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January 10, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-10

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The Weather
Patly cloudy today; tomor-
row generally fair, somewhat
colder in north today.

Ll r e

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mAdr A6F All
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Intellectual Independence ...
We Can't Believe It ...
Joe College Disinterred . .



Condon Identifies
Bruno Hauptmann

Okkelberg Is
' Appointed To
New Position

*As R
'Jafsie' Tells Story For'
Two And A Half Hours
At Trial

Bronx Teacher Is
Firm In Accusation
Defense Attorney Begins
Long Cross-Examination
Of Witness
PLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 9.---(P)
- Dr. John F. Condon, "Jafsie" of the
Lindbergh kidnaping case, opened up
new pages of that fantastic tragedy
today with a witness-stand story that
thrice branded Bruno Richard Haupt-
mann as "John," the cemetery ran-
som taker.
Firm, almost eager, in his accusal,
the seventy-four-year-old former
Bronx teacher told his direct story
f or two and a half hours at Haupt-
mann's murder trial and then turned
on defense inquisitors with vigor.
Again the chiding schoolmaster, he
lectured Edward J. Reilly. chief of
defense counsil, until the portly law-
yer protested he could "take it."
At one point his testimony, on
cross-examination, provoked a de-
fense demand-for a mistrial. The mo-
tion, directly the result of an inter-
ruption by Attorney General David T.
Wilentz, was denied quickly by Justice
Thomas W. Trenchard.
Shakes His Finger
There was no doubt in the voice
of the tall, white-haired scholar as
he shook a finger and repeated:
"'John' is Bruno Richard Haupt-
Nor did his story falter as he told
of the eerie cemetery trysts that fi-
nally led him to put $50,000 in the
hapids of the furtive "John"-Col
Charles A. Lindbergh's ransom for the
baby already slain.
Not even at the= height of Reilly's
relentless questions, pointed patently
at the question of Condon's own good
faith in the case, did he waver.
"Not for me, not for me," he re-
plied to the suggestion that he rest
for a few minutes. "Let him go on all
Tomorrow Dr. Condon faces more
searching queries from the carpenter's
defender, on Reilly's own promise that
the cross-examination will consume a
day and a half.
Tells Story In Detail
In every detail today "Jafsie" told
his story of the arrangements for the
ransom; of his first tryst with "John"
in Woodlawn Cemetery, The Bronx,
soon after the kidnaping; how he ar-
ranged to have the child's sleeping
suit sent to him as proof that "John's"
supposed superiors had the baby.
- Then he carried the moving nar
rative to St. Raymond's Cemetery,
also in The Bronx, where on the night
of April 2, 1932, he handed "John"
the wooden box containing the ran-
He described the way "John" ac-
cepted the money box; his voice and
actions, and the later fruitless search
with Col. Lindbergh along the New
England coast in quest of the "boat
Nellie" where "John" had said the
baby would be found alive and well.
There were moments in his testi-
mony when the comic element entered
and even Col. Lindbergh flushed and
smiled. But most of the time, as the
tragic tale came from the lips of the
big, retired teacher there was a hush
over the courtroom where Hauptmann
stands trial before a jury of eight
men and four women.
Named Three Times
In all, Dr. Condon named Haupt-
mann three times as "John."
And in his direct examination by
Wilentz he revealed publicly' for the
first time that he had seen "John"
last August walking in The Bronx.
"ore evening at the corner of Wil-
iarns1 ridge Road and Pelham Park-
way," Dr. Condon said, "I saw him
walk over in the direction of what I
later found to be his home. I was in a
bus going in the opposite direction,
but I did not pursue him, owing to the
fact that he got into the woods which
is there. You have to see that to

understand what I mean."
Wilentz led Dr. Condon quickly to
the payment of the ransom as he
started his story.
"Did you give some money in a
box that night?" Wilentz asked when
the testimony reached the point of the
visit to St. Raymond's Cemetery.
"I did."
Q - And who did you give that
money to?

on1 FL keri Professor Of. Zoology Is
Made Assistant Dean Of
Graduate School
Kansas Student Finds
New Way To Study Has Been Faculty
(By Associated Collegiate Press)M
WICHITA, Kan., Jan. 9.-When it
omes to utilizing one's time, James A. In Addition To New Duties
3argield, who studied while riding a A otee Will Continue
:orse on a canal towboat, had noth-
ng on Miss Agnes Wilson, University Secretarial Activities
)f Wichita co-ed. _
If Miss Wilson feels the need of The appointment of Prof. Peter O.
study on one of the"subjects she isoOkkelberg of the zoology department
Q k .gshe walks the two miles from th
6he University to her home, and by the to the position of assistant dean of
rime she arrives she has the necessaryIthe graduate school was announced
lesson, yesterday through the office of Presi-
The system she uses is.simple. If it dent Alexander G. Ruthven, follow-
happens to be Spanish vocabulary ing action taken by the executive
that needs learning, she writes the committee of the Board of Regents.
word in question on a small piece of Professor Okkelberg has been
paper before leaving the university, secretary of the graduate school
She studies as she walks, and by the since 1930 and has been a member of
time she arrives home the vocabulary the faculty of the University for
is firmly fixed in her mind. Other nearly a quarter of a century.
subjects receive the same treatment.,
I The Re Lents rePate d thr nnitin


Gov. Fitzgerald
Favors DirectI
University Aid Should Be
Maintained At Present
Level, He Says

of assistant dean at their most re-
cent meeting and immediately named
Professor Okkelberg to fill the post,
it was disclosed yesterday. Four years
ago the Regents also established the
secretaryship of the graduate school,
and asked him to serve.
Continues As Secretary
It is probable that Professor Ok-
kelberg will, in addition to assuming(
his new duties, continue his secre-
tarial activities. He will assist Dr.
Clarence S. Yoakum, who Monday
was appointed dean of the graduate
school to fill the the vacancy created

LANSING, Jan. 9. - (RP) - Gov. by the death of Dr. G. Carl Huber.
Frank D. Fitzgerald said today that Dr. Yoakum's appointment was the
lie believes state financial aid to the first step in a program to bring the
University of Michigan and Michigan graduate school to a position of prime
State College should be continued at importance in University affairs.
substantially the present rate. Professor Okkelberg taught first as4
The executive in his legislative mes- an assistant in the zoology depart-
sage, advocated abolition of the state ment in 1908. It was two years later
property tax, which now amounts to that he first became associated with
$3,500,000 a year, of which $2,700,000 the University in the capacity of in-
is allocated to the University and structor in zoology. He advanced to
$800,000 to Michigan State College. the position of full professor here in'
Sales tax appropriations bring the 1931. Professor Okkelberg was ap-
total of state aid to the University to pointed executive secretary of the
$3,200,000 and $1,000,000 for Michigan zoontydepetins1 y2h.
State College. zoology department in 1929.
The governors message was silent Minnesota Graduate
as to how the loss to the institutions The new assistant dean was born
through abolition of the property tax in Minnestoa and received the major
would be made good. portion of his education there. He
"I favor direct appropriations for was graduated from the University
the UnTIrersity and Michigan State of Minnesota in 1906. Three years
College," he said, "the money to come later he received his master's degree
From the general fund. The appropria- there, but he obtained his doctor's
Lions, in my opinion, should corre- degree here in 1918.
spond in amount with the existing i Professor Okkelberg has been edi-
state aid. The total, in other words, tor of the Michigan Academy of Sci-
should be about $4,200,000 - $3,200,- ence for the past nine years. In ad-
000 for the University and $1,000,000 dition, he is the author of many
for Michigan State College." authoritative papers dealing with
science, and holds membership in
An~n.-iriS lu various societies.
Awards Announced ,Fog And Dampness To Last
Until Cold Wave Sets In
The awards of the annual Mandel-
bhum -ars schlanua fane s- The dense fog that has enveloped
tum-Marh scholarships for stu- Ann Arbor for the past four days
dents in the literary college were an- is to continue for at least another
nounced yesterday by the office of day and until cold weather sets in,
Dean Edward H. Kraus. da as unticod ath set
The three Mandelbaum scholar-sit vas predicted last night by the
ships, this year carrying a stipend of niversity observatory.
$325 each, were awarded to Arthur More rain was also evident andl
F. Clifford, '35, Ann Arbor, Clark F. the end of the unusually damp
Norton, '35, Ludington, and George weather was not in sight at the
J. Varga, '36, Trenton, N. J. time the report was made. The bar-
The Fanny R. Marsh awards of ometer was at 28.8 and had varied
$50 each were made to Bernard Et- but slightly all day.
kind, '35, Elmira, N. Y., and Robert
A. M. Morris, '35, Aurora, Ill. BALCHEN MAY GO TO NORWAY
The John P. Marsh scholarships of OSLO, Jan. 9 -(P)- Bernt Balch-
$50 each were won by Elizabeth en, world-famous aviator, may be
E. Puglisi, '35, Buffalo, Milton C. .asked to take charge of Norway's
Smith, '35, Brooklyn, Mich., and Ber- growing commercial aviation, the
tha Goss, '35, Ann Arbor. newspaper Tidens Tegn says.
Men Report Inspection Of
'University Extension Colleges


Fraternity House Is
Scene Of Battle By
Amateur Barber;
With an audience of almost th
entire house, two students of
campus fraternity last night put on
floor show which garnered them eac
:hout $1.25 in admission charge
The floor show conisted of tim
trials with scissors on each other'
While appiauaing brothers directe
the tonsorial trimmings with en
thusiasm, each contestant was giver
two full minutes to wreak havoc or
his opponent's head. The contest ap-
eared to end in a draw, in spite o
the claims of one contestant for a
30-second overtime penalty on the
charge that his opponent had broker
the skin. The claim was disallowed
by judges because the "wound" was
found to be an old scar which ha
been brought to light.
The two will make public appear-
ance at a campus barber shop at 8:30
this morning to finish the job. The
other members of the fraternity are
still attempting to discover cause for
the sensational bout, ostensibly for
revenue,in view of the approaching
nterfraternity Ball and J-hop.
Senate Decision
On World Court
Issue Is Seen
Committee Approves Entry
While Keeping Former
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9- (/P) -
Backed by a 14 to 7 vote in its favor
by' the Segate Foreign Relations
Committee, a resolution that would
bring the United States into the
World Court under strictly prescribed
conditions was started today toward
a long-sought Senate decision,
The Committee approved of Amer-
ican adherence "with the clear un-
derstanding" that the court "shall
not, over an objection by the United
States, entertain any requests for
an advisory opinion touching any dis-
pute or question in which the United
States has or claims an interest."
Senator Joseph Robinson, of Ar-
kansas, the majority leader and rank-
ing' Democrat on the Committee, of-
fered the resolution, evidently with
Administration approval. He said he
would call it up in the Senate "when-
ever I think the time is opportune."
Reservation Kept Intact
The condition attached was the
same language of the old fifth reser-
vation which the Senate adopted in
1926, and which led to strong oppo-
sition abroad and the ultimate for-
mulation of the Root Protocol of
American adherence.
Conflict of opinion immediately
arose over whether other signatories
would have to accept the committee-
approved conditions before Amer-
ica joined the court.
The Committee Chairman Key
Pittman, Nevada Democrat, took the
view that since the reservation ampli-
fied the text of the Root Protocol,
other nations would have to accept
it either by implication or affirmation
before America joined. If they pro-
tested, this Country would remain
outside the tribunal, While this ap-
peared to be the prevailing view,
some other members contended con-
sent of other signatories would not be
Supreme Court

Judgyes Divided
On Gold Clause
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 -(A)- The
Supreme Court apparently was sharp-
ly divided tonight for the constitu-
tionality of legislation lying at the
very heart of the Roosevelt monetary
Inquiries directed from the bench
at government counsel, some posed
with emphasis, revealed several con-
servative members questioning the
validity of the law forbidding pay-
ment in gold despite contractual ob-
Five cases are concerned, based up-
on the Administration's gold moves
and the abrogation of the gold pay-
ment clauses in past contracts.
During a good part of the day At-
torney General Cummings, appear-
ing in defense of the Administration's
monetary moves, pleaded with the
court that to declare them unconsti-
tutional would bring "chaos and send
the United States into future mone-
tary conferences crippled."

S. C. A. Makes
For Jamboree
University Camp For Boys
To Receive Funds From
Plans Being Made
For Annual Even
Negotiations To Secure
National Entertainer Are
Under' Way
The Student Christian Association
will again sponsor its All-Campo.
Jamboree to raise funds for the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp, it was an-
nounced last night after a meeting
of the cabinet of the organization,
The receipts of the event will go
toward giving boys from Ann Arbor
and Detroit a substantial period of
summer camping at the S.C.A. camp
at Paterson Lake. The boys are se-
lected through the cooperation of 15
social and welfare agencies and for
the most part are individuals who
not only would never receive such an
advantage, but also those whose re-
stricted life hasdgiven rise to prob-
lems of social adjustment,
For 13 years the camp, described by
President Alexander G. Ruthven as
a project in human engineering, has
served an average of 400 boys each
summer who have been given the op-
portunity to enjoy from 12 to 18 days
of camping and who have been able
to lead a cosmopolitan life, no racial
or color barriers existing.
George G. Alder, director of the
Fresh Air Camp, stated last night
that "we of the camp committee
have hopes of sending more than 120
boys from the AnngArbor area alone.
This year the jamboree is being spon-
sored jointly by the Student Christian
Association and the camp committee.
We need the whole-hearted support
of the campus."
An audience of more than 3,000
people witnessed the jamboree which
was inaugurater last year and which
presented more than 200 entertain-
ers. The complete personnel of the
Varsity Band, Glee Club, the Ukran-
ian Chorus of Detroit appeared on
the program as well as Harry Kipke,
Nan Dieble, tap dancer from the
Junior Girl's Play, and J. Fred Law-
ton, '11, who was master of cere-
monies. Lawton, who wrote the
words to "Varsity," and who gave
his famous imitation of Athletic Di-
rector Fielding H. Yost, taken from
"Culture," the Union Opera of 1908,
has again been asked to preside at
the 1935 jamboree.
Members of the cabinet, inter-
viewed last night, stated that nego-
tiations were under way to engage
(Continued on Page 6)
Govern mental Plan
Drawn Up By S.C.A.
At a meeting of the cabinet of the'
Student Christian Association last
night in Lane Hall a new plan for
student government was drawn up
for submission to the Undergraduate
Russell F. Anderson, '36, R. Skrede
Clarke, '37, and John H. Jeffries, '37,
were appointed by the cabinet to con-
duct an investigation into the forms
of student government existing on the
campuses of other large universities.
The cabinet action was in answer
to the request by the Undergraduate

Council that various organizations
submit new and practical plans for
student government.
All new plans will be published in
The Daily in the next few weeks.
Later a campus vote will be taken.

In Race For


Compares Membership
And Powers Of Three
Alternative Groups
Expression ought
Of Student Opinion
Women To Be Excluded
From Membership On
New Council

Study Of Proposed
Men's Government
Plans Is Available

The initial step in the survey of
campus opinion upon the question of
men's student government being con-
ducted by the Undergraduate Council
was taken yesterday with the forma-
tion of a comparative study of the
three plans now available for consid-
The study was drawn up by Carl
Hilty, '35, president of the Council,
WILLIAM M.. LI RD and consists of two parts, one a comn-
* parison of the membership of the
m 'three proposed groups and the other
Laird To Seek a comparison of their respective fields
of j1urisdiction.
Nomination For Plans To Be Published
Following the publishing of these
Circuit Judoa e two studies, the three entire plans
will be printed on successive days in
t TheDaily, according to the Council
plan. The proposals so far submitted
Mayor Campbell To Run are the present Undergraduate Coun-
On Republican Ticket cil, a Union plan for a Men's Council,
and an alternative plan for a men's
For Re-Election ,overnment. According to Council
members it is planned to eliminate
William M. Laird, '14L, prominent women student representation from
local attorney and Ann Arbor City any new form of government which
Attorney since his appointment in might be adopted unless student opin-
1931 by Ex-Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk, ion is against this move.
today announced his intention of T1'he publishing of these proposals
seeking the Republican nomination will be the first step in the two-part
for circuit judge in the spring elec- program of the Council, adopted to
tions, becoming the fourth Republi- secure a widespread expression of
can candidate, student opinion and wishes concern-
Mr. Laird has practiced in Ann ing these particular plans and also
Arbor since his admission to the bar cocerning the whole matter of stu-
in 1914, and held the position of
prosecuting attorney from 1922 to To Distribute Letters
1926. He was also elected circuit The other step in the survey calls
court commissioner for two terms. for the distribution of letters solicit-
As City Attorney Mr. Laird has ing new plans and opinions and crit-
reprsened he ityin uit incir- icisms of present and proposed plans,
represented the city in suits in ciheses letters tobe sent to fratrnities
cuit court and state supreme court, -mslergabeztofan s,
especially in defending the validity of and colleges, and to be made available
the state's law concerning revenue to independents through the S.C.A
bonds on public utility plants, in-
volved in the construction of the Ann When a sufficient number of stu-
Arbor sewage disposal plant. dent opinions, plans, and suggestions
During his 20 years of practice have been received, a survey of the
here, Mr. Laird has been a member findings will be made by the Council,
of the American Legion, city, county, and from this survey the Council will
state, and national bar associations,' form and submit to the University
and several fraternal orders. Committee on Student Affairs a pro-
At the same time announcement posed form of government "which, in
was made by Mayor Robert A. Camp- its opinion, is best suited to the needs
bell, former treasurer of the Univer- of our student body and which com-
sity, of his intention to stand for re- mands the most student support," ac-
companying this report with a written
election on the Republican ticket, ttmn fteresn.o t e
He is at present completing his sec-eafision.
ond term as mayor. Members of the student body are
urged by Hilty to submit any plans
Treasury Assistantship or amendments to plans which they
Gotmight formulate and any criticisms
or opinions on those presented to the
(Special to The Daily) Undergraduate C o u n c i 1, either
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 -Norman through its members, through The
F. Harriman, '02E, has just been pro- Daily, or through the Union.

moted to the position of technical
assistant to the Treasury Department
director of procurement, in charge of
supplies for the United States govern-
This is the largest buying activity
in the world and the purchase for sup-
plies approximates $1,000,000 a day.
Mr. Harriman formerly was senior
Engineer-Physicist of the National
Bureau of Standards, and before that,
Engineer of Tests for the Union Pa-
cific Railroad company.

Plans for forms of men's student
government, submitted to the Un-
dergraduate Council for consideration
and to be submitted by the Council
for student consideration, contain the
following provisions for their respec-
tive memberships: ("Present Plan"
refers to the form of the present
Undergraduate Council."Union Plan"
refers to the proposed Men's Coun-
cil. "Alternate Plan" refers to a

Reports of four professors on their
tours of inspection to the 22 fresh-
man colleges in the state controlled
by the University Extension division
have been submitted to Dean Edward'
H. Kraus of the litera-y college for
his consideration, it was announced
yesterday by Dr. Lloyd S. Woodburne,
assistant to the dean.
These reports will be submitted
to the executive committee of the
literary college Friday for delibera-
tion on the adjustment of credit for
freshman college work upon transfer
to the University. Dr. Woodburne said.
At a previous meeting the executiveI

books for the University's freshman
colleges. Half of the books have al-
ready been bought, and some have
already reached the schools.
"These books are literally a God-
send to the colleges, as they are bad-{
ly needed, and are a benefit not only
to the institutions themselves but to
the small communities receiving them
as well," Dr. Charles A. Fisher, as-
sistant director of the extension di-
vision, said in commenting on the
"In general, the results of the in-'
vestigations were satisfactory consid-
ering the short time given the local-
ities to get their colleges under vwv


" ethird plan which has been submitted.)
League Of Nations Petitions To PRESENT PLANS
t1*. ]cMembership of the present Council
ir elated cy. t dents consists of the following: President
Be C ~aeuAImlSfl u
of Michigan Union, President of the
Interfraternity Council, President of
Michigan students will have an op- speech, pointed out that "the old pol- the Engineering Council, President of
portunity this week to register as to icies, alliances, combinations and bal- Tau Beta Pi, President of Sphinx,
how they stand on the issue of the I ances of power have proved them- President of Triangles, Ex-president
U selves inadequate for the preservation of Sphinx, Ex-president of Triangles,
United States joining the League of;of world peace." Such statements were President of Michigamua, President
interpreted as indicating that the of Druids, President of Vulcans, Man-
"A vigorous movement in the United adnrinistrtion would support the aging Editor of The Daily, President
States for joining seems to be de- World Court measure when it came of the Michigan League, President
veloping," declares Prof. Preston W. before the Congress, and might con- of the Panhellenic Council, Presi-
Slcsson of the history department. "It ceivably support a union with the dent of Mortarboard, President of
is significant that this movement League of Nations. Senior Society, President of Wyvern,
comes at a time when two major pow- I"Recent events have strengthened and Ex-president of Wyvern,
ers, Germany and Japan, have indi- the League's position," Professor Provided that there are not already
cated their intentions of withdrawal. Slosson stated. "Its success in han- two independent men members of
"Evidence of this sweeping move- dling the Hungary-Jugoslavia crisis, the ex-officio group, one of two shall
ment is to be seen in the Massa- and in managing the Saar plebiscite be nominated and elected by that
chusetts plebiscite, in which most of which will come to a head this Sun- group to insure an independent rep-
the cities before whom the issue was day, has more than made up for the resentation of two men.
Dresented favored ioining. This was I rn a it ha, ,pn ltmi'* 4,n £ia +ilin, fn wm1

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