The Weather
Mostly cloudy today. Rising
temperature tomorrow.
A6F Aw
The Only Hope For Peace ..
One Answer To Idle Youth...
Rule Plan
Prof. Wood Denounces PresentI
1System O Paroles In Michigan
By SHELDON M. ELLIS have gone since their release from
T~b,- --+i,. oni-_~rof +Vin Trin1-,icran "rin 1 ~ nl r f e n r
Fraternities Ieath TolMountingIn
will Discuss
IThe entire set-up of the micnigan prison, stated o Professorw Wood.
Ce parole system was vigorously de- Citing the recent murder of a 12-
T ot nounced by Prof. Arthur E. Wood of year-old girl living near Lansing,
the sociology department in an in- Professor Wood pointed out the laxity
terview yesterday. of control over the penal affairs of
Proposal For New Student b"Vicious criminals will continue to the State. LeRoy Carson, the mur-
be released from our prisons to prey derer, had been placed on probation
Government Given To upon the public as long as untrained in 1929 for breaking into a shoe store.
men are permitted to control the In August, 1930, he was sentenced to
Student-Faculty Group parole system. The Michigan sys- from three to five years in Ionia
tem needs a complete reorganization Reformatory after being convicted on
Includes Revision if the benefits derived from the par- charges of burglary. Carson was dis-
ole method are to be gained," said charged after serving his sentence
Of Present Council Professor Wood. i with the statutory good behavior
"There is only one solution to the time allowance, despite the fact that
problem," he continued. "The State he was reported to be below normal
Constitution Would Set Up must hire trained psychiatrists and in mentality and addicted to unnat-
srysociologists to handle the affairs of ural sex habits.
the parole system. These experts "The Michigan system today is en-
Cooperation should select, after a careful study tirely in the hands of one parole dep-
of the habits and tendencies of the uty who is largely guided by political
Rule Change
Interfraternity Council To
Meet At 7 P.M. Today In
Phi Epsilon Pi To
Get Scholastic Cup
Six Rushing Rule Changes
To Be Recommended By.
The Interfraternity Council will!
hold its second meeting of the yearr
Ho e Ze50 Guests
Feared Buried In Ruins
Known Dead, Injured And Missing Student Is
Missing Are Listed; 13 .P
Bodies Recovered By
Police officials were last night fol- ;
Inqui ry Ordered lowing several new leads in an inten-
I . sive search for 18-year-old Raymond
By State Officials G. Diefenderfer, Jr., '38, of Sheridan,
Wyo., who has been missing since his
disappearance Saturday, Dec. 1, from
Possible Negligence A s a rooming house located at 1110 Oliv-I
Six Legislators Perish In
Early Morning Fire At
Hotel Kerns
Firemen Hindered
By Zero Weather
Lansing P o iic e Request
Survivors To Report To
The proposed plan for a new form criminals, those who can be trusted forces. Wardens too often judge the at 7 p.m. today in Room 306 of the Cause Of Blaze Will Be ia Ave.
of student self-government, which under control. After the convicts men to be paroled by their prison rec- Union, Philip A. Singleton, '35, presi- Raymond G. Diefenderfer, Sr.,
was submitted to the University ad- are released an extensive system of ords and by their personalities. It dent, stated yesterday. Investigated father of the missing freshman lit-
ministration for approval three weeks supervision should be established. has been proven, however, that hard- Proposed changes in the rushing erary college student, who has been
ago by the Student-Faculty Relations Parole officers must do field work ened criminals are the cleverest and rules which have been under the con- LANSING, Dec. 11. - (P)- The in Detroit for several days aiding of-
Committee of the Michigan Union, and investigate the environment make ideal prisoners. The State sideration of a special committee, known dead in the fire which ravaged ficials in the search, conferred last
was yesterday committed to the Sen- to which the discharged inmates connued on Page 6) headed by Joseph A. Whitmer, '35, the Kerns hotel here today and the night in Ann Arbor with Prof. Fred
ate Committee on Student Affairs by--- Theta Chi, will be discussed and missing who are. believed almost cer- B. Wahr, assistant to the dean of
the University Committee on StudentI voted on at the meeting. tainly to be dead are: students.
Con duct. .o iege H eadsr The scholarship trophy, presented REP. T. HENRY HOWLETT, Greg- His father earlier advanced the be-
Originally presented to President annually to the fraternity which at- ory. lief that Diefenderfer had been wor-
Alexne n Tut y l~othe2Union Edrseecr tains the highest scholarship aver- REP. JOHN W. GOODWINE, Mar-gnd toDsearch ofanmhoy
committeeh oTuesday, Nov. 22, te Seniors Low Rank age throughout the year by the Zeta lette. get
pplan, which provides for a Men's r~ I Beta Tau fraternity, will be given to RE.DNLE.SAMda. ment.
Council, was referred to the Univer- The New D eal Phi Epsilon Pi this year at the meet- REP. DONALD E. SIAS, Midland
sity Committee on Student Conduct, Are you acquainted with a "bosky" ing REP. CHARLES D. PARKER, Otis-Fsn
headed by Dean of Students Joseph portion of the country, or have you T Ville reshm e To
A. BurslPy, for action. Poll Proves That Various any "glabrous" friends? The stand- that wi be present ,ccsring toe REP. VERN VOORHEES, Albion.{
Th Senate Commtee ontudent E1 emets Ue ardized vocablary tests recently giv- Whitmer, are as follows: SEN. JOHN LEIDLEaIs Santman Vote
members and five students, will meet ment seem to prove that if you're a r
tocnieSh rpsdrvso f upport President mn senturoethtifyu'ea h)anyue rraduayte oram-e aVID MOthe oe assistantman-
to consider the proposed revision of senior, you don't know that bosky nus shall be restricted by the same ass Officers
government within a few days, it was means wooded, nor are you certain rules as fraternity men in regards R. S. McFARLAND, Dayton, 0.'
announced last night. that glabrous means baldheaded, for to rushing. '
In the event tnat tne unmversity ad- MADISON, Wis.. Dec. 11. - That of the 38 students registering scores (2) The beginning of the rushing A man believed to be named KOHN, M
ministration approves the plans for collegiate and university presidents in the college graduate class only fourf period shall be advanced from Sat- first name unknown. ann n an a e
the Men's Council, the Undergrad- and student newspaper editors are in were seniors. urday noon to Friday noon. ISRAEL WISHNEEF, Lansing. For President, Luecht,
uate Council, which was founded inthev m and spthe o PeasA further survey of the results .(3) No mention of another frat-' An unidentified woman, about 66 Truc For Frolic Head
the spring of 1933 to replace al proven by the overwhelming "vote of shows that in this same group 24 of ernity by name or implication shall years old.
Student Council, willautomaticallyprovnfidence" given Democratic leaders the remainder were sophomores, and be permitted during the rushing per- JAMES GRATRIX, 50, Chicago.
cease to existcndence" in Deocrati leders only 14 juniors. Total scores ranged Iod. ABRAHAM BOSMAN, 37, Grand Freshmen in the literary college will
The purpose of the proposed con- and presidents made here by the As- from 96 per cent to 18 per cent. The (4) No rushee who does not pledge Rapids. choose their class officers today in the
stitutidetsondeheasbytexpressedd lecioino a hletter th
stitution, as expressed in a letter sociated Collegiate Press and Colle- speech department is unable to give on the first pledging Monday shall be The bodies of Senator Leidlein and s dd
ngrate Digest. out lists of the words most often permitted to pledge a house until Monroe have not been recovered. They new system. William R. Mann will
timDespite the fact that college editors missed, or misinterpreted, as the the second semester of the academic were included among the dead be- run against David Rank for the pres-
mitted, is to establish a form of self- and presidents are thought by the same tests will be given next year year. cause of almost indisputable proof idency of the class and John W.
government which insures "a friendly ym to be either communistic to enable comparative studies.f The purpose of this aforementioned that they were in the burning building Luecht and Walter J. Truc, Jr., will
cc peatonbewenaheUnvesiy amabtebtethreomunstche_____Universityprpseo thsaireeni aend nddid ntdscp sekthtpsiiosocFosperoi
an peagovern g tudent oa or socialistic, only four of the editors - change, according to Whitmer, is to nddddtheesapeseingpstudent FrshFr.chairman.
,, professed to be socialists, while not ' erevade the technicality of a rushee MISSING
The new phn would give the Coun- one of the presidents polled was either ercury D ropsI turning in a preference and the frat- Those believed to have been in the p m in Roo 5, gel Hall. 4 ec
cili original and general jurisdiction a socialist or a communist.NNtandindssernity leaving the rushee's name off hotel and unreported nclude: tion of officers for the junior class in
over all men's student activities and were listed as commusts. hero list, thereby making him eligible HERBERT BROWN, Detroit. the architectural college will be held
student conduct and provides that More Democrats 7 topledge any time during the same MRS. LAMEROUX, address un at the same time in the architectural
recommendations may be made on The division between the two major1 semester. known.
scholastic matters. With the adoption parties was as follows: Editors, 60 Setting o R ecord (5) No man ineligible to pledge a EDWARD BOOTH, Grand Rapids. ild in
per cent Democrats, 40 per cent Re- fraternity shall eat meals in a frat- JAMES H. WEISSE, Saginaw. terete terar collg
of hi cnstuio, te ursdctonI J. L. ZANDER, Saginaw. ion is reported to be running high by'
now exercised by University officials publicans; presidents, 51 per cent ., .;ernity and pay for them. J. LAD, NaknC. members of the class. More petitions
in this field would be suspended. Democrats, 49 per cent Republicans. Possibilities Of Warmer (6) The Rushing tax, assessed HINJURED were turned in for the offices than
Provision is also made for the I In the debate which has been rag- Weather Are Forecast By pledges, shall be 50 cents until the! The injured in St. Lawrence Hos- were turned in by the sophomores,
Council either to pass upon or submit ing for many months over the con- y first Saturday noon of rushing.ital. members of the electoral board said
petitions before the student body tostitutionality of the New Dea , the Latest Reports Thereafter the fee shall be $1. REP MAURICE E POST Kent after their meeting last Saturday and
the University administration with its great majority of the college editorslthough Singleton would make Count a large vote is expected.
recommendations. It might also bring and presidents believe that the New The mercury hovered around zero no statement to the effect, it is be- yDR. F. C. THIEDES, Grand Rapids. As in the sophomore election, voters
the issues contained in such petitions Deal act of the Cntind Con- yesterday, as the official thermometer lieved that a discussion regarding CLARENCE SMITH, Coldwater. will be required to pay their class dues
bere the tudent body in a general Arss arer upheldnag by the tition. at the University observatory reached the character of fraternity parties' A. BOSMER, Grand Rapids.. Iand present their receipt along with
campus election. A larger percentage of the editors a new low for the winter. At 7 a.m. held during the past semester, will FRED VAN DYNE, Owosso. their treasurer's receipt before they
L-__________ elieve in their constitutionality, with yesterday, the temperature was 3.0 b ed HMSSKDEL oa.Cca banblos
83 per cent voting "No THOMAS SKEDGELL, Coral can obtain ballots.
House Filied tion, "Do you believe that the New Thesthermometer was near five 1 Singleton urged all house presidents; LLOYD KECK, Lansing. A list of names of freshmen elig-
DIo s il d8 er pcet votin "Nco"sitona ane-id dere l odyngt h ih ob rsn.C. H. THOMPSON, Grand Rapids. ible for dance committee jobs must
Dealopolun-American?" Only 30 per cent ofegree a ynit.Tehg-obpren WILLIAM JACOBI, Rutherford, be turned in by the president of the
For Pro 'ram the presidents voted "Yes" on this etemperature yesday wa I ,, . N.J. class and the dance chairman as soon
votedPYes"ronthisdegrees at about 3 pm. A tempera Farm '("lFRN u
question. ure of less than ten degrees was rn FRANK SOCHI, Lansing. after the election as possible, Carl
Favor Roosevelt predicted yesterday for last night, HARRIS SILVERBERK, Detroit. Hilty, president of the Undergraduate
ym phon Defends Control M. S. NOLAN, Battle Creek. Council said yesterday. From this list"
O Sy p o y On the other hand, a larger ma-1 with a prospect for warmer weather _____ the Election Board will choose the
jority of the presidents believe that today. Possible snow was seen in - - mee theorditteshoretheI
the New Deal measures have gen- the cloudy skies forecast for today, NASHVILLE, Dec. 11.--()-De- LANSING, Dec. 11.--(P) -An in- members of the committees for the
Dr. koussevitzky L e a d s crally bettered the condition of the spite the "disastrous drought," Ches- vestigation of the fire that destroyed literary college.
B o s t o n Orchestra In people of the United States. Seventy- WASHINGTON, Dec. i-(R)-- ter C. Davis, administrator of the Ag- the Hotel Kerns was ordered today The election of junior class officers
four per cent of the presidents voted Cold gripped the entire United States ricultural Adjustment Act, said today by the State Fire Marshal's Depart- in the dental school will be held in
Thrilling Concert "Yes" on the question, "Do you believe today and snow fell among the palms that "supplies in all commodities for ment. the lower amphitheater of the dental
______that the Roosevelt administration's at Tampa, Fla., for the first time in which control programs were carried E. L. Welch, deputy fire marshal, clinic at 4 p.m. today.
A review of the Boston Symphony policies 'have generally bettered the 28 years. out are still amule." I said he would summon hotel em-
Orchestra concert is printed on page condition of the people of the United Blizzards and new low readings for Addressing the sixteent nnual ployees,firemen and other witnesses.
six of this issue. States?' Sixty-nine per cent of the the season were reported in many convention of the American Farm Bu- He declared that the inquiry would Varsity D ebate
By ROBERT S. RiUWITCH editors voted affirmatively on this localities. These sub-zero marks reau Federation, Davis declared seek to establish the cause of the fire
The Boston Symphony Orchestra., query. were among the lowest recorded: "there are logical reasons" for the de- and whether there was negligence. Team To M eet
conducted by Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, Contrary to the general trend of Saranac Lake, N. Y., 19; Owl's velopment of farm surpluses and add- Meantime, Coroner Gorsline pre-
thrilled more than 5,000 persons, a the beliefs of the editors and the Head, N. Y., and Decorah and Mason ed that the AAA "enabled farmers to pared to establish a temporary morgue "
capacity audience, last night in Hill presidents, more voted for a limita- City, Ia., 17; Oakland, Md., 16; do for themselves, in cooperation, I in the Michigan Supply Co. BuildingIndiana Today
Auditorium. The concert was the fifth tion of New Deal activities than voted Charles City, Ia., 14; Waterloo and what they had been prevented from I across the street from the burned
of this season's Choral Union series. for an extension of them or for their Marshalltown, Ia., 13; Winona and doing before as individuals." ihotel. Gorsline said that preparations
Combining the strictly classical of continuation on their present scale. Austin, Minn., 10; Eau Claire, Wis., He defended the Bankhead Cotton would be made to receive at least 75 Federal Aid For Education
Mozart and Beethoven with the mod- The vote on the continuation, lim- 9; Fort Dodge, Ia., 8; La Crosse, Wis., Production Control program and said bodies. Victims of the fire found by T B Of
einistic arrangement for orchestra, by itation, or extension of New Deal ac- and Ottumwa, Ia., 7. "the cotton program is not to blame" the searchers will be taken into the ToeTopic Of First
Maurice Ravel, of Moussorgsky's suite tivities was as follows: Editors, con- The upper Mississippi River froze for "the loss of the export market." building for identification, if possible. Conference Debate
for piano, "Pictures at an Exhibi- tinuation 36 per cent, limitation 46 over. Six inches of ice covered the
tion," this great organization of more per cent, extension 18 per cent; Pres- Central Maine lakes A cold wind'
than 110 musicians succeeded in pre- idents, continuation 30 per cent lim- + The undefeated Var1sity-debating
renting a fully varied program to de- itation 63 per cent, extensionper I handicapped golfers at Miami, Fla. Fam ous Cam pus Figure Found team will meet the University of In-
lighted Ann Arbor music-goers. cent. The first ice formed at Port Arthur, diana squad in the first Western Con-
Dr. Koussevitzky chose to open the Tex., as the sub-freezing weather ex- Late YrBr ference meet of the year at 8 p.m. to-
program with the overture to the ADDRESSES SCOUTING GROUP tended to the Gulf. Dtenday in Hill Auditorium.
opera, "The Marriage of Figaro," of Prof. John S. Worley, of the engi-Heavy Florida Frost The speakers for Michigan, which
Mozart. This composition was scored neering college, spoke last ng The meteorologist at Jacksonville, Miss Frances Jewett Dunbar, '03, for the University in the basement of will take the affirmative side of the
Mozat. hiscompsiton as core nerin colege spke astnight be- Fla., warned that virtually the entire
for only a part of the entire orches- fore the Scouting Fraternity on the Florida peninsula would experience 66 years old, for many years one of the Pharmacology Building for sev- question concerning the giving of
tra. "Gap Between the University and the rIa kng fro Planrsrie the most colorful and well-loved fig- eral years. When the space she oc- power to the Federal government to
This shorter number was followed Student" urged to use smudge pots in thecitrus ures on campus, was found dead late cupied in this building had to be used support state education, are Collins
by the famous "Symphony No. 3 in E Professor Worley urged a stronger bret whe csidbe r damage re-ru yesterday at 1226 Pontiac Rd., where for other purposes by the University Brooks, '37, Robert Molloy, '37L, and
flat major," of Beethoven, better sense of intercourse between teachers lt w nd dama re- she had made her home since last she was moved to a small laboratory Jack Weissman, '35. Speakers on the
".,,.~- ",,10:,,1 ~f.,~. sutd rom Monday night kling i
LANSING, Dec. 11--(P)- Fire
roared through a hotel here today,
leaving a fearful wake of death and
Under the glow of floodlights work-
men prepared tonight to burrow
through the ruins of the Hotel Kerns,
fearful they would find the funeral
pyres of 20 to 50 persons. Thirteen
were known to be dead. State police
estimated more than a score of others
- and possibly 50--were buried in
the wreckage.
The blaze was discovered about
5:30 a.m. Tuesday, when most of the
guests were asleep. In almost less
time than it takes to tell, the fire
raged from floor to floor and the
hostelry became an inferno. Sleepers
awakened to the crackle of flames.
Menacing tongues of fire pierced the
gloom of corridors. Men, women, and
children rushed to exits and windows,
screaming in fright and horror. Some
plunged to the pavement below, sus-
taining serious and fatal injuries.
Several leaped from windows or the
roof into the ice-surfaced Grand
River which flows past the rear of
the hotel. Some of those who chose
the water rather than the flames were
drowned. Othe made their way t
shore, suffering from exposure and
Only 109 Accounted For
Of the estimated 200 occupants of
the hotel, only 109 had been account-
ed for late today by State police. The
rest may have scattered, but authori-
ties feared many of them, burned
possibly beyond recognition, will be
found buried under the ice-coated
ruins. A temporary morgue was es-
tablished across the street from the
hotel in readiness to receive the vic-
The disaster struck deeply into the
ranks of the state legislature. Because
of a special session of the legislature
to, consider disputes growing out of
the election last November more than
a score of representatives and sena-
tors were registered in the hotel. Six
of them are dead.
The origin of the fire was unknown.
Investigations were under way by
State and county authorities. Wit-
nesses said the blaze first was noticed
in a room on the second floor.
President Roosevelt sent a message
of regret and sorrow to Governor
Comstock. The Governor sent a spe-
cial message to the legislature urging
that an appropriation be made to as-
sist the families of those who lost
their lives. The legislature respond-
ed by authorizing the state adminis-
trative board to set aside the neces-
sary funds.
Search Starts
The grim work of measuring the
full toll of the fire may occupy days.
The river is to be dragged to deter-
mine if bodies were carried away by
its current. Water played on the
ruins turned to ice wherever the fire
had subsided. The interior of the
hotel, after it had been gutted by the
flames, became a mass of wreckage.
The roof caved in and carried with
it bricks and timbers, forming a high,
jumbled pile on the ground floor.
The victims believed to have been
trapped went with the rest. No one
could estimate how long it would
take workers to penetrate the sham-
bles and extricate the remains of
those who could not escape.
Police agencies broadcast requests
that everyone occupying a room in
the hotel Monday night report at
once, that the number of those who
may be lost in the wreckage may be
Lansing Fire Victim
To Be Treated Here
known as the "Er oica." In four move
e- and students, adding that the aver-
merits, it opens with an impetuous age student takes himself too serious-
drive, followed in the second move- ly. Following his talk, Irving Achten-
ment by a funeral march, which in burg, '36E, Herbert Bandes, '35E, and
turn is succeeded by a swift scherzo, William Morganroth, '38L, were elect--
and finally the finale, a series of vari- ed as the society's representatives at
atiollowing the intermission, local the coming Youth Conference
Following th;nemsin oa hecmn ot ofrne
frost. Colder weather was forecast
for the state, with a sub-freezing spell
for the Everglades section.
Freezing temperatures extended as.
far south as Orlando this morning.
Gainesville's reading was 26 degrees,
with Miami's low 49 degrees.
Her death, apparently from a heart'
attack, was discovered by Miss Crys-I
tal Thompson, curator of the depart-t
ment of visual education, who had,
been in the habit of visiting Miss,
Dunbar daily.r s y s
Miss Dunbar for several years was1
in the basement of West Medical
Building, formerly used by Dr. Fred-'
erick G..Novy, now head of the execu-
tive committee of the medical school.
For five years Miss Dunbar lived E
and worked in this one small room,'
her only intimate companions being
her pets, a collie dog Nellie, and a
Indiana squad will be Lynville Miles,
Gene Eckerty, and Earl Roose.
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister of the speech
department will be chairman of the
debate and the critic judge will be
Prof. Harry T. Wood, director of
men's debating at Michigan State
Nnrmn l Pfll an