DAY, DECEMBER 21, 1934
Meet Syracuse,
olgate,'Rufalo On
All-Conference Guard Captains Buckeye Five
Prospects High Michigan Wins Two National,
As Team Battles Three Big Ten Titles In 193
T" F rt pi
X V 1 (113 di TT 11 iBy ARTHUR SETTLE I Ward personally accounted for 131
Big Ten championships in swim- i of Michigan's 18 points in the Butler
Cappon Contemplates No ming, indoor track, golf and national Relays, which again gave Michigan a
titles in swimming and golf were the close victory over Indiana. In addi-
Changes In Lineup; Ohio sports pinnacles attained by Michigan tion to earning the title, "the one-
State Here Jan. 7 athletic teams during the 1934 sea- man-track-team," his play at right
son. end on a losing football team was
The golf. swimming, and track good enough to earn him second-team
With visions of the best team since teams repeated their titular conquests All-Conference rating, and honorable
the championship aggregation of of 1933. The Wolverine eleven was mention by Grantland Rice when he
1929, the Varsity basketball squad 4 the only championship team in 1933 selected his All-America eleven. News-
which failed to successfully defend its papermen ranked Ward the third best
jwill invade the East during the holi-
w crown. The 1934 season will be re- athlete in the Big Ten this year..
day for meetings with three Eastern membered by most fans as the poor- Wistert Scores Individual Triumph
schools. est one in Michigan's gridiron his- Whitey Wistert's one-hit game
Wednesday's victory over Western tory- against Ohio State last May was the
Willis Ward Outstanding Star best individual performance by a
State Teachers College however nar- Willis Ward was Michigan's great- Michigan athlete during the 1934 sea-
row, has been signalized as the high est athlete during the 1934 season, an son. In defeating the Buckeyes, 13 to
spot in the pre-holiday season dur- honor he also earned last year. His 1, Wistert had a no-hit, no-run game
ing which the Wolverines play feats, in winning the high jump, 60- with two out in the ninth inning, but
against the Hilltoppers was "spot- yard dash, and 65-yard-high hurdles Alex Clowson, second baseman, spoiled
ty," according to Coach Franklin for a total of 15 of Michigan's 37%- his perfect game by driving out a
Cappon. The team's show of spirit to points in the Conference indoor-track single. Wistert fanned the first nine i
come from oehind to win was highly meet, enabled the Wolverines to de- Ibatters to face hi, achieving a total
pleasing to the coach. throne Indiana as Big Ten s.dooriof 16 strikeouts.
The 26-25 win over Western was championTo Matt Mann's swimmers goes the
the second one-point victory of the honor of being the most formidable
season for the Wolverines. Dick Hockey e am aggregation to represent the Maize
Joslin sank a free throw in the final and Blue during the fast-fading sea-
minute of play. It was the third in . 1son. Led by Taylor Drysdale, who set
which Michigan has been forced to rXractice a new world's record in the medley,
overcome an early lead. In the op- *+Captain Jim Christy, and> Dick Deg-
ening game with Calvin College, Over acat io ener,'the natators won their fourth.
Michigan came from behind with a ; Vconsecutive Conference championship,
rush to win, 25 to 22, and against and Michigan's fifth national inter-
Michigan State Normal a pivot shot Not cntirely satisfied with the show- collegiate title in the last nine years.
jy Joslin Ea'on the game, 23 to 27, in ine of his sextet against McMaster Only two defeats marred their rec-
the last minute. jUniversity, Coach Eddie Lowrey of the ord, both administered by all-star
S jiuad Shows Fighting Spirit Michigan hockey team yesterday teams while the Wolverines were on a
While Coach Cappon sees many 9a erized the performance of the barnstorming tour after completing
, ,,, Itheir re ularv -scheduled compneti-
Upon the shoulders of CaptainZ
much of the hopes of Ohio State fo
was an all-Conference guard last ye
returning. Michigan opens its Conf
Jan. 7 in Yost Field House, and Bei
will be out to partially avenge, at lea
from the Wolverines in 1933-34.
One of the most encouraging signs
in Michigan's athletic situation was
the interest aroused by Wednesday
night's basketball game in Kalama-
zoo. Not since the days before foot-
ball games were broadcast and the
Wolverines were playing out of town
have there been so many telephone
calls to The Daily office for a score.
In fact, so constant was the ring-
ing of the 'phone bells and so con-
stant the question "How'd the bas-
ketball team come out?" that we
substituted "Michigan 26, Kalamazoo
25," for our usual salutation. One of
the most pleasant duties in the world
is telling people good news. So ye
editore supplanted one of the wilting
sophomores before a phone to spread
the glad tidings.
Frankly, you would thin. the bas-
ketball team had swum the Helle-
spont in tandem formation or ex-
ecuted a perfect blocking play atop
the Washington monument from the
enthusiastic reception given the news
of the game.One sweet-voiced girl
gasped slightly as we literally flung
the score in her face without any of,
the customary telephonic preamble,'
then purred excitedly, "Oh, is that
right?" Upon being assured that it
was she said "Good, good!" and
thanked us ever so sweetly before
saying good night.!
A nother time a quiet-voiced lady
(a faculty wife we decided mentally)
caught the score the first time we
told her and said "Oh, isn't that just
Se eresot.o. flaws which only time will work out, ; Wolverines as somewhat ragged. Al-
WilliaBeilner, vetean guard, t the fighting spirit of the squad has j though the Varsity scored its second
Wl biailnsrest e gasonHe convinced him that when the flaws win of the season by defeating the
sr blasktballscesti esnmi
are ironed out a high-calibre team Canadians, 6 to 4, Coach Lowrey
ear, and is the only veteran regular will be more than a prospect. pointed out several flaws which were
erence season against the Buckeyes No experiments in the make-up of evidenced during the game,]
itner and the Scarlet and Gray five the first team ere contemplated by He was disappbinted in the lack of
ast, the two whippings they received Cappon, and Captain Al Plummer coordination which rendered its at-,
and George Rudness at the guards, tack less effective. Unnecessary
John Gee at center, and John Ja- roughing on the part of the defense
blonski and Dick Joslin at the for- ,players marred the otherwise excel-
wards appear to be fixtures. lent record maintained against the
I kprevious invaders of the Coliseum.
Although mared by erratic work Visconsin, the next opponent on
By ART at times, and by a court which the schedule, is met the first week-I
stopped a part of the Wolverine of- Iend after Christmas vacation, and
I CARSTENS fense at times, the play of the squad only a partial let-up in practice will I
of six-footers against Western State be permitted.
was more than satisfactory, accord-'Offica practice will not start again
ing to Cappon. until Jan. 6, but Coach Lowrey will
fine!" in a tone she might adopt when The Michigan team will leave Ann have the greater part of his team
told she had been presented with a Arbor Dec. 31 for a five-day trip here during the holidays, and it will
brand new grandson. through the East, on which it will stay in condition with some scrim-
As for the men - a lot of them meet Syracuse, Colgate and Buffalo maging against the freshmen. Co-
weren't satisfied with the bare score on successive :iays, before returning Captains Johnny Jewell and Johnny
and asked for details, such as high home in preparation for the first Sherf will be on hand, and Vic Hey-
point man and who got the winning Big Ten game Jan. 7 with Ohio State liger and Dick Berryman will also be
"bucket." here. in town to practice some.
One telephoner even wanted to Arrive in Syracuse Jan. 1 The chief aim of these holiday
have the Western State lineup read The Wolverines will arrive in Syra- drills will be general improvement,
to him so he could see if one of his cuse Jan. 1 in time for a practice with special attention devoted to
high school buddies had broken in. there, and will meet the Orange Jan. shooting from some distance out, and
However we are glad, especially when 2, going on to Hamilton and Buffalo smoothing outsthe passing attack
the team wins, to accede to all such for games Jan. 3 and 4. which showed such potentialities in
requests if we have the material de- The Ohio State game will be the game against MhMaster.
sired at hand. first Conference meeting for Michi- ui the ror, ssoade
during the season so far, Coach Low-
After every out-of-town game this gan, although the Buckeyes will rey cited the work of right wing Dick
winter The Michigan Daily sports have opened their Conference season Berryman as having shown the great-
bureau will be ready to serve you Jan. 5 against Iowa at Iowa City. est improvement. With his back-
with scores any time between 10 and Ohio State', undefeated in three ; checking and faster and stronger
2. By dialing 2-1214 instead of 4925 games to date, will also attempt an skating, Berryman bids fair to be one
you will facilitate service and save Eastern invasion during the holidays, of the real luminaries of the team.
a harrassed night editor's nerves, beginning with a meeting with Tem-
ple in Philadelpha Dec. 29.
In this, the last issue of The Daily - D-. 9
in 1934, it is usual for the sports edi-
tor to list the Christmas presents value of publicty ap reatcorres
some ofthe coaches and players valuent ofdublty.antrtworrds-
might like toreceive, but we shall de-pondents accordingly. In other words Deeply appreciative of your
part from tradition and list those gifts "play ball." (See Harry Kipke, Ed- friendship, confidence and
that we, as members of sports divis- die Lowrey and Matt Mann for sug- and loyal support in the past,
ion of the Scribes' Club, would like to gestions.)we extend to you our earnest
receive: 4. Schedules which do not bring wishes for a
1. The sort of attention that writ- two and three sport events together 4 VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY
ers at Ohio State football games get, on the same night. A basketball and and
i.e. a glassed-in press box equipped hockey game on the same evening A NE dYEAR
with its own public address system, have the correspondents on a dead EW YAR
programs and food between the run for four straight hours and a ( Filled with an abundance of
ghalves, swimming meet thrown in make com- Good Health and
. A winning football team with a petent covering a sheei' impossibility. Prosperity!
few colorful players to write feature 5. Higher salaries. (All corres- THE MANAGEMENT
stories about. pondents agree on this item.)
Three major letter winners and
The ATH ENS PRESS three minor letter winners have re-
206 N. Main- owntown turned for University of Iowa bas- Give
_______ ____ Posto___ice)___ ketball this year.GR
The Girls Nobody KnowsN
C 6"
GIN ' Take our tip-
give Arrow Gordon
A It's an oxford that won't
_ /shrink because it's Sanforized.
Koesis Leads Golfers To Title
Paced by Charley Kocsis, runner-
up for the Intercollegiate golf crown,
Michigan's golf team was the only
squad to come through the season un-
Coach Johnny Johnstone's tennis
toeam held a legitimate claim to the
Big Ten dual-meet tennis champion-
ship, for it was undefeated in three
Conference meets, beating Chicago in
the last engagement of the year after
the Maroons nosed out Michigan in
the Big Ten meet at Chicago.
Seymour Siegel was runner-up to
Howard Davidson of Chicago, Con-
ference singles champion.
Minnesota Is Jinx
In hockey, the Wolverines would
have experienced a very successful'
season had they been able to beat the
Minnesota jinx. The Gophers handed
Michigan four of its six defeats, three
by the margin of a single goal. Capt.-
elect Johnny Sherf led the Wolverines
in scoring, making 23 of his team's
total of 42 goals.
Coach Fisher's baseball team was
a hard-hitting nine but erratic field-
ing forced it to accept third place
in the final Conference standings.
Two Wolverines, Whitey Wistert and
Ted Petoskey were recruited from the
Michigan nine by the Cincinnati club
of the National League. Both have
been offered contracts for the 1935
Captain Art Mosier was Michigan's
best wrestler. He won the Big Ten
title at 145 pounds, and placed second
in the national intercollegiate wres-
tling meet here last March.
Fruit Cocktail Chilled Grapefruit Juice
Consomme, National Chicken Broth, Caroline
Blue Point Oysters on Half Shell
Cream of Fresh Mushrooms, Souffle Croutons
For you who are stay-
ing here over the holi-
days-make it a habit
Branch Celery
Mixed Olives
to treat yourself
better meals at the-
Next to Michigan Theatre
Fried Sea Scallops, Bacon, Remoulade Sauce
Roast Goose, Apple Dressing, Spiced Pears
Roast Vermont Turkey, Chestnut Dressing, Cranberry Sauce
Grilled Porterhouse Steak, Parsley Butter
Candied Yams, Creamed Whipped or .Baked Stuffed Potato
Broccoli Hollandaise, Baked Squash or Green Peas
Tomato Poinsette Salad, French Dressing
Corn Muffins Dinner Rolls Graham or Rye Bread
Sweet Cider Coffee Tea Milk
Hot Mince Pie Raspberry Sundae
Frozen Lemon Custard Pumpkin Pie, Whipped Cream
English Plum Pudding
Roquefort Cheese, Toasted Wafers