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January 09, 1935 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-01-09

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-The Weather
Mostly cloudy Wednesday
and Thursday, probably snow
or rain Wednesday.


i tj 6

jIa iti

Rhodes Scholar From
Michigan ...
A Stronger Research Center . .



Italy, France
Join Against
Reich Arming
Cooperative Opposition Is
Indicated In Pact Signed
By Mussolini And Laval
French Relinquish
Italians Believe German
Rearmament More Thai
1932 Agreement Allows
ROME, Jan.8-(0)- A firm Italo-
French determination not to recog-
nize Germany's rearmament was dis-
closed tonight as Pierre Laval sped
back toward Paris carrying with him
the agreement he and Benito Mus-
solini signed during Laval's four-day
An official communique giving de-'
tails of the new accord- which pro-
vides for French concessions to Italy;
in Africa and pledges the two na-
tions to mutual efforts in the cause1
of Europe's peace - contains thisE
significant paragraph:
"The Italian and French govern-
ments, recalling the declaration of
Dec. 11, 1932, in reference to the
rights of equality, are in accord in
recognizing that no country can mod-
ify by a unilateral act her obliga-
tions regarding armaments, and that
in case this eventually arose they will
consult with eath other."
Theoretical Equ lity
It was under the declaration of
Iec. 11, 1932, that Germany returned
to the disarmament conference af-
ter her abandonment of it that sum-
She was' granted, in this declara-
tion, theoretical equality of arma-
ment rights but it was stipulated that1
this equality should be reached by
gradual stages, partly through fur-
ther disarmament of heavily armedF
countries and partly through the par-1
tial rearmament of Germany.
The Reich's considerable rearma-I
ment alleged to have been achieved
thus far is therefore, Italy believes,
in violation of this declaration, butt
what Fance and Italy intend to do
about it was hardly made clear. e
United Action Likelyc
Well informed circles here duringt
the past few days have expressed thet
opinion that France and Italy wouldv
not recognize Germany's rearmae
ment unless she signed the proposedi
non-intervention pact to be submitteda
to Austria and her five neighbors -a
Italy, Germany, Czecho-Slovakia,t
Hungary and Jugo-Slavia - and re-I
turned to the League of Nations.
The French foreign minister, how-b
ever, denied this, and the opinionj
was voiced this evening that the state-p
ment contained in the official com-
munique might be designed to push
Germany into the agreement.
In any case, the only remedy theo
agreement provides for the two con-t
tracting countries, it was disclosed, ist
to consult each other. But this gavel
rise to the belief that they would
take united action if they felt called
upon to do so.'
Flood Of Bills4
Greets Solons In
First SessionF

Health Service Has
No Let-Up During
Christmas Recess
Christmas vacation was no period of
rest at the Health Service, Dr. Warren
E. Forsythe, director, revealed yester-
"Many students take advantage of
the vacation period tohhave opera-
tions performed which have not de-
maried immediate atention," Dr.
Forsythe explained, "and in conse-
quece man operations were per-
formed both here and at the hos-
Dr. Forsythe estimated that about
5 tonsil and nose operations were per-
formed, as well as from 8 to 10
operations for hernia and appendi-
citis. These were done at the hospital.
.LeP said that he would not be able to
definitely state the number performed
at the Health Service until the reg-
ular monthly report was prepared.
The infirmary report showed an
average of 10 patients a day, and on
two days every bed was taken. Most
of these patients,bthe physician stated,
were convalescing from operations
performed at the Health Service or
were transferred there from the hos-
pital after operations for the con-
valescent period.
Dr. Forsythe said that the Health
Service was kept open throughout the
vacation, and that a physician was
kept on call as usual. No serious dis-
eases were reported.
Louisiana Jury
Defies Lon' s
Political RuleS
Federal J u d g e Restrains
Dictatorship By Granting
In junction
BATON ROUGE, La., Jan. 8.-P(A)
-- A new revolt flared in Huey Long's1
political "empire" today as the gov-
erning officials of East Baton Rouge
Parish, seat of the state capital, blunt-
ly resisted the Louisiana dictator's leg- t
islative acquisition of control of the
Parish's affairs.
In a resolution overwhelmingly
adopted by the Parish's police jury
the recent special legislative act giv-
ing Long control of the elective gov-l
erning body of the Parish was de-k
clared unconstitutional and steps werei
taken to prevent the state adminis-c
tration from carrying out the pro-r
visions of the act.
Late today United States Districtr
Judge Wayne C. Borah dealt a blow1
at the Long dictatorship by grantingt
a temporary injunction restrainingo
the new sewerage and water board oft
New Orleans from functioning. G
Long appeared when the case was
being argued and pleaded lack of
jurisdiction as a similar suit wasc
pending in state courts.
Three taxpayers brought the suitt
claiming the act giving Long control
of the board deprived them of theirn
rights. It was for this piece of legisla-v
tion that the public works administra-1
tion held up more than $2,000,000 in an
loan and grant to the board.
The most recent uprising againstT
the "Kingfish's" dictatorial rule ing
Louisiana preceded by a day a rallyt
here tomorrow night of the newlyt
formed "Square Deal Association,"
which is pledged to fight Long's abso-
lute control of State politics. An ef-s
fort will be made to organize the as-q
sociation on a state-wide scale. t
The police jury called on Sheriff 1
Robert L Pettit, who also has felt

Court To Rule
On New Deal
Constitutionality Of Gold
Standard Law Attacked
In Judicial Test
Cii ' gs Defends


Heads New Division



Sixty-Nine Billion Dollars
Is At Stake In Supreme
Court Decision
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -(P) -
Sixty-nine billion dollars and the val-
idity of essential New Deal legislation
were at stake today in the Supreme
The law by which the Nation offi-
cially left the gold standard was at-
tacked as unconstitutional and the
government, contending that the very
financial stability of the Nation was
involved, sent AttorneydGeneral Cum-
mings himself to defend it.
The question, involving such a fab-
ulous sum of money, reached the court
first of all in a simple suit to collect
$38 instead of $22, but behind it lay
two key moves by which President
Roosevelt altered the monetary sys-
In June, 1933, Congress adopted a
resolution invalidating the "gold
clause," contained in nearly all con-
tracts, mortgages and bonds, which
stipulates that payment shall be of a
certain sum in that metal or its equiv-
Amount of Gold Reduced
In January, 1934, the amount of
gold legally defined as one dollar was
reduced, by legislation and executive
action, to 59.06 per cent of what it
previously had been. ,
Today Normal C. Norman, of New
York, the holder of a bond of the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. contain-
ing the "gold clause" asked the court
to enforce his contention that a $22
interest coupon must be paid in the
gold equivalent of that amount, or
$38.1.0 in the present legal tender
Bonds and contracts totaling some
100 billions dollars are estimated to
be in existence. Should the court rule
in Norman's favor, the obligations
under them would be increased to ap-;
progimately 169 billions.
Emanuel Redfield, counsel for Nor-
man, argued that although payment
in actual gold was impossible, since
the government has seized all stockIs
of that metal, the obligation to pay
the equivalent was not thereby re-
Denies Congress Had Authority
He contended that Congress had no
constitutional authority to enact leg-
islation which would operate to im-
pair contracts, although such legisla-
tion is not prohibited by the basic law.
'Since this is a government of enu-
merated powers," he said, 'and no pro-
vision is made whereby Congress can
impair contracts, it follows that it has
no such power."
For the Baltimore & Ohio, Fred'
Wood, as counsel, argued that if the
gold clause were valid the constitu-
tional delegation of power to Congress
to "decide what money is and what
value it should have is meaningless."
The Norman case was the first of a
series of five, all dealing with the same
question, to be heard in succession by
the court and probably to be settled
by a single opinion.
Attorney General Cummings sat

Report Plane
Lost Zooming
Over Chicago*
Private Ship Is Believed
Unable To Land During
Dense Fog
XMotor Roar Heard
For Three Hours
Four Are Killed As Train
Smashes Into Auto At
CHICAGO, Jan. 8 -(A')-An air-
plane was reported lost tonight zoom-
ing over the Chicago area in unsuc-
cessful efforts to land in the dense
fog which forthree days has blanket-
ed half the nation.
Department of Commerce officials
were certain the plane was a private
ship, since it failed to answer radio
advices sent it giving directions for
an attempted landing.
The roar of the ship's motor was
first heard over the loop at 3 p.m. and
three hours later the rumble still was
audible. Employees at the Furniture
Mart, 666 Lake Shore Drive, said
that at about 4:30 p.m. the plane
dived close to the building, situated
on the lake front, and it was appar-
ent the pilot was having difficulties.
Plan Coast Guard Search

LIrndy's Neighbor,
Bronx Cab Driver
Accuse Llauptman

Local Court To Air
'Racketeer' Charge
Against Roosevelt

Dr. James D. Bruce, vice-president
in charge of University relations and
director of the department of post-
graduate medicine, has been ap-
pointed to the position of chairman
of the newly-created division of
health sciences.
Advocates Of
30-Hour Week1

FL. ( 1 o r i e
Is the NRA a racket and is Presi- r
dent Roosevelt a racketeer? Seat In Courtroom
These are just two of the questions
that the circuit court will have to an-
swer when the case of the Divisional Carpenter Identified As
Code Authority v. Dexter Co-Opera-
tive Co. comes before it on an-appeal Man Seen In Green Car
filed by the defendant from the With Ladder March 1
judgment given the code authority.
Theacase itself involved only $16.62, FLEMINGTON, N. J., Jan. 8. - (A')
the amount the code authority - Two men - one an elderly Sour-
claimed was owed to it by the Dex-
ter firm, but the matter gained prom- land neighbor of the Charles A. Lind-
inence when counsel for the defense berghs, the other a Bronx cab driver
claimed that the recovery act is a --laid an accusing hand today on
racket - because it gives nothing for Bruno Richard Hauptmann, on trial
what it collects - and the council for
the plaintiff took exception to the for the murder of the kidnaped Lind-

Defendant Mutters 'Liar'
As Perrone Names Him
Sender Of Note

Are Confident
Enactment By Congress Is
Expected Regardless Of
Roosevelt OppositionE
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -(UP) -
Advocates of the 30-hour week girded1
for a finish fight in Congress today'
confident a majority want to enact
the measure at this session despite the
administration's opposition.
"Eventually we are coming to it,"
Senator Black (Dem., Ala.) predicted,i
while a co-author, Rep. Connery
(Dem., Mass.) said "it is the only solu-
tion to the unemployment problem."
Both said that while President
Roosevelt's $4,000,000,000 work relief
program would help takecare of
some of the unemployed millions it
would not solve the problem of em-
ployment in private industry.
Connery said his revised bill per-
mitted exceptions on working hours in
industries operating on a small mar-
gin of profit and removed the em-
bargo provisions on articles made in
foreign countries not limiting work to
30 hours a week. Instead, such ar-
ticles would not be licensed. It also
dpes not apply to agricultural work-
ers or employees subject to the Rail-
road Labor Act.I
Antao-onists Of
New Deal Join
Liberty League


Then the misty outline of the plane
disappeared in the fog again. At the
municipal airport it was reported no
regular airline ships had left. They
have been tied up on the ground for
the past three days. Regular flight
schedules, however, have been main-
tained west of Omaha and in the
south and southwest.
' The coast guard, apprised of the'
report of the helpless plane, plan-
ned a search of Lake Michigan wat-
ers in the thick fog, termed by many
weather observers as the worst in
their memories.
Already the fog has cost several
lives and thousands of dollars in
property damage as i~t rolled eastward
over the United States, tying up ship-
ping on the seaboard and making
motor traffic difficult.
Four Persons Killed
Four persons were killed when a
train struck an automobile at a fog-
blinded crossing near 'Sidney, O.
The unusual fog, described by some
weathermen as the worst in their
memory, shoved eastward, with sea-
board shipping almost in a snarl.
Vessels lay fog-bound in harbors and
several at sea were at anchor, wait-
ing for the blanket to lift to enable
them to get into port safely.
Interstate bus lines moved cautious-
ly and motor traffic was slowed to a
Forecasters here said they expected
the fog might start lifting tomorrow
in some sections.
Morrison To Run
For City Alderman

remark saying it implied that the
President is a racketeer.
The testimony at the original trial
disclosed that the Dexter firm had not
only thrown all mail reaching it from
the code authority into the waste
basket without opening it, but that
it also refused to pay two cents pos-
tage due on the package containing
the blue eagle.
Grippe, Colds
Numerous In
Past Two Days
Several Accident Victims
Also Lodged In Health
Service, Brace Reports
A minor epidemic of colds and
grippe in this and neighboring states1
is responsible for the large number'
of cases of diseases found in studentsj
seeking treatment at the Health Serv-
ice during the past two days in the
opinion of Dr. William A. Brace,
Health Service physician.
Though the number of students be-
ing treated at the Health Service yes-
terday was not as large as on Monday,
the number was still higher than the
normal figure. Dr. Brace predicted1
that the number of colds and cases of
grippe would remain high until the1
weather changes.
The weather was also responsible
for many of the accidental cases;
treated at the Health Service Monday
and yesterday. Fog, rain, and slippery1
pavements resulted in the ditching
of some buses and autos carrying re-
turning students. Those treated at
the Health Service suffered only
minor injuries.
Dr. Brace said that since many stu'-
dents treat themselves for colds and1
grippe, that no accurate estimate of1
the number of students suffering from1
them could be made.
Harvard Students Put
.Off Drinking Contest
CAMBRIDGE, Mass, Jan. 8 -()--1
Harvard's beer drinking contest is
definitely off, the Crimson and the
Lampoon declared today.
"The dean's mad," was the ex-..
planation. "Harvard's fair white rib-
bon is threatened, and a gentleman
from West Branch, Ia., threatens not
to send his boy to Harvard next year."
bles Subside1
me Of Saar Vote
hers. This payment, equivalent to
about $55,000,000, is to reimburse
France for the world war loss of coal'
mines and railroads.
French public opinion, prepared for
a German victory in the balloting, al-
so takes the stand that it is better
to pass the territory back to the for-
mer enemy with good grace than to
risk getting into another war over it.
The step taken at Geneva in De-
cember by Pierre Laval, foreign min-
ister, when he shrugged responsibil-
ity from France's shoulder for what
might come to' pass in the voting,
gained him applause at home.
Great Britain's prompt offer to
take part in neutral policing, was
hailed here with delight.
When the League committee of
three, sitting at Rome, brought Ger-

bergh baby.
Gingerly, eighty - seven-yeavr-old
Amandus Hochmuth, who Uves at the
entrance of the Lindbergh lane, un-
expectedly tapped the stolid carpenter
on the shoulder as he identified him
as the man, in a "dirty green car"
containing a ladder, whom he saw
from his porch the day of the kid-
naping-March 1, 1932. W
Then Joseph Perrone, the cab
driver, slapped the same rigid shoul-
der and almost shouted: "That's the
man!" who eleven nights later sent
him to Dr. John F. (Jafsie) Condon,
elderly kidnap negotiator, with a note.
Hauptmann stiffened. He muttered
almost inaudibly:
"You're a liar."
Day of Sensations
It was another day of swift sen-
sations in the case by which the
State of New Jersey hopes to send
Hauptmann to the electric chair.
Already the carpenter had been
accused by the father of the slain
baby himself; already both Charles
and Anne Lindbergh, and Betty Gow,
the baby's nurse, have told their own
Shortly before the fifth day of the
trial ended in the tense atmosphere
of the old Hunterdon County court-
room, Dr. Condon himself entered.
Regarded as perhaps the state's
chief witness, the aging educator who
paid the $50,000 ransom for a dead
baby walked into ;the courtroom and
took a seat near Col. Lindbergh.
Prosecutors expect that when he
testifies, probably tomorrow, he will
accuse Hauptmann directly as the
man who took the ransom from his
Condon's Friend On Stand
The way was paved for his testi-
mony late today by several witnesses,
including his friend and bodyguard,
Al Reich, who drove Dr. Condon to
his rendezvous with the ransom col-
lector in St. Raymond's cemetery,
the Bronx, the night of April 2, 1932.
The defense, led by Edward J. Reil-
ly, objected again to the introduction
of the so-called "kidnap ladder" as
evidence, and once more Supreme
Court Justice Thomas W. Trenchard
sustained the objection, leaving the
ladder merely an exhibit marked for
The identifications of Hauptmann
were made in a silence unbroken save
for the harsh breathing of many of
the spectators. On each occasion, un-
able to restrain themselves, they half
rose from their seats and pressed for-
ward, straining to catch every word,
eyes intent on the witness and on the
pale defendant. He sat with his shoul-
ders straight and stiff against the
back of his chair.
Crowd Astounded
The carpenter moved his head in
short, negative rolls as Hochmuth
wandered to his side and touched him.
"Right there," the elderly witness
When Hauptmann muttered the
"liar" retort to Perrone, Reilly at-
tempted to get the answer into the
transcript. The stenographer had not
heard him, however, and Justice Tren-
chard ruled that the defense must
wait until the "proper time" to show
what the defendant said.
The accusation by Hochmuth, a
shaking little man with pointed white
beard, caught the crowd unawares.
The witness, who lives at the inter-
section of the lane that runs to the
Lindbergh house and the Mercer
County highway, said that he was
standing on his porch the forenoon
of March 1 when a "dirty green car"
roared around the corner into the
I lane and slid to a stop at the ditch.
The driver, whom he identified as

Petitions are being circulated to
Head Of Group Insists place the name of Prof. Roger L. Mor-
Organization Is Not Anti rison of the engineering college on
Is Not nt the Republican ticket to run for alder-
Administration man in the spring election, it was
disclosed yesterday.
The term of Prof. William A. Paton
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8 -(')- The of the School of Business Adminis-
American Liberty League today dis- tration, wpo is now a member of the
closed that it had aligned many open Council, expires in the spring.

the wrath of Long's enmity, to "lend perfecting his argument with foun- anti-New Dealers to complete organi- Professor Morrison, a noted high-
his authority" to keep control of the tain pen corrections while Redfield zation of its executive committee and way expert, is largely responsible
Republicans Confident Of Parish courthouse. Another act of the and Wood addressed the court. His for the recent traffic survey made
last special session of Long's legisla- appearance was entered in the second advisory council. here.'
Garnering All ImpOrtanit ture took from Sheriff Pettit the right case, involving the Missouri Pacific Jouett Shouse, president of the
Committee Positions to name his own deputies. Railroad. League, has insisted that it is not
anti-Administration or anti-Roose- European Squab]
LANSING, Jan. 8. -(>).- A flood velt. But the comment from the '
of bills greeted the legislature in its Secret V f Fish T hat epr du e White House, in answer to this as P
first organized session today. Se re sertion, was that the organization, Pe d n uo
Although House and Senate com- O ly1 em le S lv d y ub s formed for the avowed purpose of
mittees had just been completed, new nly Fem ales olved By H ub s protecting the Constitution, appar-P
and old members pelted measures ently put property rights ahead of PARIS, Jan. 8 (A)-- Europe's
into the record. The range of their human rights. . squabbles have been hushed to a
provisions was wide. By FRED WARNER NEAL down in Mexico, he found these "Mol- The League replied that the two bare whisper until Jan. 13 settles the
Among the bills were a number of The Amazons of the fish world, the liensia Formosa," all females, living should be equal and went ahead with sovereignty over the 738 square miles
bewhiskered proposals over which "Double Crossing Molly" as Dr. Carl with a similar species, "Molliensia its work of expansion. The list it of coal fields which are the Saar.
controversy and charges of improper L. Hubbs, curator of the Zoology Mu- Sphenops." He took the "Formosa" made public today, without comment, Soldiers of four neutral nations
lobbying rage biennially. Small loan seum fish division calls them, are, to females and mated them with the included many capitalists and cor- are watching over the political powd-
legislation, labor bills, conservation put it mildly, very peculiar creatures. "Sphenops" males. All the young were poration officials. Most of the new er box of the moment. It has been
measures and the familiar municipal Their chief peculiarity lies in the fact females, exactly resembling the members are nationally known in sulated with safety devices to pre-
revenue bond issue made their ap- that, believe it or not, they only re- mother fish. their respective fields. vent an explosion of animosities
pearance. produce females - thousands and He had at iast found out in what A majority who list their political which were unforeseen when 1935 was
The administration, in the mean- I thousands of them and nary a male. manner the "Double Crossing Molly" affhiations are Republicans and the fixed by the treaty of Versailles for
time, took steps to press its program The fish are "Molliensia formosa," reproduced itself, but still was not list includes economists ,who have the Saar plebiscite.
of governmental reform, and in Dr. Hubbs' opinion they are satisfied. He continued his experi- openly assailed administration mone- France virtually has conceded the
Republicans reported major gains one of the strangest fish in exist- ments, mating the "Formosa" with tary policies. E. T. Weir, Pittsburgh territory to Germany, knowing that
in the legislature as presicting offi- ence. For a long time they had him several kinds of "Sphenops." He even steel manufacturer, who has warred the inhabitants are fondly attached
cers of each house announced their baffled. He searched among thou- mated them with the so-called "Black with the administration's labor boards to their old fatherland and that Nazi
committee assignments, sands of them for a male, but in vain. Molly," but the result was always the over collective bargaining, is a mem- propaganda has been intense . . .
The Republicans captured the "The species simply cannot repro- same -- the young resembled the ber of the advisory council. W. L. even intimidating, say Saar oppon-
hiranshpuiof 26uof d the duce itself," he said, but the more mother in detail. The race of "For- Clayton, Houston cotton man who has I ents of Hitler.
chairmanship of 26 of the 38 com- he searched the more "Mollys" he mosa" continued, and 'continued to onuosed AAA acreaae reduction. also If trouble accompanies the voting,

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