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January 09, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-09

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Congress Faces
Mass Of Detail,
Organizing Task
Work Is Preparatory Tol
Big Job Of Carrying Outj
Roosevelt Job Program
Senate In Recess I
Banking Group ConsidersE
Vandenberg Bill Giving
F.I.D.C. Power
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 --(P)- A
new and still untried Congress dug
quickly into a mass of organization
detail today preliminary to its big'
job of translating President Roose-
velt's work relief program into law
and voting enough cash to pay the
The Senate was in recess until
Thursday to give important com-
mittees time to start funtioning.
Immediately, the banking group be-
gan consideration of Senator Van-
denberg's bill to empower the Fed-
eral Deposit Insurance Corp. to reg-
ulate interest rates and thereby re-
move grounds of the corporation's
recent clash with Senator Carter
Glass (Dem.), Virginia.
Writing new membership slates
for its standing committees topped
the House program. Democrats on
ibo Ways and Means Committee
who assign their colleagues to com-
mittee posts sought places for the
long Democratic list of 322 mem-

Arrives For Resumption Of Husband's Trial

New Issue Of
Alumnus Now
Being Sent Out
Dr. Koelz' Diary Written
During Tibet Expedition!
Is Featured
The January issue of the Michigan
Alumnus Quarterly Review has been I
published And is being distributed to
more than 6,000 subscribers of the
Alumnus, according to Wilfred B.
Shaw, editor and director of alumni
Featured in the current issue of
the magazine is the diary of Dr.
Walter Koelz, written while on an
expedition to Tibet. Dr. Koelz is at
present collaborator in Asiatic Re-
search with the University Museums.
Another featured article is "Writ-
ing As Design," which is the address
given by Zona Gale at the time of
the awarding of the Avery Hopwood
Prize, in June 1934. The poem "Son-j
net" by Robert Warshow, '37, win-,
ner of the freshman prize for poetry
in 1934, is also included in the Quar-
"Intimate Sketches of Jefferson's
Day"' is contributed by Prof Everett
S. Brown of the political science de-
partment and "Professors in Wash-
ington" by, Charles F. Remer of the
economics department, an addressk
given on the University lecture series,;
is also included.
The President's Report For 1933-'34
is summarized in part and presented
in the Quarterly Review. Prof. Johnj
L. Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment is the author of an article en-
titled "The Press and Reader Inter-

F.D.R. Jr. Pays His Traffic Fine With A Smile

Few Take Part
In Preliminary
Unexpectedly Light Vote
By Civil Servants Due To
Fear Of Reprisals
ritory, Jan. 8 -(P)- A much lighter
vote than had been anticipated was
apparent today as public employes
expressed their conviction as to
whether the Saar should join Nazi
Germany, remain under Geneva, or
unite with France.
Fear of reprisals after the future
of the Saar is determined in Sunday's
plebescite kept hundreds of civil
servants from the polls in a two-day
preliminary vote. Since most of the
10,000 employes will be at work Sun-
day, they were allowed to vote early.
Many failed to exercise their fran-
chise, it was disclosed, afraid of pun-
ishment later either by Nazis or those
opposed to a reunion with the reich.
Another factor which cut down
the balloting sharply was the dis-
qualification of many Nazis for shout-
ing "heil Hitler" at the voting places.
Such demonstrations had been strict-
ly forbidden.
In one precinct as high as 20 per
cent of the votes were thrown out.
Street car workers, who were given
the privilege of voting Monday or to-
day, refrained from doing so for fear
the ballots would be tampered with.
They will vote Sunday.
Ballot boxes were kept under heavy
guard. Armored cars will bring them
into Satarbruecken tonight, where
they will be closely watched until
next Monday. Then they will be
mixed and counted with Sunday's
Since a majority of the public serv-
ants are Nazis, it was assumed the
preliminary vote favored a return to.
The Saar governing commission,
making every effort to keep down vio-
lence, has banned public and private
political assemblies until after the
Yggdrasill, according to Webster,
was the tree which in Norse mythol-
ogy supported the universe.


-Associated Press Photo

-Associated Press Photo.
There were no apparent hard feelings when Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Jr., (center) paid a $10 fine in Orange, Conn., for speeding. He is shown
shaking hands with Joseph Cummings, the local constable who stopped
him. At right is David Torrance, town prosecutor.

Appropriations Coming Up
The real work ahead was Mr.
Roosevelt's plan for supplanting the
dle with work relief and spending
$4,000000,000 to do it in the next fis-
cal year.,First, however, the House Ap-
propriations Committee p 1 a n n e d
t rings on the President's request
feo a reappropriation of $880,000,-,
000 to carry direct relief in the next
six months.
Wednesday Rep. James P. Buchan-
an (Dem., Texas), chairman of
the Appropriations Committee, ex-
pects to report to the House the
$750.00,000 annuli supply bill for
the Government's independent of-
Congress May Direct Work
There was still talk today, among
some Democrats as well as Republi-
cans, that Congress should choose
the specific projects on which the
money will be spent instead of giv-
ing it to the President in a lump
sum to allot as he sees fit.
There also were expression of be-
lief from western Progressives that
$4,000,000,000 will not be enough
and that "wages prevailing in in-
dustry" should be paid to relief
workers instead of the President's
plan to pay less.
But many Democrats expressed
approval of the plan and with that
party's majorities so huge, even the
bitterest opponents of the lump sum
idea agreed privately that 'it would
go through without major change.
Club House Of
S.C.A. Rapidly
Being Finished
Building For Utilization By
Student Groups To Be
Ready Soon
A club house, which will be avail-
able during the winter months of the
University term for the use of or-
ganized student groups, is rapidly
nearing completion on the grounds of
the S.C.A. Fresh Air Camp near Pat-
terson Lake.
The structure wiu oecome a part of
the permanent equipment of the
Fresh Air Camp and contain dining,
housing, and heating facilities. Prof.
Ferdinand N. Menefee of the mechan-
ical engineering department is chair-
man of the committee financing the
project and has been working jointly
with the FERA.
Max A. Musch, Howell, and Prof.
George M. McConkey of the Architec-
ture college designed- the two-story
structure which will serve as the cen-
tral building for the Fresh Air Camp.
The Fresh Air Camp was first or-
ganized in '1921 and two years later
was established at its present location
near Patterson Lake, which is about
25 miles southwest of Ann Arbor near
the University Reserve. The land for
the camp was donated by H. B.
Earhart and Marvin Ives.
Tents were first used by the camp-
ers, until in 1926 10 lodges for 120
boys and a smaller director's build-
ing were constructed. These compose
the present physical plant.
In addition to the dining and heat-
ing facilities the clubhouse will con-
tain a stage, kitchen, storeroom, and
offices for the director and staff men
of the camp. It is also planned that
the building will contain a large coun-
cil ring.
All student organizations or special
gioums will h ah1 tn vail themselves

Mrs Brunc Richard llauptmann is shown above as she arrived for the
trial of her husband at Flemington, N. J., resumed after a week-end
recess. Hauptmann is accused of the murder of the Lindbergh baby.
Chairman Outlines History Of
County Cons u mers' Councils

A.A.A.S. Honors Florida Takes Stock Of Danage
Faculty Man At Done By Recent Severe Frost

By CLINTON B. CONGER first activities, an effort by the coun-
The history of the County Con- cil to represent the consumer at in-
sumers' Councils and the activities of dustrial hearings in Michigan, citing
the Washtenaw Council since itssin- as an example the coal hearing last
ception last May were recently out- August, in which, she said, the power
lined by Mrs. Thomas H. Reed, chair- of the Consumers' Council was great
man of the local group, which is one enough to keep the price of coal open,
of 200 such councils established in spite of the dealers' desire to fix it.
throughout the nation. She also said that the mere exist-
The need for such organizations, ence of the Council seems to have
Mrs. Reed explained, was first felt acted as a restraining influence in
in Nov. 1933, when it was felt that checking encroachments on the con-
the consumer was everybody, and yet sumer interest, and added that the
the forgotten man. Labor and in- government has given the councils
dustry were both represented at every opportunity to help them func-
Washington by bureaux and powerful tion. They have received almost im-
lobbisibgtoysurchuxgendiesase mediate response from Washington
lobbies, but no such agencies as yet 11al their demands and conmmuni-
protected the consumer as a separate to anshidemansuad commun-
inteestfromtheothe tw grop- cations, and have such aids as frank-
interest from the other two group- ing privileges and governing publica-
ings. tions.
William Trufant Foster, then di-_
rector of the Pollock Foundation for evenment StandardsIntroduced
Economic Research, was the first to One line of effort is directed toward
propose giving the consumer a voice such as are used by the government
in the activities of the National Emer- in contracts for supplies. "Now that
gency Council. Accordingly the Con-itrctortsuppingowetsan
sumers' Division of the National the two greatest chain groceries in
sEmerseDcyisonilfwasthetp, in-the country have adopted these stand-
Emergency Council was set up, in- ad r.Re ad"ewnt
corporating the Agricultural Adjust- ards," Mrs. Reed said, "We won't
ment Administration, the Consumers' just be buying 'superb' peaches, 'mag-
Advisory Board, and several other nificent' apricots, and other adjec-
administrative agencies of a similar ives." The Bureau of Consumer
nature. The organization of the con- Standards is the particular agency
sumer interest was undertaken by working in this field.
Paul Douglas, formerly a member of Other activities include surveys of
the economics faculty at the Univer- local prices. Last June a survey of
sity of Chicago, and now on the Con- coal and coke prices was made at the
sumers' Advisory Board. request of Washington authorities,
Oriicc "iion)handers Plan revealing a rise in price of from 23 to
Original plans called for one of the 38 per cent for the year. A survey
councils in each of the almost 3,000 of fuel oil prices has also been under-
counties in the nation, but at the last taken, and at present the price sur-
veys are about to be greatly extended
moment opposition to the movementtoicuealrenm rofomn
delayed the work of organization in to include a large number of common
every way so that it was finally neces- commodities.
sary because of the encumbering red In Ann Arbor the council, in addi-
tape to limit the extent of the plan tion to Mrs. Reed as chairman, has
to 200 counties throughout the na- as members Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson
tion. The more extensive plan thus of the economics department, Prof.
exists on paper only. Norman Nelson and George D. Helm
Mrs. Reed had been active in Mich- of the English department, Prof. Wes-
igan since the outset and had just ley H. Maurer of the journalism de-
selected her chairmen, for the entire partment, M'frs. Julio Del Toro, Miss
stactedwhernewsirmhefreduction Theron Langford, Mrs. James Inglis,
state when news of the and, since the nature of the council
came from Washington. Six of the
200 counties had, however, been al- icounty-wide, members from Saline,
lotted to Michigan, and councils in F Milan, Chelsea, and Dexter.
Kalamazoo, Kent, Oakland, Saginaw, Maurer Heads Division
Washtenaw, and Wayne counties be- Professor Maurer is chairman of
gan work May 18. the division of consumer edication,
Mrs. Reed mentioned, as one of the and Mrs. Langford is in charge of
-~ _ the price-finding surveys.
Mrs. Reed said that their greatest
Raisz To Speak task was "to make the consumer
realize that through his efforts he
-On ~w Me od can remedy the conditions which he
at present bemoans, but about which
, he does nothing."
Of M ap-M ak no The aims of the council, as outlined
in the government's pamphlet on the
topic, are to (1) coordinate the work
Prof. Erwin I. Raisz, of Harvard of the various agencies of the Federal
University, author of a new pic- government which are working in the
torial system of map-making, will field of consumer problems; (2) pro-
speak on the subject "The Develop- vide a link between government
ment of Methods of Representing agencies and the consumers them-
Landscapes on Maps," at 4:15 p.m. selves; and' (3) help in every way the
Tuesday, Jan. 15, in Natural Science efforts of local consumer groups to
Auditorium. translate a common viewpoint into
Professor Raisz is a member of the terms of their local situation.
Institute of Geographical Explora-
tion, and has published articles in 'Professor Is Candidate
the Geographical Review concerning For Council Presidency
the methods and technique employedY
in his new style of map-making. Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the en-

J ,

Prof T H. Hildebrandt, chairman
of the department of mathematics,
was elected vice president and
chairman of the mathematics sec-
tion of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science at its
meetings in Pittsburgh during the
vacation, it was disclosed yesterday.
Prof. R. L. Wilder, also of the
mathematics department, was hon-
ored during the vacation in Pitts-
burgh, being named to the council
of the American Mathematical So-
Members of the mathematics de-
partment who attended scientific
meetings during the recess are: Pro-
lesors Hildebrandt and Wilder, and
Professors George Y. Ranich, Ar-
thur H. Copeland, and Dr. Howard
S. Kaltenborn, who went to the
meetings of the American Mathe-
matical Society and Mathematical
Association of America; Prof. Louis
C. Karpinski, who attended the
American Association for the Ad-'
vancement of Science meetings in
Pittsburgh and the History of Sci-]
ence Association session at Washing-
ton; and Professors Harry C. Car-
ver and Cecil C. Craig, who were at

FORT MEADE, Fla., Jan. 8 -(Spe-
cial)-Florida is beginning to lift up
its head to take stock of the damage
that was done by its latest catastro-
phe - this time a mid-season frost
;that swept through the state leaving+
in its wake an ugly scar of ruined
fruit groves and a shocked popula-
Conservative estimates of the dam-
age show that 80 per cent of the
tangerines are destroyed, 60 per cent
of the oranges, and 40 per cent of the
grapefruit. The disastrous effects
of the frost, which occurred on two
nights in the middle of last month
when the mercury went down to 20
degrees, could not be determined at
the time, but now, with the trees that
were touched withered and defoliated,:
and the fruit itself showing signs of
fermentation, even the most optimis-
tic cracker is beginning to lose his
About half of the packing houses
in the citrus belt have already shut
down, and a' great many of those
left open see little likelihood of con-
tinuous operation during the season.
Packing house officials throw up their
hands when asked if they will con-
tinue in business the rest of the year.
"What are you going to do," they ex-
claim, "there just isn't enough fruit
left to go around."
Thousands of men and women have
already been thrown out of work as
a result of the frost. Fruit pickers,
packers, graders, the truckmen who
cart the citrus products from field
to packing house, workers in the
limhr ilk whnxi Pmnlo ed in the

come, faces a new relief burden.
These frost-victims, whose ranks are
growing every day as more packing
houses are closing down, will, without
a doubt, need aid, and both the state
and Federal governments will be
called upon to supply it.

_ _ _ __ -



P re.-Inventory

the American Statistical Associa-
tion conference in Chicago.
Faculty Members
Attend Convention
Trhirtap Universiity fcuilty men ,


ir een unvlly -aly 111 lumber mils wild are ellpiue y 1 L
were among the ninety-five noted manufacture of fruit crates, all have
language authorities who partici- been affected.
pated in the annual meeting of the The state of Florida, which de-
Modern Language Association of pends to a very large extent on the
America, Dec. 27, 28, and 29 at success of the citrus crop for its in-
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, - ---
Pennsylvania. State Relief Budget Is
University faculty members who Reduced By $725,690
participated are as follows: Prof. O.
J. Campbell, Prof. Howard Mumford LANSING, Jan. 8-AP)-State re-
Jones, Prof. Charles C. Fries, Prof. lief needs this month will represent
Earl Leslie Griggs, Prof. Bennett a reduction of $725,690, the state re-
Weaver, Prof. Albert H. Marquardt, lief administration in drafting its
and Karl Litzenberg, all of the Eng- budget for January revealed today.
lish department. A budget of $6,265,000 was ap-
Miss Hope Allen of the Early proved for the month. Of this amount
Modern English Dictionary editorial $5,806,000 will be distributed to 2
staff, Prof. Rene Talamon of the county relief administrators,
French department, Prof. Camillo P.'
Merlino of the Italian department, __
Prof. Walter Reich of the. German _ _ _--
department, and A. R. Morris of the --
phonetics laboratory.
Zoology Museum Issues THE
Two Occasional Papers CON TIN ENTAL
Two Occasional Papers of the Mu-I G RENTA
seum of Zoology were announced j DINING ROOMS
yesterday by the University Museums.
One, written by Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, 1220 South University
curator of the fish division, is en- Between Church & Forest
titled "Studies of the Fishes of the
Order Cyprinodontes XIV. Plectroa- I7 viteS You To Try
phallus Regarded as a Distinct Gen-
us." their Home Cooked
The other, by Pierce Brodkorb, as-
sistant in the fish division, is called Full Course Meals
"The Name of the Western Race of
Redheaded Woodpecker." C Up
CREATE Serving Week Days
11-12 Midnight
YOUR OWN FORTU NEF and Friday and Saturday

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