,. THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1934 DAILY Publication in the University. Copy re saturday. WEDNESDAY, DECEMV VOL. XLV N Notices lPresidcnt and Mrs. be at home to stude: friends on Wednesday, 4 to 6 o'clock. Luncheon for Graduate Students FFICIAL BULLETIN at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the ing. Professor Samuel T. Dana,j ceived at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 Dean of the School of Forestry and Conservation will speak informally! IBER 12, 1934 music class, participating in this pro- on the Tennessee Valley project. Fe. 67 gam are: Georce Finch, Leona Haef- nir. Doris Harmill, Helen Harrod. Fencing for Women Students: The Bernard Hirs:h, Alice Hoffman, fencing class meets in Waterman Rutihven will Fredcrick Hunt. Mona Hutchings, Gymnasium at 4 p.m. Anyone in- nts and their Thor Johnson, Elizabeth Mann, Ruby terested who did not attend last week Dec. 12, from Poinert. Ruth Shields. must attend this meeting. - - - -~ - - Cosmopolitla Club : Christmas Party, dance and other entertainment, Dec. 15, Lane Hall, 9 to 12 P.M. Ladies free. Members 35 cents, non- members 50 cents. IMiseum nReceive'Is Rare Stiffe Biid The mounted figure of what was probably the last wild turkey m Michigan was received yesterday by the Zoology Museum bird division from William B. Meershom of Sagin- CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY i -1 i LOTAD ON University Broadcasting: 11^beeh 9:15-9:30 a.m.--Laboratory Pro- Bu d Unnamed Naval Officer gram for Speech Department Class. -00-2:30 - Vocational Guidance .Topic Faces Court Martial Seres -Topic: The Public Account- ict Lant F ncs E Ros, rofsso of Si cake WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 -(/')-A ant, Francis E. Ross, Professor of Accounting. possible trial by court martial was in Econig store tonight for an unnamed officer Eletit on hares ha hehadoffre, fr a iMas. -Michigan Club - All mem- npeto on charges that he had offered, for a bers who are going with the group Telephon fee of $1,000 a month, to swing some make reservations at Chubb's imme- ored by navy airplane business to one aircraft ake insat C s ime sore comany diately. Information as to rates is A.L.E.E.. company. .nwavialthr.hexh Evidence to this effect was turned now available there. the exci _______ Met at1 over to the navy today by the House Notice: Those who have reserved 319 E. W military affairs subcommittee, which tice oe whothae esee 3 is investigating alleged irregularities tickets for the Gertrude Stein Lec- in War Department purchases. ture should call for them before five Phi E Rear Admiral Claude C. Cloch,,navy o'clock Thursday..em -, r, .R. W. Cowden Union.1 try oloquium: Meeting 21d in Room 303. Chemistry at 4:15 p.m. Connecticut-Michigan Club meet- ing at 8 p.m., Room 302, in the Un- ion. All students from Connecticut -h -In to rfti rnme for the va- a Fluorescence in Ultravio- w l.La, noted hunter and conservation cation are invited to attend. and Its Applications. authority. ar: Professor 11. H. Willard. :r s _ H.HW r. Catholic Students: A party will be These great birds, once so plenti- - ful that it is said thiey .'se to walk held for all Catholic students and iai Enginecr-: There will be their friends in the auditorium of the across the University camps are n trip throughs the local Bell chapel, from 8 to 10. Al Cowan's now extinct. Mr. Meershm shot the e plant this evening spon- i rchestra will furnish the music. tuikey in 1886. In the opinion oC Dr.' the student branch of the Jcsselyn Van Tyne, curator of the_ Any person wishing to see Nati'nal Student League meets at bird division, it is a very rare speci- ange is invited to attend. 8 p.m. in Room 304 of the Union. Th men. It is the only one in Michigan the telephone exchange ato .i on which full data is available. political philosophy of Daniel De ashington St., at 7:30 p.m. Leon will be discussed. All interested Also the Museumns received from are nviited. Mr. Meershom a mounted specimen' a Sigma: Initiation of new ____ed of the nearly extinct whooping crane.; will take place at 7:15 p.m.. oA great white bird, standing even' Initiates are asked to bring acuty n a ans Ipb: Formal Re- higher than the wild turkey, it was white handkerchief to the ception and Dance at 9 p.m., Mich- shot in 1904 in Saskatchewan, igan League Ballroom. CIA SSIFIED ADVFRTISING 1a' advrti'erents with Clasi ed Adt iu Darment. Phone 2 1. Th tnild ('Uilni11ns (close:Zat.liv< li f sured t no C IiS cA7; i; Cah in avc -I1 e p r reacdingline ) no nfor tnee or l~cperre~inglinpfr 'three11"or Mi i o)n t lnes per !nderaien. 2 ye'i ~ to m 't ins..... as d - i . . . .7 pe edig lne for three or nst thn ndays unihdteatstnertaloi :ea rstd:. do preeline'stper nsertin per line tabovPne -raties r dlace 4 iesaboe.rates.a2eor h7........t ic. D co y un deR .... The boverah~ ar pe read lIne., bosd n eght eactng ines per inch. Toi tye. nprr and lower eane. Add Es er noe to above rates for all crpita iere Add Oc per line to abo\ for pie tooe rats fo bol ae capial letters. ti 7 i t Te aoe raes are for 7 poin LAUNDRY I ~ LOST AN) FOUND LOS: Saturdaa