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January 13, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-13

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The Weather
Snow or rain in south and
snow in north portions today;
tomorrow snow and colder.

C, r




What It Is And What It Does..
Action Towards Judicial
Reform ...



Alpha Nu
Will Hear
Former Governor Of State
To Speak At 6:30 P.M.
WednesdayAt Union

Siosson Scores Woodward's
Plan To Expel "Student Reds'
By BERNARD WEISSMAN degree of tolerance is given to those
Declaring that the adoption of Rear who find out and teach (what seems
Admiral Clark H. Woodward's pro- to us) untruth.
posal to summarily expel "college "No doubt Rear Admiral Clark
reds" would make universities "timid Woodward is convinced that 'opposi-
convents of mental copycats," Prof. tion to national preparedness in every
Preston W. Slosson of the history de- form' is a dangerous error. So is Mus-
partment yesterday took vigorous is- solini sincerely convinced that any-a
sue with Woodward's attack Friday thing which is not Fascist is error, and
on radical activities at colleges having Stalin that everything not communis-
RO.T.C. units. tic is error. For the matter of that
Professor Slosson compared Wood- Torquemada thought that anything,
ward's attitude with Mussolini's at- not Roman Catholic was error.I
titude toward Fascism, Stalin's to- "Why not suppress error? For sev-
ward Communism, and Torquemada's eral reasons, but the chief one is that


President To
Act On Utility
Field Issue'
Second Step To Be TakenI
By Roosevelt In Project
Of National Regulation

To Appear In
Attorney Reilly Says He
Will Ask Defendant Only
Seven Questions



Completed Safely
By Noted Aviatrix


Spans Pacific

Trade Commission Cross-Examination
Report Announced May Be Lengthy

Is An Alumnus Of
Forensic Society
Will Speak On 'Something
Or Other;' Is Topic He
Used When 'M' Student
Former-governor Wilber M. Bruck-
er will address the initiation banquet
of Alpha Nu, honorary speech frat-
ernity, at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the
Union, it was announced last night.
Nearly 30 persons are expected to
hear the Michigan statesman. The
national president of Kappa Phi Sig-
ma, of which Alpha Nu is a member,
Lyle Eiserman, '28, may attend the
banquet, officials said.
Just 20 years ago when Governor
Brucker was still in the University,
he spoke at an Alpha Nu banquet on
the topic, "Something Or Other."
When Toastmaster Arthur Marlowe,
'36, introduces him, he will give him
that subject to speak on again.
William Groening, '36L, will give
the toast to the pledges, and the re-
sponse will be made by Ralph Dan-
hos, '36., The initiation proper will
take place at 4 p.m. Wednesday after-
noon, Carl Nelson, '37, president,
stated. All Alpha Nu alumni on the
campus are invited to the banquet,
he said.
A Michigan graduate in the class
of '16L, and an. Alpha Nu alumnus,
Governor Brucker has had a brilliant
career in Michigan politics. An al-
most unknown lawyer, he was ap-
pointed assistant prosecuting attorney
of Saginaw county. He was reelected
and was then named as assistant at-
torney-general. When Attorney-
General William Potter was made a
supreme court justice by Governor
Fred W. Green, in February, 1929,
Brucker was named to replace him.
After serving two terms in that office,
he was elected governor in 1930. He
was defeated in the Repulican land-
slide of 1932.
Names Waldorf
As New Coach
Former Kansas State Man
Chosen For Post Vacated
By Dick Hanley
EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 12. - () -
Northwestern's search for a new head
football coach ended today with the
selection of Lynn O. Waldorf of Kan-
sas StateCollege.
Waldorf's selection was announced
tonight by Kenneth L. Wilson, North-
western's athletic director, after a
day of rapid fire action on the task*
of naming a successor to Richard E.
"Dick" Hanley, who resigned several
weeks ago.
At the same time, Wilson said that
Burt Ingwerson, former University of
Iowa head coach and until recently
an assistant at Louisiana State Uni-
versity, would become Waldorf's first
The new Northwestern coach was a
star tackle of Syracuse University's
powerful 122, '23, and '24 teams.
coached by John F. "Chick" Meehan.
He was named twice on the late
Walter Camp's second All-American
He is the son of Bishop Ernest Lynn
Waldorf, of the Chicago Methodist
Episcopal area, who also is a member
of the Northwestern University Board
of Trustees.
488 Britishers Insure
Life Of Shirley Temple
HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 12. - (P) -
Seventeen lords and earls are among

488 prominent Britishers who have
insured six-year-old Shirley Temple
against accident.
The little film star has received
her $25,000 policy from an English
company with whom her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George F. Temple, insured
her because no company .in this coun-
try will write a policy for any con-
siderable sum on a child.
In case Shirley should meet a vio-
sanrla th t 4RR nrlvinaa mrl,_

Mrs. Amelia Putnam Lands
At Oakland, Calif., After
18 Hours In Air
Is First To Make
Hawaiian Trip Solo

toward Roman Catholicism. He as-
serted that "stopping freedom of
thought ends in stopping thought."
He illustrated this point by charac-
terizing present-day Russia, Italy and
Germany as "intellectually sterile."
Man's most important accomplish-
ments, he went on, have been made
along with the teaching and free dis-
cussion of so-called "dangerous doc-
"A university is a place to find out
and teach the truth," Professor Slos-
son declared. "By an interesting par-
adox that is only possible if a great
Miehioan S i x
Whips Badger
Puckmen, 2.-1
Wolverines Come From
Behind With Berryman
Scoring Both Goals
Dick Berryman, sophomore right
wing, who went thirsting for goals in
Friday's high scoring hockey game
with Wisconsin, presented the Mich-
igan cause with two much-needed
counters last night at the Coliseum
to pull the Wolverines from behind
into a 2 to 1 victory and a clean sweep
of the two-game series with the Badg-
Berryman's scores came in the sec-
ond and third periods after Wiscon-
sin had slipped in a goal in the first
Wisconsin On Defense
The Wisconsin sextet, seeming to'
concede the game to Michigan from
the outset, played a defensive game
throughout, but showed at times more
competitive fire than was exhibited
in Friday's contest.
Johnny Sherf, unable to break
through a five-man defensive wall,
was also boxed up handily by Fallon,
Badger right wing, and failed to getf
a score for the first time in any game
this season.
Midway in the first period, Fallon
managed to slip through the Michigan
defensive, while Vic Heyliger was
sprawled out as a result of a stunning
body check, to score from close in.
Johnny Jewell, who had another
peaceful evening with only 10 saves
did a leg split, but the puck slid under1
him before he could get down.
Heyer Has 39 Saves
Trying to preserve a one-goal lead,
Wisconsin played a strictly defensive
style of game for the remainder of
the period. Heyer,tBadgergoalie
was in good form, turning back 15
shots in this period. He had 39 saves
for the entire game.
The second period found Michigan
carrying the contest into Badger ter-
ritory continually, with Vic Heyliger
the spearhead of the Wolverine at-1
tack. After nearly five minutes were
gone, Heyliger's shot from just in-
side the red line bounded off Chuck
Heyer's pads to Berryman who batted
the loose puck into the net, tying the
The" final score of the game was
made in the final period, when Walt
Courtis got hold of the puck in a
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Loses
To Minnesota'
Quintet, 31-24
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 12.- (A)
'Minnesota opened its Big Ten bas-
ketball season as a dark horse to-
night by trotting to a 31-24 victory
ever Michigan in a rough engagement
before 7,200 fans.

Lanky Gordon Norman, Minnesota
veteran center, dueling first with Matt
Patanelli, then with the huge John
Cee, led the Gopher offensive with
four field goals and as many free
A battle of centers to begin with,
Norman caged four baskets in the
first half while Patanelli was sinking
three. The Wolverines playing aggres-
;ivaio frepdaMrinnea: to ighiet for a

whenever the experiment is tried,
stopping freedom of thought ends in Disclosure Of Abuses Of New York Post Reports
stopping thought. Russia, Italy and Holding Companies Is Surprise Witness Ready
Germany are today intellectually ster-
ile. The chief work of mankind has Made At Investigation To Testify At Trial
been carried on in those few and rare-
places where 'dangerous doctrines' WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 - Armed (copyright, by Associated Press. 1935)1
could be peaceably taught and con- with a report from the Federal Trade FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 12.- ( )
futed only by discussion and not by Commission which discloses the - Bruno Richard Hauptmann's wit-
suppression., abuses of holding companies in the ness stand fight against the electric
"If the universities were to adopt utility field, and with a report from chair, his lawyer announced tonight,!
the policy of the Rear Admiral it the Federal Power Commission which will consist of answers to seven ques-r
would end in their 'blowing out their refutes the claim that insurance com- tions, and six of the answers will be
brains' and becoming timid convents panies own a substantial amount of "no."?
of mental copycats." the stock utilities, President Roose- Hauptmann's wife, Anna, will fol-
velt is prepared to take the second low her husband on the stand, and thei
step in the program to regulate all defense expects the state to accord
Students Complete utilities. her "the same consideration the de-
7 f fense has shown Mrs. Lindbergh.
ExirmltsTh n The initial step was taken when the motherofsthe baby for whose murder
Experiments, National Resources Board recom- Hauptmann is now on trial."
Eat Their ResultsS mended extension of the Federal Gov- aid Edward J. Reilly. Haupt-
ernment's activities in development mann's chief counsel tonight:
of electric power facilities. The sec- "I think we shall ask Hauptmann
Food for thought." ond step will be put up to Congress only seven questions. The questions
That oft-quoted figure of speech, when the President requests the en- and their expected answers are:
is being made very real and literal actment of legislation to provide for; "1. Did you kidnap the Lindbergh
in the physics department these days. regulation of gas, electric, telephone baby? Answer no.
Prof. Arthur W. Smith is giving his' and oil companies. 2. Were you in Hopewell, N. J.
students in electrical measurements Took Control In 1922 the night of the kidnaping? Answer
marshmallows to eat - and toasted The report of the Trade Commis- no.
at that, only they have to toast their i sion, made public today, reveals that Will Deny Ransom Note
own, holding companies began to take con- "3. Did you make the ladder (which,
The whole thing is for scientific trol of the utility operating compan- the state contends was used in gain-
purposes, however, the marshmal- ies in 1922 and continued their cam- ing admission to the Lindbergh nurs-
lows being toasted to measure the( paign through 1932. ery ? Answer no.
electricity used in the operation. But In some instances, the report says, "4. Did you go up that ladder to
the students enjoy them anyway. these holding companies, supported kidnap the Lindbergh baby? Answer
The results of these culinary experi- by investment bankers of New York, no.
ments show that it costs exactly one paid more than a hundred times "5. Were you in New Jersey the
sixtieth of a cent to toast a marsh-I
mallow, And the marshmallows -- the value of the properties purchased, night of the kidnaping? Answer no.
well they just seem to be there every and consumers are supporting these "6. Did you write the ransom note?
class period, and it is strongly sus-companies at the inflated values. In Answer no.
pedProfessor Sndith bys they us- one case, the commission's account- "7. Where did you get the money
petted Professor Smith buys them out ants found that a holding company that was found in your garage? An-
of his own pocket. bid $472.03 per share to gain control swer, from Isador Fisch."
No cases of indigestion were re-i of an operating company which had Although Hauptmann's direct ex-
electrdica mesumes. ha book value of only $2.97 per share. ammation, as outlined by his counsel,
etricalmeasurements. Have No Conrol might require hardly more than a
.e.rminute, the cross examination by the
Rates charged to meet dividends state is expected to take longer. By
Plebisite T T to holding companies cannot well be limiting the direct questioning, how-
regulated, because local authorities ever, the defense will restrict the
Decide ar's have no control over the holding state's cross-examination.
companies, the Commission found.

-Associated Press Photo.

Fraternity Menw
Will Consider
Finance Report
Robert Briggs To Discuss
Condition Of Houses At
A meeting of all fraternity treas-
urers will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day, at the Union, according to Dean
of Students Joseph A. Bursley.
At this meeting Robert P. Briggs
of the economics department will dis-

Future Today
Issue Of World War To
Be Settled 15 Years And,
3 Days After Treatyi
SAARBRUECKEN, Jan. 12 -(R')-
A ding-dong rough and tough tumble
campaign in which Adolf Hitler and
his Nazi regime were in the main is-
sue, at an end, the Saar today will
choose its future national allegiance.
The plebiscite, the last of 12 is-
suing from the World War, will be
held exactly 15 years and three days
after the Treatyof Versailles went
into effect.
Experts call it by far the most im-
portant consultation of public opin-
ion resulting from the late Woodrow
Wilson's famous doctrine that all
people have the right to decide as to
the rule under which they wish to
Through Wilson, it was recalled,
the United States is responsible for
giving the 790,000 residents of this
rich industrial region their opportun-
ity to choose among continuance of
League of Nations government, re-
union with Germany or union with
Of those three issues, the Saar's
543,323 qualified voters - qualified
because they lived in the Saar the
day the Versailles Treaty was signed
- today will express their prompt,
composite opinion, while every de-
tachment of international and Saar
police and gendarmes stand guard,
and the 3,500 troops of the League's
first national army watch.
Wilfred Shaw Leaves
For Executives' Meeting
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni
relations, left today for a meeting of
college, university and alumni execu-
tives to be held Jan. 14 at Vassar
College. He is expected to return to
Ann Arbor Thursday.
The meeting was called by the
American Association of Adult Edu-
cation to consider a report on Adult
Education prepared by Ralph A. Beals
of New York. The report is a con-
tinuation and supplement to a report
on an investigation in the same field

"Holding companies that own and
operate no properties are not classed
as public utilities and, therefore, are
not subject to regulation restricting
competition among operating com-
panies."'the report continues.
The Commission says that the field
is virtually "wide open" for holding
companies to gain control of operat-
ing companies and thus remove them
from regulation within the state or
Police Disperse
Communists In
Paris Skirmish
Hunger Marchers Demand
Immediate Program To
End Unemployment
Paris, Jan. 12. -(P) - Twelve hun-
dred Communist hunger marchers
converging upon Paris with cries for
overcoats and an increased dole were
defeated in a clash with police today
in a snowstorm.
The Communists were dispersed by
a wall of steel-helmeted guards near
the city gates. A column of demon-
strators from the west broke ranks
and trickled into the city in groups to
attend three mass meetings this after-
Police barred the way of smaller
columns from other directions. The
demonstrators engaged in a general
scuffle with the gendarmes, but found
themselves no match for their well-
fed opponents.
The Communists said they would
make another attempt to enter the
city later today after they had been,
reinforced by additional marchers.
from the neighborng department of
The marchers began to converge
upon the city yesterday. They experi-
enced considerable hardship from bit-
terly cold weather.
Official figures showthath436,442
persons ai'e on the dole. The Com-
munists and French Federation of
Labor, however, assert the actual
number of unemployed is much larger.



NEW YORK, Jan. 12.- OP)--The cuss the reports required from fra-
New York Post said today that it had ternities under the terms of the Fi-
learned that a man bearing a striking nancial Standards and Regulations
resemblance to Bruno Hauptmann adopted by the Committee on Student
will be a surprise witness for the de- Conduct last fall.
fense in the trial of the man charged Mr. Briggs is chairman of the com-
with kidnaping the Lindbergh baby. mittee authorized to make exceptions
The "double," the Post said, is Rob- to Rule Two of these regulations. The
ert Scanlon, of Menlo Park, N. J., who other members being Prof. Leigh J.
at the time of the kidnaping was a Young, representing the Executive
real estate man and was inspecting a Committee of the Interfraternity
piece of property near the Hopewell' Council, and Paul R. Kempf, repre-
estate of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. senting the Fraternity Alumni Asso-
Witness Prepared To Testify ciation.
This witness, according to the Post, . Dean Bursley stressed the fact that
is prepared to testify that he was in it is important that every fraternity
the woods surrounding the Lindbergh be represented at the meeting by its
home and drove over in that vicinity treasurer, or the officer responsible
at about the time of the abduction. for making out the monthly reports.
The Post said that Scanlon decided The financial regulations passed
to offer his testimony after having this fall require fraternities to turnin
read accounts of the trial at Flem- to the Dean of Students (1) a monthly
ington, and when he recognized that financial statement, (2) a monthly
many of the, episodes described by balance sheet, and (3) and an ac
Sourland residents who have testified ceptable audit of the chapter ac-
to having seen Hauptmann near the counts at the end of each school year,
Lindbergh home had happened to him. each of these reports to be counter-
These Sourland residents, who are signed by the Alumni Financial Ad-
to be called as witnesses by the prose- v'ser.
cuti on, made identifications of Haupt-.
mann at his extradition proceedings' LIQUOR PERMITS HALTED
in New York. WASHINGTON, Jan. 12-The Fed-
Scanlon, the Post said, drove about' eral Alcohol Administration today
the Hopewell region in a green sedan, halted liquor rectification permits to
which later was painted blue. stop the flood of cheap whiskies.

Worse Than Atlantic Trip,
She Says; May Fly On To
OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 12 --(')-
Amelia Earhart Putnam, ocean-con-
quering aviatrix, flashed into Oakland
today to complete the first solo flight
ever made between Hawaii and Cali-
fornia - and hastily combed her
tousled blonde hair before turning
to face a madly cheering crowd.
"I'm tired," said the famous holder
f many aviation records as she pop-
ped her head out of the cockpit, saw
the crowd and reached for her comb.
The wheels of her swift, red mono-
plane touched dry land at 1:31 p.m.
(4:31 p.m. E.S.T.) just 18 hours and
16 minutes after her exciting take-off
from Wheeler Field, 25 miles out of
Honolulu. Two hours after landing
she went to bed, without benefit of
negligee, in an Oakland hotel.
Is First Time
Not satisfied with two aerial trips
across the Atlantic, and a host of
other aviation honors, the 36-year-
old' flier challenged the Pacific as
has no other man or woman. She
came through after fighting a variety
of weather and giving California
watchers an uneasy three hours dur-
ing which her position was not
"It was worse than the Atlantic
flights," she said. "There was no
purpose or reason for it."
Asked about reports that she was
considering continuing on to Chica-
go or Washington, immediately she
smiled mysteriously and said:
"Well, I'll have to check the weath-
er before hopping, but I won't be go-
ing for three or four hours."
But Miss Earhart appeared pretty
tired and the circumstances discount-
ed the idea. Airport attendants said
she had left instructions not to re-
fuel her plane. Weather conditions
to the east were reported unfavor-
"I had enough fuel in my tanks to
have lasted another two hours," Miss
Earhart went on, in contrast with
the statement of Lieut. Commander
Clarence Williams indicating her sup-
ply was due to be exhausted about
the time she landed.
Surprises Crowd
For three hours California coastal
cities had been awaiting her and
when she swooped down on the air-
port she took the crowd of 5,000 by
A mighty cheer arose. The crowd
surged toward the plane and stopped
little short of its whirling propeller
"I don't want to sit down," she said
firmly when an attendant saw her
fatigue and offered her a chair.
Attendants pushed her plane into
a hangar and closed the doors against
the admiring crowd, but only after
many had succeeded in grasping her
hand and shouting words of praise
of her.
Someone mentioned that she had
not been heard from for a consider-
able time before landing; that there
were reports she was battling fog,
had strayed from her course; that
her gasoline was running low before
she reached the coast. They asked
if she had been worried.
"Worried?" she echoed. "Oh, I
thought I would like to have the sight
of land a couple of times."
'Vital Matters'
To Be Studied
By Fraternities
A meeting of fraternity alumni as-
sociation officers, financial advisers,
and house presidents, to "discuss mat-
ters of vital importance both to the
University and the fraternities," will
be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, at
the Union.

The meeting was called by Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven and let-
ters have been sent 'out to all indi-
viduals concerned inviting them to
ThnonC.ar 'jvmd M -1. min;i. A


Survey Reveals Percentage Of
Teacher Graduates Employed

More than two-thirds of the stu-
dents graduating from the University
with teacher's certificates in the past
two years have experienced periods of
employment. Of those who have found
employment, an average of only one
third have actually found work teach-
These were among the conclusions
drawn from a survey of recent teach-
er-certificated graduates of the Uni-
versity by Prof. George E. Myers of
the school of education. Approxi-
mately 1,000 students were included,
covering graduates from 1929, '30, '31,
'32, and '33.
Other figures revealed that about
one fifth of the graduates of the past
two years have found no work at all,
vvi- mna~nd n mman namnrenre-..

The most common means by far of
obtaining a position was reported as
personal application, with friends or
relatives second, and the Bureau of
Appointments third. More than 80
per cent of the 1933 class and about
45 per cent of the class of 1929 -were
registered with this Bureau when the
study was made.
"The recreational life of many indi-
viduals who reported is badly unbal-
anced," said Professor Myers. "One
young woman reported 40 hours per
week devoted to bridge, movies and
"As to types of further education
desired by this group, naturally pro-
fessional work in their own field ranks
first. Sociology comes second, with
English, commercial training, fine
arts. lnanaaes sciences. business a-

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