PAGE FOUR -T1-UE .IIHGAAN ,D-AlLY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :n THE MICHIGAN DAILY %I Ii- I Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER . attedi + at git 'ret5 =1934 eMi> t r935, ltmSon vascossI MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $150 .Dring regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mai, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City: 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ...............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR ......................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ...........RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR ...................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR ................. . ...ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas rI. Kleene, David G. MacDonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean. Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: Donald K. Anderson, Jolhn H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Robert E. Deisley, Allan Dewey, John A. Doelle, Sheldon M. Ellis, Sidney Finger, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sher- win Gaines, Ralph W. Hurd, Walter R. Kreuger, John N. Merchant, Fred W. Neal, Kenneth Norman, Melvin C. Oathout, John P. Otte, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman, Bernard Weissman, Joseph Yager, C. Brad- ford Carpenter, Jacob C. Siedel, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann. Dorothy Briscoe, Maryana Chockly, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Saxon Finch, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Har- riet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Beulah Kanter, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Mary Annabel Neal, Ann Neracher, Elsie Pierce, Char- lotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell. Carolyn Sherman, Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Betty Vinton, Laura Winograd, Jewel Weurfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER................RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER ..................ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ......... JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts. Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, Richard Hardenbrook, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tom- linson, Robert Owen, Homer Lathrop, Donald Hutton, Arror Gillman, Tom Clarke, Gordon Cohn. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner. NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID G. MACDONALD Passing Of A Scholar.. . T HE PASSING of Prof. Samuel Moore is a significant cause for mourning throughout the. University. In his death is recog- nized the loss of one of Michigan's most brilliant scholars. In his work as editor of the Middle English Dictionary, Professor Moore was perpetuating pre- cisely what great scholars for centuries have ex- pressed as the most.vital part of the life and future exstence of higher learning, namely, research. It is the type of man with whom we associate Professor Moore upon which the success and reputation of the University of Michigan rests. It is particularly men of his calibre on whom President Conant of Harvard said that he relied for the true meaning of a liberal educat.ion.. The esteem in which Professor Moore was held here is linked with both reverence and respect: reverence for an honest scholar and respect for the real educator who goes unsung. Where It Begins To Pinch . D UE TO CERTAIN characteristic peculiarities of the economic cycle, the University's enrollment showed a considerable falling off a year or more before the State Legisla- ture got around to mangling the annual appro- priation beyond recognition. The retrenchments made necessary by the cut, were not easy to ac- complish, but they were managed in one way or another, the University was still a few jumps ahead of the depression, and everybody was, or should have been, comparatively happy. Now comes the rub. As the result -of a sudden and unexpected jump in attendance, the University is responsible for the education of 1,000. more students than it had last year - and on approxi- mately the same total appropriatsion. Even if the greater enrollment is an indication of the return of better times, it will be a long time before the State sees its way to begin doling out the generous contributions that it once made. So now the Uni- versity begins, to face problems it never had in the worst of hard times. And it may become worse. A's Others See It ' Secret' Practice HE EDITOR. of The Californian is puzzled. He was handed a season pass to "secret" football practice the other day, and he, of course, appreciates the opportunity to see the A.S.U.C. Varsity in action. But he can see no reason why he, as editor,.should be permitted to attend "secret" practice sessions, when more than 7,000 A.S.U.C. members are now allowed to see their team prac- tice. .The notion that a football team has to have secret sessions was efficiently blasted last year Down on the Farm when Coach "Tiny" Thorn- hill abolished the "secret" sessions, but yet had a fairly successful season, defeating both California and Southern California. In fact, so successful was Thornhill in building up student support and spirit that Coach "Slip" :Madigan is going to follow a similar policy out of at St. Mary's this year. It has been suggested that students would swarm all over the field, literally "getting in everybody's hair" down on Edwards' Field, if allowed to watch their Varsity practice. To such, we reply: no one knows whether or not that would be the case. We feel that students would be willing to stay in the temporary bleachers on the west end of Edwards' field, or the permanent bleachers, or else on the lawn directly in front of the gymnasium. The only other argument against opening secret practice sessions is this: last year each Wednes- day was set aside as a visitors' day, and few stu- dents attended. No wonder! Each Wednesday was SET ASIDE; the Varsity did little in the way of practice those days. Would it not be feasible to abolish secret foot- ball practice? Let students see their team prac- tice - at least three or four days each week! "Sec- ret" practice, as it now exists, is a polite farce! -The Daily Californian. Make Rush Easier E PAUW'S FRATERNITY rushing system has undergone considerable improvement during the past two seasons, but conversations with va- rious fraternity men has confirmed our opinion that another change should be made. So far as the actual working of the system is concerned, it seems absolutely foolproof and is about the ideal plan for DePauw. The only draw- back, and this is important, is that the intensive period comes at the wrong time. Fraternity rush conflicts with the beginning of classes and with the initial efforts of campus activities to such an ex- tent that they are all crippled severely. The same fact is true of sorority rush, to an even greater degree. Also, though fraternity and sorority rushing sea- sons are very important to those concerned, there are others on the campus to whom they mean nothing. Since approximately only 55 per cent of DePauw students are organized it is hardly fair to hold up the whole university in order that rush may be consummated. Rush should be at such a time that it could be entirely separated from other campus affairs. We do not feel that the abolition of "open house," periods of silence, and preference bidding would improve the point under consideration, but if it were possible to arrange the time element more conveniently, we are sure that all 'students involved would enter the season more' whole- heartedly and feel better satisfied with the results. Possible solutions range from the opening of rush week several days earlier, with preference match- ings before classes start, to a delayed system, in The Old, old Story A NEW CAMPAIGN to abolish military training has been started on the Berkeley campus. Labeled by the instigators as an "intensive drive," it seems destined for an early fade-out. Between opposition from the University administration, threats from student R.O.T.C. sympathizers who promise the leaders "a punch in the eye," rebellion in the ranks, and unauthorized use of certain students' names, the movement is punch-drunk; in its first four days of existence and needs only one more good haymaker to lay it among the lilies. Every year there is the same old fight. Each new crop of students contains sincere and altruistic crusaders who feel that they have a mission to save the long-suffering lower division students from their tiresome drill and military instruction. But somehow these poor long-suffering students do not care very much whether crusaders work in their interests or not, and some, in fact, pave very definitely resented interference with what they consider to be a very interesting course of study. So there really isn't much a good crusader can do about it. -California Daily Bruin. Colleg iate ObserverI By BUD BERNARD My Ohio State correspondent sends me this true incident, from that campus. It is the"' story of a coy co'-ed who was cured of that annoyng habit of injecting an "r" sound in each word. Here is the actual phone call be- tween her and a male friend. Male.: "Hello cutie." Co-ed: "Hello Phillurp, when did you get back?" Male: "Just a while ago. Say, how about a date tonight? What are you doing? Co-ed (coyly): "Nurthin'." Male: Gosh, excuse me. I didn't know. * * After 70 years of walking their partners staidly to and fro on the library lawn, young men of Texas Christan College may at last indulge in Jazz Dancing in company with the ladies. This is undoubtedly a manifestation of the New Deal, for it is reasonable to believe that dancing instructors will find this an amazing stimulus to business. Modern marriage, says a student at the Uni- versity of Maryand is ike a cafeteria. You grab what you want - and pay later. Union College boys yell "Heads Out"' when a beautiful damsel from a nearby seminary passes in front of the dorm and fraternity houses. A few minutes later heads pop from every window. The boys take careful account of the passing figure. The fair young things from the seminary pine their lives away hoping the "rowdies" will grow up. * * ** YE PROFFE Ye proffe he is a funny thynge, Albeit somme unreasonable He putteth on a goodlie frown. At tardiness unreasonable. Yette he dayly keepeth his coterie Past the hour for the next classe. Ye perspiring student on the sprinte Wishes this be en passe. -Contrib. A group of men students at the University of Washington who just returned from a course of study at the University of Edinburgh state that "the girls not only have to pay their own carfare when you take them home from a dance, but they always pay for their own tickets when you take them to a theatre." Gentle' hint? Many a girl whose kisses speak voluMes, says a Kappa Nu at the University of California is really a circulating library. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE PSIMPSON i -U 'II Do you have typing to be done, or oyou want typing to do Or, have you lost anything In any case, your best medium is Thme Michigan D aily Classified Column i I' 11 CASH RATES ici PE R LINE (Short term charge advertisements dccep ted) Pla ce your ad now and your results will comimt mediately it 11 III i ,_ I - ~ -'' -. -.. -' .~-..' . - -- I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ I I I Subscribe NOW to The The Michigan Credo*. . THAT STUDIES are not every- . thing. 2. That all Phi Beta Kappas are bookworms and really won't be a success in after life, any- way. 3. That it is much more important, and a sure portent of a successful life, to develop a smooth personality in college than to learn something. 4. That if the waiters in the Parrot call you by your first name you're a big shot. 5. That "What's Doing" is a silly, sophomoric, disgusting paper, appealing to the lowest instincts in readers. 6. That everyone reads "What's Doing." 7. And likes it. 8. That, since the completion of the Law Quad- rangle, every other man on campus has decided to study law. 9. That a prediction of three losses on the part of Harry Kipke means an undefeated season. 10. That the administration is too paternalistic. 11. That Joe Bursley keeps the Vanguard Club here for his own amusement. 12. That anyone who belongs to a campus lib- eral or radical organization always has long hair and a dirty neck. 13. That to "beat Michigan" is the aim of every college in the Mid-West. 14. That they can't do it. 15. That Michigan will lose if the drum major fails to catch the baton after throwing it over the goal post. 16. That Ann Arbor has more rainfall than any other locality in the world. 17. That freshmen are too fresh. 18. That engineers are big, strong fellows who always wear old clothes and never clean their finger nails. 19. That every professor has written or lives to write his own textbook. 20. That if you want to sell a second hand book to a campus book store you'll get about 50 cents, but if you want to buy one you'll have to pay a couple of dollars for it. 21. That the Union charges too much for its COLLEGIATE commentators on current events rarely have so swift and pat illustrations of their points come to hand as fell to the lot of Pres- ident Hopkins of Dartmouth. In the very hour of his declaration concerning collegiate "brain trusting" as an aid to the science of government in which he said "provers" to test the practicality of projects evolved by theorists were equally essential to sociological progress, the Winant board report on the textile strike was being made public. The report falls exactly into line with Dr. Hop- kins' idea that "brain trusting" in governmental affairs is the laboratory stage of social engineering. He holds that, like new machines for industry, new sociological methods and mechanism must be proved in practice by a corps of hard-boiled and experienced practical experts. That is what, exactly, the Winant board pro- poses be done about the pilot NRA code the cotton textile code. The planners, organizers and theorists having turned it out under the "New Deal" theory that regimentation was the way back to prosperity, only to bring on the biggest strike yet of the 'New Deal," Governor Winant and his board colleagues have mapped a specific program of reimplementation of the code which met with prompt acceptance in toto by President Roose- velt, THERE IS THIS significant fact to be noted. The President, Dr. Hopkins, and Governor Winant, are friends. Differences in political labels do not prevent their thinking much alike on sociological problems. Dr. Hopkins may have had the Winant board and Winant himself directly in mind when I ha.- ..n..A,- 1-ic nc .~ion~vz nbait "provers" for I ,I MICHIGAN, Daily Official Bulletin Assiated Press Sport News Women's Pages Campus Gossip Sunday Rotogravure Section LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION- per Year $4.50 Subscription $4.50 per Yec r ApplyB aStudent PublC a~ions B idhg i 11 420 Maynard Street 1' III