THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 193 U DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the offce of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. School Children Killed As Bus sIs Wreck ed CLASSIFIED DIRECTORI WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1935 Carney, '96L, chairman, Department VOL. XLV No. 83 of Laoor and Industry, will address the Engineering students on "The Notices Law on Workmen's Compensation" at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Room 348 U:15-:4rs m.y Lraoastor Pr West Engineering. The lecture will 9:15-9:45 a.m.-Laboratory Pro- be followed by an open forum on gram for University Speech Class, the practical applications of the Law. 2:00-2:30 p.m.-Vocation Guid- The pub-isimvited. ance Series - Topic: "The Surgeon,"F anceFrench Lecture: Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Professor of C E. Koella will give the second Surgery and Director of the Depart- lecture on the Cercle Francais pro- ment of Surgery, Medical School. gram: "Gyp," Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 4:15 o'clock, Room 103, Romance Classification Material for Students Language Building. in the College of Literature, Science, 'Tickets for the series of lectures and Arts, College of Architecture, may be procured at the door. School of Education, School of Music, and School of Forestry and Conserva- tion:.Concr Students, enrolled in these five Graduation Recital: units, who have not yet called in Sister M. Marcellie Roll, pianist, Room 4, U.H., for second semester will give the following graduation registration and classification mate- program, in the School of Music rial, are asked to do so at once. Regis- Auditorium, Maynard Street, Satur- tration material for students in other day afternoon, Jan. 19, at 4:15 o'clock, units is not available in Room 4, U.H. to which the public is invited: Conflicts in Final Examinations, Toccata and Fugue in A College of Engineering: Instructions Minor .......Frescobaldi-Respighi for reporting conflicts in final ex- Rondo in D major ..........Mozart aminations are on the bulletin board Fantasia in C minor ..........Bach adjacent to my office, Room 3223 E. Etude in D flat (Un Sospiro) .. .Liszt Eng. Bldg. Please note that all con- Etude in E major Op. 10, No. 3, Chopin flicts must be reported to me prior Etude in F major to noon of Thursday, Jan. 24. (Aeolus) ............. Gernsheim J. CnBrier Etude in C sharp minor .... Scriabin tEtude en Forme de Valse, Saint-Saens S.C.A. Tryouts: At the beginning of next semester second term Freshmen and Sophomores with approved f xhibitions grades will be eligible for student ac- The Ann Arbor Art Association an- tivities. All students, whether men nounces the showing of a selection or women, are eligible for activities of paintings from the exhibition of in the S.C.A. Work with this organi- the Michigan Artists and Fifty Prints zation, can lead to positions on the of the Year, Alumni Memorial Hall student cabinet, status of officers, edi- Jan. 18 to 31, inclusive, 1:30 to 5:00 torship of the handbook, publishing p.m. The galleries will be open the work, publicity staff, counselling posi- evening of Jan. 24 from 7:30 p.m. tc tions in Freshman camp, permanent 9:30 p.m., with no admission charge. summer counselling jobs in the S.C.A. camp (salaried). Positions for stu- dents are available in all activities Events Today of the $.C.A. ranging from sociological Research Club meets in Room 252 to social. Under the merit system East Medical Building at 8 p.m. The of the Michigan League points are following papers will be presented awarded to women working for the "Social Satire in the Comedies of S.C.A. All students desiring to be Ben Jonson," by Professor Mueschke try-outs are requested to make an "Areas of Population Decline and appointment by phoning Lane Hall t h e Significance o f Populatior at 8969 before Feb. 12. Change in New England," by Pro- Notice: The publication of a manu- fessor Stanley D. Dodge. script in a campus magazine does 'The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m not exclude it from competition in the Hopwood Contest. Chemical Engineering Seminar: R. W. Cowden Director, John F. Middleton will be the Ulopwood Awards speaker at the Seminar at 4 o'clock Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg., on the sub- Students from Other Lands who ject, "Vapor-Liquid Equilibria o are. taking courses in professional Methane in Hydrocarbon Solutions.' education are invited to a reception in the University Elementary School Economics Club: Meeting this eve Library, Sunday afternoon, Jan. 20, ning, Jan. 16, Room 304 of the Mich at 4 o'clock. igan Union. Dr. Emil Lederer an George E. Carrothers, , Dr. Eduard Heimann will talk on th School of Education Adviser to topic, "Some Economic and Politica Foreign Students Aspects of Planning." Members 0: the faculties and graduate student Academic Notices in the Department of Economics anc Fconoxmis 51: Rooms for hour ex- the School of Business Administra. Econmics51: oom forhourex-tion are invited to attend. amination Thursday, Jan. 17, are as inr vt otd follows:oCombined Education Club and P Anderson's and Orr's sections-25 Lambda Theta open meeting in Uni A.H.' versity Elementary School Library \iers' sections--1Q3 R.L. at 7:30 p.m. There will be a pane Smithies' and Spiegel's sections- discussion on "To what degree is in 101 Ec. doctrination desirable in educatio Palmer's and Stapp's sections- and what are the criteria of desir N.S. Awl' ability?" followed by a half hour ope Candidates for the Master's Degree discussion. On the panel are: Dr in History: The language examina- Keeler, Dr. Courtis, Dr. McClusky, Dr tion for candidates for the Master's Katherine Green and Dr. Olson. degree in History will be held in Room B, Haven, Friday p.m., Jan. 18, at A.S.M.E. Meeting: Student Branch 4 o'clock. the Union, at 7:30 p.m. Prof. R. S Hawley will speak on Modern Trends Political Science 165: The class will in Small Power Plants. All intereste meet as usual on Thursday at 11. are invited to attend. Phi Lambda Upsilon: Short busi- ness meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Roon University Lecture: 303, Chem. Bldg. Members fron Professor E. B. Stason, of the Law other chapters are cordially invited. School, will speak on the subject, "Tax Revision," at 4:15 p.m., Friday, Scabbard and Blade: Regular meet. Jan..18, in the Natural Science Audi- ing, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Roo torium. This is the fourth of a series posted. Lieut. Charles M. Davis wil of University Lectures by members b the speaker. of the University faculties, which Alpha Nu meets for initiation anc faculty members, students, and the group picture for Michiganensian ai general public are cordially invited 4 this afternoon in the Alpha Nu to attend. room, fourth floor Angell Hall. Ini- tiation banquet at 6:30 in the Union Unversity Lecture: Due to unforeseen circumstances Ely Jacques Kahn, of New York, Hon. Wilbur M. Brucker will be un- one of the noted architects of the able to attend, but a substitute pro United States, will speak on "Design Igram has been provided. and Education in Design," FridayI afternoon, Jan. 18, in the auditorium, Landscape Club meeting at 7:30 Architectural Building. The hour of p.m., 403 South Wing. Chandle the lecture will be announced later. Fairbanks will speak about wild flow- The public is cordially invited. ers in the Rocky Mountains. The Public Lecture to be given by Michigan Technic: Sophomor Malcolm W. Davis today has been members of staff are requested to cancelled because of his illness. meet at 4 p.m., in the editorial office MLLattAr1 cf i mrtjU taL fn iiin L n JafU a. I I 1 f S 8 ii e 3 a e 1i ff s d ti u i. s, :r e 0 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-11c per reading line on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 1Oc per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate -15c per reading line fo" ones or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or re ore insertions. 10, discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three Uines per Insertion. Ey contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one mionth.. .... . .. 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ...... 2 Lines daly, college year~........7 4 Ines E.O.D., college year. ..7c 100 lines used as desired.........S 300 lines used as desired.7c 1,000 lines used as desired.....7c 2,000 lines used as desired... T e above rates are per reading line, hay~ed on eight reading lines per inch. ticzu type, upper and lower case.Add 6c per linle to above rattes for all capa letters. Add 6c per line to abovefor bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bo daco capital letters. tue above rates are for 7% ppnt type. WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, Zoo North Main. 7$ LAUNDRY PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. 611 E. Hoover. 2x NOTICE EXPERT BARBER. Individual hair- cut given by Mr. Hughes. Formerly of the Mayfair Beauty Salon, now with Amelias. Phone 4300. 40 NASH-Custom Tailored clothes. Measured by C. Krug, expert tailor. Office 214 E. Washington. Phone 2-1910 for appointment. 6x FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- possessed and repurchased cars. Many 1934 cars with low mileage included. We will trade and extend convenient terms. Open evenings. 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox TYPEWRITING TYPEWRITING AND MIMEO- GRAPHING promptly and neatly done in our own shop by experi- enced operators at moderate rates. 0.D. Morrill's Typewriter and Sta- tionery Store, 314 S. State Street. l1x FOR SALE --MISC. FOR SALE: Camera. 314x4'/ Graflex. F.4.5 Tessar lens, cut film magazine, pack adapter, filter, diffuser, case. Call Frank O'Beirne, 8658. 41 FOR SALE: To close estate residence property located at 816 Hill Street. Damaged by fire. Only cash offers can be considered. Frank A. Stivers, executor. 1005 - 8 First National Bldg., Ann Arbor, Mich. 41 "Associa-ted Press Ptn. . Wreckage of the bus in which five school children lst th r lives and 14 others were ijure~d in a collsion near Picdmont, S.U., 25 miks southeast of Deadwood, S. D., is shown in this picture. The bus coWied with a truck loaded with Molasses barrels. German Circle meets at 8 p.m., Michigan League. All members and friends are urged to attend a "Bunter Abend." Allen Speaks In Saoinaw vOn LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Caxeful work at low prige. interpretive Arts Society: CIe The following program will be giv- Ionse v (1ion en tonight at 7:15 sharp in Room 3021 Mason Hall. Each speaker will read about fifteen minutes from the poet Prof. Shirley W Allen of the School indicated. of Forestry and Conservation left last Mrs. Virginia Chapman night for Saginaw, where he will de- Goetz .....James Whitcomb Riley liver speeches before the Saginaw Charles A. Baird . .Prologue to "John Brown's Garden Club and Saginaw High Body," by Stephen School and grade schools. . Vincent Benet He will talk in the schools today Mary K. Pray .....Louis Untemeyer and tomorrow describing the "Stop Janet R. Neaman .. .Vachel Lindsay Useless Fires" campaign, which will The public is cordially invited to be held in Wreh and April. This cam- this program. paign, according to Protessor Allen, is Luncheon for Graduate Students a part of the national effort againstE at12cock in Grthte Russints eaforest, grass, and marsh fires, and is at 12 oclock Mi the Russian Tea -sponsored in Michigan by the State vRoom of the Michigan League Build- :Department of Conservation, the Fed- ing. Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice- erated Gard n Clubs of Michigan, the president of the University and new- School of Forestry and Conservation ly-appointed dean of the graduate of the University, the U. S. Forest school, will speak informally on Service, and the Michigan State Col- "What Are Graduate Courses?" lege forestry department. His talk before the Saginaw Gar- Contemaprary: Important meetig den Club at its luncheon meeting in of the fiction staff at 4 p.m. in the the Bancroft Hotel will be a discus- Student Publications Building. All sion of the "New Opportunities in members must be present. Conservation." This will embody an explanation of the results of emer- Contemporary: Staff luncheon at gency work. Professor Allen intends 12 noon; Lantern Shop. to outline the major improvements ._____Ito speed up fire control, conservation National Student League meets at aspects of the code of fair competi- 8 p.m., Room 302 in the Union, to tion for the natural resources indus- discuss plans for next semester. All tries, and organization of lands re- invited, tired from agriculture into conserva- tion units. Mixed Badminton for Students: There will be a match practice in B Early )ays Barbour Gymnasium this evening be- s tween 7:15 and 9:15. All team players Shown n Exhci are asked to be present. Other play- ers will be allowed to use the courts until 8 p.m. Early days of the Varsity Band, *1 STUDENT Hand Laundry. PrIpes rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phloa3 408 j 1~ University lIs Given ,Ilauptmann I5 Bisected Exhibit Of A Ford Automobile By His - . I ECniirt Gu~ards You've heard of 'sawed-off" shot- guns, "sawed-off little runts," but never, we !uspect, have you heard of a "sawed-off" automobile, unless you visited the Ford exhibit at the Chi- cago World's Fair this year. The "sawed-off' motor car, which was at the Fair, has recently been pre-, sented to the University by the Ford Motor Company, and is now on exhibit, in the lobby of the East Engineering Building. The car is bisected completely from the front bumper to the rear bumper., Even the spare tire and the electric light socket inside the car have been halved, presenting to observers an'Aqn- side view" on the materials, gear set- ilp, and all the multiplicity of con- traptions which go to make up the modern automobile. The car was obtained by the Uni- versity through the influence of R. H. McCarroll, '14E, chief metallurgist at the Ford plant. History Of Mas Traced By Raisz (Continued from Page 1) 1507, from which America first drew its name. This was a poor map with all the Ptolomean errors, and an im- mense distortion of the Mediterran- ean. A much better map by Ribero, official Portugese geographer, made in 1529, showed with remarkable proportion the much greater expanse of the Pacific. At this time the lead in cartography shifted to Holland, under the lead of Mercator, Dr. Raisz said. The Dutch maps and other maps of the period were very decorative, while German cartography of the same period produced the first physio- graphic reproductions in maps of exceeding finesse. In the eighteenth century with as- trolabe and chronometer synchron- ized, came accurate topography, nec- essary for the warfare of the period. Accurate surveys, the exclusion of fanciful and unfounded material,, greater knowledge of the world, and better methods of reproduction fol- lowed, bringing at last the map of the present day. Airplane mosaics and their use, Dr. FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 15. -- P) - Instead of his former resentment, Bruno Richard Hauptmann manifest- ed amusement today at being clutched by guards at his trial. The Lindbergh case defendant dis- played his broadest, most genuine smi e as he walked through the crowd- ed courtroom Monday afternoon, pushing one officer ahead of him and tugging the other along in his wake. Orders were given at the opening of the trial that the defendant should not be handcuffed to a guard. Later, Sheriff John H. Curtiss, fear- ing that some friend would pass a weapon or other object to Hauptmann from the crowd of spectators, directed that each wrist be held by a guard as he moved to and from his seat. When the new regulation was im- posed, Hauptmann gave evidence of anger in his expression and in his rapid march across the court room. The humor of the situation came to him later and he strode ahead, vir- tually driving one guard ahead of him and dragging the other behind. State Trooper C. A. McDonald walks to the fore, reaching behind him to grasp Hauptmann's right wrist. Short, plump Iovey Low, the sheriff's dep- uty assigned to sit beside the pris- oner, follows clutching the other arm, frequently with both hands. Low dances along with short steps, striv- ing to keep up with Hauptmann's r'apid stride and still not tread on his heels. Hauptmann spent a dull day in court Monday, obviously bored at the technical testimony being presented by the handwriting experts. His attention failed to remain on the witnesses for more than a few minutes and he settled into the drowsy attitude noticeable among most of the spectators. Raisz then concluded, is the next development in the history of geog- raphy. W a__ Coming Events Electrical Engineers:- The fourth meeting of the Elec- trical Engineering Colloquium will be held Thursday, Jan. 17, 4:30 p.m., in' Room 153, West Eng. Bldg. I. J. Sattinger and A. A. Kunze will talk on a "Thyraton Controlled Strob- oscope." There will be a demonstra- tion of the apparatus. Seniors in the Department of Elec- trical Engineering are invited to at- tend these meetings. Graduate stu- dents are expected to attend. A.S.C.E.: There will be a smoker at the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 17. All Civil Engi- neering Students and Faculty are cor- dially invited. Professor Boak, of the History Department, will show slides, and speak on Egypt, where he has recently been. Iota Alpha Initiation Banquet will be held Thursday, Jan. 17, at 6:15 p.m., at the Michigan Union. Dr. Carl Guthe will give an illustrated talk on Anthropology. Student Branch, American Insti- tute of Chemical Engineers: S. D. Kirkpatrick, Editor of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, will be the which this year is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its founding in the fall of 1859, are depicted in a new ex- e hibit of pictures on the walls of the lb and's rehearsal room in Morris Hall. The exhibit, arranged by officers of the band from collections owned by bandsmen, faculty members, and townspeople, shows not only the first band and the present one - a six- piece concert group and a. 100-man military band - but numerous steps in the organization's history between 1859 and the present. Included are portraits of Mayor Robert A. Camp- bell, former faculty advisor to the band and the largest contributor to the exhibit; Capt. Wilfred Wilson, director from 1915 to 1926, who was during those years one of the na- tion's best-known bandmasters; and Gordan W. Packer, '28, one of the most famous of college drum-majors in recent years. The exhibit will be permanent, ac- cording to officers of the band, and will be added to from time to time. speaker at a meeting in Room 1042 East Engineering Building on Thurs- day, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m. Subject: "Trends in the Chemical Engineer- ing Industries and Profession." All interested are invited to attend. Re- freshments. Ad PLAY PRODUCTION Engineering Lecture: Claude S.I Mamers o mporanceso junor sa members will be discussed. MCHIGAN i E0NS Presents "OUTWARD BOUND" The Mysteuious Supernatural Hit by Sudaon Vane January 17,18,19 DAILY 15c to 6 P.M. WHI TN EY Last Day Bela Lugosi "MYSTERIOUS MR. WONG" and Pat O'Brien "PERSONALITY T hursdqy Neil Hamilton "TWO HEADS ON A PILLOW" I I Iu W 4 and I I I I ~ ~, ~ 3 1 - ~ I I I I