THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 TIE MICIWANDAILY PACE THREE, T~UI~SAV, SET~M~ER~---------- ---UE University Is Recipient Of Botany Books Nearly 2300 Specialized Volumes Presented By A Detroit Firm A gift of nearly 2,300 volumes, com- prising the entire botanical library of Parke, Davis and Company, De- troit, to the University was announced today by Dr. William W. Bishop, li- brarian of the University and head of the library science department. Guest Speaker These books, many very rare and ir- replaceable, sum up the result of years of research and collecting in all parts of the globe, Dr. Bishop said. Of the collection, 25, he added, are the only copies in the United States. Although there is a certain amount of duplica- tion between the books already in the stacks, and those in the Parke, Davis and Company library, the duplication is not on a. large scale; While certain of the books were, by their rarity and value placed beyond attainment by the University library under ordinary circumstances, according to Dr. Bishop. Particular mention was made by Dr. Bishop of one set, composed of over 40 volumes on the flora of Brazil. These are copiously illus- trated by full page color prints, and are of inestimable value to scholars, he said. They take rank with the 500 odd volumes described as being ex- ceedingly rare and costly. Of those books duplicating ones already in the possession of the University, a por-. tion will be turned over to the Mu-. seum for assistance in the work at the Herbrarium. The remainder of this group will go to the Natural Science Library. This addition to the University's botanical material makes its position entirely satisfactory with regard to research work, the field being amply covered for purposes of nearly any form of research, Dr. Bishop ex- plained and up to this time, he went on to say, a decided need has been felt for the type of material' con- tained in the generous gift of the Parke, Davis Company. One field alone, according to Dr. Bishop, remains somewhat inade- quately covered. It is that of the earlier botanical research, by which is meant, work prior to the opening of the nineteenth century. Although val- uable largely for purposes of his- torical detail, additions of this sort are still needed to make the Univer- .sity's botanical library entirely com- plete in every respect, Dr. Bishop said. Several weeks' work will be neces- sary before completion of the classi- fication of the gift, and its incorpora- tion into the stacks and files of the libraries. Because of its large size, considerable difficulty is being en- countered in the placing of the col- lection because of limited space in the library, Dr.' Bishop stated. One of the most important observa- tions to be gathered from this gift, Dr. Bishop said, is in its reflection of the changinof the science of med- icine and pharmacy. Prior to the twentieth century, Parke, Davis and Company, produced a large share of its drugs from plants, roots, and tree barks of various sorts. To almost every country on the globe, they sent ex- peditions to ferret out the secrets of the herb doctors and medicine men of the natives. No lead to a possible discovery of an aid to therapeutics was neglected by them, or by any other firm of manufacturing chem- ists. Practically all drugs were formed from plant preparations. But with the opening of the twen- tieth century, medical science, and hence the accompanying business of pharmacy was revolutionized by the great discoveries of the various types of sera. This changed the aspect of pharmacy, Dr. Bishop explained, and made the working library of the com- pany obsolete, the study of zoology havng replaced that of botany, and feeling that their collection should be utilized in a manner worthy of its excellence, tiey presented it to the University. SM11Teet Class hI Broadecastiiig Will Be One Of Several Outstanding S p e a k e r s To Address Students Names of experienced radio broad- casters, who will meet with the class in broadcasting technique, were an- nounced by Prof. Waldo Abbot, di- rector of broadcasting yesterday. One of the featured speakers will be Lowell Thomas who will visit Ann Arbor Dec. 13 on the Oratorical lec- ture series. He will address the class, and will broadcast his lecture from the University studio over a national chain. Other speakers who will meet with the class on Thursday mornings are Arthur McPhillips, engineer of WJR; John Eccles, program director of WJR; Mrs. Olive Sharman, chief con- tinuity writer of WJR; Lewis Allen Weisse, asst. general manager of WJR; Stanley Boynton, in charge of sales promotion WJR; Norman White, studio manager of WJR; Benny Kyte, musical director of WJR; Charles Penman, in charge of dramatics WJR; Duncan Moore, director of public relations WJR; Ty Tyson of WWJ; and Leo Fitzpatrick, vice-pres- ident and general manager of WJR. The course in broadcasting tech- nique is now offered in Detroit as a University extension course. The class there has had two meetings, and a total of 75 students are enrolled. Students in the class will be as- signed to prepare commercial pro- grams advertising campus activities of strictly a University character. Re- quests for such advertisements should be addressed to Prof. Waldo Abbot at Morris Hall. School Of Education Offers New Course A new course, A10, education in the United States, is being offered this year by the School of Education to serve as an introductory course to all undergraduate work in education. The course will give a general survey of the purposes, history, organization, administration, financing, and out- ccmes of education in the United States. Although designed primarily for School of Education students, the course was described by Dean Ed- monson as one "of great value to students not planning to teach, inas- much as each one will sometime in- evitably be concerned with school problems as a citizen, taxpayer, par- ent, or school-board member." 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