are famous on the continent and in the house under the suggested plan in London. Her fidelio impelled, from than under the present system. There the most guarded and austere of is not nearly so much- work the first American music critics, when he wit- two weeks of school as during the fol- nessed it in Vienna, the unbridled lowing weeks when exams begin., epithet, magnificent." Secondly, we do not see that the wom- Named Gifted Singer en rushed will gain anything by the When Lawrence Gilman heard Lotte plan." L hmann as Sieglinde in 1926 at the Suggests Different Plan Munich Festival, he wrote of her im- A novel suggestion was offered by I personation as "impassioned and af- j the house in the form of a plan now fecting, and beautifully sung"; the being used successfully at the Univer- !achievement of a Wagner singer, sity of Illinois. All women come to young and greatly gifted, "whom we college one week earlier, and all for- should not be deprived of hearing in mal rushing is carried on during this -New York. first week, without interference of Bruno Walter expected so much of other activities at all. her that he is said to have encour- Miss Lasser concluded, "I feel that aged her to sing Isolde. She would the present system is not working be, Herr Walter is quoted as saying, well, but we will gain nothing fur- an Isolde of new and more delicate Latest styles in bathing suits ther by the new system, which will type, whom he would like to accom- the South are shown here. The ati only interefere with our work." any with an orchestra dynamically ed and blac si plaid tffeta it Will Not Help adisted to the capacities of a voice r.dandwlari ypla t he Kappa Alpha Theta also signified! not of heroic character.j beach wear is very popular. The ne Women Attending Ball Given'Late Permission Late permission for women has been Sceived for the second annual Inter- fraternity Ball, which is being held Friday. in the Union Ballroom, ac- zc ding to Phillip A. Singleton, '35E, Sesident of the Interfraternity Coun- :sil. The time of the dance has now been changed 1to 9:30 p.m. to 1 :30 a. m. Women attending the dance will not have to be in until 2 a.m. According to reports received yes- 'ei day from committeemen there are a limited number of tickets left which will probably be sold today. George D. Mason Speaks At Dinner A testimonial dinner honoring George D. Mason, prominent Detroit architect, was held Saturday, Jan- uary 12. at Alpha Rho Chi, architec- tural fraternity. The affair was attended by well- known Detroit architects, faculty members of the College of Architec- ture, and students of the college. Prof. Emil Lorch, director of the college of architecture, Clair Ditchy, president of the Michigan Society of Architects, and Wirt Rowland, De- troit architect, gave addresses. Mr. Mason responded. Mr. Mason, architect of the old Ponchartrain Hotel, the Lincoln Motor Car Company, the new Masonic Temple in Detroit, the First Presby- terian and other churches around De- troit", was praised for his sixty years of practice, his piblic service as first president of the Michigan State Board for the registration of architects and past presidency of the National Board or Registration, and for his interest in the development of young archi- tects. TYPEWRITIN G MIMEOGRAPHING PrVOoipgy .nd @gr doein our s5h1 by otet erators 6moe. iate$, D. M0 RR ILL, uer of Play Production. Miss Potter, freshmen not ready to decide their and'Miss Brinkman both are students preference. Last fall only half the in Ann Arbor High School.. women bid were pledged by houses The fairy godmother, friend of Cin- derella, will be played by Betty Kel- wate of efortaly a tremendou ley, '37. Stewart Johnson, '37, plays Plan Worth Trying the part of Roland." plan israssTryw t The two comic courtiers, Galafrn The new plan is assuredly woru and Qurdikin, will be interpreted 10y trying. It has its disadvantages, but Truman Smith, '35, and Charles Max we owe the new women a littlesmore well, '37. Mr. Maxwell made his first consideration." appearance in the Children's plays Alice Morgan, '35, president of last year in "The Pied Piper." Delta Gamma sorority, summarized Jane O'Ferrall, member of Soph- the viewpoint of the chapter, in her omore Cabaret Committee, will be the statement, "The new plan will make Queen. Felecia, lady of the court will rushing much easier for freshmen be taken by Bessie Curtis, '36Ed. It is possible that there will be illegal Others in the cast are William Par- rushing, but dirty rushing is pretty kinson, Kenneth Beis, and Johni bad anyway. The advantages of the O'Neil of Ann Arbor High School, plan will certainly offset the disad- Eleanor Jones, University High School vantages." and Virginia Nimmo, '37. Ann Osborn, '35, Pi Beta Phi presi "Cinderella," the second play of t nn sbd, 35 Pi eta hi pmesi- Chgren' Thate hisyerwil hvedent, said, "We believe the amend- Children's Theatre this-year, willhavement in favor of two weeks' defer- three performances. The first is at ment should be passed in consider- 1:30 p.m. Friday. On Saturday the ation of the freshman women." matinees are at 1:30 p.m. and 3: O Suggest Change A modification of the proposed 1W il plan was suggested by Sorosis, in favor of a whole semester's defer- dment of initial rushing. Barbara Sutherland, '35, house president, said, "Postponing rushing# until the The Education and American Citi- second semester would tie up with zenshp departments of the Ann Ar- theuOrientation program, and prove bor Women's Club will hold a corn- much better for freshmen. In' two bined meeting at 2:30 p.m. today at weeks a girl does not know what to the home of Mrs. John Naylor on judge a sorority by. In a semester Devonshire Road, to hear Mrs. Ger- she would have become fully ac- trude Flint and Bernice Ringman of quainted with the campus, and would Ypsilanti talk on their work with have a much fuller knowledge to. use crippled children of the county, i judging." The brief two-weeks' Both Mrs. Flint and Miss Ringman period was further scored by Sorosis are members of the staff of the ortho- members, who believe that much of pedic room at the Michigan State ,he artificiality and unsureness of Normal College at Ypsilanti to which 'he present system would be eimi- crippled children are brought from nated by the amendment they sug-, Ann Arbor and other parts of Wash- des; 4-anon, faCint, r >, s i ti h a 1 1 1 1 t r yt TS 1 1' Mrs. Rosemary Hay will present some readings on the program and tea will be served by a committee which includes Mrs. Burr Boylan, di- rector of the department of applied' education; Mrs. Ezra C. Shoecraft and Mrs. William C. Hoad, chairman of vice-chairman of the division of edu- cation; Mrs. L. H. Hollway, director of the American citizenship group.; and Mrs. Delmar Standish, a past director; Mrs. Emma Orr, Mrs. George Bleekman, Mrs. W. S. Morton, Mrs. Horatio J. Abbott, Mrs. Chester Per- ry, and Mrs. F. D. Chamberlain. Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Delta Pi sorority announces the pledging of Jean Finlayson, '37. Mrs. Thomas Reed, the house mother of the chapter. gave a buffet supper Sunday. Chi Omega also has indicated ap- robation of deferment. "A two- weeks' postponement of rushing ac- ivtities at the beginning of the emeser will give freshmen a better ihance to' get acquainted with the ^ampus," according to Helen Loomis, '35, president. "They will at the same rime have a chance to get acquainted vith classes and studies. Under the xreseint system they must meet with )oth new situations at the same i e imina."Cohtusion Nancy Johnson, '35, president of kappa Delta, believes that the two- weeks deferring plan will be a de- -ided improvement. "The way rush- :ng functions now, freshmen are so 3onfused the first two weeks they don't know just what they do want, until they settle down." DTek-feJrr d '-Al hin L L. l i i b hth disapproval. Betty Little, '35, presi- Visited Chicago First on the left. The two-piece sports fro i dent, said, "Deferred rushing will be But the Metropolitan was engrossed check material, light enough for iv of no help. What the freshman wom- in those days with the , momentous smartest links. The ascot tie is ever en do not realize is that assignments newcomers and new creations as Miss become increasingly heavy after the Talley's Queen of the Night and Mme. first two weeks. It will be a decided Jeritza's Carmen, and could scarcely, Educational Groups To ' disadvantage to have the period post- no doubt, be expected to bother its Sponsor Meeting Today poned." I read with the young soprano who was! Alpha Chi Omega opposes the plan f exciting Europe. Mme. Lehmann first An all education meeting sponsored) on similar grounds. "We feel that the went to Chicago and Boston in the by the Education Club and Pi Lambda present system is imperfect," Bar- United States and made her Metro- Theta,' educational sorority, will be bara Jean Owens, '35, president, politan debut in January, 1934, and held at 2:30 p.m. today in the library stated, "but the plan under consid- returned for another engagement with) of the University Elementary School. eration will not be as suc'cessful as it this fall. The program will consist of a panel the plan we are using now. Work is Mm e. Lehmann is now in her fifth discussion on the question "To What slacker the first two weeks than sub- szason in this country. 1n person, she Degree is Indoctrination Desirable sequently. Our pledges have the same is tall, statuesque, with blue eyes and in Education and What are the Crit- opinion on the matter." nut brown hair. She eria of Desirability?" Members of the Will Bring Unfair Rushing the vital need of all singers, indulg- panel will be Dr. Stuart A. Courtis, Delta Delta Delta sorority is not in ing in swimming and horseback riding Dr. Howard McClusky, Dr. Willard favor of the plan, because they believe as her favorite out-of-door sports. Olsen, Dr. Louis W. Keeler, and Dr. it will encourage more unfair and il- Katherine Green. legal rushing, according to Eleanor Young, '36, president. The same argu- C siN en e s o mttePstin"n as reseedyCar osest M em bers Committee Positions On '35, president of Alpha Phi. "Not only Assembly Ball Are Open will the new plan result in more dirty J rushing, but it will interfere with To All non-affiliated women inter- studies. Postponement is also likely c P ested in trying out fo" committee to allow time for cliques to form, Scenes Of via v positions for Assembly Ball, to be which will all 'go' the same house." held sometime during March, are Eleanor Blum, '35, president of asked to interview Georgina Karl- Theta Phi Alpha, signified that soror- Members of the cast of "Outward son, '35, general chairman. The ity's disapproval of the proposed Bound" will put scenes from the play consultation hours this week are amendment. "Nothing would be ac- on the radio today at 9:15 a.m. over 1 to 3 p.m. tomorrow, 4 to 6 p.m. complished by it, and it would not Station WJR. Selections which bring Friday and Saturday, and Satur- greatly benefit the freshmen." out the supernatural aspect of the I. day, 11 till noon, in the Undergrad- Would Prolong Silence Period play will be used. I uate office of the League. "The new plan is supposed to relieve The scenery used for the play will the tension of the beginning semes- be "suggestive rather than actual." tor," Mary Savage, '35., president of All possible definiteness is removed Nomination Of Officers Gamma Phi Beta, said. 'However we from the set in an effort to carry Madeio O feechcro do not believe that it would accom- out the weird and mystic atmosphere plish it, and a postponement would f of the play. { Adelphi House of. Representatives bing rshing at the same time as the Oren Parker, instructor in Stage- met last night to hold nominations first bluebooks." craft, designed the single set which is for officers for the second semester. Virginia Denne, '3nttpresttof used. Changes in time will be car- !David Rosin, '36, and Victor Weip- SAlpha Xi Delta, pointedou a red out in toe lighting effects. These I ert, '37, were nominated for the posi- defe t woud prolog the sice differences in time suggest what is i tion of speaker, John Stoner, '37E, period. "ft would be a decided strain, going to happen. and Herschel Miller, '38, for clerk, are definitely engaged in school work," Assisting Mr. Valentine B. Windt Israel Finkelstein, '37, and Louis .i iss Dnne added. I as director is Eleanor Heck, Grad. Goldberg, '37, for treasurer, and Al- "Rushing would break up concen- i Virginia Chapman Goetz, '35, as book bert Ricker, '38, and Harry Schnied- trated studies," was the criticism of holder and Charles Maxwell, '37, as ! erman, '38, sergeant at arms. Rowena Goldstein, '35, president of stage manager. The program for the evening con- Phi Sigma Sigma. "There is not much Virginia Frink, '35, is handling cos- sisted of a debate on the subject: "Re- woik the first two weeks, but after tunes and Harriet Kesselman, '37, has solved, that the United States adopt that a period of intensive rushing charge of the box office. Charles Haro' some form of unemployment insur- would really be detrimental." and Daniel Goldman are in charge of ance." Kappa Kappa Gamma prefers to publicity. have rushing begin at the same time in the fall, concurring with the first FW h e To classes, but spread over four weeks Freshm1n Rendezvous w tre instead of two. "We would suggest ud__ having the same number of parties, but simply have the time limit ex- The Freshman Rendezvous organi- Concerts: Faculty Concert. Mabel tended," said Virginia Cluff, '35, pres- ation will hold its first dance of the Ross Rhead, Arthur Hackett, and ident. inew year Friday, Jan. 18, in Lane Wassily Besekirsky; 8:15 p.m. Hill Au- Hall. The Rendezvous Orchestra under ditorium. WfI Present Dance the direction of Morgan Gibbs, '38, Motien Pictures: Wuerth, "What will furnish music. Dancing will start Every Woman Knows" and "Kansas! CycleAt Church:n at 9:30 p.m. City Princess"; Majestic, "The Little I 1 Kenneth Bovee is in charge of the Minister"; Michigan, "Bright Eyes"; dance and announced that the price of Whitney, "Mysterious Mr. Wong" and Dance Club, under the direction of ticket o e t -Personality Kid." Miss Emily White, will present a couple and twenty-five cents for stags. short cycle of dances at 5 p. i. Sun- Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. Lee New Cars for Taxi Service day at the Unitarian Church in col- Klaer and Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Blake- P P laboration with the Rev. H. P. Mar- man. ley's series of meetings emphasizing A meeting of the Rendezvous club JN 4 5 4 the 'elation between art and religion, will be held tomorrow night in Lane ? ECAMPUS CABS The theme of the dances will be Hall. Reorganization plans will be dis- the Primitive, Traditional, and Mod-,cussed. 24-HOUR SERVICE Pirn . ttiu s tto.J Xward tAreliXion ThJ. cP ___ -Associated Press Photo. and golf outfits for winter wear in ractive swim-suit on the right is of a bandeau effect. The large hat for w silk mcde for golfing is displayed ek is modeled in a brown and white warm weather and suitable for the popular. SKATING PARTY The U. of M. Outdoor Club will hold a skating party Saturday afternoon, according to James Laughman, '35, president of the organization. Mem- bers and friends will meet at 1:15 p.m. at the Women's Athletic Building and will return before 6 p.m. to Ann Arbor. The club will take toboggans and skiis along if there is sufficient snow. y C i I I, MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 19 -314 S. -State S .,k Abor. 1-A1C1'e IL151g19W1 giveDOM :) freshmen and sororities advantages," Mary Alice Emmett, '35, president of Q ,Alpha Omicron Pi believes, "which | are not to be Cound in the present system. We approve of the new plan."'- g Rushers Given Tine 0 Alpha Gamma Delta has also sig- nified a favorable reaction. "Kath- erine Kirn, '35, president, said yes- terday. "A two-w'eeks' postponement of rushing will give the new women time to become acquainted with the campus and college life as a whole, instead of plunging them into, every- 1. thing at cnoe. Rushers will also have more time to plaz''" Delta Zeta sorority is also in favor: The Law Weakens of the plan, according to Betty Walz, j 0 c '35SM, president. "We hope the rush-: She: "Oh, Mr. Officer, I'm sorry ing e ermeai.anwillbepassed," I parked my car here! For- ing d.i give me this once, won't you?" Martha Cook, '35, president of {J Alpha Delta Pi. indicates that that Officer: (to himself) "Guess I house also favors the proposed plan will have lemer off this Ibecause it affords both the freshmen1 ronize RAYMOND'S PARI- and the upperclassmen a chance toI SIAN SALON are just too get started in their classes before' alluring to resist!" rushing begins. "Acquire that soignee look, on which;;;;; ;;;;; (;;;; ,;;;;;) ;;;; O;;;; ' depends your claim to charm. Pre-J serve, I beg of you, that feminine allure-youowe it to yourself, and IE 3 of RAYMOND'S PARISIAN SALON (formerly with Antoine of Paris) HILL AUDITORIUM - N C ALLING relatives and friends back home by telephone is surprisingly inexpensive at any time, and especially so during the evening and night hours. Note the low STATION TO STATION* rates shown. For rates to other points, ask the Long Distance operator. DAY (4:30 a.m.- 7:00 p.m.) t11 aLi~tLC F,~t -U ~lgl 1 n. 1ese compositions have been develcped by the group whuch includes Marjorie) Evans, Grad, Doris Jack, Beatrice1 Lovejoy, '38, Vera Neubrough, '35,1 Gertrude Penhale, '36 Ed., Reta Petersen, '35, Collin Wilsey, '35, Julia Wilson, '36, and Miss White. 4 ADMISSION CHARGE The FRANAUD Catering to Women Desirous of the "Latest" I i i I I k f I 7 HOUGHTON SAULT STE. MARIE TRAVERSE CITY. BENTON HARBOR GRAND RAPIDS . CLEVELAND FT. WAYNE. PORT HURON. TOLEDO. JACKSON....... 2.00. 1.55_ 1.13 .95 .80.... .70 .70. .60. .40. .30. EVENING (7:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.) 1.50. 1.15 .85 .... .70 .60.... .60. NIGHT (8:30 p.m.- 4:30 a.m.) 1.00 .80 .60 .50 .40 .40 .40 .35 .35 .30 MODERN ANSWERS TO YOUR CLOTHING "MAKE-OVER" PROBLEMS .60. .45. .35 . .30 . . . I ...........