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December 14, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-14

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The Weather
Generally fair today; tomor-
row mostly cloudy, somewhat
warmer in south portions.

i I , r

it&- igall,&


Rushing Rule
Modifications ..



Death Toll Modern Giants Of Adventure

List Wartime

Youth Group

Discussed B

Lowell Thomas
Profiteers In

inounms -mBy THOMAS E. GROEHN
® Lowell Thomas said last night that
H o tINEel Fjthe "age of adventure and romance
!has not passed and giants still roam
the earth."
Heeproved it.
Total Number Of Known Drawing from his vast store of ad-
venturous experiences gained from
Dead Climnbs To Thirty several years of travel aroundfthe
As Probe Continues globe, Mr. Thomas told a scoreof
_______stories about modern giants of ad-
Plan Menorial TF "venture-somehumorous, some se-
la n Mem rial.ro rious - but all entertaining.
Holocaust Victims He spoke before the largest crowd
that has attended an Oratorical As-
sociation lecture this season in Hill
Investigation Reveals That Auditorium.
Fi FihtigEunt "I have often been asked," Mr.
ire Figting Equip ent Thomas said, "what type of story on1
Arrived Quickly my newscasts brings the greatest re-
sponse. Whether. it is news of the


happily," he said, "my twisted sense
of humour got the better of me and
I added this last sentence, 'These un-
doubtedly were all royal ancestors of
Pat and Mike.''
"Twenty thousand Irishmen wrote
me letters, and, as I was working for
a national weekly magazine, the gist
of them was to 'cancel my subscrip-
He told stories about Lawrence in
Axabia, of Capt. Hubert Berkely,
"King of Pygmyland," about Bill
Hughes, who started his career as an
umbrella mender and an anarchist,
advanced to the head of a labor un-
ion, where he became a communist,
then to Parliament, and finally ended
up as Prime Minister and the greatest
Imperialist that Australia has ever
He concluded by telling several
stories about Jimmy Doolittle, noted
flyer, whom he described as the
"greatest aviator in the world."
He told these and many other stor-
ies about modern giants of adventure,
but they were Thomas stories and
could be told only as he told them.

Arms Inqu iry
'Gain Of 800 Per Cent By1
t Copper Firm Revealed;
.tw v '

esgin To0
PBegin Today,

League Statesman
Predicts German
Victory In Saar
---- --

Three-Day Meeting
Open At 8 P.M. In


LANSING, Dec. 13. - (P)--Mich-
igan's fire-stricken capital city to-
night counted at 30 the known dead
in the holocaust which swept Hotel
Kerns, hoped fervently the list was
complete, and planned a municipal
memorial for the victims.
State and local police, handicapped
by the loss of the hotel records, said
that every person known definitely to
have been a guest there Monday night
had been included either in the list
of survivors or in the sombre register
of the dead.
How the flames could have spread
through most of the four-story hotel
before an alarm was sounded was one
of the numerous mysterious features
of the disaster that the state fire mar-
shal's staff sought to solve.
Murray McKenna and Edward M.
Welch. of the marshal's office, as-
signed to the investigation, said that
although some guests told of smell-
ing smoke and even of leaving their
rooms at 5 p.m., fire department rec-
ords showed that the first alarm was
not received until 5:30.
Hotel Built In 1908V
McKenna said he had established
that the first fire fighting equipment
reached the hotel within one minute
after the alram was received, and that
men and women then were leaning
from the windows, shouting for help,
and some panic stricken guests al-
ready jumped from upper windows to
their death.
The structure, built ii 108, was of
wood construction inside, and belief
was expressed that the flames ate
their way through tinder-like joists,;
with only faint traces of smoke to,
betray their presence, then turned one
entire section of the building into a
torch when they reached the elevator
Belief was expressed that blind
panic cost the lives of most of the 13
who drowned in the Grand River, orj
died of injuries suffered in leaping
from upper windows. Had they waited
a few moments longer, or braved the
smoke to find the fire escapes, they
might have been saved.
List May Be Increased
A few heaps of blackened jewelry,
found in the still-smouldering debris,
aroused fears that the list of dead
might have to be increased. A watch,
stopped at 6:07, bore the name "P.L.'
Bartlett," a set of Masonic cuff links
carried the name "J. O. Ulm," and a,
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity pinj
had the inscription "W. B. Bryant,
1911." Police had no other records
of those persons, and no inquiries con-
cerning them have been received.
Such tragic souvenirs had enabledj
relatives to claim three of the 11
bodies - mere skeletons defying other
identification-taken from the wreck-"
age and offered slender hope that
other identification might follow. The
trinkets were in the improvised
morgue, each tiny heap near the body
to which the articles were closest in
the ruins.
Seventeen of the 24 bodies recovered
were identified. Most of them had
been claimed by relatives.
The belief was expressed that some
of the bodies still in the ruins had
been reduced to ashes that never
would be found.
There will be memorial services in
churches of all denominations Satr-
day at 12:30 p.m., preceded by the
tolling of bells for a two-minute pe-
riod of silence.
To Observe Last Rites
For Miss Dunbar Today
The funeral of Miss Frances J.
Dunbar, beloved campus figure who
died Tuesday, Will be held at 2:30
p.m. today from the Staffan Funeral
The Rev. Henry Lewis, pastor of St.
Andrews Episcopal Church, will' of-
ficiate. Interment will be made in
the University plot of Forest Hill.

President, quintuplets, the New Deal,
or a human interest story."
The story which he claimed brought{
the greatest response was one aboutI
the uncovering of a tomb in Ireland,
2,000 years old, believed to be the
burial grounds of Irish kings. "Un-


Gertrude Stein,
Noted Author,
Lectures At 4:30 P.M. In
League Under Auspices
Of-"Hopwood Committee
Miss Gertrude Stein, noted author
and lecturer, will speak at 4:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater on "The Development of the
Conception of Personality, Portraits,
sand Poetry."
Miss Stein comes here under the
auspices of the Hopwood Award Com-
mittee. She was intimately acquaint-
ed with Avery Hopwood, donor of the
award, in his younger years.
Miss Stein has refused to address
more than 500 people, and the num-
ber of tickets has been limited to that
Miss Stein, who has written num
erous prose, potery, and dramatic
works, has been in Paris for the past
30 years. Born in Allegheny, Pa., she,
considers herself the "most complete-
ly Americanized person in the world."
She refuses to speak any other lan-
guage than English.
The author of such lines as "rose
is a rose is a rose is a rose," Miss Stein
has attracted considerable attention !
to her works. Yet she says, "I mean
exactly what I say. There is nothinga
impressionistic or mystic about my!
writing. It is pure, simple English."
Recognized as one of the outstand-
ing members of the modern group of
writers, Miss Stein is called by Prof.
Roy W. Cowden of the English de-
partment, "a wonderfully clever wom-
It is not known what time she will
arrive here, Professor Cowden stated,
but Hopwood officials are hoping that
she will be able to spend some time
talking with them about the details
of the present contest.
Prof. Frank Carney, 67 years old,
formerly of the University faculty,
died yesterday in Waco, Tex., after,3
a week's illness.


One man was killed and an-
other seriously injured when the
car in which they were driving
swerved to avoid a truck and
crashed into a tree on the oppo-
site side of the road. The acci-
dent occurred at 11:55 last night
as they were driving on Wash-
tenaw Avenue just west of U.S.
Carlton A. Remton, 708 Pearl
St., Ypsilanti, was killed instant-
Leonard Wales, 507 N. Hamil-
ton, Ypsilanti, was seriously in-
Remton was to have appeared
today in court to answer charges
of negligent homicide resulting
from an accident in which he
killed a person in Ypsilanti some
'time ago.'
Austria Strikes
vAt Nazi SpiesI
In Armed Drive
VIENNA, Dec. 13. - (P) - Chancel-
lor Kurt Schuschnigg's government,
grimly arming against the next revo-
lution, lashed out again today at its
Nazi foes.
A secret Nazi propaganda office,
raided by police, yielded copies of va-
rious documents stolen from the for-
eign office. Two men were arrested.
Earlier the arrest of three officials
of the foreign office was announced,
and authorities said they were con-
vinced that these officials were sup-
plying the Nazis with secret informa-
tion as to the government's elaborate
security measures.
The semi-official' newspaper Reichs-
post said the trio jailed had sold high-
ly important state documents to en-
emies of the Schuschnigg regime,
which came to power after the assas-
sination of Chancellor Dollfuss in the
abortive Nazi Putsch of last July.
Meanwhile, the Fascist administra-
tion went forward steadily with its
plans to militarize the police and the
gendarmerie in preparation for any
uprising against the government.

Hiss Leads Probe Auditorium Pobble Speaker Sir Herbert Ames Thinks
U.S. Contracts Gave Expect About 500 Race Sentiment Will Be
Du Ponts $2,000,000 OutsideDelegates DecidingFactor
- j Wall Address Union
Several Steel Companies Members Will Plan And fWld e Ui
. . 9Open Forum Today
Cited As Making 100 To Present Legislation TojOFT
300 Per Cent Cope With Problems*Ho
Q Fails Solution As Key To
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.--(R) -- The Michigan Youth Congress will Peace Between France
Tremendous wartime profits to gov- open its three-day meeting in AnnAn
enent contracto ny aount Arbor with delegates from youthonn And Germany
ing to 20, 30 and 40 per cent of in- ganizations all over the state gathered BAS
vested capital and some running to together to plan and present legisla- - By MAltSHALL D. SHULMAN
several times that figure - were dis- tion designed to cope with the prob- Racial sentiment towards the fath-
closed today by the Senate munitions lems of youth. erland will be stronger than the fear
investigation. The exact number of delegates to of Naziism and the rich coal district
One copper company, Calumet of the congress will not be known until will probably be won by Germany in
Hecla, was shown to have made 800 the credentials of all delegates are the plebiscite next month, was the
presented to the provisional commit- i probable outlook as seen by Sir Her-
panies were1isted as making between tee here this afternoon, but it is bert B. Ames, speaking to a capacity
100 and 300 per cent profits. Other expected by officials of the committee audience yesterday afternoon in the
figures discosed a jmp of two score that approximately 500 from outside Natural Scince Auditorium on the
in the million-dollar incomes of in- of Ann Arbor will be present. subject,
iivheumsllion-dMlyar.inomes1of ere Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jane What It Means to World Peace."
recordeds for that year. In all 181 were Addams, Harry E. Fosdick, Countee Aso4iated Press Photo The plebiscite plan is a "magnifi-
eoed. s leading up to a war- Cullen, Maj.-Gen. R. V. Graves, and Rep. Joseph W. Byrns of Tennessee, cen't piece of organization," Sir Her-
time contract between the du Ponts others have signified interest in the for many years a leading Democrat bert, former f ancial director of the
and the government, on which the congress. Mrs. Roosevelt, for one, in Congress, appeared the likely League of Nations secretariat, de-
munitions company received about wrote, "You have my best wishes for choice for the speakership post, made fared. "It wil set a useful precedent
$2,000,000 without investment by it- the success of the conference." vacant by the death of Speaker Henry dorte issfTle inague-
self, also were disclosed. Minehan To Speak T. Rainey, as various state delega- demonstrated its usefulness in pre-
Deals With Du Ponts Disclosed The congress will begin officially at tions held pre-session caucuses. serving world peace; moreover, Hitler
Alger Hiss, youthful committee in-- 84p.m. today in Hill Auditorium with _and Goebels have said that if the Saar
vestigator, produced from du Pont an address by Prof. Thomas Minehan + question can be satisfactorily settled,
files two contracts for the construc- ' on "Boy and Girl Tramps in Amer- Germany will accept the Locarno
tion of a powder plant at government ica." Professor Minehan is a member TroopsO U ive Fpact.r
of the sociology department of the France Concedes Victory
cost, leading to erection of the OldUnvriyoWscsnadthau A t Sir Herbert, Canadian statesman
Hickory plant in Tennessee, already, University of Wisconsin and the au- Nations, M oveHrbrCndnsaemn
investigated several timesse a thor of the book dealing with the sub- who is famed for his peace efforts,
The du Ponts' profits on the latter ject of his speech tonight. Iwas introduced by Prof. Everett S.
eare toubeobrought out in tomorrow's The session tonight will continue T w rds Brown of the political science de-
aetony, but u ntomorro's with a brief address by Richard Babb partment. He has consented to re-
testimony, but du Pont officials said Whitten, a student at Tulane Uni- I main in Ann Arbor in order to appear
'the compay ercent,ived about $2said, wasversity and national chairman of the Action Represents Attempt at 3 p.m. in an informal open forum
00 Eihypret he adwas
paid back in taxes, leaving the coi- Student League for Industrial Democ- in the North Lounge of the Union,
pny pk$400,0000.Oftht ea ntheyracy, who will speak on problems con- To Insure Stability On He will discuss "The Role of the Little
added, $200,000 was paid in bonuses frontig youth in America. Continent Of Europe Entente in Present Day European
to ffiial oftheplat.Arthur Clifford, Grad., secretary Po__itic_.
tofecinge latgof the provisional committee of the I "There are three possible outcomes
Referring' earlier to the huge war- ;cnrswl act as temporary chair- SAARBRUEGKEN, Dec. 13 ('= of the vote," the speaker stated. "It
time profits listed for other concerns, man tonight before the business of The troops of five nations moved may be voted to maintain the status
Pierre du Pont applied the same 80 m n gt ud h toward the Saar Basin Territory to- y qo in ti can the Sawus
pe ettxfgrsyn h an the congress gets under way. da quo in which case the Saar would
per cent tax figure, saying the gains CotnI Tmro day. { be governed by h egei h
shown probably would be reduced by Continues Tomorrow Wa{k napaac hywr egvre by the League in the
shon pobaly oul beredcedby The congress will continue tomor-1 Warlike in appearance they wereI same manner as Danzig is now. Or,
that much. sent on a mission of peace. On their citen ight vo o unie hei
Testmonyand ocumntsuncov- irow morning with the election of a!teciznmghvoeouieter
Testimony and documents permanent chairman and the ap- presence the governments of all country with either France or Ger-
eyed late in the day revealed signed pointment of five committees which Europe depend to prevent next many."
contracts between the du Ponts and will prepare resolutions to be pre- month's plebiscite from developing an "France, since her recent with-
the government for the erection of to the assembled congress incident menacing to the stability of drawal, no longer expects to win.
a powder plant to cost $90,000,000 on nay. Thse co ts d the Continent. There are qui a fe who favor th
az 15 per cent cost plus basis. The !Sna.Teecmite ilda ut e h ao h
cany was nt rceiv, lso, bas Tet with the following subjects: the prob- An Englishman, Maj. Gen. J.E.S. status quo, but they do so, not because
company was to receive, also, 5 bents lem of youth in industry, unemploy- Brind, commanded the forces, au- they love the present League system,
a poument and social insurance, education thorized by the League of Nations but because they fear to put them-
The plant was to have had a capacity and recreation,the international sit and placed at the disposal of the Saar I selves under the Nazis."
of a million pounds a day, which uation, and the problem of youth in Basin Governing Commission. Outlines History of Saar
would have meant a total of $50,000 ationtd The movement of the armed forces "Hitler has been using the 'soft
in comsin alagriculture. Thelemovementn ofithetharmed
in commissions daily. ! Dr. Harry F. Ward of Columbia toward the Saar Basin brought scenes pedal' in persecuting his internal dis-
Big Jump In Huge Incomes University, national chairman of the reminiscent of World War days. They senters recently, and will probably
Both contracts were cancelled by American Federation for Social Serv- 'traveled with full equipment, pre-I continue so until after the vote. Hitler
the War Department, a few days afteI ice, will speak before the congress on pared for any contingency. The Brit- terrorists were reported in the Saar
'they had been signed, and the Old!.Youth and the Breakdown of the ish battalions, first troops from across region in 1933, but, because of the
Hickory contract was drawn up. By Social Order" at 9:30 a.m. Sunday in the English Channel to set foot onI firm League policing, the movement to
its terms the company received no Hill Auditorium. French soil since the conclusion of vote the Saar to Germany now is rep-
profit on construction and approxi- Student observers at the confer- the World War, were accompanied resented by a responsible party, the
nately 3%V' cents a pound on its pow- ence will be charged 50 cents and all by a squadron of tanks. United German Front, which is pre-
der output. others, $1. Meanwhile, the Saar Plebiscite pared to insure that no threats or
Hiss also produced revenue bureau; _Commission acted to insure fair and coercion may be brought to bear on
figures showing that of 181 persons secret balloting. the voters," Sir Herbert said and
reporting an income of more than a Announce Probe Of The Commission issued regulations added that the United German Front
million dollars in 1917, 41 had never D H requiring that voters register and jclaimed to have lined up about 82/2
before appeared on that annual list. Dat mou th Douses seal their ballots unaided in closedper cent of the voters.
The list included six members of the booths and that the ballots cast in There are four reasons why some
du Pont family, Henry Ford and his HANOVER, N. H., Dec. 13. - (P) - each district be brought here by neu- favor remaining independent, it was
son Edsel; Andrew W. Mellon; former President Ernest Martin Hopkins of tral officials to be tabulated by neutral shown. First, the Socialists and Com-
Senator Joseph R. Grundy, of Penn- Dartmouth College today appointed tellers. 1 munists know how they would fare in
sylvania; Senator James Couzens, of a special committee of alumni, college Heavy prison sentences were pro- I the hands of Hitler. Secondly, the
Michigan; and several Morgans,( officials and undergraduates' to in- vided for anyone attempting to in- { present Saar state has no state debt
Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and Whit- vestigate the Dartmouth fraternity fluence or force a voter to disclose ( and is in fine financial conditionrela-
neys. (Editor's note-This does not system and the entire fabric of un- how he had marked his ballot. tively speaking. Thirdly, it enjoys tar-
mean that these men engaged in mu- dergraduate social life. Chancellories looked on with deep iff addvantages from both France and
nitions activities). s Palaeopitus, student governing body, concern as residents of the rich coal Germany in its present state; and
Hiss' presentation also brought out recently requested such an investi- I mining and steel producing area pre- fourth, the large predominance of
testimony that the du Ponts between gation, branding the fraternity system pared to choose whether they should Roman Catholics are leery of Nazi
1194 ad 118 olda ttalof 1,25,-as 4"unwholesome, unhealthy, and urn- be governed by France, Germany or; tactics.
563,000 to the Allied nations and the ;natural."y -the League of Nations. , "Nevertheless, a German is a Ger-
United States, of which $796,000,000; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ man, and the sentiment may trans-
was for cannon powder, 124 for smoke- cend the fear of the Nazis," said Sir
less rifle powder, and 112 for.TNT. nIrear of ,,C--i-Lc \i[711 I Hrbet xhn the-o fN9aznia- said

--..0.. .*

Disposition Of Welfare Funds
Is Explained By Local Off
By SHELDON M. ELLIS maintained by the welfare
Questions which commonly come to day, more than 2,900 fa
the minds of persons who are suspi- given aid. Many persons
cious of the activities of welfare frained from asking for hE
agencies were answered by Mildred A. the last few years, but are
Valentine of the sociology depart- ing outside aid imperative.
ment, who is also deputy-administra- Miss Valentine explained
tor of the Washtenaw County Welfare welfare activities in the c
Relief Commission, in an interview directed by a commission
yesterday. men appointed by the gover
"Many wonder why some persons are 14 case workers and t
are permitted to own and operate visors, with offices in Yps
automobiles at the same time that Ann Arbor. She believes
they are receiving aid from relief work in Washtenaw C
organizations," said Miss Valentine. handled in a more efficien
"The answer is relatively simple. Cer- than in most sections of th
tain individuals in rare cases, such cause the local agency has
as those who are sickly and require to secure skilled workers wi
frequent trips to hospitals, or those sity training.
who use their cars for transporta- -Direct contact with famil
tion to relief jobs, are permitted to ing aid from the welfare
operate automobiles," she explained. maintained at all times, an
"Another question which often fare lists are checked with1
arises concerns the fact that there of persons hired by local:
are certain persons, who are employed Each worker has approxin
at the same time that they are re- families on his list and sp
ceiving aid from relief agencies. Many of the week making visit
individuals on the welfare lists are homes. Each family is s
working at part time or piece-work the case worker and their

until to-
rmilies are
have re-
elp during
now find-,
d that the
ounty are
1 of three
nor. There
wo super-
ilanti and
that the
County is
nI manner
e state be-
been able
th univer-
lies receiv-
agency is
d the wel-
the names
mately 200
ends most
s to their
studied by
budget is


Botanist To Speak
On Field Expedition
L. Williams, assistant curator of
economic botany in the Field Museum
of Natural History at Chicago, will
lecture here tonight on the Marshall
Field Expedition to the Amazon. His
lecture will take place at 8 p.m. in
Room 2003, Natural Science Building,
and will be illustrated with colored
stereoptican slides.
Mr. Williams was in charge of the
Peruvian division of the expedition,
which took place in 1929 and 1930,
and specialized in the collection ofI
plant and wood specimens. He is at
present working on the material

IrIctUIy ne112Vea1:s iis L1
Outnumber Millers On Campus


rict~~~ Uf ,W1 aUU0 nzig snop-
keepers who, although they have en-
joyed remarkable economic advani-
tages under their present League gov-
ernment, would prefer to return to
Germany. _L

You may telephone the animal
house, the Arboretum, or the residence
of the astronomy department, but no!
longer can you call the pigeon lofts!I
The reason for this is that the lofts'
telephone has been removed from the
University listings and no longer{
remains in the Student Directory, asj
of old. But if one is seeking a fine-
sounding title, he may phone Uni-
versity 371 where he may speak to
the Director of the University Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information or he still may call Uni-

considerable of a representation here,
have since fallen into third place, so
far as numbers are concerned. There
are 48 student Johnsons and 8 on the
faculty. But if they claim more than
appears on paper, it is probably be-1
cause there are 15 Johnstons andI
three Johnstones among the Univer-
sity family.
After the Johnsons appears the 43
Browns, the 41 Davises, the 31 Camp-
bells, and so on far down the long
In several instances there appear
pet aversions for the postman. Per-
haps he may have a few extra lettersj


Government Difficult
The history of the Saar Basin was
outlined by the speaker. The Ver-
sailles Treaty compromised between
two points of view: President Wilson's
principle of self-determination was
tempered with France's claim for the
district, which was based upon two
points, compensation for the mine
equipment destroyed by the Germans
during the war, and reparations pay-
The plan decided upon was that
France should operate the mines, and
the government should be operated by
thf -rT,p nolP mii r, -ar f, +I -

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