The Weather
Mostly cloudy, light snow or
rain Saturday night and Sun-
day; somewhat warmer.
Makes Its Bow . .
Reform For The
Parole System.,.
Delegates Attend
First Assembly Of
outh Conference
Find Missing B
Student After
Long Search
Of Regents
New Entrance R equirements:
Accepts fr. Ov s Resignation
Fascist Demagogues Are
Attacked In Speech By
R. B. Whitten
450 Members Here
At Youth Congress
Homeless Youth Subject
Of Talk By Professor
Minehan OfChicago
A clarion call to the youth of Mich-
igan to take immediate action to solve
the problems facing it and the world
was sounded last night in Hill Audi-
torium at the opening session of the
Michigan Youth Congress, the first
state-wide meeting of youth in the
Representing more than 100 or-
ganizations in the state and ranging
from Boy Scouts to young commun-
ists, 450 delegates who had poured
into Ann Arbor all yesterday after-
noon and night from cities, high
schools, and factories massed in the
auditoruim to hear and applaud the
harangues of national youth leaders
who had come here to address them.
Ages Between 18 and 22
The audience, made up mainly of
people between the ages of 18 and 25
interrupted the three speakers re-
peatedly with loud applause, and the
rest of the time listened with pro-
found silence to the message of hope
that was delivered from the rostrum.
The keynote of the meeting was
struck by Richard Babb Whitten of
Tulane University, national chairman
of the Student League for Industrial
Democracy. He said, in part, "today,
the youth of America have to face
the breakdown of the social struc-
ture, aid must beware of sops thrown
to them by demagogues like Huey
Long who are aping the tactics of
a Hitler or a Mussolini."
"No matter how black or brown the
shirts of their adherents may be,"
he declared, "they cover empty stom-
achs of foolish, silly young men who
will be used as cannon fodder to pro-
tect the systems they are victims of.
"I adjure and appeal to you to
watch with all your intelligence for
signs of Fascism, which may be dis-
guised in the words of men like The
Kingfish of Louisiana, and which like
the words of Hitler are held up to
ridicule in the first stages of Fascist
state, but which may later form the
doctrines of a reactionary minority
bent on protecting their own inter-
Minehan Speaks
"The old order is dead," Whitten
asserted, "and it is up to the youth to
develop a new pioneering spirit, and
to cooperate with intellectual and
manual workers and small business-
men in building a new and better so-
cial order."
The openin'g address of the Con-
gress was delivered by Thomas Mine-
han, professor of sociology at the
University of Minnesota and author
of "Boy and Girl Tramps of the Road."
Professor Minehan painted a vivid
picture of the conditions among the
vagrant youth population of the
United States, drawing upon his ex-
perience among these people for ex-
amples of his points.
"I was surprised," he declared, "to
discover that here in America, not in
ignorant Russia, not in bad Germany,
not in Africa, nor among the abori-
gines of Australia or Patagonia, but
right here in our own United States,
we have a whole army of youth, home-
less, shelterless, living 'on the bum.'"
No Help From Old Generation
"Youth can look to the elder gen-
eration for no help, no inspiration,
no leadership." The elder genera-
tion got themselves and youth into
the present mess. Youth must get
itself out of it."
Professor Minehan described the
hardships of fatigue, illness, injury,
hunger, and cold which boy and girl
tramps must face. "I believe, how-
ever, that the biggest injury they are
receiving, and f4om which other
American youths are not immune, is
an injury to their morale."
An introductory address was made
by Waldo McNitt, chairman of the
continuations committee of the Amer-
ican Youth Congress held in New
York last summer.
i I I
Salvation Army Band
Plays Prisoner's Song
Representatives of the local Salva-
tion Army post held their accustomed
meeting last night with the prisoners
in the county jail - and narrowly
escaped becoming prisoners them-
Usually they hold services from
7:30 to 8:30 p.m., but last night Sher-
iff Jacob Andres gave them permis-!
sion to overstay the time for a few
minutes - possibly as an adjunct to
the oncoming Christmas season.
Shortly after 8:30 the turnkey went
off duty, having forgotten to release
Raymond Diefenderfer Is
Found By Portsmouth
Police Officials
Had Been Missing
Since Decemtber 1
Youth Had Suffered From.
Amnesia; Believe Illness
Caused By Overstudy
PORTSMOUTH, 0.. Dec. 14. - (AP)
-A nationwide hunt for his only child |
came to a happy ending today for
Attorney R. G. Diefenderfer of Sheri-
dan, Wyo.
He found his son, Raymond, Jr., 18
Has Completed Nearly
Years Of Service,
Author Of Several
Books On Medici
Was Honored In 1924
French GovernmentI
Work In Bacteriology
5 Up PlanCalls For Proficiency
On I Over Definite Time Limit
Pa ying Basis During Depression, In Four Fields
Fiscal operations of the Board in
Control of Physical Education during
the past years of depression have
been so managed that, while current
activities have been maintained, the
board has been able to pay off its
short-term loans and interest on
bonds, according to the annual re-
t_./ ,/ i
ment showing a profit for last year,
with a net profit of $145,070.72. The
total net. profit from all activities was
Was Drawn Up By
Literary Committee
Official attendance figures for the Students Have Chance'
1933 football season show that 269,- Eni
161 persons paid to see the national nter On Either Old
champions play, and the estimated New Rule Until 1937
attendance for the 1934 season is _.
n n rr r
the Salvation Armymembe A years old, in the county jail here The resignation of Dean Frederick port of the board, published yester- 263000
theedalvation Army C t.
hour later he returned, and the for- where the youth had come two days G. Novy of the medical school, who day by Chairman Ralph W. Aigler. Commenting on the record of the
otten bandwasnfially helease ago to ask Charles Clowe, head of has completed nearly 50 years of Reduction in the outstanding in- 1934 Michigan football season, the
amid general sighs of relief. l d the police record bureau, to aid him continuous service with the Univer- debtedness of the board during the report said, "the graduation of an
Isigs__ _ in finding his parents. sity faculty, was accepted yesterday year ending June 30, 1934, amounted unusual number of extraordinary
Suffering from amnesia, the youth by the Board of Regents at their to $45,000, in the liquidation of bank men in the class of 1933 left vacanc-
k .h - -u SuffOf Ioenr from amn A hbo th bythlymeeting loans. In addition, something more ies quite impossible to fill in one
1 i ~disappeared from Ann Arbor, Mich., tmonthly0 meeting.d i !
where he was attending the Univer- Dr. Novy's resignation will take than $4,000 was expended in plant season, that an unusual number of
"T "]iy last Dec. 1. The youth said he effect at the end of, the current sea- expansions. injuries occurred, and that a num-
came to Portsmouth on a freight train mester next month. .He is at pres- . The payments reduce to $55,000 ber of our opponents were unusually
Wi Tandothat the last thing he could re- ent professor of bacteriology and di- the outstanding indebtedness, which strong."
member his arrival herel rector of the hygienic laboratories is $105,000 less than the total of I The report supported the action of
S ein Clowe obtained his name from He received four degrees from the four years ago, and operations for, Big Ten faculty representatives rela-
diary he found in an overcoat pocket University, his B.S., M.S., Sc.D., and the current year will come close to tive to freshman competition "as at
and telegraphed officials of Sheridan. M.D. here in 1886, 1887, 1890, and wiping out the entire am'ount, it is least a partial discouragement of the
I here Is No Such Thing , aDiefenderfer then was in Chicago 1891, respectively. Later Dr. Novy said. migration of athletically-minded stu-
As Repetition, Author In- looking for his son and came here, studied in Koch's laboratory in Ber- Football again proved to be the dents from one institution to an-
The youth recognized his father on lin, Pasteur Institute in Paris, and only item in the activities state- other."
forms Audience his arrival, at Prague.
Expondin thephilsoph of er'The elder Die fenderfer expressed a His first position on the faculty was M '1 ~U
Expoundeg the lihiloophysshrbeef that overstudy had caused the as an assistant in organic chemistry M arch, Oriental Students W ill
much-discussed writing, Miss Ger-yottolshime ryepral,' in 1887. Dr. Novy also served as an
trude Stein, renowned author and youth to lose his memory temporarily, instructor, assistant professor, and A t A u iye
lecturer, addressed 500 people on the junior professor of hygienic and Art Authority near uutnven
topic, "Portraits and Repetition," at; Raymond Diefenderfer, 18-year-old physiological chemistry, before he was
4:15 p.m. yesterday in the Lydia freshman, disappeared from his appointed a full professor and di- Dies At Io me At IF arris Hal
Mendelssohn Theatre. rooming house at 1110 Olivia St., rector of the Hygienic aboratory in
"I am inclined to believe there is Dec. 1. Considerable furor was created 1902.
no such thing as repetition," Miss on the campus when his disappear- He has also served on various health
Stein declared. She continued to bring ane was first discovered Dec. 11. commissions and boards, including Museum Of Anthropology President Will Speak To
out the idea that "the inevitable repe- Prof. Fred B. Wahr, assistant to the the United States Commission to In- Curator Succumbs To Episcopalian Meeting On
tition in human expression is not dean of students, bore out the senior vestigate Plague, 1901, and the State Topic
repetition but insistence." She ex- Diefenderfer's conclusion that his son Board of Health, 1897-99. , Long Illness Student-University Topic
plained that in two similar things or had low marks, but stated that they Dr. Novy is one of five University I
actions, it was a difference in the in- were not low enough to indicate he faculty inbei:s who is affiliated with Benjamin March, curator in the President Alexander G. Ruthven
sistence or emphasis. "Insistence in its would fail at the end of the semester. the National Academy of Sciences. Anthropology Museum and interna- will address the Episcopal student
emphasis," she said, "can never be ' Members of the Sigma Chi fraternity, Other societies of which he is a mem- I tionally known authority on Far East- meeting to be held at 7 p.m. tomorrow
repeated. It can never be the same of which Diefenderfer was a pledge, ber are Harvey Society and the Path- . Ruhe
even when it is most the same." Stated that "if ever a boy was sane ilgcaSoey.H ishe rtr ern art, died late Thursday night as in Harris Hall. President Ruthven
eve whn i ismos th sae." staed hat"ifeve a oy as aneiological Society. He is the writer the rsult of a five weeks illness. He will speak on the general topic "The
Remembering Confuses Ray was." Nothing ever seemed to of several authoritative works on ws3 es old. elpa on teen te Tet
As one of the chief standards worry him, and he certainly exhibited the subject of medicine. was 35 years old. Relationship Between the Student
on which her portrait writing is! no change after mid-semester grades In 1924 the French Government He was also a Freer Fellow and and the University. . All students are
based, Miss Stein believes that the came out." made Dr. Novy a Chevalier of the a lecturer on Far Eastern Art. Presi- invited to hear the talk.
quality of remembering confuses Although he once wrote his father Legion of Honor in recognition of his dent Alexander G. Ruthven and The regular morning prayer and
writing by bringing in two elements of that "there are times when I cannot extensive achievements in the field prominent members of the faculty sermon will be given by the Rev. Wil-
time. "The time at which something even remember my name. I am not of bacteriology. In 1926 he was made mourned his passing, and are of the liam D. Orr, at 11 a.m. in St. Andrew's
happens is different from the mem- worthy of you," Professor Wahr states the recipient of the Henry Russel opinion that with his death, the Episcopal Church, and at 7:30 p.m.
ory time," she said. She distinguished that he wrote several "very rational" lecture award. University loses a brilliant scholar, the choral evensong and an address
between knowledge and remembering, letters. He was said to be an excellent ' The first course in bacteriology in Mr. March was born in Chicago, by the Rev. Orr will be offered at the
bringing in the philosophical aspect student and was a member of a na- medical school in the United States July 4, 1899. After taking his degree church.
of time. "Knowledge is acquired by tional honorary society. was established in 1889 here by Dr. at the University of Chicago in 1922, The Rev. Theodore R. Schmale has
the process of remembering," she as- Immediately following his disap- Novy. he attended the Union Theological chosen "Our Attitude Toward Jesus,"
serted, "but knowledge had is knowl- pearance, a nationwide search, started In 1893 he isolated bacillus Novyi, Seminary for a year. From 1923 to as the subject for his sermon in the
edge had at the moment." She illus- by Detroit police, was conducted. which is associated with gangrenous 1927 he was in China, where at dif- service to be held at 10:30 a.m. in
trated this by saying that her por-;- - infections, he also studied the organ- ferent periods he was professor of the Bethlehem Evangelical Church.
trait was an effort to catch the con- NRAW s Jud men ism, sphirachaeta Novyi, which is the i English at Hopei University in Peking, At 5:30 p.m. a student fellowship and
sciousness of her subject as he moved 1' A ins Jil ent causative agent of American relaps- and librarian and lecturer in Chinese discussion will be held, and there will
and lived - without reference to or { I l Tcai Coa SUitjing fever, a disease common in TexasI art in the Yenching School for Chi- be a meeting of the Young People's
remembering his past actions.L oca In 1903 he grew the first culture nee Studies. During the summer of League at 7 p.m.
She stated that the "essence of gen- of blood protozoa on artificial media 1927, he served as lecturer on Chinese Inter-Faith Relationship, or the
ius is the ability to. talk and listen The NRA won a victory in Ann this laid the foundation for extensive art at Columbia University. Basis of Good Will" is the sermon
at the same time. These are not two I Arbor yesterday when the Divisional work in the treatment of tropical Mr. March was actively interested to be given by Dr. Bernard Heller in
distinct things but are the part of Coal Code Authority was awarded a diseases. in research, his colleagues state. Be- t H e . e hl at
the same thing. It is necessary if you judgment over D. E. Hoey, Dexter sides a long list of articles in various he Hillel servicetbeheld at 11:15
are to be artistically alive." jugetoe . .HcDxe a.m. in the League Chapel. Hirsch
meanlcoal dealer.journals he wrote two books:C Hootkins, of the romance language
Miss Stein explained this tomean A five-man jury in Justice J. H Woff et Are Slightly and Jalan in Our Museums" in 1929a
that talking and listening is con- Payne's court decided that Hoey must * which went through several editions, department, will lead the regular class
sciousness-the thought process. pay the Code Authority $13.42, which njured In Accident and Standards of Pottery Descrip-n Jewish Ethics at 2:30 pm. the
Talkg and listening does not pre- was assessed for administration ex- tion" in 1934. In the latter he de- Foundation.
suppose resemblance," she said, "and sesesse for a iat ion Mrs. Frederick Weber, 407 5. Sev- veloped a new technique for the sci- The Rev. Harold P. Marley will
itdoes not necessitate remembering. p otenses. He will appeal the decision Ms rdrc ee,47S e-dsus"h rdglSn -Md
it to the circuit court, he stated. enth St., and Mrs. Sophia T. Hayes, entific study of the materials and discuss "The Prodigal Son- Mod-
lis really the rhythm of personal- Tesi rwoto h eiino
ity."s- The suit grew out of the decision of 604 Mary Court, suffered slight in- methods of manufacture of ancient en Version" in the service at 5 p.m.
ity. e othe Code Authority, which includes all juries in an automobile accident last Chinese pottery, and his results im- at the Unitarian Church. He will dis-
In the opinion of Miss Stein, the of the Lower Peninsula outside of De- night when the car in which they were mediately won wide acceptance. cuss youth's position in the present
motion picture offers a solution to the troit, to levy two and one half cents riding collided with one driven by Of him, President Ruthven says: order in connection with the Mich-
problem of the interference of re- per ton of coal to defray the $70,- Robert H. Dunn, of Lansing, on the "In the death of Mr. March the Uni- igan Youth Congress. Prof. Max
membering. "In a motion picture of 000 expense item. Later this was re- Jackson cut-off road. versity has suffered an irreparable Handman of the economics depart-
anyone, there is no remembering of duced to -two cents, and still later to Mrs. Weber received minor cuts and loss. He had not only impressed' his ment will address the Liberal Stu-
anything," she declared. She ponted one and one half cents. bruises, while Mrs. Hayes suffred a colleagues with his scholarship, but dents' Union meeting at 7:30 p.m. on
out that the cinema records only o d e-Joey, it is claimed, failed to pay cut hand. Mrs. Marguerite Weber, 407 he had endeared himself to them by "Capitalism and the Present Crisis.''
the present action, and that each ac-:the two cent assessment during the S. Seventh St., the driver of the his personality." "The Little Town of Bethlehem" is
tion is different - no remembering j period from March to July. car, was uninjured, as was Dunn. One of his closest friends on the the subject for the Rev. Fred Cowin's
nd no repetition, but only a varyig faculty, Prof. J. G. Winter, chairman sermon in the service to be held at
insistence. WSo h
Cites Novels 1 e of the Latin department, makes the 10:45 a.m. at the Church of Christ.
"I continued what the cinema was Revolt Aanst O ld Policieseld following comment on his death: In a candlelight service at 7:30 p.m.
doing in my Making of Americans," F"The death of Mr. March will bring a cantata, "The Story of Christmas,"
the spemy told he a e "Re-I I AsXhXck and grief to everyone who knew has been arranged by H. Alexander
memberingpee is repetition audienceconf - As Cause For Youth M ovem ent him. His character was so fine and his Matthews.
sion. In doing a portrait, repetition interest in education so great that he The Rev. Charles W. Brashares will
consists of knowing one is a kind By ARTHUR M. TAUB realization that one belongs to a cer- bound everyone to him by strong ties. speak on "Bargains" as the eleventh
of a one; that he says and does whatue tain stratum of society, whether it is To the University his death will bring in his series of talks on "What We
others have said and done but he The youth movement in the United based on correct premises or not is great loss, for he had won an acknowl- Want" in the service at 10:45 a.m. in
says and does them differently"taes thbound to produce a reaction from edged place in scholarship. I doubt the First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Speaking of the beginning of her the revolt of young people against the citizens of this country, he stated, whether there is in America a scholar At 9:45 a.m. Dr. Roy Burroughs will
work, Miss Stein related that "I kept Policies of the older generation which Class consciousness has not been so competent in the field of Chinese lead a discussion on the social creed
wondering as I talked and listened all Clasae o h aprn bek rsnconncAmrusaessifhasevnot bee art." and ideals of the church in a class to
they blame for the apparent break- peeti mrcnlf rvost
atone I ondeed ad isranwadonotisiutions surrounding presentain Americanhlife previousstoto
at once, I wondered is there any way down of the institutions surrounding this time because during the period Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the be held in the balcony of the church
of making what I know come out as them, declared Prof. Thomas Mine- when the country was still young the Anthropology Museum, another of auditorium.
I know it, come out not as remem- an of the University of Wisconsin in dissatisfied portions of the popula- Mr. March's close friends and one "Joseph the Dreamer" will be dis-
bering. I found this very exciting. an interview yesterday. tion could always seek new oppor- who had worked with him many cussed by the Rev. Allison Ray Heaps
And I began to make portraits." American youth is organizing and tunities on the free land beyond the years, states that "the death of Ben- in the unified service of worship to
As the "three novels written in this making itself heard for the first time frontier. Today, he continued, there is jamin March is an irreplaceable loss be held at 10:30 a.m. in the Congre-
generation." Miss Stein cited those by in the history of this country, he no frontier for these people, and to the University Museums. His posi- gational Church. Prof. Preston Slos-
the French author, Proust; "Ulysses," maintained, poiting out that the rea- they are beginning to organize them- tion as a leading authority on Ori- son of the history department will
New University entrance require-
ments for eight schools and colleges
were approved yesterday by the Board
of Regents at their regular monthly
These requirements will take effect
next semester. However, students will
have a choice of entering under the
new or the old rules until September,
1937, it was explained.
The new requirements were drawn
up by a committee of the literary
college, passed by the literary col-
lege faculty in November, and com-
mitted to the Regents for final ac-
The old requirements stipulate that
a student must have three years of
sigh school English, two years of a
foreign language, two years of mathe-
mnatics, one year of science, four years
from a selected list and three years
f elective courses.
Call For Proficiency
New rules call for proficiency over
tefinite periods of time in four out
f five possible fields, including Eng-
ish, foreign languages, mathematics-
Thysics, sciences, and social studies.
>ut of the 15 units required for ad-
nission there must be at least 2 major
sequences of at least 3 units each, 1
of which shall be in English; and 2
ninor. sequences of at least 2 units
,ach. The remaining 5 units included
n the principal's recommendation
nay be selected from any of the sub-
ects listed in the groups or from
my others for which credit is given
oward graduation.
In addition, two other methods of
dmission are available to the student
vho cannot qualify for the certificate
>lan. He may request examination in
Lll the units required. In this case 15
units must be chosen from the 5
;roups listed above, and they must
neet the sequence requirement.
Another plan of admission, a com-
>ination of the first two, is that of
partial certificate-partial examina-
ion. It is available only to a grad-
iate of an accredited high school
,vhose principal is willing to recom-
nend him in part of the required 15
nits. The applicant may, at the dis-
3retion of the Registrar, be admitted
>n the basis of the principal's recom-
nendation covering the units satis-
actorily completed, plus examina-
Aions in the units in which he is de-
It was pointed out in the report of
;he commitee that the present re-
iuirements for admittance into the
iterary college "were approved by the
3oard of Regents of the University of
.ichigan in 1912."
Few Modifications
"In the 22 years which have fol-
lowed, great changes have taken
Mace in the character of the student
>ody in high school and college, with
gut slight modifications in the en-
rance requirements. Moreover, a con-
iderable increase in the number of
subjects taught in these institutions
aas made it imperative to modernize
he requirements for college en-
:rance," the report continues.
Under the new rules a choice is al-
owed in the subjects presented per-
nitting a greater degree of flexibility
han was possible when the subjects
vere prescribed. This increase, ac-
lording tothereport, "will permit
she high school to carry the able
pupil farther in the subjects in which
ae shows the greatest interest and
"It is the expectation that, in con-
sequence, these students will receive
a more thorough preparation for col-
lege and university work," the report
"While retaining the requirement of
15 units and the same high scholastic
standard for admission, the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
has endeavored, in the proposed re-
quirements for entrance, to transfer
the major emphasis from prescribed
. I