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December 15, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-15

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Michigan Press
Publishes Book
'On Athenians
Assessment Of 425 B. C.
Is Subject Of Research
Made In Greece4
A recent publication of the Mich-
igan Press is "The Athenian Assess-I
ment. of 425 B.C.," written by Prof.
Benjamin D. Meritt of John Hop-I
kins University, formerly a member
of the University of Michigan faculty,
and Prof. Allen B. West of the Uni-

Three Workers Die In CCC Camp Fire

Botany Books Prof. Morrison Refutes Claims
Given Library Presented By Railvay Exper

Adolph Hitler's Life
*s Spared hi Accident
BREMEN, Dec. 14.-A)-Chan-

versity of Cincinnati.
The book describes an incident in
ancient Greek history through the
results of successful research work
completed by Professors Meritt and
West. In 425 B.C. the Peloponnesian
War made a payment of revenue by
each of the colonies of the Athenian
Empire imperative in order to meet
expenses of their large navy. After
the Council had passed a revenue
measure it was common for workmen
to carve neatly the law, which con-
sisted of the Council's decree, a brief
amendment and a long list of allies
and their newly fixed tributes, on a
large slab of marble.
Today this inscription is still ex-
tant, but sadly battered and broken.
No longer a smooth, fresh slab, as
the workmen left it, it is merely a
group of 43 bits of stone, each with a
few lines of Greek writing. Not a
fragment covers either the breadth
or the length of the entire inscrip-
tion, and there is no guide to the posi-
tion of any of them in the original
slab or in relation to any of the other
pieces, except that which may be in-
ferred from their contents.
According to Dr. Frank E. Robbins.
assistant to the President and man-
aging editor of the Michigan Press,
the solution of this problem requires
not only the consideration of the pre-
served' portions, but also shrewd con-
jecture of what was in the missing
parts. More than two-thirds of the
words were lacking and the gap had
to be filled in by the research work-
The work of Professors Meritt and
West is,the latest and probably the
most successful essay on the solution
of this historic crossword puzzle, in
the opinion of Dr. Robbins. "Each
letter on each bit of stone has been
scrutinized carefully; new readings
have been evolved and old ones criti-
cized; discoveries have been made
with regard to the way in which the
stones fit together; and the authors
display a masterly command of the
voluminous bibliography of their sub-I
ject. Altogethe the University may
be proud that so scholarly a piece
work has come forth under its name,"
stated Dr. Robbins.

iiow AvaiiaIe By RALPH W. HURD 'motor vehicle accidents which oc- ecllor Adolf Hitler's life was imperiled
tonight when his special train, en
Charges made by experts represent- curred in Washtenaw county during route from Bremen to Berlin, roared
2,500 Volume Collectioniing railway interests, to the effect 1931, Professor Morrison said. From into an autobus near here. instantly
Intat the standard width of 20 feet this study, which involved 115 acci- killing 13 persons.
Given By Parke-Davis for two-lane pavements is needed dents, it was found that for the sameI A fourteenth died later in the hos-
only because they are used by large amount of traffic, there was an addi- pital to which the seven other pas-
Contains Rarities trucks and buses, were declared un- cional cost of about $450 per mile sengers of the bus, all seriously in-
sound by Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of for accidents occurring on 18-foot jureci, were taken. Those killed and
The collection of botanical books the highway engineering and trans- pavements, as compared with the 20- injured were described as theatrical
that was given to the University Li- port division of the University, in an foot pavements. This additional $450 performers.
ry several months agby Parke- interview yesterday. should easily cover the annual cost Though roughly shaken by the
Such statements, he said, are made of two extra feet of pavement width, ciash, which occurred while his train
Day s and Co. of Detroit is now avail- with the idea in mind that these and is evidence that the wider high- was returning at high speed from
able for use, it was announced yester- trucks and buses should be called up- way, under the conditions studied, is Christmas ceremonies held at Bremen
day by Dr. William W. Bishop, li- on to pay the additional expense of both socially and economically desir- for the new 18,000-ton North German
brarian of the University and head wider pavements, which would place able, Professor Morrison said. Lloyd liner, Hitler alighted from the
of the department of library science. them more at a disadvantage in com- Tt train and walked the mile back up the
The collection contains about 2,500 petition with railways. They are The real significance of the survey, Lrack where the demolished bus and
volumes, 1,300 of which are books based on vehicle widths and clear- he inede in the fanon- bodies lay.
and the remainder pamphlets. In- ances, and a study of the actual posi- truck accidents was much greater After lifting his hand in the Nazi
cluded, are a large number of rare tions occupied by vehicles upon pave- t ialute over the broken bodies, Hitler
and expensive publications. Some of ments of various widths. than the increase in truck accidents.Ihimself helped to pick up the scat-
the books are quite old, dating back to However, Professor Morrison main- While there was an , crease of 30 tered remains.
the seventeenth and eighteenth cen- tained, since the largest vehicles per- 10more trui accid , there were only Aboard the train' were such Nazi
turies,. and accordingly are very dif- mitted by law, in most states, are ror tihak Te suts are notables as Gen. Werner von Blom-
ficult to obtain, while others were eight feet wide; it is obvious that, rower highways. The results are berg, minister of war; Dr. J. Halmar
printed originally in single editions if they are driven carefully, all class- thus directly contrary to the idea that Schacht, economic dictator of the
of only fifty copies or less. Thecol- es of vehicles can pass each other because a truck is wider, it becomes Reich, and William Brueckner, Hit-
lection includes a number of books upon an 18-foot pavement, and the more dangerous on a narrow road ier's adjutant.
containing fine colored plates and only reason for a 20-foot pavement than a passenger automobile.
some with extremely rare plates on is added safety. Also it seems ob- i When one considers the present which would thus accrue to these
locally printed flora. vious that the only true measure agitation for increased taxes to be lev- commercial vehicles, results such as
A change in the nature of the bus- I of safety is to be found in accident ied on trucks and buses, based on the have been found by the Washtenaw
iness of the donors, who are one of records, but this has apparently not assumption that it is their extra width county survey become of paramount
the largest firms of manufacturing I been considered in the various dis- which makes necessary wider roads, importance, Professor Morrison con-
druggists in the country, was the rea- cussions which have been published. and the tremendous added costs cluded.
son for the books being given to the In 1932 a study was made of the ~
University, Dr. Bishop explained. In ------
the past many drugs have been ob-
tained from herbs, so for many years Date Is AnnOuncedPsiT
tanical field expeditions which col- For peee Contest
1 lected information on the plant life _______mbg~ammngsgjapgy M
in all parts of the world. Today, how- Announcement has been made by
"ever,"practicallyall;drugs"aremanu- odK iColpliimentariynrot iepPuecic
factured synthetically. Accordingly, Floy .Rly ntutri peh
the donors had no more use for their o the annual extemporaneous speak-
extensive collection of botanical books. ing contest between representatives
A numbe ofthese bosdpcate of the various classes of students tak- EARL V. MOORE, Musical Director
A number of these books duplicated ing Speech 31, which will be held ANNA BURMEISTER, Soprano
volumes already in the library. These Jan. 16 in Room 3211 Angell Hall.
n duplicates, Dr. Bishop stated, have Each group, according to Mr. Riley, MAURINE PARZBOK, Contralto
n been placed in the Herbarium and in will pick one member from among A H HACKETT, T
h the Natural Science Library. the students constituting the class to ARTHURH K , nor
represent it in the finals. The sub- STANLEY DEPREE, Base
tsject will be, generally, "World Peace," PALMER CHRISTIAN Organist
-1 Student ales but separate portions of the maul
topic will be utilized as material for UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNION
n Local Stores These more limited topics will not
S be given out until one hour before . Hill Auditorium
n Show In rease the beginning of the speeches. This
t constitutes the extemporaneous ele-
ti ~~~~ment, as no one of the representatives a-'a jfE @U
Students are buying more this year will know beforehand what part of T nuas.,D ee.,8 :15
y than they have since 1932, a survey the general subject will be his for
e recently made by The Daily reveals. discussion. Judges for the contest
Merchants on the campus reporting have not yet been announced.
e on their sales to students, said that --__
e they were selling more and better I
r goods this year.
One campus merchant reported'
f that he was selling a better class of
oods to students this year and that


Army officers at Norris, Tenn., began an investigation of the fire
which destroyed three barracks of a CCC camp near there, burning1
three boys to death and leaving four suffering from burns. CCC workers
are shown inspecting damage done by the blaze.
Aga-Oglu Brings Greeting s To
President Ruthven From Persia

Bearing the personal greetings and
best wishes from His Imperial Ma-
jesty Riza Shah Pehlesi of Persia to
President Alexander G. Ruthven and
the University, Mehmet Aga-Oglu of'
the division of fine arts returned
Wednesday from a three-month trip
to the Orient.
Aga-Oglu was dispatched by Presi-
dent Ruthven to be a representative
at the International Congress of Ori-
entalists held Oct. 3 to 10 in Teheran,
capital of Persia. There he was intro-
duced to the Shah of Persia, who per-
sonally asked about the University of
Michigan and expressed wishes for its
success. Aga-Oglu presented His Maj-
esty with a copy of the Ars Islamic,
a semi-annual magazine on Islamic
art printed by the University, with a
dedication to the Shah written by
President Ruthven.
At the International Congress
meeting, which was dedicated to the
celebration of the millenium of the
great Persian opt. Firciand the A

state museums in Berlin. and Gostor
Wiet, head of the Arabic Museum it
Cairo, were appointed to aid him, wit
the cooperation of some 20 scholars.
Peter Ruthven, son of the President
who is studying for his doctor's de
gree in Islamic Art, accompanied Aga
Oglu throughout his travels in the
Orient, which began in Jaffa andJe-
rusalem and continued through Bay
ruth, Balbeck, the famous Roman
temple city, and Damascus in Syria,
Then they went to Bagdad and nex
to the Congress meeting in Teheran.
*According to Aga-Oglu, probably
the most interesting incident of th
lecture and research tour that h
made after the conference was the
opening of the treasury of a shrine
near Nedjef to him. Incidentally, he
was the first art historian to enter
this shrine. He said, "It was a thrill
ing discovery of a large collection o
Persian carpets and textiles present-
ed to the shrine by Persian Shahs o:
the 16th and 17th centuries. I was
permitted to take photographs o:
the objects and secured the right
of , their publication for the Univer.
sity of Michigan."
In Egypt Aga-Oglu visited the Uni-
versity of Michigan camp now making
archeological excavations in Karanis
under the direction of Enoch Peter.
He described the trip home as ex-
tremely disagreeable, with 10 days o:
continuous heavy sea and storm.
Aga-Oglu plans to begin organ.
iring work in the dictinnary of Is.
lamic arts immediately.

! ~cr csss JC, r sc~u ,i e 1rS
Tooth Care Is Islanica of the University was insti-
tuted as the international organ of the
e u field of Islamic art studies, and is
Sub ect O f Tal now sent to schools and museums
j of Islamic art throughout the world.
During the same conference, a dic-
ir. eom m er tionary of Islamic artists was estab-
lished, also under the leadership of
the University. The editorship of the
History Of Dentistry Is dictionary, which will be the world,
RevinRadi Takauthority on Islamic Arts, was placed
Reviewed In Rad Tal in Aga-Oglu's hands. Prof. E. Kuhnel,
On Student Health director of the Islamic department of



credit references were easier to obtain.
A jewelry store manager said that
students seemed more willing to spend
more for goods and demanded better
quality than they have in the recent
past. The same merchant predicted
the biggest Christmas since 1929, say-
.ng that wholesale dealers in Detroit
have cleared their shelves of mer-
Most of the dealers interviewed dis-
counted the fact that students will
be in Ann Arbor for a longer period
this year than last as a factor in
Lheir increased sales, saying that the
sales all year have been ahead of


/1 ,
( "-.. -


The history of tooth care from 3,000
B.C. to the present day was reviewed
yesterday by Dr. Ralph F. Sommer of
the dental school in another of the
University radio talks on student
health. His subject was "Dentistry,
Yesterday and Today."
Noting first the fact that there are
accounts of dental practice among
the ancient people of India as early
as 3,000 B.C., Dr. Sommer went on
to explain the proficiency attained
by the Arabians in the treatment of
their prevalent teeth diseases and in
the replacement of lost dental tissues.
The Egyptians, Dr. Sommer con-t
tinued, developed skill in beautifying
their teeth by burnishing gold leaf
over the surfaces, but they did not
excel in remedial or restorative work.
He declared that the Etruscans, how-
ever, specialized in dental operations.
"During the later Greek and Rom-
an ascendancy, ancient dentistry was
developed to its highest perfection,"
Dr. Sommer went on. Dental prac-
tice, he added, declined when the
Roman Empire declined.
After describing methods and be-;
liefs in regard to dental care during
the Middle Ages in Europe and Asia,
Dr. Sommer continued with an ex-
planation of difficulties with eight-
eenth and nineteenth century prac-
The growth of the modern dental
profession was then traced. Citing
the importance of oral health, Dr.
Sommer declared that only extreme
care and the assistance of modern
dental service can permit an indi-
vidual to keep his natural teeth
throughout his life.


07iv 'Us11kytlir'
This Afternoon and Tonight
3:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
f)-C I 7ATJhT(CI4T'iT ATI lW (-VfV







That wise man in your home is probably wondering
what to give you for Christmas. Why not tell him-
discreetly of course-that you would be thrilled with
a wonderful new Magic Chef gas range. There is a
complete Christmas display on our floors now. Beau-
tiful models in various colors and sizes. Among other
things they have burners that actually light automat-
ically. And broilers that produce the juiciest steaks


you've ever tasted.


And ovens with Red Wheel regu-
lators that watch your cooking.
And a dozen other features. Very
reasonably priced.





And every customer pur-
chasing a New Cabinet
Gas Range will receive
an order for a 10-lb. Tur-
key as a Special Christmas
Gift from your Gas Com-

1 11 Allowance for




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