T HE,, M C H I -G A -N, - DA I LY THURSDAY,..DECEM$ER_ 20. 1934 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - TUUR$IMY ~ J,934 b. v . The Beer Facts At'Harvard. . . T IS NOT WITHOUT interest that one observes the recent action of Harvard University in its discontinuance of the s-le of beer in all dining halls at that institution. What appears most significant in this move is the Srascn given for it: simply that the student de- mand for beer at Harvard was not sufficient to pi educe the requisite revenue to pay for the needed lii enses. According to the report of Harvard's Business Manager Aldrich Durant, the required licenses were five in number, costing a total of $2,400 a year. 'The net result has been that from Jan. 1 to Oct. 31, 1934, only 27,000 bottles of beer have been dis- posed of in all of the places of sale. In the light of the numerous objections voiced last spring to the sale of beer in the Union, this information makes possible only one unhappy ccnliision oan the local situation. Can it possibly be that Aarvardians are addicted by nature to marked sobriety while Michigan students are all confirmed inebriates? It is incredible that such a wide divergence of taste and action could possibly be evidenced be- tween Ann Arbor and Cambridge. For anyone who is acquainted with the college man knows that he is much the same the country over. If Harvard stu- dents have proven that they have no desire to sacrifice all academic pursuits in a mad rush for beer, there is small reason to believe that students here would turn the Union into an old-fashioned saloon. Has The Myth A Foundation?.. . AMERICA USED to be known as the land of opportunity. Early this week a disillusioned young man left Ann Arbor. He was naturally sorry to be forced to break the ties he had made at Michigan, but that was not the greatest reason for his downcast features. Eight years ago he set out to prove that society had a place for the man who was ready and willing to fill it. He didn't have much money, but enough to see him safely through school. He came to Mich- igan and for five long years away from his na- tive land, he worked that he might be better pre- pared to take his place in the world. Then, one day in June, the University handed him a degree and told him he was ready to do his work in the world. Since that time he has tried every conceivable means within his grasp to secure some sort of a position. He wrote letters of application, he inter- viewed employment men, he sought out factory owners - in fact, he exhausted every channel. Al- ways the same answer, "Nothing just now." Today, his money practically gone, he is on his way back to his native land, with only the thought that he has failed to beat the system. It's not an unusual story. This particular young fellow had a little more to start with than the aver- age. In his native land he has influential friends who will see that he secures a position there. That is beside the point, however. He wanted to believe that society had a place for the man who was equipped to fill it. The tragedy of it all is that he leaves America convinced that one can't beat the system. In that, he is right. A college education does not mean that one will find his way into his place in the world. A "pull" gets a man a job where ability never would. Even the man that is willing to start at the bottom can't get a place at the bottom - unless he has the proper connections. It may be only the result of a temporary de- pression. We can only hope that it is. We hate to think that the land of opportunity was only a pleasant myth. As Others See It WISCONSIN fraternities, already well known for the comparatively high degree of scholarship which they possess, are taking another step toward the elimination of the weak student when they passed a ruling calling for the automatic depledg- ing of any student who fails to make his scholastic requirements for two consecutive semesters. We are glad to praise this action for two reasons. In the first place, it conclusively shows that fra- ternities are changing their standards of values. Gone are the days when the greatest asset and most popular individual in any house was the "play-boy" who spent his nights in carousal and his days in sleep. Today the fraternity realizes that, from a cold dollars and cents viewpoint, the most valuable man is the one who carries his stu- dies in an adequate manner, and is thus enabled to add to the chapter's income by remaining in school for a full four years. A millionaire play- boy does the fraternity less than no good if he is perpetually being held over for initiation because his grades are not high enough or, more frequently, if he is forced to leave school after a year of aca- demio illness. The sooner that the scholastically weak pledge realizes the fact that both the univer- sity and the fraternity want him to make decent grades the better it will be for all concerned. The second reason why we are giving complete approval to the action of the interfraternity board is even closer to the immediate problem. We can- not but feel that with the elimination of the bor- der-line student from fraternity life will come a more sincere and worthwhile spirit within the house. Without sacrificing any of the companion- ship and gaiety that are basic parts of fraternal living, we think that the intellectual tone of the men will be raised much to their benefit both in academic and business life. -Wisconsin Daily Cardinal 1. - - "I I .i COL LEG IATE OBSERVER E j. THE FOLKS AT HOME- would love one of the NEW By BUD BERNARD College publications throughout the country are running editorials upon the question of war and disarmament. Here are a few excerpts from the editorial pages of various papers.I Terrifying expenditures by nations for military purposes are listed in the MINNESOTA DAILY, end the question asked: "Why?" Since the topic of disarmament is particularly current, the editor appscpriately appeals: "Populations should as- sert the sanity we all know they possess; by a mo- bilization of public opinion they should show once and for all that they do not' believe that the cause of peace can best be served by armaments. Speaking of the senate munitions investigation, OREGON DAILY EMERALD trusts that: "Edu- cated people who pride themselves on their ac- quired level of civilization cannot understand what type of person will sell and take profits for ma- chinery which deals out so much misery." * e 4 A columnist at Cornell University says that a perfect evening at a performance of "Pinafore" was interrupted by but one small incident. As he was applauding at the conclusion of the operetta, the columnist felt that he was being eclipsed by an enthusiastic professor who sat next to him. He was convinced of the fact when this usually aus- tere gentleman broke out and began to cry out frantically, "Author, author!" The Northwestern co-ed uses more soap than her male classmate. The average sorority girl is cleaner, or anyhow, soapier than the average fraternity man by one-sixth of a cake of soap per girl per day. The soapiest group on the campus is the Delta Gammas. On the other hand the Sigma Chis reported that only six bars are used for the entire membership of over 60 members. A member' pointed out that the soap consumption of Delta Upsilon and Beta Theta Pi was inflated because they used some of it to wash Bozo and Dutch, their dogs. At the Phi Delta Theta house they were careful to specify that they used 25 double bars of soap. Some amazing finds have come out of the six- year study of educational methods made by the, Carnegie Foundation. The student who ranked at the top of the whole list examined has flunked steadily in college, whereas a girl about to receive a magna cum laude failed miserably in the foun- dation test, standing fifth from the bottom in her state. The lowest group of students were found in the schools of business administration, although men and wimen studying to be teachers barely pulled themselves above the ground floor. After four years seniors were shown to have im- nroved slightly in general intelligence, but seemed to have lost ground over their high school days in spelling, grammar, literature, and history. I MICH IGAN CALEN DARS Finer than ever and the price is Only 75c WAHR'S BOOKSTORES STATE STREET MAIN STREET Pa I_________________________________________ i .1 I I THE MICHIGANENSIAN Before $3.50 DECEMBER 21st After I $4.50 4- i FINAL CAMPUS SALE TODAY Remaining Payments Must Be I ' Paid by December 21 st .- 1I .I I. A Washington BYSTANDER For By KIRKE SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) WASHINGTON. Dec. 19-With two ex-directors of the Federal budget bureau crashing the news pages on the same day with economic predic- tions, ordinary folk might hope for new light on what to expect. Budget directors are supposed to be stout fellows at economics. It is part of their job. Yet, how can one reconcile the simultaneous Dawes and Douglas 'outgivings? Young Mr. Douglas, whose feelings over Federal spending programs finally drove him out of the New Deal household when his dark forebodings found no official takers, still sees ahead a "ghastly social and economic calamity" unless the budget is as promptly as possible and actually balanced. Public works, even the conservation corps, must be heaved overboard, he contends. He even catch- es sight of "another destructive war" growing out of New Deal budgetary operations. It's a gloomy picture. Comes Gen. "Hell'n Maria" Dawes, budget di- rector in the old G. 0. P. days of political power, a stalwart of the right on whom New Deal doings might have been expected to have a most depress- ing effect. And what does he say? The general sings the sweetest recovery sym- phony yet heard. He even dates his predictions. By next May or June, or July at lgtest, General Dawes divines from his reading of the economic horoscope that not only will the depression be a dead duck: but there also will come "a great, sus- tained uplift in heavy goods and mark the begin- ning of a year full of prosperity." "While I recognize the overwhelming long-time importance of a balanced budget and wise govern- mental policy, I point out that the normal course of recovery involving mass action is not determined by human reasoning but by human nature," the general said. "The rate of recovery is following the same course and for the same simple causes that it did in the two great former depressions." It looks as if President Roosevelt missed a bet in his cabinet making. Instead of Douglas for the hrpthe hild-,iiihav u irrd Dwe ac7~~k ftothait Ex'amp Le .* LOST: Black ladies purse, containing about $40. Finder please call 2-1214 or call at Michigan Daily office. Re- ward. Box A-17, Mich. Daily. 4 Less than eight hours after the above ad first appeared the purse was re- turned to the owner. Thus, through timely use of The DAILY CLASSIFIED COLUMNS, she realized a profit of 10,000% over the 40c cost of the ad. For Quick Results at Low Cost Use DAILY CLASSFIEDS A A M IIA Z1A IIL1 4