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January 10, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-10

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Ha jiptmtann Defender With'Secret Witnes ses'

Membership under the alternate
plan would consist of the following:
President of the Michigan Union,
President of the Interfraternitys
Council, President of the Engineering
Council, President of Tau Beta Pi,
President of Sphinx, President of4
Triangles, junior literary class presi-
dent, junior engineering class presi-
dent, President of the Student Chris-I
tian Association, student representa-
tive from the Board in Control of
Athletics, Managing Editor of The
Daily, Recording Secretary of the Un-I
ion, Drum Major or Student Manag-
er of the band, and representatives !
from the College of Architecture, the Edward J. mcilly (left, seated), chief of defense counsel for Bruno Ha
Law School, the School of Medicine, office surrounded by some of the witnesses he said he would call to the
and the Dental School. efforts to prove that Ilauptmann did not kidnap or kill the Lindbergh b
Whenever the independent or frat- witnesses' nas, but admited some were handwrit :ng experts.
ernity groups have less than two-
members, the Council shall elect a
sufficient number of men so that there ew InsTt lm en $ Invented re
will be at least two independents and reH r
two fraternity men on the body. The
representative from the Collegeof: ShowRoughness Of Cylinders
Architecture shall be chosen by vote
of the male members of the student
body in that college, from two candi- A new method for the testing of smoothness for purposes of compari-
dates nominated by the faculty of the the roughness of automobile cylinders son.
college. Candidates must be mem- was announced y ' rday by the de- The new "profilograph" is sensi-
bers of the junior or senior classes. partment of eng .ing research, tive enough even on mirror smooth
The representatives from t h e It is a "profilograph," a delicate finish to trace slight hills and val-
schools of law, medicine, and dentis- diamond-pointed finger which moves leys, the physicists assert. These
try shall be chosen in a manner simi- over a surface and magnifies and are, however, it is said, unimportant
lar to that used in selecting the rep- records all irregularities. It finds in car operation, although on some
resentative from the College of even those rough spots which could of the refinished cylinders, traced
Architecture. not be satisfactorily measured any profiles resemble mountain peaks.
other way, physicists of the. depart- The new invention is hailed as an
(7 ment claim, outstanding aid for owners of motor
O rgan Concert The importance of this announce- vehicles. It is expected to save motor-
ment, as explained by Dr. E. J. Ab- ists much in the way of damage
To eGivenI n bott, research physicist, is that it de- caused by imperfect reconditioned
h7 PI B tects harmful imperfections in recon- cylinders.
ditioned cylinders. "Better than new,"
Ionor Of Bach is the slogan of most reconditioners, e
but the "profilograph" shows that S.C... o ive
many made-over cylinders are as
Palmer Christian, University or many as 50 times rougher than the Jam boree F r
commemoration of the 250th anniver- n Dr Abbott warned motorists to
sary of the birth of Johann Sebastian take caethattr o on Fresh Air Cam p
Bach at 4:5 p.m. Sunday, in Hill cylinders are not too rough. The cyl- I
Auditorium. inders should not only be bored and
The program which Mr. Christian ground to correct them for wear, he (Continued from Page 1)
has planned will not be confined only advised, but the finish should be re- some nationally known entertainer
to Bach's organ compositions, but stored by honing by a "competent asha headliner for the program.
will also contain certain orchestral mechanic." Chairmen of committees and spon-
transcriptions in order to give a A sufanc "esors of the event will be announced
broader view of Bach's comprehensive A surface merely boeai lft in The Daily in the near future.
range of expression. rough, he explained, and that afects The exact date of the jamboree has
Mr. Christian will commence his both initial and long time wear, , not as yet been determined, but Rus-
program with fouf chorale preludes oil consumption, and general motor sell F. Anderson, '36, president of the
from the "Orgelbuchlein" including depreciation. Instead of the usual S.C.A., stated that "it would be held
"Hilft mir Gottes Gute Preisin," "Das method of testing the fiished sur- sometime in the early part of next
alte Jahr Vergangen Ist," "In Dir ist face of the cylinder by running the semester in Hill Auditorium. It is a
Freude," and "Ich ruf' zu Dir." Con- finger nail along it, Dr. Abbott is of great part of the newly enlarged
tinuing, he will play "Prelude and the opinion that the mechanic should campus service program of the Stu-
,,en Dhe wl pl y P eu e a d have sections of know degrees of
Fuge inD Major."__ dent Christian Association."I
He will play next, "Two Orchestral
transcriptions" and "Prelude and U. S. Finances Course
Fuge in A Major." Mr. Christian will
conclude his program with 'Passacag- In S cIItbl)ing Nec ks
hia and Thema Fugatum in C minor.' ' BSOJn -(P- uli
The general public is invited to BOSTON, Jan. 9 -(/) Buldings !
aren't the only things being cleaned
attend. There will be no admission with the use of emergency relief
charge. funds. Massachusetts ERA head-
quarters announced that 600 of 1,000 desires to extend o the sn-
Adult Leisure Activities . formerly unemployed school teachers dents best wishes for a happy
Will Begin At Petoske are teaching infants of 2 to 4 years and successful school year.
how to scrub their own necks. The
PETOSKEY, Jan. 9. --(/4')-- Jack I "project" is part of the daily curricu- We Will conhinue tO gf'e
McKoen, of Lansing, Tuesday took lum of the ERA nursery schools. the same satsfying servhce
up his duties as regional director of -_______ Itronghou t;e ensuing year
adult leisure time activities for north-M . E5SWe have dgree t/ejst.
western Michigan, as part of the AIRS. McCLEN('l DIESase/a'coni /cpst
E mergency Relief Administratiton's 4 Mrs. Ka harine H. McClench, widow
educational work. He will have assis- ! of the late William Wallace Mc - FREE TRANSPOT AION
tants in Emmet, Charlevoix, Antrim, Clench. former president of the MasFO
and Cheboygan Counties. achusetts Life Insurance Co. died Phone 7270
Athletics, dramatic and music clubs yesterday at her home on Berkshire I
and possibly classes in commercial Road after an illness of pneumonia.
work and sewing will be included in She was 76 years old.
the program.
isr rn x £ T T!A%&M EVII''

Collection Of
Autographs Is
Given Library
Signatures Obtained From
Old National Hotel In
A pimber c-I new autovranhs have
bcen added to the University Library's
cllectien. it wac revealed -sterday
by D'. William W. Bishop, librarian,
of the University and head of the
department of library science.
The additions, which are about fifty
in number, are the gift of Mr. Horton
C. Ryan. '93. of St. Louis, Mo. Mr.
Ryan obtained the auto-rauhs from
the register of the old National Hotel
in Washingtcn, D.C. The National
Hotel was a famous hostelry as early
as 1840 and was visited by all the
nn ominent political figures of the
ueriod just preceding and during the
Cicil War. In recent years. however.
the hotel declined, and a few years
ago passed out of existence.
In the collection are found the
names of prominent statesmen such
as Samuel J. Tilden, John C. Breck-
enridge, Charles Sumner, Thaddeus
Stcvens, and William M. Evarts. Sci-
cnce is represented by Samuel F. B.
Morse, inventor of the telegraph,
Charles Goodyear, discoverer 'of the
vulcanizing process for rubber, and
James B. Eads, builder of the bridge
over the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
The collection also includes names
reminiscent of the Civil War, the
South being represented by Generals
Beauregard and Longstreet and the
North by General Burnside.
The autograph of the late Morrison
a. Waite, a justice of the Supreme
Coort of the United States and father
of Prof. John B. Waite of th~e Law
School, is found along with those of
Horace Mann, prominent educator,
Richard H. Stoddard, the lecturer,
and Abner Doubleday, the originator
of baseball. The other names in
the collection are for the most part
those of men who, well-known in their
lifetimes. are all but forgotten today.
Adelphi House of Representatives
held a discussion of the Saar plebis-
cite at its meeting Tuesday night. The
history of the Saar region was dis-
cussed and the possibility of war in
Europe arising from the plebiscite.
The possibility of Germany's attempt-
ing to take over the region by force
before the plebiscite or of her refus-
ing to pay France in the event of an
outcome favorable to Germany was
brought up.
The question of what power the
League of Nations would have in this
case was also debated. Next week's
meeting will be especially important
as nominations for new officers will be
made at that time. -

Identifies Hauptmann

-Associated Press Photo.
,uptmann, is shown in his Brooklyn
trial at Felmington, N. J., in his
a by. Reilly would not reveal the
Four Reports
Are Submitted
To Dean Kraus
(Continued from Page 1)
crick W. Peterson of the English de-
partment, who inspected ten of the
colleges in the northern section of the
lower peninsula, and Carlton F. Wells
of the English department and Dwight
C. Long of the history department,
who visited ten colleges in the Thumb
district. A college at Fairview, near
Alpena, has not been inspected, and
the Ann Arbor college is to be visited
this week.
With more than 90 freshman col-
leges in the state, the University has
22 to supervise through its extension
division. The others are supervised by
Michigan State College, Wayne Uni-
ve,:city, Western State Teachers Col-
loge at Kalamazoo, Central State
Teachers College at Mount Pleasant,
Michigan State Normal at Ypsilanti.
and Northern Normal in Marquette.
The freshman colleges supervised
by the University are located in Ann
Arbor, Bad Axe, Bcyne City, Brown
City, Caro, Cass City, Charlevoix,
Cheboygan, Croswell, Davison, Deck-
erville, East Jordan, Fairview, Har-
bor Beach, Haroor Springs, Mance-
lona, Marlette, Petoskey, Northport,
Sandusky, Sutton's Bay, and Traverse

-Associated Press Photo.
John Perrone (above), Bronx taxi-
cab driver, identified Bruno Haupt-
mann during the latter's trial on
charges of kidnaping and slaying
Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., as the
man who gave him a dollar to de-
liver a note to Dr. John F. "Jafsie"
Condon in March, 1932.
Henry E. Riggs Is
Honored By ASCE
Professor-emeritus Henry E. Riggs
of the civil engineering department,
nationally known expert on valuation
and appraisal, has been named vice
president of the American Society of
Civil:Engineers, it was announced last
Professor Riggs will leave Sunday
for New York to attend a meeting
of the society, where his election will
be formall announced .
He served here from 1912 to 1930
as head of the department of civil en-
gineering and is a member of several
national organizations. He first gained
recognition as a consulting engineer.
j Read The Classifieds

Petitions Will
Be Passed Out
For Students
Will Have Opportunity To
Register Opinions On
League Issue
(Continued from Page 1)
does not demand unconditionally that
the United States join. "It merely re-
quests that our government state the
terms under which the United States
could become a member of the League.
Although I should be in favor of join-
ing the League without any reserva-
tions whatsoever, there are some who
favor joining if conditions can be re-
served that the United States will not
be involved in some remote contro-
versy in which it has no interest."
The petition as presented was
drawn up by the League of Nations
Association of New York, and has
been endorsed by Newton D. Baker,
George W. Wickersham, Raymond D.
Fosdick, and others. It reads as fol-
"We, citizens of the United States,
anxious to avoid war and organize
peace in which prosperity can thrive,
"Believing that the collective system
of the world community which in-
cludes the Kellogg-Briand Pact (Pact
of Paris) to which the United States
is a party, and the League of Na-
tions. can best prevent war,
"Mindful of the fact that the United
States is participating in many activ-
ities of the League of Nations,
"Aware that without the privilege of
membership in the League the United
States is placed at- a disadvantage,
and the moral integrity of the world
community is weakened,
"Urge that the United States rein-
force the League's contribution to
peace by stating the terms under
which full membership would be pos-
sible; and by appointing in the mean-
time an official diplomatic represen-
tative to the League of Nations to par-
ticipate in its deliberations."
The petition was first read on the
campus by Professor Slosson at the
lecture on war recently given by Dr.
Francis Onderdonk. Copies will be
available for signatures or circula-
tion in Room 4 of University Hall this

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