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January 16, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-16

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WOMEN'S EDITOR ......................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Courtney A. Evins, John J. Flaherty,
Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Mac-
donald, John M. O'Connell, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Parker,
William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
REPORTERS: Rex Lee Beach, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.
Conger,. Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Richard
G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Bernard Levick, Fred W.
Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Jacob C. Seidel,
Marshall D. Shulman, Donald Smith, Wayne H. Stewart,
Bernard Weissman,, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Bob-
ert Cummins, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Ray-
mond Goodman, Keith H. Tustison, Joseph Yager.
Dorothy Briscoe, Florence Davies, Helen. Diefendorf,
Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har-
riet Hathaway, Marion Holdenlois King, Selma Levin,
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret. Cowie-
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Shaplandi, Betty Smonds. Grace Snyder, Margaretta
Kollig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernadine
Field, Betty Bowman, Judy Trosper, Marjorie Langen-
derfer, Geraldine Lehman,- Betty Woodworth.

Germany's Loss
Is Our Gain.
German academic exiles will ad-
dress the Economics Club tonight reminds us of
the story of the hurricane that blew one ship
safely into port while another ship was brought
up on the rocks.
America, at least, has profited by Hitler's reac-
tionary policy, forcing liberal educators to leave
Germany. Almost every large school in the coun-
try, including Michigan, now has on its staff
cne or more world-renowned figures who could
not get along with Der Fuehrer.
Each institution, by opening its doors to these
men and allowing them full freedom of expression,
has gained a valuable addition to its faculty. Mich-
igan can boast of three German expatriates now
teaching here: Dr. Heinz Werner in the psychology
department, Dr. Franz Blumenthal in the Medical
School and Dr. Rudolph Von Laun in the political
science department.
Tonight Michigan will be host to two other Ger-
man professors, both of whom occupy teaching
posts at the New School for Social Research in
New York . The knowledge that these men can
offer, not their political or religious beliefs have
gained them places in this country.
Michigan and other colleges, thus have shown
that they intend to continue their policy of allow-
mg academic freedom. It is important that nothing
Ibe allowed to alter this policy.
{ - *
sWhat Price
Education . .
SM EN OF MICHIGAN who had con-
sidered selecting a life's helpmate
from local sororities and dormitories will have to
watch out.
Questioned in a survey conducted by The Daily
recently, the average senior woman interviewed
knew little or nothing of what she had spent during
her undergraduate years and didn't seem particu-
larly perturbed about that fact. "I could write,
father and find out, though," she coyly murmured.
Those few interviewed who did know how much
they spent, spent plenty. Their average most ex-
pensive year was $1,060, according to the survey,
and several reports coming in later indicated that
the figure would have risen at least $100 on the
The fact that Michigan women spend this much
should not, of course, deter our local boys too
greatly, because they all plan to be "big money"
men and a thousand or so shouldn't worry them.
What is more important is that they didn't know
how or where they spent the money. It would be
rather embarrassing for young hubby to find, that
his dear spouse had overdrawn their joint account
a few G's.
The women who can now advance the argument
that they just have to have 25 pairs of stockings
a year and that "I certainly will need a new formal
for that dance if Mary Whatsername goes," may
not be changed much by a few nuptial vows.
Our girls will undoubtedly also say that girls
on other ca ipu es spend just as much as they do.
'el'l -so what! Yeah, so what
Others See I E'
Co-Eds Offer Red Threat
FROM LOS ANGELES comes the startling news
that "young, attractive university girls who
have not been elected to sororities" are joining the
Communist Party, being lured by enterprising Reds
S"who take advantage of their hurt feelings."
In Philadelphia, a Mrs. Wyatt, speaking before a
women's club, recently declared that "girls of today
have outgrown an interest in 'drop the handker-
chief' and are more interested in listening to lec-
tures by college professors."
Thus the co-eds of America are responsible for
two insidious movements, either one or both ofI

Here's a true story originating at the Uni-
versity of Maryland. It was the night of Sum-
mer Commencement, and all about the tall
youth in the black cap and gown, who walked
nervously up and down before the gymnasium,
hung an aura of sedateness and learning. Dig-
nity too.
A young co-ed, whom he knew slightly, flut-
tered by. "Oh. Arnold," she exclaimed, 'you
aren't a senior, are you?"
"No," he exclaimed wearily, "I'm a Ku Klux
Klan in mourning."
Harold Laski, the famous socialist, now at the
London School of Economics, recently toured the
colleges of the States. At one of them, during a tea
he was interrogated by an eager young co-ed of
the type who worships the liberals of the land.
"Tell me, Mr. Laski," she cooed, "do you play
bridge? I am so fond of it."
The scholar gazed at her a moment over the rim
of his cup and then replied, "my dear young
lady, bridge is a game devised by people who can-
not carry on a conversation, or to take money away
from people who can."
A fraternity at Indiana University had sent
their curtains to the cleaners. It was the second
day that the house had stood unveiled. One
morning the following note arrived from the
sorority across the street:
"Dear Sirs:
"May we suggest that you procure curtains
for windows. We do not care for a course in
A chap who left his shaving to read the note
"Dear girls:
"The course is optional."
Students at the University of Tennessee observed
a week of, "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your
Peace," on the campus recently so that everyone
with pet peeves on the way certain phases of cam-
pus life are handled could get them off his chest,
and could make constructive suggestions along the
same lines. The Daily Emerald, the college paper,
then proceeded to publish them all.
A student at the University of California
awoke after an operation and found the blinds
of his room in the university hospital drawn,
He proceeded to ask the doctor why the blinds
were down.
"Well," said the physician, "there's a fire
burning across the alley and I didn't want you
to wake up and think the operation had been
a failure."
Pleasure vessels now registered with the bureau
of navigation number 3,776, the highest mark in
the history of American yachting.
A local minister recently announced his topic as
"Erasmus Interrogates Father Coughlin." Non-
sense. Erasmus didn't know anything about mone-
tary legislation and we'll bet he never even heard
of The Detroit Free Press.
which may ultimately have wide and significant
social consequences.
In Italy, the Fascisti view with alarm, women in
industry. German women are regimented from fac-
tories to die Kueche. But in America, revolution
is allowed to smoulder, and no action is taken
to prevent its arrival. Concerned with the per-
formances of government in banking, business en-
terprise and foreign commerce, the leaders of
America blindly overlook the real threats to the
order which they are so valiantly atempting to
Let the Liberty League awake before it is too
late! Here is an issue which the Republicans might
well employ. "Back to the Farm" must be replaced
by "Return to 'drop the handkerchief' "; "Down
With Communism" by "Prohibit Sororities!"
-Minnesota Daily.

- N. Ar ,



-,' .
ti I .



it Now I


Hminm .."I believe you asked about the
'why, who and wh n' of the J-Hop Extra.
W:ell, Hm, of course, we will have one,
appearingasm4ost of you probably renen-
her, the night fif that gala and illustrious
affaijr'nd wi le passedl gratis to those
attending. Yes, i is a beautiful publication,
Printed on ossy paper with the printed

"In Reply1


I ;<


matter in a midnight blue. I might





If Inter tio6h
IsNot A Sim. .
have been advanced by faculty men
and students on this campus as to the proper man-
ner of conduct on the eve of a final examination.
A few of these are : (1) go to bed early, get up
early and take a cold shower, (2) attend a movie,
(3) imbibe enough beer to completely relax your
mind and then go to bed (this one suggested by
a student), (4) get a vigorous head massage (this
one from an instructor), (5) in some courses it is
best to. stay up all night, thereby inducing a dazed
condition, after which if you are lucky you will pass
the final, and lastly, of course (6) don't "cram."
It may be that this is a controversy which car-
ried us far into the province of opinion,. where
there is no "true" solution. It seems, however, that
a little consideration succeeds in reducing the field.
Some of these thebries will hardly do.
It is a known fact that although alcoholic drinks
may relax the mind they also deaden the thinking
faculties. A head massage would probably knock
out what little knowledge you had in your head.
And while it may be advantageous for a student
of Phi Beta Kappa intellect to go to bed early and
sleep the sleep of a babe, what of Mr. and Miss
average student?
As often as not they finish a course Friday morn-
ing and then have their final examination on a
Saturday afternoon. They "cram" a lot of facts
into their heads and write their final in a dazed
condition. If they guess right they may get a B,
but if they don't it's just too bad.
Therefore theory number (5) is not as silly as it
sounds on the surface. That it is an undesirable
method is obvious, but nevertheless students, even
the best of them, are forced to sit up far into
the night trying to integrate the great mass of ma-
terial that has been given to them during the
course of a semester.
The one and only possible way to reduce "cram-
ming" for the average student is by instituting a
constructive review period of say a week or two be-
fore final examinations. By constructive we mean
a period before the end of the semester in which
the instructor, instead of presenting more material,
allotted his time to a summation of the material
he has offered in the preceding 14 weeks.
In most courses given here the integration of
material is the goal rather than a knowledge of
individual facts. This is especially true in such
courses as sociology, economics, history, political
science and philosophy.
If instructors find objection to this plan on the



You'll be mighty proud to be a possessor of
one of these for a souvenir to reind you
of that immiemorable night."
"A second edition of this wonderful1mas-
terpiece, will also be carefully, placedl on
Your doorstep in the morning with a heautj-
fully engraved picture of the rand Mareh
taken the night befor'e. Of course, you will
have to place reservations for this second
edition by phoning 2-1214, the small sum
(10c per paper) for handling purposes, will
he billed to you later."
"Oh yes, I almost forgot, reservations
for advertising space is also being taken
now, and as a little tip, I would advise taking
care of that little matter now to insure you
of a good position."
"Now I have a little after-dinner story to
tell you, I'm sure you'll like. I bumped into
a friend of mine the other day, a landlady
to be exact, who asked me what I thought
would be the best time to advertise in "The
Daily" in order to rent her rooms for next
semester. Well, (you'll have to excuse me
for being so enthusiastic about this J-Hop
extra), I told her that it seemed to me, that
is, in my humble opinion it seemed to m e
that there was no other paper that could be
ompared to anything for results as the
J-Hop Extra, So help me ...
"Thanks for listenin' folks and dlon't f or-
tto look for that J-Hop Extra (I promise
not to mention it again,).



Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidentialupon request Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
S.C.A. Government Plan
To the Editor:
The following are the reasons why the S. C. A.
favors their proposed form of student government,
presented today:
1. It allows membership to the leaders of the
outstanding men's organifations on campus, recog-
nizing that they have received their appointments
in their respective organizations through some sys-
tem of merit, and also recognizing that they are
acquainted as well as any other group with campus
2. The president of the senior class in the literary
college will provide for representation from that
college; the engineering college will be represented
represented through the president of the Engi-
neering Council; the Law School through the editor
of the Michigan Law Review; and the combined
school of medicine and dentistry will be represented
through their member.
3. The large number of graduate students will
have representation.
4. Minority groups, such as the Voyageurs, the
Vanguard Club, the Cosmopolitan Club, church
guilds, ets., can obtain membership through sup-
porting their candidate in a proportional repre-

Junior Dollars


To the Editor:
I was informed last Wednesday through a per-
usal of your worthy paper, that being a woman and
a junior, I would be taxed $1 for the Junior Girls
Play. This fee, I have been informed, does not en-
title me to a ticket to the play. and is to "defray
The sale of tickets to the performance should
at least do that, and I believe it usually does,
with some money left over for the Undergrad-
uate Fund. Then why the fee?
One dollar means three days' meals to some
Junior women. Who, incidentally has arranged
for the taxation of the junior women - not the
junior women themselves. The possible answer that
the money, if not needed for the financing of the
play, would go toward paying off the Women's
League Building, which is supposed to be a club-
house for all women on campus, is a poor one
for two reasons:
First, because each woman in her tuition fee
pays the large sum of $15 a year toward it.
Secondly, because the Women's League Building
has not in a great degree lived up to its avowed
purpose of being a clubhouse for women on the
campus, nor to that of its original founders:
1. The library has been denuded of all its books.
Is constantly in use by everyone else, that is, com-
mittees, groups of one sort or another, other than
students who wish to study.




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