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January 12, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-12

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'I I




but rather the more conservative jurists of the
country, even in the case of a "liberal" court. Hav-
in no popular appeal, and without any consti-
tutional security, for Congress can create such a
number of justices that the court becomes a mere
instrument of the legislators, the Supreme Court
is in a difficult position in times of stress.
After the period of immediate necessity is over,
the popular feeling behind a President and his
far-reaching program, becomes less intense and the
court is free to act. It took the court more than
30 years to de#lare the Tenure of Office Act un-
constitutional. Such a short time as three years
hardl-y tests the ultimate course of action of the
supreme body. Chief Justice Hughes admits the
case has no importance in the advancement of
the New Deal.
As long as public opinion, a powerful factor in
our form of government, stays with the President
and his program, any important setback from
the courts would be an almost unheard of event
in judicial history.

r. ,!


____I i __ ..__._ .._.__. _._ - ___ __ ___ _ _ _- ...Th


Publicied every morning except Monday during the
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derfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.

Here's an interesting letter received today:
Dear Bud Bernard:
I thought you might be interested in a fem-
inine reply to E.M.L.'s letter and I hope you'll
print it for the sake of some deserving girls as
wdl as some iunrequited mascbline dating ma-
His ceinplaint is justifiable in that there are
ma-ny "smooth" girls (and others) who are
gong steady, and in that there are girls who
arc dated up two or three weeks in advance,
but why stop there? Why not admit that it's
the fellow's fault that these girls are dated so
far ahead? Why not stop to consider something
else too? Ilow about the girls (not too bad at
that) who could be dated more? Why don't
seine of you fellows who are complaining about
the dating situation on campus wake up? The
trouble is that sheer inertia plus vanity make
you all want to date the same girls. You're
naL only too lazy to find others who are just
as nine, but too vain not to make a play for
the "belles." As for a campaign against this
practice of advance dating, it's up to you. It's
up to you to distribute your, shall I say,
"patronage." In other words get out and take
a look around. Distribute your dates! I'm
afraid, however, that there isn't much you can
de about the "mortgages."
B.D.M., '37.



Reque-st-- 0 0

The Second Edition
of the

A Waqhington




(Associated Press Staff Writer)
T WAS A BIT CONFUSING to find the word
"salutary" on the lips of many New Dealers in
private comment on the Supreme Court's over-
throw of Section 9 (c) of the recovery act in the
"hot oil" cases.
On its face, the Hughes' opinion, backed as it
was by all except one of the court members, seemed
to throw a constitutional monkey wrench into the
New Deal works. The full effect was difficult to
foresee. What could the New Dealers find to solace
them in that?
To some, the possible salutary effects of this
initial constitutional defeat were greater caution
in future both among administration executives
and Congressmen in framing legislation, To others,
however, the beneficial effects loomed in the shape
of encouragement conservative-minded folks were
likely to draw from the court's action.
It was argued that administration words alone
have failed completely to reassure business as to
the non-radical purposes of the New Deal. Acts
have been demanded. Now, to these observers, the
high court has cited in such fashion as to reassure
the nation that for all its supposed "liberal" ma-
jority, it still is watchfully on guard over the con-
That such an interpretation falls in with admin-
istration efforts to promote investor confidence in
recovery prospects is obvious.
Yet, it also remains that the upsetting of Section
9 (c) generally is looked upon hereabouts as afford-
ing no clear clue to what to expect in other and
more important New Deal constitutional tests to
That section of the recovery act was so strictly
limited in application to oil and the basis of its
rejection by the court so narrowed that, legally no
other part of the New Deal structure seems under-
mined. Whatever confusion may result in the oil
industry and serious as that may prove, no- such
situation is presented as would be in case of an
adverse ruling, for instance, in the gold clause
still to be argued.
Administration plans for meeting the situation
created by overthrow of Section 9(c) are undis-
closed. However, an effort to pass a new oilact,
not subject to attack as an unwarranted delega-
tion of legislative policy-making authority to the
President, may be given priority on the New Deal
legislative program.
The Supreme Court, to be sure, was careful to
point out that it was not decided whether Congress
had power itself to interdict interstate hot oil
movement in order to make effective state oil
production control measures. Even so, there is an
implied invitation to try out that substitute for the
discarded section before there should be resort
to a move to declare oil a public utility, as Secre-
tary Ickes has frequently warned might be neces-
The attorney-general of the United States calls
his Washington home "Ruthven," a dispatch states.
Our President, we believe, should retaliate and call
the U. of M. executive mansion "Cummings."
No doubt some English instructors will be against
Professor Muyskens mayorality candidacy on ac-
count of the alliteration in "Mayor Muyskens."


A word to the wise is sufficient. But maybe it
doesn't pay to be careful. However, a psychology
professor at Western State College has discovered
that a kiss shortens the average life by three
A professor of international law at Indiana
University, recently sat for an hour waiting for
his meal at a restaurant. Finally his waitress
passed. Tapping her on the arm, he said:
"Change my order to an ultimatum."
A junior at the University of Oklahoma gives
this advice on "How to Keep Awake in Class."
1. "Sit by a co-ed who drops books.
2. Give the co-eds each side of you a stick
of gum.
3. Hold a pencil tightly in your hand;
when you start to relax you drop the
4. Sleep nights.
Here's a clever poem sent in by "Engineer":
I'm thankful that the sun and moon
Are both hung up so high,
That no presumptious hand can reach
And pluck them from the sky.
For were they not I have no doubt
That some reforming ass
Would recommend to take them down,
And light the world with gas.
A r
As Others See It
Iowa Should Learn To Play
IOWA STUDENTS are fortunate in the abun-
dance of athletic equipment and sporting facil-
ities available to their use, and in the opportunities
provided by a more or less thorough system of
intramural contests.
Yet the number of students who participate in
athletics seems to be surprisingly small in view
of this abundant opportunity. And faculty recrea-
tion in healthy outdoor sports is next to unknown.
The advisability of compulsory class hour work
in the stereotyped forms of physical education has
always been questioned in the minds of students
subjected to it. Not that students object to exer-
cise, even when it is compulsory, but they object
to an hour or two each week of uninteresting
gyrations which serve only to make the muscles
Why would it not be satisfactory merely to re-
quire so many hours of participation each week
- at any time the student chooses - in some form
of sport, and to throw the athletic facilities of
the university open for the students to satisfy
this requirement as they wish?
-The Daily Iowan.


featuring reviews of
Mark Van Doren' s
'Thre Tra'nsins'
rev iewed by
of the English Department
Thorton Wilder's
reviewed by
of the English Department
*irig~jau Da1j



The Outstand ng
Schools Of 1934...

SIKEINDIVIDUALS and institutions
of every kind, the nation's colleges
are constantly competing for all sorts of honors.
Three selections of the country's outstanding
schools for 1934, based on quite different sets of
criteria, have attracted attention in recent weeks.
Michigan succeeded in making only one of these
All-America groups.
The nation's first 10 schools in point of educa-
tional excellence, as chosen by Edwin Rogers Elm-
bree, president of the Julius Rosenwald Fund, were
as follows:
Harvard Minnesota
Columbia Cornell
Chicago Michigan
Yale Wisconsin
California Iowa
The nation's first 10 schools, ranked according
to intensity of radical activity by Congressman
Hamilton Fish, Jr., were:
Harvard Wesleyan
Vassar Chicago
City College, N.Y. Wisconsin
Columbia California
Smith Washington U.
The nation's first 10 schools in football prowess
as chosen by Prof. Frank G. Dickinson of the
economics department of the University of Illinois
were these:
Minnesota Alabama
Pittsburgh Navy
Columbia Rio. State
Illinois Colgate
Rice Stanford
Michigan, as may be seen, can only look to
1935 and the future in hopes of regaining some of
its lost prestige in the "educational" field.











Court Action
On The New Deal.. .

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of comrifunicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Message From Moscow
Moscow, Dec. 14, 1934
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Mich,
Dear Fellow Students:
We students of First Moscow Medical Insti-
tute (class of 1938) would like very much to hear1
from you about your life and studies and in turn
tell you of ours.
Our students are workers and employees from
every line of activity from all over the Soviet
Union and other countries of the world, represent-I
ing in all 46 nationalities. Every one of us had had
experience working in either factories, hospitals,
on farms, or in offices, etc., before entering the
university. We have our own self-governing or-
ganizations, nominated and elected directly by

We have joined in the campaign in honor of the
VII Congress of the Soviets, to be held Jan. 5, as
soon as elections are over. We also elect delegates
to the Soviets. The pledge we have given in honor
of the Congress is to raise our stands of study and
in discipline, by using our methods of socialist com-
petition and udarnik work to achieve this.
We should like to write you a great deal more and
tell you in detail of our life here and ask many
questions about your life, living conditions and
studies, but it would be too much for this first
short letter. We hope you will write us soon and
await your reply with the greatest interest.
Yours sincerely.
Second Seminar of the Second
Year Course, First Moscow
Medical Institute,
(signed) Ivanovna Khrenovaya
Address as follows:
Moscow 144, U.S.S.R.
2nd Izvoznaya, Student City No. 2
Corpus, 2, Room 055
Khrenovaya, P. I.

The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
January 13, 1935
"Erasmus Interrogates
Father Coughlin"
A comparison of two Catholic
priests, by Mr. Marley
Liberal Students Union
"Public and Private
Miss Mildred valentine
First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
January 13, 1935
9:45 A.M. - Class for Young Men
and Women. Dr. Roy J. Burroughs
leads a discussion on the "Social
Ideals of the Churches."
10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship Sere-

Hillel Foundation
Corner East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
January 13, 1935
11:15 A.M. - Sermon at the Women's
League Chapel by Dr. Bernard
"The Significance of
Pres. Alexander G. Ruthven's
Last Report to the Regents"
8:00 P.M.-Meeting of the Michigan
chapter of Hillel Independents at
the Foundation for members only.
This meeting will be followed by
a symposium on
"Dating on the Michigan

Zion Lutheran
Washington at Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
January 13, 1935
9:00 A.M. - Sunday School; lesson,
"Peter's Great Confession."
10:30 A.M. - Service with sermon on,
Text, 2 Corinthians 6, 14-18.
5:30 P.M. - Student fellowship and
6:45 P.M. - Student forum .
7:30 P.M. - Holy Communion serv-
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor
January 13, 1935
9:30 A.M. - Sunday School
9:30 A.M.- The Service in German.


has been placed on the recent de-
cision of the Supreme Court on the section of
NIRA pertaining to oil control by anti-New Deal
In reality, the ruling handed down by Chief
Justice Hughes is likely to have little effect upon
the body of New Deal legislation. Specifically
it denies Congress the power to make unlimited
delegations of legislative authority. Just how much
leeway Congress has, the Court did not say.

YoCI i




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