T HE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER Seven Faculty Men To Attend r7_ 0 _ _ r2 Story Renews Search For Karpis CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the oltice of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 19341 Forestry Club: Professor Carl D. CAicaco Parley1 LaRue, of the botany department, VOL____N._3 VOL. XLV No. will speak to the Forestry Club on "Experiences in the Tropics" at 7:30 Business Administration Notices p.m..Room 2054, Natural Science School Delegation To Be University Libraries: -- --uildinyg.n G r n On Dec. 24 and on Dec. 31 the Uni- - versity Libraries will be closed for the S o91 of Music Senior Class Elec- purpose of certain repairs, waxing tion: There will be a meeting of the evicss Amin istratin cfaculty w of floors, and cleaning. Senior Class of the University School Wmi. W. Bishop, Librarian Music attend the annual meeting of theI of Music, at the School ofM cAmerican Economic Association to be Auditorium, at 4 o'clock, for the pur- eld Dec. 26-29, in Chicago, it was pose of electing officers, and attend annonced yesterdays Notice: Will the person who took a to such matters as may properly announced yesterday. University Catalog of 1855 from the ,D-an Clare E. Griffin will act as Bndery bC mistake with L. D. comae before the Senior Class for chairman of the round table discus- indery by mistakedw Wines' name on the title page, please consideration. n cn "Interntional Economic Po1- return same. icy." This group will discuss the re- Ecpncentrics: Will meet at the port of the ccmrnission of inquiry into The Automobile Regulation will be Michigan League, at 8 p.m. Professor national policy in international eco- lifted for the Christmas vacation per- Leonard Watkins will lead the dis- ' cnmic relations which was headed iod beginning at 12 noon on Friday, cussion on "The Budget." All stu- by President Robert M. Hutchins of Dec. 21, and ending on Monday morn- dents concentrating in Economics the University of Chicago. He also ing, Jan. 7, at 8 a.m. are invited to attend. expects to participate in the joint W. B.Rea, eeting of the American Economic W. B. Rea, As ociation and the American Sta- Assistant to the Dean of Students Deutscher Zirkel: The German Association. Circle will have its annual Christ- Other members of the faculty who University Broadcasting:, mas celebration at 8 p.m. in the will definitely attend are Professors 9:15-9:30 a.m.-Laboratory Pro- League. All members as well as Robert G. Rodkey, William A. Paton, gram for Speech Department Class. friends are invited to come. All are Edgar H. Gault, Charles L. Waterman,- 2:00-2:30 p.m. - Language Series requested to bring a small 10 cent gift. Merwin H. Waterman, and Charles L. - Topic: "The Pronunciation of Ger- Jamison. man, Edmund Wild, Associate Pro- Class in rolis Language meets Others who may attend are Profes- fessor of German. from5 to 6 p.m., Room 1018, Angell sors Herbert F. Taggart, Earl S. Wol- Hall. All interested are welcome. aver, and Dudley M. Phelps. Social Directors, Sorority Chaper- The class is sponsored by Polonia Te professors are expected to leave ons, Househeads, Undergraduate" Circle, and conducted by Stephen Christmas day or early the following Women: Piatkowski. day. The closing hour on Thursdayy night, Dec. 20, is 10:30 p.m. Luncheon for Graduate Students St atd at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea D ei ands Engineers: Tickets for the A.S.I/LE. Room of the Michigan League Build- Roast will be on sale in the hall by ing. Prof. Max Handman, of the '~{e yjo ifi Prof. Anderson's office in the West Economics Department, will speak in- Correc } Engineering building until Wednes- formally on "Some Recent Economic day noon, Dec. 19. Problems." I Locazards Contemporary: Subscribers to Con- Varsity Band: Practice at 7:15 p.m.' temporary should call for their copies The following men will bring mack- In a letter received yesterday by at stands in University Hall and An- inaw numbers: Klein, Luecht, Mor- Ezra Shoecraft ,president of the Ann Hall Magazines will be issued row, Richards, Krell, Hathaway, and Arbor Board of Education, imme- gel a.gdiate correction of dangerous condi- u_____da ___ge.__ tions in the Ann Arbor High School Contemporary -Manuscripts sub-' National Student League meets at Building which make the structure mitted for the first issue will be re- 8 p.m. in Room 304, at the Union. A Samuel Robinson, assistant state fire turned at 2218 Angell Hall, from 2 to report will be given on the Michigan msl. 5 p.m. today. Youth Congress, and a delegate will Following an inspection of the be elected to the American Youth b Conres inWasinton Ja. 4and5.building by an inspector from the Congress in Washington, Jan. 4 and 5. state fire marshal's office, Assistant Events Today All interested are invited'..farshlsofcedAdsisr-n Marshal Robinson recommended cer- Research Club will meetinromtamnchanges in the building to be 2528 East Medical Building at 8 p.m.' D?2 Event made under the direction of Fire The following papers will be pre-L1 Chief Charles Andrews and others. sentedg:- Chemistry Faculty: There will be a rTrhe letter suggestedsthe installa- "An Old Bohairic Letter in the Mi- meeting of the faculty in Room 212, ention of a sprinkler system over the chigan Collection," by Professor W. i Chemistry Building, on Thursday, entire building, fire escapes, removal H. Worrell. (Dec. 20, at 4 p.m. of scaffolding on stairways and rub- "The Use of Evidence Unreason- bish in the basement, as well as sev- ably Secured," by Professor J. B. Geology Journal Club will meet ea. other precautions.d Waite. Thursday from 7 to 8 p.m., Room Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of A meeting of the Council will be 4054 N. S. The program consists of schools, stated that the board of edu- catin hs alayscompiedwith held at 7:30 p. m. reviews of journals by T. S. Jones cation has always complied with and "The Geology of South Africa" recommendations from the state fire Chemical Engineering Seminar: H. by H. F. Donner. inspection bureau in safety measuresy C. Sung will be the speaker' at the but at present is hampered seriously Seminar at 4 p.m. in room 3201 E. Observaitory Journal Club will by a curtailed budget. Eng. Bldg. on the subject, "Distillate meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 20, Superintendent Haisley added, "I Yields and Their Rates of Formation in the Observatory lecture room. Paul am sensitive to the need of improve- in Oil Cracking." D. Jose will review the article "Space ments to this building which is 30 Reddening in the Galaxy from the years old, but with our present finan- Alpha Nu meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Colors of 733 B-Stars" by Stebbins cial situation, I do not know what. Alpha Nu rooms, fourth floor Angell and Huffer. Tea will be served at 4. solution can be found. Naturally we: Hal. The final debate in the pledge want to do everything possible to hhlrt i k P f-f A HT Whit f make the building safe for classes." ay:. g] :: r .r"" h'ti:" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to tine) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate -15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one month ..............8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........3c 2 lines daily, college year ........7c 4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c 100 lines used as desired..........!c 300 lines used as desired ........Sc 1,000 lines used as desired ........7c 2.000 lines used as desired.......6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upperan ilower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71% point type. FOR SALE: Raccoon coat, size 40. In good condition, $50. J. A. Kerr, 622 University Place, Grosse Pointe City, Mich. Tel. Niagara, 9 390. 20 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Small silver Waltham wrist watch, bracelet attached, near Ro- mance Language Bldg. Reward. Call Steiner, 2-2591. 22 WANTED STUDENTS to work for board during holiday. Pretzel Bell. 25 WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NE'W suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 7x NOTIOE "-Loo..All C4 tCU . ' :1'$e lt, A A weird story of having been drugged by Alvin Karpis (right), wanted for the kidnaping of Edward Bremer, Si. Paul banker, was told by Alfred Geonia (left), when he was arrested by Joliet, 111.; officials. Search for Karpis was renewed in Illinois on the strength of Geonia's tale, although authornties were prone to lend it little credence. Painter Georie Lutz eveals 46 Years Of By RALPH W. HURD Forty-six years ago the campus of the University of Michigan was1 lined with board walks which the students tore up annually on Hallo-1 ween night. Forty-six years ago foot- ball was being introduced to the University, and a center of attraction for students and townspeople was found in the fair grounds, located at Forest and Hill streets. Forty-six years ago there were six buildings on the campus; a museum that is now called the Romance Language building; Haven, alland University'Hall, shiningly new; a library; a chemistry building which is known today as the Pharmacology building; and a small wooden struct- ure on the present site of the Clem- ents Library, which was called the engineering school.l Joined B. & G. Squad Forty-six years ago George Lutz1 was given a job in the buildings and grounds department by President James B. Angell. For forty-six years he has watched the pageantry of life, a never-ending procession of learned professors and considerably less- learned students, that has passed through the University. He has known intimately every president of the University since the time of Angell. Back in 1921 he was I sitting in his favorite place in the Rotary Club, when Marion Leroy Burton, then president of the Uni- versity, came up and sat beside him. The man who nominated Calvin Coolidge for president of the United States put his arm around George Lutz and said, "George, I like you". Has Watch From Council The 76-year-old man, still working quietly and humbly at his painting trade in the buildings and grounds department, says today, "I'll remem- ber that all of my life." Also cherished among his possessions is a watch presented him for sixteen years serv- ice on the Common Council of Ann Arbor. He was a member of the Coun- cil from 1907 to 1923. George Lutz is gifted with a photo- graphic memory, and forty-six years in the University have not blurred the outlines of the kaleidoscopic picture which he retains of campus life. He still remembers that in 1868, when he 1935 License Plates Are Due By Jan. 1 All persons drawing a salary from the University must obtain their 1935 Michigan automobile license plates by Jan. 1, Chief William J. Fohey, head of the Ann Arbor police force, an- nounced yesterday. Chief Fohey cited a state law requir- ing all persons drawing money from a state institution to have Michigan licenses. w Week Days 15c till 6 25c after 6 SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS 4at. tNigh25c OpMat. & Night 1* F University Life was studying in the Un:on school[ of Ann Arbor, corresponding to the present high school, that there was_ a population of 8,920 in Ann Arbor- that in 1870 the University proudly announced it had attained an enroll- ment of 1,000. When anyone wants to find out something which has happened on the campus sometime in the last fifty years, he is invariably told to "go see George". When questioned, "George" will tell you "who taught general linguistics in 1898," or "when1 that incident took place in which students put a cow in the office of the Dean of the Medical School. Recalls Body Snatching He recalls the time, back in the '80's, when 'Doe' Nagele was janitor of the old medical building. It befell upon 'Doc' to see that the students had a sufficient supply of cadavers, and he was the innocent participator in the last case of "body snatching" at the University. Lutz was sweeping out the Library one night when he saw two strange men drive furiously up to the door of the medical building in a horse and buggy outfit, with some dark bundle lying bteween them. One of the men clambered out, hoisted the bundle over his shoulder, and rushed through the door. The other layed a whip on the horse, and 'vanished into the night. His curiosity aroused, Lutz went down to see what was up. As he was approaching the medical building, the local sheriff drove up to the door, in as much haste as the strangers. "Have you seen a couple of men carry- ing a dead body around here?" he l asked the astonished Lutz. Before the latter could answer, the sheriff strode into the building. Recovering from his surprise, Lutz followed the sheriff through the door. He saw the officer trying to "snatch" the dead body of a man away from Doc Nagele, who was volubly protest- ing that he had just bought the body as a new cadaver for the medical school. Body Gained The sheriff regained the body. As the story later came out, the two culprits, who were finally caught, had uncovered a grave in Adrian. They removed the dead body, and tarted te long trek back to campus, their elation over their "find" prob- ably conflicting with certain olfactory sensations arising from the presence of their strangely silent and inert companion. Somehow the sheriff got wind of the affair, the arm of the law reached out, and the sanctity of the dead was once more restored. All the lore of 46 years of campus life, all the traditions of the Univer- sity of Michigan, all the fads and foibles of undergraduate life are the property of George Lutz. "Go see George," they'll tell you. ICHIGAN -Eds Tonight DICK POWELL in the first Military Musical "Flirtation |Shows at 2 - 3:30 - 7 - 9 LAUNDRI PERSONAL laundry service. We take individual interest in the laundry problems of our customers. Girls' silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty. Call for and deliver. Phone 5594. 611 E. Hoover. 2x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low Orice. 4:, STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 9x SINCERELY wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. All-wool made-to-measure suits, overcoats or topcoats. S. K. Freymore, Ann Arbor, Mich. 26 FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- possessed and repurchased cars. Many 1934 cars with low mileage included. We will trade and extend convenient terms. Open evenings. 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. 10x PROFESSIONAL SERVICES NASH-Custom Tailored clothes. Measured by C. Krug, expert tailor. Office 214 E. Washington. Phone 2-1910 for appointment. 6x FOR RENT -ROOMS * FOR SALE FOR RENT: Furnished apartment FOR SALE: Bargain! Model T Ford with private bath and shower. Also Coupe. Rebuilt, all new parts. Fine large double room. Hot and cold for touring. Dr. H. W. Schmidt, running water. Shower bath. Avail- Chelsea, Mich. able for vacation or January. Dial 1_8544. 422 East Washington. 28 LIMITED, signed editions, beautiful, rare, old and new books for Xmas LARGE, attractive studio room for presents. Colonial Book Shop. 303 4 one or two people. The Haunted N. Division. 11 Tavern. 417 East Huron St. 27 T wenty Years Ago From the Daily files of December 19, 1914 Albert Lindquist and Miss Lenora Allan, both of the School of Music, will give a concert in Hill Auditorium next month in place of Busoni, the pianist, who is detained in Europe on account of the war. The 'proceeds of this Choral Union program are to go to the Belgians. Several students and faculty men escaped serious injury in the mechan- ical engineering laboratory, when the base of a gas engine was burst by an explosion. Health Service officials expressed themselves as confident that danger of a diphtheria epidemic was rapidly passing. No new cases have been dis- covered since two students were found to be suffering from the disease. Deans M. E. Cooley, V. C. Vaughan, and J. R. Effinger will have charge of civil service examinations to deter- mine the mental and physical fitness of candidates for West Point and Annapolis.. Dr. Charles Dunlop, who left the University early last fall to join the British army, and who is assigned to hospital duty in England, has sent the University several photographs and letters of hospital conditions there. LEAGUE TRIO SINGS The League trio, Maxine Maynard, 35, Jean Seeley, '36, and Mary Morri-. son,'35, sang Monday night at a ban- quet given by Watling, Lerchen and Hayes, Detroit Broker Co. Meyer Cites Developments In Diffraction Discusses Recent Work Of Thomson In Field Of Electron Theory Speaking before the Physics Collo- quium Tuesday, Prof. Charles F. Meyer of the physics department stressed the importance of recent de- velopmnents in the field of electron diffraction. In propounding the theory of elec- tron diffraction, Professor Meyer dis- cussed the experiments of Davisson and Germer which were conducted in April, 1925. These physicists allowed a stream of electrons to bombard a crystal with the result that a well- defined stream of electrons was dif- fracted in a given direction. This di- rection could be determined by the velocity of electrons and the structure of the crystal. The speaker also cited the work of 'G. P. Thomson and S. Kikuchi along the line of electron diffraction. Thomson, he said, shot a stream of electrons through a thin film and then photographed the steam. The photographic pattern was in con- centric circles, the material of the film determining the space between the circles, he said. Another important development along this line, Professor Meyer stat- ed, was the electron microscope. This is used to take pictures of objects giving off electrons. 4% Quareraec : ro . . wnu, vi the Department of Chemical Engi- neering, will speak on the subject, "Sea Water as a Corrosive Agent" at a meeting at the Union, Thursday, jDec. 20, at 7:30 p.m. Cercle Francais: There will be no meeting this week. There will be a meeting Thursday, Jan. 10,. at the League. Varsity and Waiting List Glee Clubs: A special rehearsal will be held Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m., at the Glee Club Rooms in the Union. Re- Ii For the past twenty years Michigan students have supplemented their education with our practical training. hearsal will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m., so please be prompt. Polonia Circle regular meeting on Thursday, 7:30 p.m., at the Michigan League. The Lutheran Student Club will go caroling on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. They will leave from the Trinity Lutheran Church on Wil- liams St. A party will follow the singing. Billiard Exhibition: Prof. Carver, of the Mathematics Department, will play James Caras, runner-up for the World's Championship in Pocket Bil- liards in 1933. Michigan Union to- morrow from 7 to 9 p.m. Officers Are Elected By Historical Society Meeting Monday in the University Museums, the Washtenaw Historical Society elected its officers for the coming year. H. Wirt Newkirk was named presi- dent. and Mrs. W. W. Beman was elected vice president. Miss Geneva Smith. secretary of the museums, was elected secretary-treasurer, and Dr. Carl Guthe, director of the Anthro- pology Museum, was named to the board of directors. Dr. Guthe was president of the society from the time cf its organization in 1929 until last summer. MAIRKET DULL NEW YORK, Dec. 18. - W) - Dull- ness and indecisive price movements characterized trading in today's stock market. A 4 i Starting Matinees 30c Today M APJEmSI C" Evenings 40c -----W e handle all detai ---- , z guarantee deliver ~~- ~ ~raor C'ae IhI'lls at reeV'in OLD ITIME HOME MADE CANIl ES [or 4thristas 0 Matinees 30c Nights 40c s 14 -___TOMORROW "The white F r The Christmas gift enjoyed by everyone! ATTRACTIVE It will be shown at I I