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December 16, 1934 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-16

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Ward Speaks 'Loving Cup' Even Father Time Sociology Society The
Wr SpasDowned In Furious HeasuDscnsio
Today, Closings+T C N +""LA uitM h1
To a ,C o i gSB ieWith ROTCF Discussion of the field work of shpo
Yo thCo gr ss - _three suetJ at ht,'35,,
Youth Conoress ny Libby Se3in, 5, and Eleanor Peter-
Whn son, '35, was the feature of the reg-
AT THE Atey pha scs the services of an authority in ular meeting of Alpha Kappa Delta,
Many Resolutions Passed "ABNE F GEENgd . He Wtey, of hery the rain ng of reserve of~lcers, it honorary sociology fraternity, held
a GABLES" the sister, gives another of her im-
In The FIVe Conferences 7oAn RKo. prod o on, st rinpA"* peccable performances, winning the pcnmi's no ortacle to stand in the recently at the home of Prof. Robert
HeC Fes"tera v..2pv E' ''"" ;wn.dOl.Rggie. a udience in every respect. The old way of gaining its object. C Aneldd
Ilrhi Yeterday ' . '* ~ and o Heggi man. played by O. P. Heggie, has This was demonstrated recentlyistor t i se ha
(Continued from Page 1) The red-headed, super-romantic been given some difficult dialogue to
session were devoted to the proposal adolescent, Anne Shirley, of L. M. handle, and his portrayal is not as w e Rer OffDcersn rainngted ta and i o l
of resolutions of a similar nature. Montgomery's "Anne of Green realistic as it might be. Nevertheless, Headquarters at Dayton reestheU members followed the program.
Gables" comes very much to life in all the characters are dramatically CorsHty d ilr ead of he Und
The radical sentiment of the gath- '~ *~ ,. ~ ~ this cinematic interpretation of the and psychologically in harmony with versity department of mechanism and
ering was clearly shown by the groups I I ef amous novel. The picture, sympa- each other. This is one of the out- foregreerveng dregula toffers bo- ETTPE RED E RIN TEI G
represented on the committee. While Bthetically and charmingly executed, is standing features of the whole picture I .sr fn h'garier nE S
the largest majority was secured byMan Who Can Best i authenticated by a realistic atmo- version of "Anne of Green Gables." the subject of heavy artillery. PROGRAMS - BIDS
by Miss Anne Williams, representing , 7 sphere and a commendable insight, on The rest of the Majestic program is Col. Miller, after taking into con- The ATHENS PRESS Di
the Y.W.C.A., she was supported by Stand Roasting the part of the director, the support- very poor. There is an irking Ruth sideration the limited amount of time 206 N. Main - Downtown
only one liberal delegate from Christ /!' ,/Cing cast, and the simple presenta- Etting short, an insipid hula dance at his disposal and the necessary six (Next to Postoffice)
M. E. Church of Detroit, while other, ets A.S.M.E. Cup tion, into the problems of this love- picture, and an uneventful news reel. or more hours required to make the
members were delegates from the able young girl. -C.B.C. trip by automobile or train, wired his
I.L.D., the Young Peoples' 1aocialist The scene is Nova Scotia, the plot inability to come due to insufficient
League, and two evidently radical To the man who can 'take it'." about the troubles of a fourteen-year-. time. WE HAVE A COMPLETE
speakers from the Jewish Commun- Such is the inscription on the lov- old orphan girl who finds herself in AT THE WHITNEY But the Dayton headquarters, dis- NEW STOCK OF THOSE
ity Center and the Young Democrats' ing cup, pictured above, which is to the hands of an elderly couple, ** "THAT'S GRATITUDE" mayed not a whit, wired back that,
Club. The most popular speaker of be awarded to the faculty man who brother and sister, who had asked for they were sending a transport plane FASHIONABLE
the session was Miss Mary Himoff of proves himself best able to withstand a boy instead of a girl from the or- Frank Craven, star of the movie for him. The plane, despite a 50-
the Young Communists' League of the 'roasting' at the A.S.M.E. "Roast" phanage. Marilla, the sister, is out- version of "That's Gratitude" as well mile gale, placed Col. Miller at Dayton WOVEN TIES
Detroit, who refused to be nominated next Wednesday evening at the wardly a severe, dominating woman, as the Broadway production which in ample time for the lecture. Which Make Such Nice Gifts
to the committee. Union. Her brother, a soft hearted, romantic was an insignificant but successful For Your Men Friends
In response to the objection of a Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour- old man, knows her to be warm play several years ago, is a stranger G ~a h vien 10 There is also a complete as-
small group who protested to the one- nalism department will be the hearted underneath her veneer. Anne to movie audiences. He is the middle- L sortment of Novelties that any-
sided nature of the discussion of speaker of the evening. Other fac- is a hot tempered red-head whose aged, sappy type of comedian amus- Talk [ Phila nhi one would enjoy as a gift. 5th A
Fascism, an observer was given the ulty men who will appear on the spirit, sensitiveness, and uncontroll- ing in many ways, and well suited adMints
floor for a short time to attempt a program are: Dean Joseph A. Burs- able romantic imagination get her to his role in this comedy. Order your Tux for Xmas vaca- i n
1 11 ~ f rl I '...tion now! Complete with vest Evanj
justification of Fascism. ley, Dean H. C. Sadler, Prof. O. W.into all sorts of trouble. The story "That's Gratitude" is the story of a Four members of the faculty are 2-lb.
Two members of the congress, one Boston of the department of metal weaves its way gracefully into a simple fly-by-night theatrical manager who, planning to attend the thirty-first
with grey hair, successfully put procesing, and Prof. E. A. Stalker, of romantic climax which intermingles bothered by his groaning neighbor annual meeting of the Association of C HAS. DOU KAS Assor
through the conference en industry a the department of aeronautical en- the development of the characters in a hotel, gives him a drink which American Geographers, to be held HABADASHERY Seaso
complete set of resolutions, the prin- ginering. ost pleasingly. somehow cures a case of ptomaine December 27-29 at Philadelphia. I of M
ipal theme of which was antagonism "Four Men of Note," student quar- The producers of this picture have poisoning. In appreciation of his kind- Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geo- 1319 So. University
to the NRA. tette composed of Maxwell Collins, done a good job with it, having kept ness, the cured man gets hilariously graphy department will lecture on Open 'till 10:30 every night Swee
The main features of the resolu- Stewart Cram, Herbert Goldsworthy, from making it a mediocre melo- drunk with him, and eventually in- "Regions in Geography". Prof. Stan- Gree
d. d hi tl d dlia tfnl vt him t viit him nd hi fa-

doption of the constitution
mpletely integrate student
rnment for men and women
inasmuch," as the member-
he proposed Council will in-
undergraduate women.
rect from the Factory
h ristmas
ave. Chocolate Covered
, lb. box......... .17c
geline Fruit and Nuts,
box ...............79c
ly Package, 4 lbs. of
ted Chocolates... $1.25
n's Greetings, 21 lbs.
ilk Chocolate. $1.50
t Chocolate Season's
ings, 2%/ lbs......$1.25

and William Montgomery, will sing.
They will be accompanied by Dick
"Louie's Hungry Four (Or Five)
student Germar band, will also
perform after the banquet.
The cup, which is awarded on the
basis of popular acclaim, is to become
an annual trophy.
Tickets for the dinner may be se-!
cured in the lobby or Room 221 of
W. Eng. Building, and in Room 2047
E. Fng. Building.
In Which Gertru
Praised, And E
(Continued from Page 1)
Asked which of her books she con-
sidered the most outstanding in sig-
nificance, she replied that each work
was in itself a new problem, and to
each she applied herself as complete-
ly as she had to the preceding.
To the young writers of today, Miss
Stein offered some sage advice. "The
young man who starts out making a
living by the pen is barred from
heights of artistic achievement. It
is better to follow some profession
until the time when he is ready to
say what he has to say." Otherwise
Miss Stein believes quantity instead
of quality is produced. The greatest
difficulty with young writers is that
they lack a broad contact with hu-
manity, so they-have nothing to say.
The lecture Miss Stein delivered
here on Friday was one of a series of
six, which will be published when her
tour is completed. Through these
lectures she claims to be reducing her
philosophy to first principles.
with Holiday cares and all, but
remember! At college you re-
quire a steady diet of good
food. To make sure of the
latter, come down and enjoy
the food and service at the-.
Michigan Wolverine
The Organization Always
Welcomes You!

arama, ana naving createa ueig ui vines mn o vist nm ana nsiam- e .Dog ftegegah e
UiaL~a O.iUL±CVIL~ J.~A~U~AiI~iU1i VA..J I1~1 k) I,~U AIU~ ''~ ley D. Dodge of the geograpny ae-
sets, suitable photographic shots, and ily. The producer accepts, goes home partment will read a paper entitledE
good, restrained dramatic situations. with him, and stays for more than "population Regions in the New Eng-
"Anne of Green Gables" is not one three months, to everyone's disgust. land and their Significance in the,
of the best pictures of the year, and (However, there are family complica- Analysis of the Culture Landscape".
it does not even approach the success- tions present which he is given an Prof. Preston E. James of the
ful "Little Women." But is is de- opportunity to iron out, and in doing
cidedly above the average of the mov- so makes a prima donna out of the geography department . will present
ing picture trash that is hurled at us. black sheep of the family. The picture t s entitled The istrebution of
If you are looking for what is com- ends with a bang, happily for every- Industries in Sao Paulo State, Brazil,
monly called a "good, clean show," one, and amusingly for the audience. while the second paper will concern'
you will find it in this. Although it is a very homely and the two cities of Rio de Janeiro and
The star, Anne Shirley, projects at times aggravating story, "That's
her attractively youthful personality Gratitude" is undeniably funny. Co- Sao Paulo.
__________________-, lumbia's picturization of it is a cheap, Prof. William H. Hobbs, professorrte lphdpouto.Ntmc eeiu fgooy ilra ae
e e r ei ipo po ucio otemeritus of geology, will read a paper
de Is Criticized, money or talent has been employed, entitled "Peary and his Polar Ex-
and it could be a great deal better 1_ploration .
yen I terv ew ed than it is. The supporting cast in-~
ven Interviewed ludes Mary Carlisle and a group of HAS MANY BUILDINGS
well-known players, all of whose char- The present holdings of the UnP-
(Continued from Page 1) acterizations are well executed. versity in land, buildings and equip-
mistake to bring the old psychology Some of the scenes are particularly ment are extensive. There are more
instead of the new to bear upon it, good - one of which, a very drunken than 40 principal buildings. The "old
just as it is a mistake to apply the one, is hilarious in every sense of the campus" includes 40 acres of ground,
old to modern painting and modern word. This picture will amuse any- but the University has acquired addi-
music." Miss Stein's aim, he said, one who has ever had any experience tional holdings in almost solid front-
was to get out of the individual as : with the typical midwestern large age on every side of the original
nearly as possible the aliveness of the family. But it is nothing more than campus.
individual. a light, fast moving comedy from
That Miss Stein has said "nothing which not a great deal, should be Michigan won its only football,
new whatever" is the opinion of Prof. expected. -C.B.C. game in 1880, 13-0:
Bennett Weaver. "I think Miss Stein
in her way announced some well-
known principles of artistic creativity.
She has given a new accent to what The Perfect Answers to your "What-
artists have known for many years.
This over-accent she gives to things in To-Give" Problems obtaintable at
wholeness. Young writers should avoid RAYMENT RADIOInc
a quick enthusiasm for her work until
they have balanced it with an under-
standing of what other artists have Latest makes of RADIOS - small and large. See our three.
already accomplished." tube KADETTE BARGAIN - ready for immediate ship-

$5. rd. trip
Four Express Parlor Coaches
Daily Without Change
Tickets and information at
CHUBB'S 12-8 P.M.
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Ver y peca I Christmas Box
)f Assorted Chocolates.. 44c
Briarcliff Chocolates, lb. in a
Christmas box ..........69c
Holly Assorted Chocolates;
H12 lb., 15c; 1 lb. 29c; 2 lb. 59c
Gold Oval, 3 lbs. of Assorted
Silver Octagon, 21 lbs. As-
sorted Chocolates .....$1.25
Christmas Greeting, 2%2 lbs.
Assorted Chocolates ... ..$1
Gift Package, 20 oz. box of
'hocolates ........... $1.25
Whipped Creams, lb.....17c




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Stanley Chorus Concert
Given For Wayne Group
The Stanley Chorus presented a
concert Thursday night in Wayne forI
the Kiwanis Club. Achilles Taliaferro I
directed the group.
The chorus, composed of approxi-
mately 75 members, presented a pro-
gram of Christmas music. Among the
numbers were works of Bach andI
Rachmaninoff. The Russian's "To
she Children" was featured.
The annual Christmas concert of
the chorus will be given Thursday, I
Dec. 20, at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. At this time the members of
the chorus will sing a group of 15

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