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January 10, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-10

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.10, 1


hockey Team
Favored Over
Wisconsin Six! ,





1910 furnish these interesting
h drlinc 2m .- ".-A/P n 9

Coach Keen Is
Still Undecided
On First Team'
Elimination Trials Held To
Pick Wrestlers To Face

Improved Badgers May
Offer Strong Opposition
Have Good Record
While Coach Eddie Lowrey has
been fighting off a slight attack of
influenza, Michigan's Varsity hockey
team has spent this week preparing

Football Candidates To
Be in Work Next Week
Practice for the 1935 football
season will begin next week when
Varsity candidates will report at
the Intramural Building at the in-
vitation of Coach Harry Kipke,
for workouts which will keep the
men in condition.
Twice a week the workouts will
be held, until the second semester,
N,,.,hen practice will be shifted to
he Field House and more stren-
uous activity begun.
A longer spring practice is plan-
ned this year, according to Kipke.
He hopes to take the squad outside
as soon as weather permits.

f l 1.11031A ..'t V21a12Ax.! Ul Y l:i0 jlGl l VI ltlAllij Vll

IVUII.IA 1VUI Ul Yl:la Willi-A1 11V VLLIUI UVl I


Four National Champions To Track Squad
Dive At Indiana Meet Fridayi Works Easily
The spectacle of four national On the Michigan squad are to be After I 1ldays
ehamrinnshin divers nerformina on1 fnimd fnr divers which no other co1- '

Coach Cliff Keen held elimination I



for the opening
hockey, the two
Wisconsin Friday

salvo in Big
game series
and Saturday


On the basis of previous meetings
between the two clubs, Wisconsin
will come here rated the underdog.
However, there is potential dynamite
in any Conference game and the spe-
tators will come in great numbers,
prepared for any tempestuous hap-
Have Won Five Out Of Six
The Badgers have played six games
thus far this season and have dropped
only one, indicating, perhaps, an im-
proved outfit over that which com-
peted last year. The latest Badger
victory was scored over the Green
Bay Frigidaires, of Green Bay, Wis..
6 -to 1. Three goals were made by
Jim Gilis, a player whom none of
the Michigan veterans recalls, which
indicates that he was either a substi-
tute last season, or is a sparkling
Lowrey To Use Same Lineup
Lowrey intends to use against Wis-
consin the same eight players he has
employed all season. In the face
of a strenuous week-end of compe-
tition, some observers had expected
Lowrey to break in a few spares to
relieve the strain. This is not wise
nor necessary, Lowrey pointed out
yesterday, for the other squad
members who have not been used as
yet are not ready for service, nor is
it necessary to risk using them since
Michigan has been successful in the
past with two or three spares. They
have been so successful against the
Badgers, in fact, that Wisconsin has
not won a hockey contest from Mich-
igan since 1930, and has tied only
twice, once in 1930, once in 1931.
Wisconsin-Michigan games have
been close, despite Wolverine su-
premacy. Johnny Jewell, goalie, ex-
plains that Michigan takes the Badg-
er games somewhat lightly, and ex-
periences a let down consequently. He
points to last year's home series when
Michigan took the first game, 8 to 0,
and eked out a second win, 1 to 0.
Speed Skaters
Training For
Olympic Trials
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 9-(/P)-The
country's outstanding speed skaters
settled down to serious training here
today preparatory for the opening
Saturday of trials to determine the
United States entries in the 1936
Olympic skating events in Germany.
No less than 30 skaters will com-
pete in the trials set for Jan. 12, 13,
19 and 20. The events will be the 500,
1,500, 5,000 and 10,000-meter dis-
Chicago will be represented by
seven skaters, six of whom already are
in Minneapolis. They include Eddie
Schroeder, Cornelius Ewerts, Wilbur
Marks, Tony Neberz, Al Kucera and
Al Sculley. Eddie Stundl, the other
member of the group, is expected
Detroit also is making a strong bid
to land one or more berths on the
team. Lloyd Guenther, a member of
the United States 1932 Olympic team,
who placed first in the 500-meter
trials in his city, is captain and man-
ager of the Detroit aggregation.
Other members of the squad are
Eddie Wedge, another member of the
1932 team; Art Brown, who placed
first in the 1,500-meter distance and
holds the intermediate championship
of Michigan; Francis Clifford, 5,000-
meter winer, and Bud Wright, 10,-
000-meter distance winner.
Other cities who will send skaters
include Cleveland, two; St. Louis,
four, and Oconomowoc, Wis., five.


nea nnes : iNov. z0: uHAiv~C.i
trials yesterday to decide who the
OF AMERICA; Magnificent Display starting wrestlers will be Saturday.
Of Gridiron Strategy Enables Wolv- .it MichiaState d Moda
erine Eleven To Capture Title by against Chicago. The only fall of
Overwhelming Gophers; Wonderful the afternoon was scored by Louis
Determination Brings 6 to 0 Victory." Mascuruskus over Lee Shaw in the
In a story which occupies the entire 155-pound division.
front page and breaks over on each
of the four following pages it is made - Keen has encountered several ob-
quite evident that the Michigan team stacles this season in his attempts to
of that year was the ne plus ultra of get the wrestlers in shape. First itI
"modern" football. was learned that Ralph Neafus, regu-j
Incidentally a grad of the class of lar last season, would not be eligible
Iancdn ctallyna grad of nhe rclassnofto wrestle in 1935. Yesterday, Keen
±U ~L. ~. ~A 13' u Lly Lj..'~.JJ jJO~1~ i. i

git ou a story aL LeLop oz page nii
1910 for sending a contribution of
$2.50 to help send the band to Phila-
delphia for the Penn game. "Ap-
proximately $450.00" was needed to
pay the band expenses for that trip
and"the Athletic Association couldI
only furnish "$80, as usual." Band
managers who spent approximately
$3,000 taking the band to Minnesota
last fall can remember the "good old
days" and be thankful for small fav-
In the Saturday, Nov. 19 issue, the
one appearing the morning before
the Minnesota game one of the small-
er heads on the front page read:
ER; University Hall Was Full With
Rooters Enthusiastic Over Prospects;
Keene Given Wild Reception." The
Keene mentioned was Keene Fitz-
patrcik, then associated with athlet-
ics at Princeton. The story conclud-
ed with the paragraph: "After the
combined Mandolin and Glee Clubs
rendered 'The Victors,' the meeting
was closed by singing 'The Yellow and
the Blue.' "
Here's a paragraph from a cover ofI
a hockey game between Michigan and
the Detroit Wanderers, that appeared
Feb. 14, 1911: "Dr. May has consented
to coach the seven (that's right)
from now on and with his experience
on the Yale team while he was in
college he should be able to whip the
squad into shape for its remaining
- 1AY 27, 19.11: VARSITY DRAWS
ING MEET, Cornell And Yale Nose
Michigan Out Of First By Close Mar-,
gip.-Collegiate And World Records
Tied By Craig; Horner Sets Mark
With Shot." The occasion was the
national intercollegiate track meet at,
Cambridge, Mass., and Captain Hor- I
ner set a new college record of 47
feet 7 1-8 inches in the shot put.
Accidentally discovered in the Feb.
13, 1913 Daily: "TANGOING IS
Move Is Precipitated By Questionable
Hop Dancing; Rule Against Fancy
Holds Has Worked During Three
Weeks Trial." Wonder if that rule
still holds?
We note also that the 1913 baseball
team played 31 games, seven of them
in six days while on a southern trip.
One of the more historical headlines
of that year: "SISLER'S SORE ARM
Twirler Injures Wing Throwing From
Field In Pennsy Game And Will
Probably Not Pitch Again." (Only one
game remained of the season's sched-
ule). Thirteen players made theI
Eastern trip that year and the phen-
omenal Sisler had to play in the field
when not pitching. He had a bat-
ting average of .388 for the trip.
AUSTIN, Tex., Jan. 9 --(P)- Jack
Chevigny, head football coach at the
University of Texas, isn't supersti-
tious, but sports writers noted none
of his squad men was issued jersey
No. 13.
__________________-- --______________-__

was informed that Chuck Brooks, who
was expected to start at the 118-'
pound post, is in the hospital under
observation for appendicitis.
On the same day in practice, Sey- ~
mour Rubin, one of the two letter-
men on the squad and considered a
certainty for the 135-pound position,
hurt his leg against Paul Bremer and
may not be able to wrestle Saturday1
against the Spartans.
In the trials today some good and;
at the same time, some poor wrestling'
was in evidence. Alan Rubin defeated
Ed Kellman in the 126-pound class,
by a time advantage. Mascuruskusl
pinned Lee Shaw, and Abe Levine hadI
a small time advantage over Ross in
the 175-pound division.
Capt. Harrod, Frank Bissel and
Harry Wright are already certain to
start in the 145, 165 and the heavy-
weight divisions respectively. Due to
Brooks' condition Mintz may be the
Varsity regular at 118 pounds but.
Coach Keen will not be certain until
this afternoon when further trials
will be held.
Louis Thinks
Birkie Will Be,
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Jan. 9. - (/') -
Young Joe Louis, the Detroit Negro
who keeps on winning one fight after
another, says he'll be ready for Cham-
pion Max Baer "about March." The I
sensational twenty-year-old heavy-
weight is in Pittsburgh for a 10-I
rounder Friday night against Hans1
Birkie, the German, and says he be-1
ieves that one will be "pretty easy."
Although a little backward about
discussing his skyrocketing from com-
parative obscurity by winning 13 con-
secutive major battles, Louis did say-
bis ambition is to go after the title-
"I'll be ready for Baer about
March," said Louis. "I want to get in
a few more fights and then I'll take'
on whoever is the champion.
"Yes, Baer is a pretty hard puncher.a
I've seen him in a couple of exhibi-
tions and he showed me that he
knows how to handle his mitts, but1
I think that after a few more fights
I'll be ready for him or any other
contender the matchmakers care to
put me against."
The supporting cast for the Louis-
Birkie go will include Buddy Mac-
Arthur, of Fairmont, W. Va., and
Frankie Sims, of Cleveland, both,
heavyweights, in an eight-round semi-

Union Revives
Ten-Mile Swim,'3
Plans Proaranm
Seek To Form All-Campus
Swimming Team; Would
Face I-M Squads
Registration for the first two events
of a new swimming program to bef
sponsored by the Union will begin
today in the swimming pool offices
in the Union basement, according to
an announcement made yesterday by
student officials.
The annual 10-mile swim which
was discontinued last year will be re-
vived and competition will begin
within a few days.
Rules for this contest are as fol.
All members of the Varsity swim-
ming squad, as well as letter-winners
in that sport, are banned. The con-
testants will be required to swim two
miles a week over a five-week period
and no entrant will be allowed to
swim any more than one-half mile
(35 laps) in any one day. The finals
which will be held the Saturday after-
noon of the fifth week, will consist
of the last 10 laps with the student
turning in the best time being de-
cla-ed the winner.
Efforts are also being made to or-
ganize an all-campus swimming team
including both fraternity and inde-
pencient men. If there is sufficient in-
terest, Coach Matt Mann, Varsity
swimming mentor, will coach the
tc am.
A meet between this team and
seams; which participated in the intra-
li-wval swimming competition will
probably be held in the latter part
of February. Cups and charms will
be i)wa rded to the winners. A diving
exhibition will be presented at the
time of this meet, inasmuch as there
will be no competition in fancy div-
Ann Arbor To See Four
High School Tourneys
Both the state scholastic swimming
meet and state scholastic golf meet
will be held in Ann Arbor this year,
the former March 9 and the latter
ment May 25.
Ann Arbor has also been awarded
two regional meets. Regional basket-
ball finals will be held March 8 and
9 here, and the regional golf tourna-
June 1.
Winter Means a Heavy Coat.
Have Last Year's Altered
and Cleaned at
John's Tailor Shop
Ann Arbor's Popular Tallcr"
609 Packard

the high board in a diving circus of a lege in the country can match. Der-
caliber which is rarely seen in a col- land Johnston, Frank Fehsenfeld, Ned More thil fifty members of Mich-
lege pool has been promised those Diefendorf, and Ben Grady have all igan's track squad have resumed their
attending the Michigan - Indiana at one time or another held the Na- prc-holiday training, including Willis
swimming meet by Coach Matt Mann. tional Junior A.A.U. diving champion- Ward, star sprinter, hurdler, and high
The meet will be held at 7:30 p.m. ship.
Friday in the Intramural pool. Adclph Ferstenfeld, a performer jumper, who took his first workout
! whose ability is about equal to that Several of the runners have report-
of the others although he has not ed sore muscles, and Coach Charlic
$6 00,000 Lost hcli the same title, will join the quar- Hoyt has ordered his charges to ease
tet of champions in Friday night's through their routine until the evils
By Cubs In 3 c"r. of the two-week layoff during vaca-
For the past three years Dick Deg- I tion are offset.
ener was Mann's outstanding aquatic No definite rating and assigning of
Years--W rigley performer, and in the wake of the Iinen to events will take place until
blond Detroiter's title-winning sprees, shortly before the Wolverines engage
all other divers were relegated to a in their initial competition, the A.A.U.
CHICAGO, Jan. 9 -UP)- The Chi- minor position. meet, Feb. 9.
cago Cubs, thought to be a tremend- This year the situation is different. The squad will run through track
ous moneymaker, have been a finan- Degener has gone the way of gradua- events in team formation Saturday
cial flop for the last three years. tion, and Johnston, Fehsenfeld, Dief- afternoon at the Field House, with
Philip K. Wrigley, forty-year-old endorf, Grady, and Ferstenfeld are time trials scheduled for the following
president, revealed today that the all set to battle for Degener's place ; Saturday. However, no times will be
club lost $600,000 in that period. The in the spotlight. released.
loss for 1934 was around $200,000, Coach Mann will probably use all ---
Said young Wrigley: of them alternately in the dual meets, TWENTY GRAND SCRATCHED
"It seems to be the general impres- and all of them to clean up the div- LOS ANGELES, Jan. 9 -(P)-The
sion, even among National League ing situation in the Big Ten and Na- OmeAkGELES, Twnty9Gr(nd-wTh
f owerstha theCubsarela oldcomeback trial of Twenty Grand was
owners, that the Cubs are a 'gold tional Collegiate meets, again detoured today when the big
mine.' One look at our books, show- Price of admission to the meet and hos was atched from he $1,2
ing what we have paid out and what to the diving circus will be 25 cents Golden State Handicap at Santa
we have received would quickly cause with athletic coupon books and forty Anita Park because of rain and a
a revision of that opinion."
There are three major reasons for ippery rack.
the huge deficit, Wrigley explained._
These are: Falling off in attendance,,;
generous salaries to the players and
a tremendous cash expenditure for ar n e
the purchase of stars, some of whom MILTON'S
failed to click.
Wrigley continued: Kirschbaum SHOP FOR MEN
"No club owner, no matter how 119 South Main St.
much money he has, can continue to
lose money at such a rate. My job as SU IT S
president of the team and director S U1 I
of its policies will be to restore the
Cubs to.a paying proposition." O ,"A u OVERCOATS
NEW YORK, Jan. 9 -(A)- While I or nivers t
resting up from his exertions at the Men in the Season's 16.50 to .
pedals, Alfred Letourner, French bi--
cycle racing star, smokes long black Correct Models. SHOES . . . $3.95
%de 2 All One Price
K edutifulAsor2en S/ de Jacke s
1 A Bea~uiful Assorinent Q44(i tIi-"k"(O q«

For Your Selection




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