The Weather
Snow, possibly some rain,
colder in central portion and
north; colder Wednesday.
C, r
it iga-4 d
What Youth Has
Accomplished ...
'There Are Still
Giants In The Land'.
- - - -
Incitement Of
Officers Demand Law T
Punish All Communis
Girl Decoys Used
To 'Convert' Mei
Propaganda Is Smuggled
Onto Ship And Hidden
For Later Discovery
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. - ()-
Attempts by Communists to spread
dissatisfaction and even mutiny and
rebellion among the nation's armed
forces were reported today by Army
and Navy officers to be causing real
As a concrete remedy, they asked
the House committee investigating
un-American activities to approve a
law permitting punishment of those
who urge any soldier or sailor to "vio-
late his oath of allegiance."
Chairman John W. McCormack,
Massachusetts Democrat, reported
that various remedies were being con-
sidered by the Committee but none
had been agreed upon.
The Communistic Army-Navy cam-
paign was described by Commander
V. L. Kirkman, of the Navy, as care-
fully planned and supervised -from
headquarters in New York City. Other
witnesses have asserted that the New
York headquarters took orders from
Organized Drive Seen
"The present drive that is causing
us concern," Kirkman testified, "takes
the form of spreading subversive
propaganda by organized groups
among the organized forces in an
endeavor to incite the personnel to
dissatisfaction, disaffection, disloyalty
and in some cases actual sabotage."
He submitted a number of exhibits
leaflets and pamphlets purportedly
from Communistic sources and cir-
culated in the Navy - which, he said,
"actually incite to mutiny, rebellion,
sabotage and assassination."
As to the methods of getting "prop-
aganda" into the hands of sailors,
Kirkman gave this detailed version of
one system:
"Small groups of say two men and
three girls will come aboard ship with
the regular crowd of visitors and
sightseers. Men of this group will
circulate about the decks, stuffing
their handbills into boats, behind ven-
tilators, and so on, where members
of the crew eventually find them.
"Meanwhile, the girls of the group
- chosenor their good looks - will
be picking out promising-appearing
enlisted men, engaging them in con-
versation with the object of making
dates with them ashore and working
on them there to convert them to the
'cause' and thus gain a recruit within
the ship's company."
First Efforts Noticed In 1930
Fist attempts to "undermine the
morale of the Navy," Kirkman added,
were noticed in 1930. But where only
an occasional leaflet had turned up
then, Kirkman said that now the ac-
tivity is better organized and the agi-
tators better trained.
"No matter where the fleet may go,",
Kirkman said, "we find, usually, that
the agitators have arrived ahead of
Just before Kirkman took the stand,
Brig. Gen. Alfred T. Smith, chief of
the War Department Intelligence
Service, told of the Army's experi-
Inethe land forces, he said, Com-
munistic propaganda sometimes is
distributed by children, and not only
among the Regular Army but also the'
Reserve Officers' TrainingsCorps, the
National Guard, Citizens Military
Training Camps and the Civilian Con-
servation Corps.
Smith quoted from instructions to
Communist organizers directing thems
to "penetrate the armed forces and
organize inside" and "enlist a few
comrades directly into the Army." Hel
added, however, that Army Commu-
nistic efforts in general "have not met
with a great deal of success."
Priest Is Sentenced For
Perjury In Divorce Case1
SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 18-(R)-The
Rev. W. D. Welburn, Jr., handsome
young clergyman who testified in al
divorce case directed against him lastl
June that he had never married, was1
sentenced to seven years' imprison-
ment today on a charge of perjury.
"I will file an appeal," said Wel-
A Letter From Dean B -i sle
To the Editor:
The editorial in this morning's "Daily," commenting upon
the action taken yesterday by the University Committee on Student
Affairs on the question of a new plan of student government, came
as a distinct shock to me. What the Committee desires, and what
it voted to ask the Undergraduate Council to obtain, is a wide-
spread and unbiased opinion on the plan submitted by the Stu-
dent-Faculty Committee of the Union and any other plans which
may be proposed. The time of the meeting was taken up in trying
to determine the best and fairest way of obtaining such opinion
and it was finally decided to ask the Undergraduate Council to
undertake this task. There was no criticism of the Union plan
as such, since its details were not even read in full, much less
The members of the Student-Faculty Committee of the Union
have spent much time and thought on the matter of student gov-
ernment, and the plan drawn up by them deserves careful and
courteous consideration, whether one approves of all its pro-
.visions or not. To thrust it aside as the proposal of a selfish,
politically minded group is both unfair and discourteous. The
plan should be judged on its merits and not on its parentage.
Finally as Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs I
seriously object to the statement in today's editorial with refer-
ence to the way in which certain members of the Committee voted.
If, in the meetings of any committee, a member can not be free,
to express his honest opinion on a subject, or to vote as he thinks
best, without having the confidence of the committee room vio-
lated and his actions publicly criticized in the press, such meetings
become farces, and no self-respecting person will be willing to
take part in them.
Joseph A. Bursley, Chairman
University Committee on Student
Col. Whelen
Shown Linked
To Arms Firm
Remington Co. Planned
To Increase Sales By
Officer's Article
Was PaidITo Write
Propaganda Story
Second Officer Disclosed
As Having Solicited Ads
From Arms Company
YCouncil Will
Assemble For
Opinion Survey
Undergraduate Group To
Get Student Decision On
New Government
Members of the Undergraduate
Council will assemble at 5 p.m. today
in the Council Room of the Union
for the purpose of organizing a sur-
vey of campus opinion upon the plans
for a new men's student government
which have been referred to the Coun-
cil by the Senate Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs and upon which may be
based a final plan to be returned to
the committee by the Council.
Under the terms of the instructions
and recommendations accompanying
the plans submitted by the committee.
the Council is to choose from among
them, to draw from them in the con-
struction of a new form of govern-
ment, or to discard them entirely and
formulate an entirely new plan. Coun-
cil action is to be based upon the
findings of the survey.
In the constructon of the new con-
stitution for men's student govern-
ment the Council is to take into con-
sideration the opinions of various
campus groups according to the com-
mittee's instructions. In securing
these expressions of opinion it was
suggested that all schools and col-
leges be contacted through their in-
dividual governing bodies and that the
opinion of fraternity men be secured
from house presidents through the
Interfraternity Council.
In order that lnepndent opinion
might also be secured it was recom-
mended that a zoning system, similar
to that employed by the League in
giving representation to non-affiliat-
ed women, be employed for that pur-
Attempts Are Made
T o Stop Execution
HULL, Eng., Dec. 18.- (.)
Though telephone and telegraph lines
to London hummed with urgent pleas
of mercy, it seemed almost certain
this evening that Mrs. Ethel Lille Ma-E
jor, 42 years old, would go to the
gallows - at Hull Prison tomorrow
The tall, angular woman, almost
ascetic in appearance, was sentenced
to death for the poisoning of her
truck-driver husband, with whom she
had lived 17 years.
If the sentence is carried out as
scheduled at 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning - and the customary hoist-
ing of the black flag over the prison
wall will tell when she dies - Mrs.
Major will be the first English woman
to go to the gallows since 1926.
A jury's recommendation that she!
be given mercy was overruleduby the
Homne Secretary's Office, but Lord
Mayor Stark, of Hull, today added
his plea to the widespread appeals
that she be not allowed to hang.
Third Sorority In
Past Month Looted
By dinner Burglar
For the third time in the past
month, a sorority house last night,
entertained an unexpected visitor
during a dinner party.-
While the women were at a formal
dinner last night, a thief broke into
the Alpha Phi sorority house, 1830
Hill St., entering by means of the fire
escape and a second story window. He
then ransacked several rooms, escap-
ing with more than $30.
Police were called immediately, but
could find no clues. It was believed,
however, that this robbery was com-
mitted by the same person who earlier
this month robbed the Pi Delta Phi
and Delta Delta Delta sororities, ef-
fecting the robbery in exactly the
same manner, and while the mem-
bers were at dinner.
Among the guests at the sorority at
the time of the robbery were Dean
and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Prof.
Arthur L. Cross of the history depart-
ment, and James E. Kallenbach of the
political science department.
Police last night warned all fra-
ternities and sororities to take the
strictest precautions against the re-
currence of another such robbery.
Insulls Fiohting
Case IniState,
Federal Courts
Samuel Offers Plea Of Not
Guilty As Martin Opens'
His Defense
CHICAGO, Dec. 18 -()- Samuel
and Martin Insull carried on their
"fight for vindication" in Federal
and state courts today.
Samuel declared his innocence of
a breach of the bankruptcy laws
when arraigned before Judge James
H. Wilkerson in the same Federal
court room where he and 16 co-de-
fendants were acquitted in a mail
fraud case Nov. 24.
Martin began his defense against
charges of embezzling $344,720 and
prepared to take the witness stand
himself in the criminal court cham-
ber of Judge Cornelius J. Harrington.
Attorneys for Samuel, his son,
Samuel, Jr., and eight business as-
sociates entered formal pleas of "not
guilty" to the accusation of trans-
ferring assets of the Corporation
Securities Co. in 1931 just before the
concern collapsed.
An immediate showdown, regarded
by Samuel Insull as another step in
his avowed "fight for vindication,"
was precluded when Judge Wilkerson
postponed trial indefinitely at the in-
stance of District Attorney Dwight
H. G. Green.
Judge Harrington overruled a mo-
tion for a directed verdict of ac-
quittal for Martin Insull, younger
brother of Samuel and former head
of the two-billion-dollar Middle West!
Utilities Co. The defense then opened
its efforts to prove that Insull broke
no awsin 0vf'hr 1A21 x wrn , VfiA-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. -() -
A Remington Arms Co. plan to in-
crease its foreign sales by hiring a
ranking American Army officer to
prepare a magazine article for pub-
lication abroad was revealed today in
the Senate's investigation of muni-
tions makers.
Lieut. Col. Townsend Whelen, still
in the service and expecting to do
some work for the company upon his
retirement a few months from now,
was the author. He was requested to
write the article in a letter which
described it frankly as "propaganda,"
and the company's attitude as "en-
tirely selfish."
Meanwhile, what was described as
an optimistic report on possibilities
for an international agreement pro-
viding stringent control of the muni-
tions traffic was given President
Roosevelt by Hugh R. Wilson, min-
ister to Switzerland.
Officer Solicits Ads
Before the Senate committee, other
documents and oral testimony during
the day disclosed:
That the Remington Arms Co. was
solicited for advertising in the Army
and Navy Journal by a second Army
officer, Lieut. B. R. Chadwich, on
stationery of the War Department.
That Whelen was compensated for
the article, which company officials
said they thought never was pub-
lished, and other writings at a "small
hourly rate."
That Whelen declined a position
with the company because "sore-
heads in Congress" had enacted a law
cutting off the retirement pay of
Army officers taking employment with
firms selling to the government.
Advisory Office Planned
That upon his retirement Whelen
expects to open an office in Wash-
ington as a consulting ordnance en-
gineer, in which capacity he feels he
can "go anywhere and do anything"
the company desires andstill retain
his retirement pay of $375 a month.
In addition the committee today!
began an inquiry into the source of
gangsters' machine guns by directing
the Winchester company to produce
all records of their machine-gun sales,
over the protest of company officials
that they did not manufacture such
From Irenee du Pont the Senate in-F
vestigators received a series of charts,1
which he explained as showing that
the price charged the government for
gun powder during the war actually
was below the pre-war rate, despite a
tremendous jump in costs of raw ma-
Japan To Act
On Question
Of Navy Pact
Adjournment Of London
Conference Is Scheduled
For Thursday
Japan Blamed( For
Failure Of Parley
F r a n c e Foresees Naval
Race With Italy; Also
Raises Army Budget
(By Associated Press)
The focus of world naval negotia-
tions shifted rapidly from London to-
day to Tokio, where Japan's Privy
Council gathered solemnly with the
emperor to advise him on abrogation
of the Washington Treaty of 1922.
Formal adjournment of the London
conversations was scheduled for
Thursday. Blame for their break-
down has been placedrby the Amer-
icans squarely on ambitious Japan,
with her demands for naval parity
with Britain and America.
London heard Japan was consid-
ering postponement of the enuncia-
tion till next week, but diplomats in-
sisted the exact date of the action
was immaterial.
Repercussions Seen
Elsewhere in the world the ap-
proaching end of the treaty and its
sister document, the London Pact,
stirred repercussions.
TOKIO - The government cabled
Ambassador Tsuneo Matsudaria in
London instructions that Japan hopes
that resumption of the conferences
be included in the communique an-
nouncing adjournment of the Lon-
don conversations. Japan, it was re-
vealed, wants to set the date for re-
newal of negotiations.
PARIS - A naval race between
France and Italy was forecast by
Francois Pietri, minister of the navy,
who said he expects Premier Musso-
lini's proposal to construct two 35,000-
ton battleships would force France to
ship construction.
PARIS, Dec. 18 -(P) --Foreign
Minister Pierre Laval solemnly as-
sured Adolf Hitler today that France
is not trying to isolate Germany as
the Chamber of Deputies tossed an-
other 800,000,000 francs (about $52,-
800,000) into Premier Pierre Flander's
war chest.
Sees Danger
The emergency army appropriation
rounding the 1935 military budget of
12,000,000,000 francs, will be sent to
strengthen France's fighting regime
against what the Premier calls "the
danger from abroad."
Laval's new gesture toward Hitler
came while the Senate was debating
the foreign affairs budget.
Sisto Was Returning
Oslo After Cruise
Great Lakes Ports
Gives Resignation
-Associated Press Photo.
Coach Resigns
After Conflict
With Senator
Known To Be Result Of
Row Over Long's Not
Giving Team Talk
BATON ROUGE, La., Dec. 18 -(P)
-Dr. James M. Smith, president of
Louisiana State University, tonight
announced the resignation of Capt.
Lawrence "Biff" Jones as coach of
the university football team.
The resignation was a culmination
of a conflict in authority between
Jones and Sen. Huey P. Long, who
claimed the team as "his own."
Dr. Smith said the resignation was
effective Jan. 1 and that Jones' as-
signment to the university by the War-
Department as an assistant professor
of military tactics would not be af-
fected by the change.
Dr. Smith declined to comment
further on the reason for the Army
captain's resignation. It was com-
monly known to be the result of a
row between the coach and Senator
Long when the Senator was forbidden
to give the L.S.U. team a "pep talk"
between halves of the Oregon game
last Saturday.
Jones was reported hunting ducks
in the Louisiana marshes and could
not be reached for a statement.
Resigfns Post
As Chief Of
Saar Police
W a s Criticized By Nazi
Press In Auto Incident
Following Party
SAARBRUECKEN, Dec. 18.- (') -
Maj. Arthur G. Hemsley, head of the
international police force in the Saar,
resigned the position today.
Reports that the giant forty-two-
year-old Englishman might quit his
post were current here yesterday after
Capt. James Justice, Fnglish member
of the Saar police force and Major.
Hemsley's close friend, was beaten by
a mob that attacked him after his
automobile had struck and slightly in-
jured a woman Sunday.
As inspector of police and gen-
darmerie in the Saar, Maj Hemsley
directed the military arm of the
League of Nation's commission gov-;
erning the Saar Basin pending the
plebiscite Jan. 13, when the region de-
cides its future national allegiance.
In addition to his duties as head of
the international police force Hemsley
was chief of police and the landjager;
Under heavy fire from the Nazi
element in the Saar from the day he
took office, Hemsley had passed off
previous attacks with great good hu-
mor. His friendship with Justice, who
was suspended pending police investi-
gation of the circumstances sur-
rounding the mob attack Sunday,
caused him to be sharply criticized
Dec. 18.- (') -Sixteen men were
successfully taken off the stricken
Norwegian freighter Sisto tonight and
transferred in tossing seas to the
liner New York.
The Sisto was left in a sinking con-
dition,'with one feeble light burning.
The two liners Europa and New
York, which had been standing by in
the storm-tossed mid-Atlantic, pro-
ceeded to their ports of destination,
the crews elated over the rescue.
NEW YORK, Dec. 18. -- () - Rag-
ing seas thwarted tonight the rescue
of the crew of 17 of the Norwegian
freighter Sisto as the ship wallowed
helplessly in one of the Atlantic's
worst storms, her rudder, bridge and
lifeboats washed away.
The Sisto called at Detroit and
other Great Lakes ports in the au-
umn and, late in November, sailed
from Quebec for Oslo.
The British tanker Mobiloil was
standing by after a day of fruitless
efforts. The North German Lloyd
liner Europa, swerving off its course,
ploughed through the treacherous
seas to the scene of distress-600
miles north of the Azores. The Cun-
ard-White Star liner Aurania also
sped to the Sisto's aid.
The freighter was listing badly. Its
superstructure was battered in from
stem to stern.
All day long the Mobiloil kept pour-
ing oil on the-mountainous waves to
the lee of the Sisto. Within a few
hours of nightfall, its supply was giv-
ing out and the seas had not subsided.
Nazi Officials
Deny Attempts
To Kill Hidler
Reports Are Termed As
Ridiculous Inventions In
BERLIN, Dec. 18. --(P)- Adolf
Hitler has not been wounded, it was
efficialy said today, nor has anyone
shot at Der Fuehrer.
Those were the denials Nazi offi-
cials had ready for the rumor that
the Reich leader had been near as-
"Ridiculous invention," the reports
were termed.
The rumor that Hitler was dead
reached Berlin today almost at the
same time from three such widely-
separated directions as Austria, Rus-
sia, and Holland.
LINZ, Austria, Dec. 18. - (P) - To-
day's issue of the newspaper Linzer
Volksblatt said that Chancellor Adolf
Hitler had been wounded by a re- "
volver shot fired by a girl in Berlin.
The newspaper, declaring it had the
story from a trustworthy source, said
the girl was the daughter of Leader
Brueckner of the Silesian Provincial
Nazi party and that she went to Ber-
lin after her father's arrest Monday
in Hitler's "morals drive."
There, the newspaper stated, she
fired a shot from a taxi as it passed
Hitler's car.
The girl and her taxi driver were
killed by Hitler's guards, the news
story said.
Murderer, In Daze,
Testifies In Court
George Hawley, Jr., convicted mur-
derer of Mike Cerwinka, contradicted
himself more than six times yesterday
when he was questioned in Justice
W. H. Payne's court regarding the
implication of Mrs. Cerwinka in the
Questioned by' Mrs. Cerwinka's at-
torney, Frank DeVine, and Prosecutor
Albert Rapp, Hawley refuted and
16 Taken
From Ship
By Liners
S. S. New York Succeeds
In Rescue Of Crew Of
Norwegian Freighter
Storm Tossed Sea
Hinders Rescuers
Adjourn Bribery Case;
To Be Resumed Dec.
HENDERSON, Ky., Dec. 18 -()-
An explosion in a coal mine of the'
Three Rivers Coal Company, at
Spottsville, 10 miles east of here, to-
day killed at least one miner, William
Cate, of Henderson, and seriously in-
jured another, William Edward Smith,!
who was badly burned.
Meanwhile the fate of eight others
trapped in the mine by the explosion
late this afternoon was undetermined.
LANSING, Dec. 18 -(P)- The Dan-
iels-Kanar legislative bribery case
stood adjourned tonight until Dec.
28 with testimony in Municipal Court
that the alleged "deal" had been
called off after the Hotel Kerns dis-
Municipal Judge Sam Street Hugh-
es adjourned the case at the request
of former Rep. Walter P. Kanar, of
Hamtramck, to permit the latter to
obtain counsel. At the time of the
adjournment the state had completed
its case.
Special Features For Summer
Session Announced By Hopkins
With some special funds in addi-
tion to the regular budget already
voted, the 1935 Summer Session of
the University will include several
new features and promises to be one
of the finest yet seen, Prof. Louis A.
Hopkins, director, declared in an in-
terview yesterday.
Among the special features to be
instituted or carried on next sum-
mer will be the enlargement of the
camp of forestry and conservation,
the establishment of relations with
the State Department of Conserva-
tion through the department of ge-
ography, the continuance of the
Physics Symposium, and a new sym-
posium in engineering.
Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry, chair-
man of the geography department,
will lead a gr'oup of students in aI
of the University on Sugar Island.
In addition to the special trips, all
the summer camps of the University
will be conducting summer sessions.
These include the Biological Station
near Cheboygan, the surveying camp
in Wyoming, the forestry and con-
servation camp in the upper penin-
sula, and the geography and geology
camp in Kentucky.
There will be the usual number of
visiting faculty members on campus
and in the camps for the Summer
Session, Professor Hopkins declared.
In the physics and engineering sym-
posiums there will be visiting profes-
srs frnm Eirnnan~n i i, , itiPC dnn ..
paium eaunvers es, anain inheGerman press, wich asser ed
several visiting attorneys and profes- he was present at the night club party
sors will conduct courses in the Law that preceded the incident.
School during the summer period, he -
stated. sDetective Sails To
All schools and colleges of the Uni-