PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ _ .._ Inmported Voters Are Streaming; Into Saar Basin 55,000 Are Coming From Abroad To Participate In Election To Broadcast Results 57 Trainloads Will Swell Numbers Of The Reich's Supporters SAARBRUECKEN, Saar Basin Ter- ritory, Jan. 11 -(')- Thousands of "imported" voters flocked into the Saar Basin Territory today to cast! their ballots in Sunday's plebiscite. They came from Germany, 'France, Asia and Africa, North and South America - former Saarlanders quali- fied to participate in the portentous election because they lived in the ter- ritory on June 28, "1919, the day that the Treaty of Versailles became effec- tive. Fifty-five thousand were expected from abroad before the polls close Sunday night. Representing 10 per cent of the total vote, they may hold the fate of the plebiscite. Nine special trains brought the vanguard of 48,000 Germans mobil- ized to swell the vote in favor of ter- ritory's reunion with the Reich. The main body of German supporters, 48 train loads, will roll into Saar- brueckens congested railway station Saturday. France is sending a contingent of 5,000, among them a dozen Foreign Legionnaires from African outposts. More than 600 have checked in from the United States, with others on their way. News of the plebiscite's result - whether it favors reunion with Ger- many, joining France or continued1 League of Nations administration - will be broadcast to the world about 9 a.m., Tuesday.; The 300 journalists stationed here to report the voting will be denied all, communication beyond the territory's, borders until after A. E. Rodhe, presi- dent of the Plebiscite commission, has announced the returns by radio. Not; even local telephone calls will be per- mitted; officials said, until Rodhe has completed his broadcast. Costliest Year Is Last, Say Seniors1 (Continued from Page 1)] poll was made as fair as possible by interviewing students in the four groups who had low, medium, and large incomes. Because of the fact that indepen- dents on the campus outweigh the fraternity members by a percentage af 65 to 35, these figures were accepted and the average for independents were weighted accordingly. The reason for the small number of women listed in the survey was be- cause of the difficulty of finding many women who actually knew how much they spent and when they spent it. The average girl when questioned said that "she had no idea how much she had spent or would spend 'but could find out by writing to her father." Another interesting fact revealed was that the majority of the women spent the most money their freshman year. One girl explained this phenom- enon by stating that "it is natural for a girl to spend more money her freshman year because she wishes to make a good impression. She feels that she must wear a different dress every day and has to have a new for- mal for every dance." Men, on the other hand, had their figures well in mind, and most o them said that they had kept budgets since their freshman year. It was the concensus among all of of the seniors interviewed that the amount they spent was controlled by the amount they were allotted. That is, when they were cut down by their parents, they spent less and when parents became generous they s,!:en t; more, In calculating how much they spent the students were asked to include everything including clothes, and the iimount of money they would have spent if they weren't working., Father Cougblin T'o Be Sermon Subject !.tuidenit Govern council are to remain in full force ished by the council. ARTIC Sec. 1. The council may eit of the student body to the Univers mendations or bring the issue con; student body in a campus election. Sec. 2. The petitions descri acceptable to the council only afte membe-s of the student body have1 Soc. 3. The election describ held within 3 weeks after the subir required number of signatures, an of the men studcnts to force action ARTIC Sec. 1. Matters before this student body in a campus election v of the members of this council. ARTIC Sec. 1. It shall be within t amendments to this constitution s fourths of the members of this1 be submitted at least one week befo Sec. 2. The men of the stf merits to this constitution through t Article 3, Section 1. ARTICI Sec. 1. Seven members pres any council meeting and shall be council's business whether it be leg Sec. 2. A majority vote sha before this body with the excep provided in this constitution. ARTICI Sec. 1. The first executive the person who served as presid council during the year 1934-1935. Public Is Ignora ini Health Service mtent Plan No.1 t e1 - Warns Students and effect until amended or abol- E III.On Pneumoniai her pass upon or submit petitions Warning was issued yesterday to sity administration with its recom- students against the danger of con- tained in such petitions before the tracting pneumonia at this time by Dr. William M. Brace, Health Serv- bed in Article 3, Sec. 1, shall be ice physician. His action was r the signature of 5% of the male prompted by a bulletin of the United been secured thereon. States Bureau of Public Health, ed in Article 3, Sec. 1, shall be which noted a minor national epe- mission of petitions containing the demic of colds and influenza; and id must be participated in by 20( an editorial in a Detroit paper des- the part of the men's council. cribing a minor pneumonia epidemic p on there. LE IV. "Though influenza is at this time more prevalent," Dr. Brace explained,' y"our experience this year has shown ipon the concurrence of two-thirds that it has a tendency to develop in- to pneumonia unless proper care is LE V. taken. We now have three cases of pneumonia in the Health Service and he power of this council to make one has been transferred to the Hos- ubject to a concurrence of three- pital." body. Such an amendment must Experience of the United States' re a vote is taken on it. Army, as discussed by Dr. Brace, in 1 udent body may propose amend- the influenza epidemic of 1918 he petitioning process described in showed that going to bed as soon as the symptoms of the disease become 'LE VI. present tends to prevent development sent shall constitute a quorum in into pneumonia. He added that those competent to pass on any of the who try to stick it out and drag islative or judicial in character. themselves around may become dang- Seroulsly Ill. ll be sufficient to decide questions Plenty of sleep and rest, care dur- tion of those matters otherwise ing the early stages of colds, washing, the hands before meals, and care LE VII. not to have others cough in the face! were recommended by Dr. Braceas secretary of the council shall be preventives for influenza and pneu- ent of the former undergraduate monia. "Flu is distinguishable by aching throughout the entire body," Dr. Brace explained, "chills and fever, symptoms of a head cold, sore throat, nt Of Health and cough. In the case of develop- ment into pneumonia, the patient is even more ill and the temperature is ceSays Director higher." I Dr. Brace warned against con- tracting chills, permitting one to get bnt, hanhd in gearfor the into a run down condition, loss of tient, and in general perform sleep, and staying in overheated same duties as would a trained nurse, rooms. "These conditions," he ex- hired specially by the family." plained, "tend to weaken one's re- .According to Miss Stoll, the charges sistance to colds and influenza, and made by association are adjustable. thus contribute to the development That is, the family may pay the full of pneumonia." cost, or if they are financially unable to do this, the cost is absorbed Wiholly of diphtheria, only 50 or in part by the community fund. per cent of the children of pre-school The services of the association are age being immunized. This exists des-! thus open to everyone. In 1934 pite the fact that the diphtheria rate Daughter of Missionaries Escapes Death SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1935 HEADS RULES COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, JTan, 11 -.OP) - Representative John J. O'Connor, a Democrat from New York City, will head the powerfuil rules committee of the house in this congress. O'Connor, prominent Tammany man, was chosen for the chairman- ship Thursday in a Democratic caucus which selected the majority's mem- bership of 45 committees. carry out. Her chief accomplice is a doctor who is stationed in her hos- pital. Their proximity to each other becomes a love affair, and the picture from this point on leaps into a series of exciting sequences, reaches the necessary climax, and then ends. Not a great deal can be said for "I Was a Spy," because there is noth- ing outstanding about it in any way. Of course, it is good entertainment and is superior to the average movie. It has some good features; namely, some well-handled mob scenes, some unusually pleasing characterizations (and some not so good, including that of Madeline Carroll, who is too sophis- ticated and half-hearted about her portrayal), and an effective general atmosphere. Conrad Veidt, as a rather villainous German officer, is the most believable character in the whole picture. However, "I Was a Spy" at no point ever reaches the peaks it .should. The story is some- what confused, the characters in gen- eral are not authentic, and the whole effect is rather disorganized. For spy story lovers, it is good; for any- one else, it is ordinary. -C.B.C. "Surprisingly few people know that the Ann Arbor Public Health Nurs- ing Association exists," said Miss Edith M. Stoll, director of the organi- zation, in an interview yesterday. "Our organization has been in exist- ence for 23 years, yet some of the city's oldest resdients are ignorant of this fact, or if they do know of the organization, they are unaware of its aims and functions." "The primary function of the asso- ciation," continued Miss Stoll, "is to solve the family sickness problem. In many cases of illness, the family does not wish to send the invalid to the hospital, and is also afraid to at- tempt the care necessary themselves without some sort of supervision. Here our nurses enter into the picture, so to speak. They pay a visit once a day to the home and stay for a period of one hour.' During these visits the nurses carry out the doc- tor's orders, instruct the members of -Associated Press Photo. Helen Priscilla Staim, infant daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John C. Stam, American missionaries killed by Chinese communists, escaped a similar fate when she was carried 100 miles from Tsingeth, China, to Wuhu in a rice basket with a Chinese baby. i THE SCREEN AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN consider a good representation of "I WAS A SPY" the war containing an adult dose of suspense and horror.a work of art. For its first presentation of 1935 The scene of "I Was a Spy" is laid the Art Cinema League is present- in a small town in Belgium which has ing this English spy story, featuring been occupied by the Germans. A Madeline Carroll, Herbert Marshall, young Belgian nurse, whose parents and Conrad Veidt. It is reputedly operate a cafe in the town, is drawn a true story of an actual spy in the into an English spy ring by a grad- World War - no more. There is ual process. She eventually has an no propaganda, and unfortunately important position, and because of no element of art present in "I Was her sharp-mindedness and extreme a Spy," unless the producers would charm, is given important work to PALMER CHRISTIAN in Pro gran of ALL BACH WORKS Hill Auditorium SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 at 4:15 No Admission Charge association made 458 nursing visits in addition to school nursing and clinical cases. Miss Stoll also announced that Ann Arbor has hit a new low in the num- ber of communicable diseases at the present time. There are only six, such illnesses, five of these are whoop- ing cough cases and the other is a case of measles contracted by a music student when he was visiting in Port! Huron. However, Ann Arbor is one of the most lax cities in the state in of the state of Michigan as a whole has decreased from 25.2 per thous- and in 1921 to 2.2 per thousand inhab- itants in 1934. BIG SALE! All 41.00 'yies 75cr - New patterns Many more specials Chas. Doukas, Custom Tailor 1319 South University SPECIAL 'SALE of Hammermill LAID ANTIQUE Fine Stationery 39c PER BOX 72 SHEETS 72 ENVELOPES I I v .v .. .. . .. .. ...... ... .. ............ + r Did you ever notice.. in a roomful of people.. the difference between one cigarette and another.. and wonder why Chesterfields have such a pleasing aroma .. Many things lhayvoto cdo with th/ecaroma of a cig~arttc . -../hc kind of tobaccos they arc made of'. . . t/hc way thie to- haccos are b/ended .. , the quality of (Continued from Page 1) Fellowship will hear Prof. Howard McC(u':lky of the School of Educa- tion, speak on "If I Were a Student." "What the World Is Seeking" will be the subject of the Rev. William P. Lemon's sermon to be delivered at 10:45 a.m. in the Presbyterian Church. Dr. Albert Hynma of the history de- partmient will speak at the vesper ser~vice at 6:30 p.m. on "The Signifi-s cance of 'The Imitation of Christ' by Thiomas Aquinas." Dr. Warren Forsythe, director of the University Health Service will ad- dress the student meeting at 7 p.m. in Harris all on "The Modern .Atti tude Toward Sex Education." The T takes good things to make good things. Someone said that to get the right aroma in a cigarette, you must have the right quantity of Turkish tobacco -and that's right. But it is also true that you get a pleasing aroma from the home-grown tobaccos .. tobaccos filled with Southern Sunshine, sweet and ripe. When these tobacLos are all bended and cross-b/ended the Chesterfeldway, balanced one against tihe other,. you get Notebook Paper ALL KINDS ALL SIZES "A Bluebooks Only MILLER