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December 16, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-16

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The Weather
Cloudy, light snow, exce~t
rain or snow in southeast,
colder tonight.

C, r


- -ommu iti.4

The Alumni Contribution ,.
Still Firmly Tethered ...



Varsity Five
Defeats State
Team, 31=25
Gee's Play At Center Is
Feature As Wolverines
Lead Throughout

In Which Gertrude Is Criticized, Capital Termed Nation s
PrtispitI A ndl i, rson !TnftrrIioirWorst Bootlegging Spot





t~ ! eUu l L .EUI .E..4UIuL V~l .'UW. B /EJ, EiUR1Ui'G/L4

Puck Team Loses
In Overtime,


Early Lead Is Lost In Final
Period; Captain Sherf
Scores Twice
With John Gee using his six feet
eight inches of height to every advan-
tage and displaying a floor game
which supported Coach Franklin
Cappon's experiments with the giant
sophomore center, Michigan's Var-
sity basketball team last night de-
feated Michigan State, 31 to 25, in
Yost Field House.
Gee, with six field goals and a foul
goal, not only led the Wolverines in
scoring, but his work at the pivot
position served to direct the Michigan
The entire Michigan team, how-
ever, showed a distinct improvement
over last week's meeting with Mich-
igan State Normal, setting a defense
which held the Spartans to three
field goals in the first half, of which
only one was within the foul circle.
The Spartans, with their delayed
offense, were unable to penetrate the
Wolverine defense to any extent in
the first half, getting but six shots
from within the foul circle, and Bob
Herrick's set shot from the side was
the only close shot of the period to
score for the State team.
In the second period, however, the
Spartans began to edge under the
basket to make three goals.
On defense Joslin, whose lapses in
that department almost proved cost-
ly to the Wolverines against M.S.N.C.,
was shifted to a guard by Coach Cap-
pon, where he was assigned to Frizzo,
and although the Spartan forward
was able to connect for three field
goals all three were on blocking plays
well exected by the Spartan offense.
State took the lead in the open-
ig miinute when Mike Rouse scored
a foul goal after being tripped by
Jablonski as he cut for the basket,
but the Wolverines came- back imme-
diately to take a lead which was
never again questioned.
Gee broke into the scoring midway
in the first period as he made a tip-
in follow of Jablonski's long shot, and
later in the period made the first of
(Continued on Page 3)
Strong Canadian Team
Overcomes Hockey Six
Michigan's hockey sextet lost to the
Chatham Maroons, 3 to 2, in an over-
time game last night at the Coliseum.
Sheer overwhelming manpower gave
the Michigan-Ontario League leaders
the decision. Coach Eddie Lowrey's
squad of eight men, led by the bril-
liant John Sherf, ran up a two-goal
margin only to see it vanish before a
desperate last period Chatham rally
with Vic Heyliger in the penalty box,
and lost the chance to hand the On-
tario sextet its first defeat in 12
games when the Maroons tallied in
the overtime period.
Chatham was carrying the fight to
the Wolverines from the outset, but
neither team could break through for
a score until late in the first period.
Then, with a dog-fight around the
Chatham goal, a Maroon defense man
tried to pass from behind his net to
the right wing, but Sherf intercepted
the puck and slipped it past Goalie
Peardon from five yards out.
Michigan showed a fine defense as
the Chatham drives became more nu-
merous in the second period. With
five minutes gone Red MacCollum was
banished to the penalty box and five
Maroons crossed Michigan's red line
to bombard co-Captain John Jewell
from close in but failed to score.
Michigan had the game won, it ap-
peared, when the hands of the elec-
tric clock indicated only eight min-1
utes to play, but at that moment,
Heyliger was penalized for tripping
Burry. Five Maroons swooped into
Michigan territory. At 12:41 Daw-
son picked up a loose puck in front
of Jewell and barely pushed it into
the net.

Thirty-four seconds later Sadlier
drove a hard shot into the right hand
corner. Not satisfied to go into over-
time, the Maroons continued their
forcing game, giving Sherf two op-
(Continued on Page 3)

Gertrude Stein, radical and icono-
clastic writer, shed a few side-lights
on her opinions and thought during
an interview yesterday, at the con-
clusion of her Ann Arbor visit.
Discussing the influence of auto-
matic writing on her work, Miss Stein
declared that the idea of a connection
between the two was ridiculous.
Studying at John Hopkins University
under William James, eminent psy-
chologist, she carried on a number
of experiments with automatic writ-
This type of psychological experi-
ment consists in the subject's concen-
trating on some matter being read
or recited, at the same time allow-
ing his pencil to record whatever
comes into his head, the result on
paper supposedly being a transla-
tion of subconscious thought.
Miss Stein's experiments indicated
to her that there was no such thing
as automatic writing among normal
people.iHersconscious self was too
much alive, she found, to allow any
reaction to subconscious tests.
No living writer has influenced her,
Miss Stein says. "I had to proceed
alone. The most immediate influence
on my work was Flaubert, and after
him, Trollope and Swift." She has
translated some of Flaubert's works
from the French.
(Continued on Page 8)

"A terrible bore." Succinctly, brief-
ly, Prof. O. J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department characterized Ger-
trude Stein's lecture here Friday. "She
had about one, or perhaps two, ideas,"
said Professor Campbell, "which were
familiar to everyone in the audience.
She then proceeded to give an ex-
position of them by a process which
she informed us was not repetition
but insistence. Her efforts to illus-
trate these ideas seemed to me abor-
"The whole explanation of her
work," he concluded, "lies in the fact
that early she found she could do
automatic writing, and she has never
ceased doing it. One day she found
she could sell it and called it poetry."
Prof. Erich Walter, also of the Eng-
lish department, believes it was "all
very intelligible."
The psychologist's viewpoint was
offered by Dr. Theophile Raphael,
who declared the lecture was "very,
very interesting, and very stimulating.
She has an amazingly keen mind,"
said Dr. Raphael.
Prof. Roy W. Cowden, chairman
of the Hopwood committee which
brought Miss Stein to Ann Arbor,
called the lecture "intensely inter-
esting." Pointing out where the diffi-
culty in comprehension of her work
lies, Professor Cowden said, "It is a
(Continued on Page 8)

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.- (P) -
Washington was termed the country's
"worst" bootlegging "spot" tonight by
Ammon McClellan, executive director
of the League of Distilled Spirits Rec-
Before the Federation of Citizens
Associations, McClellan said "the
'man in the green hat'- yes, and men
in gray, round and black and even
derbies are peddling liquor down the
corridors of the Senate and House
office buildings and even in the Cap-
itol building proper."
The "man in the green hat" was
a bootlegger who operated around the
Capitol during prohibition days. The
eventual police disclosure of his mys-
terious activities caught wide pop-
ular fancy.
Dig 2 More Bodies
Out Of Hotel Ruins
* LANSING, Dec. 15. - (R) - The!
fire-blackened ruins of the Hotel
Kerns Saturday gave up two more of
its dead, bringing to 30 the known
total of fatalities. Searchers feared
an unexplored section of the debris
may conceal the fate of still others.
In addition to the 17 known tohave
died in the inferno of the blazing
hostelry, 13 succumbed to injuries re-
ceived in leaping to the street or were
drowned in Grand River.,
The bodies of two other fire victims
were identified in the temporary
morgue late today. One had been re-
moved from the ruins only this after-
These additions to the known dead
were Edward J. Booth, 29, Grand
Rapids, and H. S. Millard, 45-year-
old South, Norwalk, Conn., hat sales-
States Urged
To Enact New
De al Statutes


Concluding Session


New 'Technic'
Makes Editorial
f Policy Change
Articles Are To Be Less
Technical, With Special;
Features Increased I

Opera Star Put On
Spot ; Fate Leads
Him To Water Cup
The cast and stage hands of the
Union Opera, "Give Us Rhythm," car-
ried out the "last night" tradition of
operas in the final performance of
the show last night much to the dis-
comfort of David Zimmerman, '35,
1li r di n in thenn ffn

Many Resolutions Passed
In Five Sessions Held
Radical Tendencies
Seen In Proposals
Propose Heavy Taxes On
Non-Taxable Bonds To
Aid Education


Youth Congress

Contest Winner
Is Announced
Jean Keller, '35, Awarded
First Prize; Magazine To
Appear Tomorrow
Jean Keller, '35, was announced last
night as' the winner of the short
story contest conducted by "Con-
temporary," student literature maga-
zine which will appear for the first
time on campus tomorrow.
The contest prize, $10 worth of
books, will be awarded Miss Keller
for her story entitled "Pidracs."
Honorable mention was 'awarded to
Margaret Mary Cobb, '35, Dorothy
Gies, '36, and Willard H. Temple,
'36. The winning story, in addition
to those of Miss Cobb and Temple,
will be included in the first issue to-
morrow, while Miss Gies' story will
be reserved for later publicgtion.
Judges in the contest were Prof.
Roy W. Cowden and Arno L. Bad-
er of the English department, and
Prof. Carl Dahlstrom, a member of
the Engineering College English de-
In addition to the short stories
mentioned above, Contemporary's
first issue will include a discussion
of Gertrude Stein, written by Mr.
Bader; an essay on Michael Gold,
by Morris Greenhut, winner of a
major award in last year's Hopwood
contest; and short stories, poetry, and
reviews by various students and facul-
ty members.
Subscriptions for the year are 70
cents, and individual copies will sell
for 20 cents, officials of the publica-
tion have announced.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the politi-
cal science department, who has been
appointed president of a district elec-
tion board for the Saar Plebiscite, will
discuss the problem and the coming
election of the Sgar in a radio ad-
dress over WJR at 10 p.m. Thursday,
Dec. 20.

War Debt To U.S. Is
Ignored By Esthonia
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 -(A)---
Little Esthonia failed today to give
the United States even a "no,"
much less the $1,843,185 due.
Other European debtor nations
-save Finland - also failed to
pay but they delivered notes at
the State Department in reply to
this country's "please remit."
Lund Is Named
'Most Valuable'
Big Ten Player
CHICAGO, Dec. 15.- (W) -Francis.
(Pug) Lund, of Rice Lake, Wis., cap-
tain and All-American back of Minne-
sota's Big Ten championship foot-j
ball team, tonight was announced as
the winner of the Chicago Tribune
trophy for the "most valuable player"
in the conference.
Lund is the second Minnesota star
to win the trophy. Clarence Munn, a
great lineman, having been honored
in 1931. Lund was elected by a com-
mittee of 23, over 9 other aces, repre-
sentative of each of the other Big
Ten institutions.
The choice was not unanimous, but
Lund finished far ahead in the voting.
His chief opposition came from Les
Lindberg of Illinois, Duane Purvis of
Purdue, and Ellmore Patterson of
Chicago. Dick Crayne, Iowa fullback,
also placed among the first five.
Previous winners of the trophy, an
actual size silver football mounted
on an ebony base were: 1924, Red
Grange, Illinois; 1925, Ken Lowry,
Northwestern; 1926, Bennie Fried-
man, Michigan; 1927, Ken Rouse,
Chicago; 1928, Chuck Bennett, In-
diana; 1929; Willie Glassgow, Iowa;
1930, Wesley Fesler, Ohio State; 1931,
Clarence Munn, Minnesota; 1932,
Harry Newman, Michigan; 1933, Joe
Laws, Iowa.

Pressure To

Bear On

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.- (P) -
The Administration was shown today
to be using the prestige demonstrated
at the November election in an un-
precedented effort to influence the
states to enact laws reinforcing sev-
eral phases of the New Deal.
With 42 legislatures meeting next
month, President Roosevelt himself
and prominent members of his offi-
cial advisory family have been urging
state legislation to facilitate NRA
code enforcement, provide for unem-
ployment insurance, maximum hours
and minimum wages, and to make
the PWA and housing programs more
Mr. Roosevelt interested himself di-
rectly and emphatically only yester-
day with the housing program. He
wrote letters to the governors of vir-'
tually all the states asking laws that
would permit larger loans for home,
construction and repair, to be insured
by Federal money.
His action was taken upon the
suggestion of James A. Moffett, hous-
ing administrator, who explained that,
in numerous states loans on mort-
gages are limited to 50 per cent of
value. His own belief was that with
Federal insurance behind such loans
a maximum of 80 per cent would not
be too much.
'Co-op' Eating Place ToI
Refund Members' Dues
The Michigan Wolverine, coopera-
tive eating house formerly known as
the "Co-op," will fulfill its obliga-
tion to last year's members by re-
funding to them more than $100 in
membership dues, George J. Varga,1
'36, treasurer of the organization, said
last night.
Reaffirming the non-political as-
pect of the Wolverine, Edward A.
Stone, '36, general manager, stated
that a new policy enables students
to eat for a week at the club as mem-
bers without fulfilling membership
Taggart Will Speak
Before Bank Officials
Prof. Herbert F. Taggart of the
School of Business Administration
will speak tomorrow before a group of
senior executives of banks in Detroit.
His subject will be "Financial Risks
and Cost Accounting."
Professor Taggart, head of the cost
accounting department of the NRA,
will give this speech as one of the
series of talks presented on different
economic phases to be delivered by
various University professors. As spe-
cial advisor for the NRA he has made
five trips to Washington since Octo-

eag man in te prouction.
Drastic changes in the editorial A plot had been arranged in which
policy of the Michigan Technic, Zimmerman, in the scene in which
planned to result in a partial aban- he drained the imaginary contents of
donment of the publication of tech- a loving cup including an imaginary
nical engineering articles, to "give guppy, was faced with the alterna-
the magazine back to the students," tives of drinking from one of the
will be instituted in the December five cups on the mantel, either water,
issue which will go on sale Tuesday. whiskey, or two real guppies in water.
Featured among the new depart- The hand of fate, luckily for the
ments in accord with the new policy star, led him to the cup on the ex-
is one entitled "May We Present," in treme end of the lineup - a cup con-
which two outstanding members of taining merely water - but a long
the senior engineering class are hon- draft of it at that, Zimmerman, to
ored. The senior students presented keep the scene realistic, downed it to
in this issue are Philip A. Singleton; the last drop.
and Henry W. Felker. Prominent
members of the lower classes are also 1
cited in this department. M ichigan Host
"From Other Publications" is ao
second department which will make T t e iW om en'
its debut in the December issue. In-Il.0 2 5~en s
cluded in the section are reviews of Ta
articles appearing in current techni- Debate Teams
cal magazines.
Following the new plan, an article
by H. Warren Underwood, '36E, re-
lating the development of the Trans- Several Methods Used As
portation Library under the guidance' Three Schools Discuss
of Prof. John S. Worley, head of the .e .o
department of transportation engi- Munitions Question
neering, is presented in this month's
issue. Several debate methods were com-
Introducing the article, Underwood' bined to form a unique debating ser-
says, "There is only one of its kind I ies yesterday when women's varsity
in existence, true enough - but then debate squads from Albion College,
again, there is only one John S. Wor- Wayne University, and Michigan me
ley in existence - and without. the to discuss the munitions question.
one, it would be impossible to have i Eacss the ninseaes
the other:'" Each of the nine speakers gave a
Another student paper has been short discussion which was followed
written for the Technic by F. Wil- by a cross-examination. The subject,
writenfo th Tehnc b F.Wi~ frmalystated, read: "Rsolved,
liam Donovan, '37E, entitled "March- fThatthe se d, nad: sold
ing ith he ightn Hndre" Tat te sveral nations should de-
ing Witexhaustive amounting of work which clare a monopoly of the sale and man-
m ufacture of arms, munitions, and
must be done during the weeks to other instruments of war." Affirma-
have the band in perfect formationI tive speakers were heard in the morn-
for the Saturday football games is ig atakwereerinhand rn-
described by Donovan in this article. ng at a two hour meeting, and the
descibe by Donon t hnegative team presented its side of
Of especial interest to job-seeking the question and was quizzed in the
engineers is a paper by Dr. T. Luth- afenon
er Purdom, director of the bureau of afternoon.
appointment and occupational in- Michigan women who spoke were,
formation. Evelyn Ehrlichman, '37, Katherine
Stoll, '37L, and Eleanor Blum, '35, for
the affirmative; and Barbara Lutts,
Church Will Present '36, Mary Esther Burns, '36, and
Christmas Musical Betty Smith, '35Ed for the negative.
The Congregational Student Club Dual debates will be held with
will present a Christmas musicale at I these same teams on Jan. 15 and 17
7:30 p.m. today in the Congregational when Albion and Wayne send their
Church. Thor Johnson has charge of teams here for a formal debate meet-
the music, and is assisted by Ruth ing.
Pfohl, Thelma Lewis and George Conference debates, the only de-
O'Daye. cision debates of the year, will be held
The church will be entirely in can- with Northwestern University and
dle lights, and the music has been so Ohio State University in .the latter
arranged that it will come from all part of February, according to Floyd
parts of the room. Included in the K. Riley, women's debate coach. At
program will be organ music, a brass that time, Northwestern will send its
choir, harp music, and the children's same negative team here, and Mich-
choir. igan's negative debaters will meet
Well known Christmas carols will Ohio State at Columbus.
be included in the program for the
evening, such as "O Come All Ye SPECIAL SESSION CALLED
Faithful," "Lo E're the Blooming BATON ROUGE, Dec. 15 -(R')- At
Rose" by Praetorius, "Come Unto Senator Huey Long's request, Gov. O.
Him" from "The Messiah" by Handel, K. Allen today issued a call for the
"Hosanna" from the Moravian Litur- Louisiana Legislature to meet in spe-
gy, and "Joy to the World." cial session Sunday night.
A ;
Youth Congress Membership
Is Composed Of Varied Groups


The three-day meeting of the Mich-
igan Youth Congress will come to a
climax here today with an address
by Dr. Harry F. Ward of the Union
Theological Seminary of New York
on "Youth and Breakdown of the So-
cial Order," at 9:30 a.m. in Hill Au-
Dr. Ward, who also holds positions
as secretary of the Methodist League
for Social Service and as chairman
of the League Against War and Fas-
cism, spoke in Ann Arbor last year,
when he showed that it is consistent
for a minister to "follow the path of
social and economic reform" in a so-
ciety "that is beginning to show the
effects of decadence in most of its
The congress, meeting in the First
Methodist Church last night, listened
to the contradictory policies advo-
cated by representatives of four ma-
jor parties. Mayor Robert Campbell
of Ann Arbor spoke for the Repub-
licans; the Rev. F. Larson, former
candidate for governor, for the So-
cialists, William F. Dorn, assistant at-
torney-general, for the Democrats,
and William Weinstein, secretary of
the Michigan Communist Party, for
the Communists.
Mayor Campbell Criticized
The statements of the different
speakers .were contradictory and re-
sulted in refuting statements from
succeeding speakers, The solution of
the present depression was especially
a subject for discussion, and when
Mayor Campbell declared that "the
avior of the people will be the people
,hemselves," and that to get out
.f present difficulties you must pull
yourself out by your own boot-straps,"
he became the target of the more
radical speakers present.
Mr. Larson attacked the mayor's
-tatement in his address; He said,
"the previous speaker said that no
arty can do anything to better con-
litions, but we, the people, have to
-ull ourselves up by our own boot-
straps. I have never seen this done."
Five different meetings were held
iy the congress yesterday afternoon
n overflowing auditoriums all over
;he campus.
Tulane Student Leads Discussion
A spirit of resentful defiance against
)resent conditions of youth in rural
ind urban sections of Michigan dom-
.nated the discussions and resolu-
tions of the meeting of the group
:onsidering the, subject, "Unemploy-.
mentn and Social Insurance."
This group met in the Union under
the leadership of Richard Babb Whit-
ten of Tulane University, who is na-
tional chairman of the Student League
of Industrial Democracy.
Resolutions passed at the meeting
included endorsement of the Lundeen
Bill for unemployment insurance,
support of measures for relief of
youth and general unemployment,
condemnation of the Civilian Conser-
vation Corps, and backing for all un-
amployed in their "daily fight for an
mproved standard of living."
In a flurry of resolutions, some 100
,o 125 delegates of the education sec-
ion of the Youth Congress advo-
:ated drastic changes in education.
Pass Seven Resolutions
Among the seven resolutions passed,.
was one denouncing the sales tax as
a means of subsidizing schools, and
suggesting that the source of income
for the schools be a progressive state
income tax affecting incomes of $5,-
000 a year; a "stiff" inheritance tax
levied by the state; a heavy tax on
large gifts; and, most radical, a heavy
tax on non-taxable bonds, suggested
by Merlin Bishop of the Teachers
Federation in East Dearborn.
Under the leadership of Robert Na-
gel, delegate from the F.E.R.A. Col-
lege in Detroit, the meeting resolved
to stand back of all students and
teachers ejected from schools and
universities for the expression of lib-
eral opinions. The first resolution
. ,.se9 Amnhatn ta. el-An


Shoplifting Listed By Managers
Of Stores As Student 'Activity'

Shoplifting is an all too popular
extra-curricular activity of the Uni-
versity student, according to the State
Street store managers. So prevalent is
this abuse that definite protective
measures have been taken by the
book and drug stores while the cloth-
ing stores, gift shops and beauty
salons banish temptations by keeping
their easily removable stock in cases
and drawers.
Nor is this practice something new
and unpredictable. Slaters, the Col-
lege Book Shop, and Wahrs prepare
for the increased amount of shop-
lifting during the rush season at the
beginning of each semester by posting
The technique employed in "lifting"
books depends on personality. The di-
rect mind merely walks out with sev-
eral volumes while sending the clerk
for other texts. The conniver pur-
chase sAnd in severa1 different de-

previous to Christmas vacation at
which time clerks are instructed to
keep special watch of the open dis-
plays. ..
Perfume disappears in spite of the
ogling of clerks. Three women posing
as students, but now thought to be
professionals, are responsible for tak-
ing $60 worth of perfume from the
Quarry. An entire stand of perfume
bottles priced at $24 was dislodged
from the counters at Calkins and
Fletcher and although the guilty per-
son has never been found, a student
is suspected.
Whereas the professional shoplifter
is careful to select only popular makes
,of perfume, the student shoplifter is
more discriminating. The woman will
take only the scent recommended by
her beauty specialist while the man
will choose that certain make of Jas-
min worn by his "steady."
Swifts is less bothered by the "lift-
ing" of nerfnme -theirs unly is in-

By FRED WARNER NEAL ers report that parliamentary pro-
ucedure was' "murdered," conducted
Communists, Fascists, Republicans, themselves in an orderly fashion.
Democrats, clergymen and athe- The discussion in nearly every
ists: all went to make up the conglom- conference raged between Commun-
eration of races, creeds, and colors ism and Fascism. In the group on in-
of the nearly 800 delegates here for; iternational relations, after the Fascist
the Michigan Youth Congress. point of view had been severely criti-
At least 300 of the delegates are cized, a delegate asked if there was
from Detroit, and the trade schools, no one to defend that belief. A long
high schoools, unions and other or- silence ended' when a well dressed
ganizations from that city predom- University sophomore arose and
inated all the round table discussions. created a furor by approving Hit-
Ann Arbor came a close second, ler's tactics in Germany.
however, contributing more than 250 Congress officials admitted that
young men and women from almost certain organizations sent represen-
every sort of a group imaginable. tatives to the conferences to try to
Two delegates were from the Sunrise inject their views. At the gession on,
Colony, radical farm near Saginaw. industry, a representative of -the


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