The Weather Cloudy today and tomorrow, with occasional snow; slightly colder in north portion today. LI r. Si r g a z Iattj Editorials To Whom It May Concern .. The Beer Facts At Harvard . VOL. XLV. No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Mob Burns Structure After 2 Die Courthouse Is Fired After Guardsmen Spirit Away Crowd's Quarry Gas, Machine Guns Used By Soldiers Seven Wounded In Battle In Tennessee For Negro] Assault Suspect- A Restatement Of Facts In the conduct of student affairs, as in the conduct of all affairs, the parentage of ideas for improving the world is of very nearly as great an importance as the ideas themselves. That is the universally accepted fact. The course of a proposal, as the manner in which it is presented, is always questioned, is always a matter open for discussion, and is always an excellent indication of the seriousness with which the proposal should be treated. The Daily contends that a plan conceived by a committee of which one-half the members are faculty men is not even the imita- tion of a student uprising for better government. The Daily contends that when the members of this committee make every effort to keep their elan from the established and authoritative forms of student opinion, that fact ought to b known, and it ought to be considered when the plan is discussed. The Daily contends that the people affected by the vote of any legislative body, regardless of whether they are students or not, have a right to know how the legislators voted. A man who castsan honest vote in a council is willing to go into the public market place and defend that vote. The Daily has persistently asked that the men students be granted some small opportunity to express themselves concerning their own government. That has at last been done, but it was done only over the very fierce opposition of a group which was inter- ested in the plugging of its own particular plan, to the exclusion of all other plans. If it had not been for The Daily's opposition, that plan would have been accepted, neatly and completely, and the governed would never have had a chance to express their opin- ions on how they should be governed. We say these things today just as we said them Tuesday, because they are true, and no amount of indignation can deny them. The plain facts support the plain statements. Cagers Nose Out Western State, 26-25 Schedule Of Examinations Is Announced Council To Solicit ,Campus Views On Cl 1 41N Plummer And Joslin Lead Programs For All Except e I - U o Wolverines To Thrilling Professional Schools Are Last Minute Win Given Out 'Send Historic Key Hockey Team Wins Will Begin Jan. 26; Of Law Building To From McMaster 6- 4 Last Until Feb. 6 Famous Collection Fourteen Penalties Mark Classes Not Included In An historic Michigan key, believed vernment Action First Step Taken On Proposal Submitted By Senate Committee All Campus Groups I SHELBYVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 19. - UP) - Flames burst tonight from the county courthouse after two members of a mob had died in a hail of ma- chine gun bullets after trying to storm the building. The object of the crowd's wrath was a negro charged with assaulting a 14-year-old white girl. He was spir- ited out of the building, disguised as a national guardsman, and taken to Nashville. As flames shot from the structure, the mob milled through Shelbyville streets, manhandling any negro they chanced to meet. Governor McAlister sent 500 more troops into the town tonight. Rough Game; Sherf And Heyliger Lead Scoring 1 KALAMAZOO, Dec. 19. - Mich- igan's Varsity basketball team eked out a 26 to 25 victory over Western State Teachers here tonight for its fourth consecutive win of the season. The victory, first the Wolverines have scored over the Kalamazoo quin- tet since 1931, was typical of Mich- igan's team this season in that they had to come from behind in the last few minutes to win. Coach Franklin Cappon's five led throughout most of the first half, enjoying a two-point margin, 13 to 11, as the period ended. However, loss of John Gee early in the second half on four personal fouls weakened the Wolverine defense and the Teach- ers jumped into the lead and were never headed until the closing min- utes when a Michigan player con- nected for the winning basket. Arnold, Kalamazoo center, scored six of his team's nine flield goals and added three free throws for a total (continued on Page 3) Rv KPT r Viu i I I Schedule TOtDetermineo thave unlocked the door ofthe old Wil1lie Contacted ScheuleTo DterineLaw Building before 1893, has been Hour With Instructor sent to Bald Pate Inn in Estes Park, Students To Be Asked To _ _Colo., where it will join a collection Final Examination Schedules for of more than 7,000 famous keys cred- Submit Further Plans FtedawitExnspirngithn ErheDdulBeg-f.r the first semester in the College of ited with inspiring the Earl Derr Big-;ForC gers story "Seven Keys To Bald F onsideratlon Appointments Bureau Places Mainv Stuidents 'Ensia Fo Frateri campus Two Dead " v' "k immedia In addition to. the two dead, they ! with sti counted among their casualties at W rk Of Past YSets pictures least seven other men wounded by SecriThe d national guard bullets. Two were not l New Peak In Securing has beer expected to recover. ..iors who The courthouse was believed to have 435 Positions bor are been set afire after the national pictures guardsmen retired from the building. More persons were placed in posi- It appeared doomed to destruction. tions in the industrial and business The mob had been thrice repulsed world by the Bureau of Appoint- (iNew by ,tea gas and bullets in its savage, ments and Occupational Information but futile effort to reach the negro,(mun gs 19d 4ctuanina nform ion M E. K. Harris, as his trial got un' during 1934 than in any previous MIa~ E. K asyear, figures recently released by Authorities said the mob numbered Bureau officials disclose. E between 300 and 500. The guardsmen IFrom. Nov. 10, 1933, to Nov. 10, were 111 strong. 1934, the Bureau was instrumental Harris' case was ended at 3 p.m. in securing positions in industrial . when Judge Coleman, after an hour's concerns for 435 persons who had en- Action recess, declared - mistrial, He dis- rolled. Statistics "from other years Adm missed the jury which had been prove that there has been a gradual chosen only a short time before. increase in the number of place- For L Harris, taken from court disguised ments during the last five years. In as a national guardsman, was rushed 1930, positions were securde for 53 WASHI to Nashville by automobile. persons; in 1931, 108; 1932, 142; and definite t Mob Hurls Stones in 1933, 260. largest cii Shortly afterwards the national In addition to the actual place- electricity guardsmen and officers marched from ment of persons enrolled with the Administra the courthouse. The angry mob Appointment Bureau, an attempt is er powerr hurled insults and stones as the troops made to render as much service as A series marched by. At the edge of town the possible to people who merely de- Mayor Fi militiamen set up an encampment of sire specific information regarding ministratio shelter tents to await possible further certain organizations and possible at the Wh action. openings. Also, many persons have to the off With Harris gone and the troops been placed in various temporary Public Wo withdrawn from the courthouse, the and relief positions, such as the CWA groundwor mob turned its attention first to four and the FERA, by the Bureau. municipal abandoned troop trucks. These were The business placement division is City street turned over and ignited about dusk. thenbuncson ofmenedippiint- Definite Flames shot high and the cars were the newest function of the Appoint- of the rou destroyed.,ments Bureau, having been formed in The po 1929. Since that time contacts have been made by the Bureau with over a steam p 1,200 business and professional frsth wedcos Bru m in Ask~s throughout the country. egnei In addition, contacts have been The mo Less Concern made with the United States Civil the Public Service Commission, the civil serv- Whether ice groups of New York and several red With Science other states, the Civil Works Admin- described istration, the Detroit Civil Service that muni Commission and the Tennessee Val- ated cheap Calls Up~on Enineers To ley Authority. TfLiurd an Makes Appeal r Senior Pictures rnities, sororities, and other organizations are asked to ately make appointments audios for Michiganensian after vacation. eadline for Senior pictures n extended to Jan. 15. Sen- nare remaining in Ann Ar- expected to have their taken during vacation. s Literature, Science, and the Arts, the Pate." College of Pharmacy, the School of The antique key is being sent to Education, the School of Business Ad- this Sargasso Sea of keys by John ministration, the School of Forestry C. Christensen, assistant secretary and Conservation, the Graduate and comptroller of the University, who visited Estes Park this summer. School, and the School of Music were At Bald Pate Inn Mr. Christensen announced yesterday by Prof. Daniel viewed with interest the aggregate of L. Rich, director of classification. keys which once unlocked now musty Examinations will begin on Satur- cathedrals, old business houses, the day, Jan. 26, and continue through first Pullmans, and countless historic Wednesday, Feb. 6. Each course in buildings in this country and abroad. the College of Literature, Science, The Michigan key is thought to" and the Arts, and in the School of have fitted the door of the Old Law Music has been given a group letter Building before the alterations in for examination purposes, and many 1893 and 1898. It unlocked the door of the courses appearing in the an- for many of Michigan's most dis-{ nouncement of the Graduate School tinguished alumni, including Presi- carry these group letters also. dent James Burrill Angell and Harry The schedule follows: Burns Hutchins; the regents who held Group Date of Examination meetings there for many years; Judge A-Wed. a.m., Jan. 30. Thomas McIntyre Cooley, James V. B-Mon. a.m., Feb. 4. Campbell, and Charles I. Walker, the C-Mon. a.m., Jan. 28. original Law School faculty; and fort D-Fri. a.m., Feb. 1. scores of former studentsa y NNETHPARKERE-Tues. a.m., Feb. 5. . In a game featuring 14 penalties, F-Tues. p.m., Feb. 5. York City 8 of which were made in the final F-Stue. a.m., Feb. 2. period, a fist fight, and two winning H-Wed. a.m., Feb. 6. I 1 I goals scored in the last five minutes I-Fri. p.m., Feb. 1. yBu d .Own byVic Heyliger and Johnny Sherf, J-Thurs. a.m., Jan. 31. Michigan's hockey team wrn its sec- K-Mon. p.m., Jan. 28. Plaond victory of the season last night L-Wed. p.m., Jan. 30. at the Coliseum, taking a thrilling 6- M-Sat. p.m., Feb. 2. to-4 decision from McMaster Univer- N-Tues. a.m., Jan. 29. city, of Hamilton, a.2. Is Latest Move In O-Sat. p.m., Jan. 26. 1rgar checking by se Michigan de, P-Tues. p.m.Jan. 29. strat on s lht fense and a disallowed goal made off Q-Thurs. p.m., Jan. 31. ower Rates Syl Apps skate midway in the third R-Mon. p.m., Feb. 4. _______ ~period led to the fisticuffs which oc- jXEc orei ru a curedtw mnues efreth fn. X-Each course in Group X may NGTON, Dec. 19-()-)A cured two minutes before the fial be examined at any time mu- threat that the nation's gun. Red MacCollum, for Michigan, tually agreed upon by class and ity oul prduceitsownand Ralph Connor, for McMaster, re-intuor ty would produce its own'intutr was the latest today in the ceived major penalties as a result, trcor. Ina wild night of scoring, Johnny Other courses not carrying the let-, ation's campaign for cheap- Sherf led the field with three goals ters will be examined as follows: rates. and two assists. Vic Heyliger was close Classes v Date of Examination s of conferences between behind with two goals and one assist Mon. at 8-Wed. a.m., Jan. 30. rello LaGuardia and ad- and Walt Courtiswas credited with Mon. at 9-Mon. a.m., Feb. 4. on officials, beginning first the sixth Wolverine counter. Mon. at 10--Mon. a.m., Jan. 28. ite House and leading later ce of Secretary Ickes, the Sherf's goal opened the evening's Mon. at 11-Fri. a.m., Feb. 1. rks administrator, laid the festivities at 12:39 in the rather Mon. at 1-Tues. a.m., Feb. 5. rks for tentative plans for apeaceful first period when he execut- Mon. at 2-Tues. p.m., Feb. 5. plant to light New York ed a successful poke check, outskated Mon. at 3-Sat. a.m., Feb. 2. tst the lone defense man and beat Goalie Tues. at 8-Wed. a.m., Feb. 6. proposals that grew out La Barge with a hard shot through his Tues. at 9-Fri. p.m., Feb. 1. nd of talk were: legs. Tues. at 10-Thurs. a.m., Jan. 31. wer would be produced at i Thirty-five seconds after the open- Tues. at 11-Mon. p.m., Jan. 28. lant to be built on proper- ing of the second stanza Sherf made Tues. at 1-Wed. p.m., Jan. 30. by New York City. the score 2 to 0, taking Heyliger's pass Tues, at 2-Sat. p.m., Feb. 2. t would be determined by at the red line and rifling the puck Tues. at 3-Tues. a.m., Jan. 29. g studies yet to be made. over La Barge's shoulder. Courses listed below will be exam- ney would be supplied by For the next five minutes, Mich- ined as follows:j Works Administration. igan had all the best of the McMaster Education Cl.-Tues. p.m., Jan. 29. the project would be car- squad and appeared to be on its way Bus. Adm. 101-Thurs. p.m., Jan. nd the talking stage was toward an easy victory. But the com- 31. as dependent upon proof plexion of the contest suddenly Bus. Adm. 121-Tues. p.m., Jan. 29. cipal plants could be oper- changed when Apps, center, skated Bus. Adm. 151-Sat. p.m., Jan. 26. per than private concerns. arcund David on a so1o dash and beat Bus. Adm. 205-Mon. p.m., Feb. 4. dia said that after his talk Jewell at 7:14 for the first McMaster Any course not listed in any of the1 s, that he had "reasonable score. Immediately after this David above groups may be examined at any ' a loan would be granted. received a penalty for tripping and time on which the instructor and the plant will be submitted the visitors put on a scoring spree class concerned may agree. s possible, he said, adding that gave them a one-goal lead. Each student taking practical work : 40 per cent could be lop- Norval Williamson, 18-year-old in music in the School of Music will e $14,000,000 annual power wing who exhibited a deadly eye for be given an individual examination. bill. the net, scored at 10:35 on a pass from All such students should report to the w York City rumpus fitted Gathercole. Later, at 11:06, William- office of the Director of Music and into the general power pic- son made Michigan look bad, scoring I sign up, on blanks now available was brought to the White again on a solo dash. there, for a specified examination whom are Ambassador William Graves Sharp, Associate Justice George Sutherland of the Supreme Court, Senators Porter J. McCumber, Gilbert Hitchcock, and Charles S. Thomas. 'japan Plans To Abrogate Naval Treaty Will Hold Conference Of Sea Powers If Japan Withdraws Demands LONDON, Dec. 19 -(P)- A naval conference of the world's three great- est sea powers will be held next year only if Japan surrenders her demand for equality, American quarters in- dicated tonight as tri-power prelim- inary conversations here formally ended after two months of fruitless negotiation. A plan to organize a survey of cam- pus opinion upon the question of I men's student government and to se- cure the submission of further pro- posed forms of government was ap- proved in a meeting of the Under- graduate Council held yesterday in the Union. The action of the Council was the first step in carrying out the instruc- tions of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs, which on Monday re- ferred the proposed plan of the Stu- dent-Faculty Committee of the Union with some other plans to the Council with recommendations as to the ac- tion which should be taken upon them. Three Steps To Be Taken The plan as passed by the Council consists of three definite steps: first, general dissemination of knowledge concerning the present student gov- ernment and the proposed pla~hs; sec- ond, letters soliciting new plans and cpinions and criticisms of present and proposed plans to be sent fraternities, organizations, schools and colleges, and other campus groups; third, a plan to seek the same information from independent men through the S.C.A. and through coupons to be printed in The Daily. The Council was instructed to "give consideration and study to this plan (the proposed Men's Council) and to any others which may be presented to it, and through open hearings and other methods to obtain a widespread expression of student opinion and wishes concerning these particular plans and also concerning the whole matter of student self-government." A tentative schedule for the carry- ing out of the Council's plan was also organized in the meeting. According to its terms, all proposed plans for a men's student government will be printed successively in The Daily starting immediately after the Christ- mas holidays. Council To Submit "Best" Plan When a sufficient number of stu- dent opinions, plans and suggestions have been received, a survey of the findings will be made. From this, ac- nnt~ainr fn tha nnr~nitnnc nrvin' Consider Improvements Of Social Conditions A challenge for engineers to con- cern themselves more with human values than scientific values was is- sued by Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism department last night at a banquet of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers held in the Union. "We are too scientific," Professor Brumm stated, "and we do not con- sider ourselves individually respon- sible for social conditions which call for our active support. We know what to do toward improving these conditions, but we haven't the cour- age to go ahead and do it." John Grennan, instructor in foundry practice, received the loving cup for the "greatest nuisance on the engineering faculty." The honor was accorded the candidate who received the most vociferous and prolonged boos. The inscription on the cup is "to the man who can take it," and signifies the popularity of the win- ner in the estimation of his students. Lay Says Auto Training Here Is mphied1 That the Engineering College of House the day after Thomas N. Mc-' the University of Michigan has prob- Carter, president of the Edison Elec- ably stressed training in automotive tric Institute, was turned down on a engineering more than any other request that the government help test college in the country, was the state- the constitutionality of the Tennes- ment made yesterday by Prof. Walter see Valley Authority. Mr. Roosevelt E. Lay of the mechanical-engineer- repeatedly has said the T.V.A. was ing department in his radio talk on set up with the idea that it would be "The Automotive Engineer," the a yardstick to measure the fairness tenth of the Vocational Guidance I of power rates. Series presented over station WJR. "This University," Professor Lay Snow helps Winter said, "is situated at the heart of the automotive industry. Students in- Stage A Comeback terested in this kind of engineering tend to congregate here from all parts of the world. Real Christmas weather returned "They can easily make valuable to Ann Arbor yesterday, when after an all day blizzard the University inspection trips into the nearby fac- Onratory record tha amhalf tories and may spend their vacations Observatory recorded two and a half in the factories adding practical ex- inches of snowyesterday the ther- perience to their training. Even the mometer registered 29 degrees, and most casual survey will show the reports indicated that a falling temp- prominence of our graduates-in the er~tsinitesata an rtm-j engineering divisions of the industry." erature with more snow was prob- able. The lowest temperature pre- (Continued on Page 6) period. Mrs. Angell's Apostles Named For Numbers, Not For Holiness By JOHN J. FLAHERTY The mealtime behavior of the Apos- The Apostles Club, that band of tles is fraught with tradition. and faculty bachelors, was founded in many of the customs seem worthy of 1900 and was given its name by Mrs. undergraduate imitation. For in- James B. Angell. They were given the stance, punning and boasting are Simultaneously Japan, in effect, ( cording to the committee's request, abrogatedneuy1J922nWashingt'nthe Council will form and submit to Treaty which signed her the sht the Committee a proposed plan of end of the famed 5-5-3 ratio, the government "which in its opinion is privy council at Tokio unanimously best suited to the needs of our student recommending to Emperor Hirohito body and which commands the most that the agreement be denounced students support," accompanying this ta t report with a written statement of the Tonight nothing was in sight to reasons for its decision. keep Japan, Great Britain and the A suggestion, which, according to United States from building their Carl Hilty, president of the Council, navies to the limit of their national will probably be followed, was made resources after the denounced treaty, to the effect that an open forum will together with the accompanying Lon- be held in which guest speakers should don Treaty, expires two years hence. deliver papers on the general question Although the official communique and in which free expression of opin- announcing the end of the conversa- ion would be encouraged. tions said that the United Kingdom, which initiated the parleys, would C r i k seek their resumption "as soon uas the M rs.op ru m m n a ie, nA r opportune moment arrives," an Amer- ican spokesman said that resumption Bound Over To would be useless Japan consented to continue the principles of the Wash- i " ington Treaty. Circuit Court The entire future of naval limita- tion evolved at the 1923 Washing- Mrs. Celia Cerwinka 26 years old tons Conferencei-kwhich haltedothe ton Conference -which halted the was bound over to circuit court yester- three powers' swift post-war ship day for trial, probably sometime in building and stabilized their navies at March, charged with being an acces- the then ratios -is up to Japan, this sory to the murder of her husband, source asserted. Mike Cerwinka. The convicted mur- The Washington Pact stipulates derer, George I. Hawley, Jr., testified that an open conference of signator- against Mrs. Cerwinka. ies shall be called within one year Justice Jay H. Payne set bond at after it is denounced. The British, $5,000, which was not furnished. He it was intimated, will continue their stated that because "there is a prob- efforts through diplomatic channels able cause to suspect" Mrs. Cerwinka, to find possible basis for successful she would be bound over to the higher negotiations. court for a jury trial. With no date set for the resumption After contradicting his testimony of the discussions, however, an au- several times Tuesday, Hawley was thoritative source said it seemed little placed on the stand again yesterday. likely that further conversations He testified that Mrs. Cerwinka had similar to those just ended would be told him he would "have to get Mike held. on Sunday morning because then he went out to his trap line alone." When asked by Prosecutor Albert SForesters Hear Tropic J. Rapp why he had not implicated Fx m, r ('hf I T ? Mrs. Cerwinka before. -Tawlev nointer Biblical name because of their num- ber, not their holiness. The Apostles was originally a group of faculty bachelors that gathered for their meals at the same boarding- house table. Their first house was lo- cated on Hill Street where the Psi U fraternity now stands. In 1913 they moved to 819 S. State, where they re- mained until 1923 when they pur-f promptly fined. The most colorful officer of the club is the Bouncer, whose duty it is to maintain order. The present Boun- cer is Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross, who succeeded Bouncer-emeritus A. O. Lee, who was disqualified by matrimony. Other officers of the club are Prof. E. C. Case, president, and Prof. J. O. Halford. secretary-treasurer ,~1fnc . rp~rvto,~ chased their present abode at 1015E Hill St. The favorite activity is conversation c Tntlav 1 7 nmembers othr'at the and the dominant feature of Anos-