THE MICHIGAN DAILY T DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN rl'E Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the "" m u i University. Copy received at the Summer Session office until 3:30; 11:30 SatutrdFy. PALMER CHRISTIAN TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1934 1 Miss Gertrude Stein will lecture VOL. XLV. No. 66 - Friday, Dec. 14, at 4:15 p.m., in Lydia A Review- Mendelssohn Theater on "The Devel- Among other events recently desig- Notiees !cpment of the Conception of Person- nated by Professor J. Raleigh Nelson President and Mrs. Ruthvn will ality, Portraits, and Poetry." Tickets as revealing the meaning of an Amer- are on sale at Wahr's State Street ican Christmas to foreign students rbe at home to students and their Store and at The Hopwood Room, was the organ recital played by Pal- , 3227 Angell Hall. The ticket sale mer Christian in Hill Auditorium on 4 to 6 o'clock. is limited to five hundred. Sunday afternoon. To the American listener the program was significant4 Universi-ty Broadcasting: in that it gave him a fleeting glimpse Member Of Touh 9:15-9:45 a.m. -A Class in Ele- Concert of old world Christmas which only mentary Singing, Joseph E. Maddy emphasized the musical poverty of theG Gang Sent To Jail and chorus from an Ann Arbor Boston Symphony Orchestra: prosaic commercial American festive school. Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, and the season. SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec. 10.- 2:00-2:30 p.m. -Michigan, My Boston Symphony Orchestra, willi Hearing the solemn religious spirit (P)--Mrs. Ida Schaefer, who was in- Michigan Series--Topic: The Auto- play the following numbers in the of the German Christmas speak in dieted ore thn a yer ago playfithefollUoncnmers, inHel dicted more than a year ago on mobile and Michigan, Dudley M. the Choral Preludes from Bach, the charges of having aided in the $234,- Phelps, Assistant Professor of Mar Auditorium, Tuesday evening, at 8:15 lusty festivity of the Dutch carols, 000 robbery of the Sacramento Post- keting, School of Business Adminis- o'clock: the magic mysticism of the Hure office, pleaded guilty today and was tration. Overture to "The Marriage "Communion Before the Midnight sentenced to serve two years in a Iof Figaro". ............... Mozart Mass," and realizing that such music Federal reformatory in West Virginia. Choral Union Members: Members Symphony No. 3, "Eroica," Beethoven is for some people daily fare, arouses, Mrs. Schaefer was named in an of the University Choral Union in "Pictures at an a feeling of impatience toward a so-- indictment that charged her hus- god standing who call in person, Exhibition" . . . . . . . . Moussorgsky cial structure so poor in experiences d, "Goomy Gus" Schaefer,G gr will be issued pass tickets admitting Traffic regulations, etc., will be of this kind. After a program such as Touhy, William P. Barry, Georgeto the Boston Symphony Orchestra employed as usual and the Ann Ar- this one feels cheated. A meal was set (Red) Kerr and JonDewt a Igbfd hse Rbed hersandJoh , Feb with having concert, by calling at the School of bor Police Department, the University before us and whisked away again Music, Tuesday, Dec. 11, between the Musical Society and the Buildings r hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4. After and Grounds division of the Univer- hunger. Those carols from the Wal- kaseball Conclave 4 o'clock no pass tickets will be is- sity, will appreciate sympathetic co- loon Rhapsody, what were they? We wI sued. operation. cannot remember except that they Opens Tomorrow sedsprain are something we would recover if A limited number of tickets areai NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-UP)-Base- School of Education Seniors: Class available at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 only we could. Why is it that we have ball's managers .and club owners dues are one dollar payable to the each, on sale at the School of Music gathered in hotel lobbies today, tossed following people: Helen Gillespie, until 5 o'clock Tuesday. After 7:00 choice of Mr. Christian made us out the first broken arch, and offi- Henry Pendorf, Helen Crawford, Vir- o'clock they will be at Hill Auditor- aware of our own poverty. -M.L. cially inaugurated the annual major ginia Powell, Mary Elizabeth Smith, ium box office. league meeting in strictly normal and Gertrude Morris. ment and Finance Committees at fashion -doing absolutely nothing. i Exhibitions 4:15 p.m. in the League. The formal conclave will not start Mathematical Club: The regular . .s until tomorrow, when the National mc ting of the Club has been post- Chrstmas Toy Exhibit: A toy ex- Christian Science Organization: League magnates gather at the Wal- poned until Tuesday, Dec. 18. hibit sponored by the Nursery Moth- There will be a meeting of this Or- dorf Astoria and the American League p u ecers Group of the University Elemen- ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the owners at the Commodore. They will tary School will be held in the Ele- Chapel of the Women's League Build- do the same Wednesday. Then they Academic Notices mentary School Library on Dec. 11 ing. Students, alumni, and faculty will meet together at the Roosevelt P-and 12. Open to any mother of pre- members of the University are cor- Thursday. Psychelogy 33-35-37: Write-up for school child. dially invited to attend. second thesis will be held on Wed- - ______niedt _ted r'. ..y_ rfn nerrrday, 7:15 p, ~ m., innrn .APd.n Opera's Leading Lady aCLASSIFIED DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place aclvertise:ment+-with Classified tr t.Pone 2-1214. The cl:afi conms close at five o'clock reiu toda of insertion. Box numbers;may be secured at no extra char. Cash in asvane-11c1perlreading line (on basis of five averagec words to line) for one or two intions. 10c per readingline for three or more insert ions. Minimum 3 lines per i:sertion. Telephone rate - 1icper reading line f4 one or twoineor 14c per reading line foir three or LOST AND FOUND LOST: Young ladies' blacke and white hat, near corner Forest and South U. Call Russell Woodard, 8261. LOST: Eight wceks old golden collie, tip of nose and feet white. Please call 3155. 928 Church St. FOR SALE t i ik i 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date ot last isertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By con ract, per ine -2 lines daily,.one m onth - - - --. -.. - :...... ....Se 4lines E.O.D., 2 months ....... .3c linesdiy;ccoleeyear........ c lines E.OD., collegei~ year ........7cj 100 lines us :d as desired..... ,. 3c 300 lines used as desired .......8c ROBERT D. SLACK I 1,000 lines ued as desired.......7c 2,000 lines used as de;ired.......i6c _________________________________ The above rates re, per reading line, based on eight reain lines per inch. Ioni typ, uper ndtower cm. e. Add Cc per ne t ve rates for ali capital Un on Presents d epndlwrcase.A per lire to an, rates for iod face T a1 Acapital letters The aovearates are for 7% point Its UI type. Opera Tonioht -_AUND_____ LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. 'Give Us Rhythm' Opens Careful work at low price. 4x STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- At Lydia Mendelssohn sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 Theater At 8:30 9x LADIES SHOP FOR SALE: Campus location, well established and doing fine business. Completely stocked. Illness compels sale. Box 31, Mich. Daily. FOR SALE: Will sacrifice ladies' $485 raccoon coat, $100. Excellent con- dition. Phone 5772. 4 WANTED N OR PENT-ROOMS LADY WANTS transportation to St. Petersburg, Fla., after the 17th of December. Share expenses. Phone 5433. 6 WANTED: Ride to Cincinnati, Christ- mas vacation; share expenses, ex- change references. Box 34, Mich- igan Daily. 5 RIDE TO VICINITY of Denver and return over the holidays. Call 2-3576. 3 WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 7x NOTICE FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- possessed and repurchased cars. Many 1934 cars with low mileage included. We will trade and extend convenient terms. Open evenings. I 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. 10x ntributed Much rctic Exploration (Continued from Page 1) Slack, who has had some training IWARM, COMFORTABLE room $3.00 in this line on Broadway. double, $2.00 single. 518 Packard Reviving a custom which has not St. 2 been followed in the more recent Un-. ion Operas, officials this year en- FOR RENT: Single room. Front suite gaged a dance band instead of a for couple. Well-heated. Kitchen regular pit orchestra. The Union privileges if desired. Call after 5 band under the direction of Robert p.m. 434 aynard. Phone 7768. Steinle will furnish the music for "Give Us Rhythm." LL Co" Most of the music for the show has .OiiSs LeaI been written by the first saxophonist ii l of the band, William Boyd. All of his To FOf Ai pieces have been written to fit the lei plot of "Give Us Rhythm," and have Class in Polish Language to be re- sumed Wednesday, Dec. 12, Room 1018 Angell Hall, 5 to 6 p,m. Ste-' phen Piatkowski will conduct the' class. All interested are welcome. I {Lectures University Lecture: Sir Herbert B. Ames, formerly Fi- nancial Director of the League of Nations, will lecture on the subject "The Saar Plebiscite and What It Means For World Peace," Thursday, Dec. 13, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural j Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Tuesday Afternoon tay eai ng i Section of othe Faculty Women's Club' Physics Colloquium: Professor R. A. will meet at 2:15 p.m., Alumnae Sawyer will speak on "The Excitation Room, Michigan League. of Inner Electrons by Absorption" at{ - Public Lecture: Supt. S. C. Mitch-' Release By English' ell of the Benton Harbor school sys- DOUGLAS Isle of Man, Dec. 10. tem will give a public lecture on the ( U) - Kaye Don, famous British speed topic "Supervised Correspondence driver, was released today after serv- Study for High School Students," on ing 10 weeks and two days of afour Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 7:00 p.m., in the months'. sentence for manslaughter I auditorium of the University High growing from the death of his me-I School. Mr. Mitchell will show 1200 chanic in a wrecd on a trial . auto feet of film depicting the operation spin. He was met by a group of friends of the plan as used in his school. The and immediatelybboarded a ship for lecture is being sponsored by the Liverpool. Education Club of the School of Edu- Ili health, it was stated unofli- I cation, but the public is cordially cially, was the reason for Don's early invited to attend. No admission release. With time off for good be- charge. havior, his term would have ended; Jan. 6. Public Lecture: L. Williams, assistant curator of economic botany in the Field Mu- M A JE S T I C seum of Natural History, Chicago, will givesalecture, illustrated with colored stereopticon slides, on the -NOw PLAYiNG Marshall Field Expedition to the Snows at 2:00 - 3:46 - 7:00 - 9:00 Amazon, 1929-1930, on Friday, Dec. Matinees: 30c - Evenings 40c 14, at 8 p.m., in Room 2003 Natural Witty Dialogue Science Building. Clever Situations j Beautiful Dances A NEW BsSOCIAL DANCING CLASS Everything ! ! begins Thursday Evening. Instructions 8 to 9, Dancing 9 to 10 v I TERRACE GARDEN STUDIOS s ,-" Wuerth Theatre Ph. 9695 4:15 p.m., Room 1041, East Physics Bldg. All interested are cordially, invited to attend. Conference for all students inter- csted in education at 4:10 p.m., Room 2432 U.S.E. The topics will be of special interest to beginning teachers. The program will be presented by former student teachers who have recently taken positions. Tau Beta Pi: Supper meeting at ! 6:00 p.m., Michigan Union. Varsity and Waiting List Club: The following men in the Union Opera are expected to be at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater at 7:00 p.m. sharp. G. Wells, S. Kubacki, T. McCulloch, S. Pleskow, R. Bunce, W. Wagenseil, W. Bradley, F. Hunt, I. Burstein, P. Robinson, A. Klute, M. Collins, W., Sawyer, R. Beal, J. Richardson, R. Daverman, S, Nichols, A. Will, J. Briner, W. Hasty, R. Boynton, R. Wikle, A. Walker, W. Fredericks, R. Rameriz, R. Kimball, S. Kasle. C ntemporary: The following, members of the Business Staff report i at the office, Student Publications Building, at 2:00 p.m. -or as soon thereafter as possible: H. Stevenson, H. Greenwood, M. Swantz, J. Field, J. Lambert, M. Shuptrine. N. Per- sons, E. Miller, S. Bubis, L. Roberts, L. Campbell, B. Kelly, E. Butzel, F. Everard, Greenhut, Andriola, Ster- ing, Mysel, Elder. Wyvern activity group for fresh- man women interested in athletics will meet in the Michigan League at 1 4:00 p.m. Room posted on League Bulletin Board.1 Coming Events Chemistry Colloquium: Meeting I I i i will be held in Room 303, Chemistry '38, have also composed music for the Building, at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, show. Lyrics for the music have Dec. 12. been written by Byron Dalrymple, Topic: Fluorescence in Ultravio- another band member. let Light and Its Applications.-I David Zimmerman, '35, will fill the Speaker: Professor H. H. Willard. male lead, playing opposite Slack, the heroine. Vaudie Vandenberg, '36,, Sigma Xi: The second meeting of will play the part of a night club; year will be held at 8:00 p.m., Wed- blues singer, and Henry Hall, '37, will nesday, Dec. 12, Room 205, Pharma- portray a college professor. Paul cology -Building. The program will Bauer, Spec., will take the part of the consist of demonstrations and ex- fish loving dean. planations of the research in progressj The remainder of the cast is made in the Department of Pharmacology., up of minor characters, three chorus groups and members of the Glee Club.: Sigma Rho Tan: Regular weekly In addition to the actual performers,, meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., there are a group of student' commit-I Union. Circles will be held as usual }tees which have carried on the pro- and will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. duction end of the show. In the Assembly the Wayne Univer- Expressing great hopes for the sity affirmative team will debate the success of the opera, Ty Felker, '35, Sigma Rho Tau negative team on the I production manager, last night voiced question, "Resolved, that all available the "deep appreciation" of opera of- waterpower resources should be de- ficials for the work which has been veloped immediately." All Sigma done by committeemen in the prepa-I Rho Tau members and their guests ration for the show. are cordially invited as well as any- one else interested in the question. '_____, n4n1- been characterized as hit possibilities by local critics. Hubert Maran, alsoj of the band, and Dominick De Vito, According to European explorers, because of the findings of Professor science owes more to Professor-Em- Hobbs and other scientists who have eritus William H. Iobbs of the Uni- entered this field, in a few years it will versity geology department and to be considered that flight over a cer- tain route by way of Greenland and the late Admiral Robert Peary than Iceland is not only the shortest but to any other men in the field of Arc- the safest route from America to Eu- tic exploration, Captain Peter Freu- rope, and in time even between Eu- ! i 1 i chen stated today in an informal ad- rope 'IIUUandte r t. P roessor dressn thgednerdlysinjentnf Arcd-Hobbs' findings, he said, have deter- dress on the general subject of Arc- mined the exact route over Green- tic explorations, land which is far enough south to "These are the two men who opened avoid the darkness and yet not so up a whole new world for explora- far south as to run into fog. tion, for a science which had not beena n born, and which is coming now," the' The general subject of his speech speaker said, calling Professor Hobbs was the change in exploration meth- "the man who gave Greenland back ods since the early days of the ill- to Denmaik," explaining that he had fated Greeley expedition, which' he giveru Demnaik and Greenland 'a fu- described. This catastrophe he at- ture to which to look forward. I tributed to the fact that Greeley In the same speech he praised Profs. did not make proper use of either Ralph L. Belknap and Evans S. the Eskimos or the Arctic sledge Schmeling, both of the geology de- dogs. Admiral Peary, the speaker partment, for their work on the Uni- I maintained, was the first explorer to versity's Greenland expeditions. make proper use of these two ele- Captain Freuchen predicted that ments. N Alpha Kappa Delta meeting Thurs- day, Dec. 13, at 8 o'clock at the home of Prof. Robert C. Angell, 1007 Berk- shire Road. Program includes ini- tiation of new members, three inter- esting reports, and discussion. Adelphi house of Representatives will debate with Alpha Nu on Wed- nesday, Dec. 12, on the proposition: Resolved that Huey P. Long be elected President of the United States in 1936. The Adelphi team will have the affirmative side. The debate will' begin at 7:30 p.m. and will be held in the Adelphi room on the fourth floor' of Angell Hall. A prominent faculty man will be judge. The public is in- vited to attend. on Wednesday Dec. 12, at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Pro- fessor Samuel T. Dana, Dean of the School of Forestry and Conservation will speak informally on the Tennes- see Valley project. Black Quill will have a social meet- ing for new members and sponsors on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m., Kala- mazoo Room of the Michigan League. All members are urged to be present. Badminton Tournament---Women Students: The intramural Badminton tournament (singles) will begin on Wednesday, Dec. 12. Players must, have practiced twice before entering. Entry sheets are posted in Barbour Gymnasium and the Women's Ath-, 4- Saph Cabaret Finance Meeting of all members Committee: on Assess- I : - I - --LAST DAY- JACK HOLT in "I'LL FIX IT" Daily 15c to 6 P.M. 25c after 6 CONTUNUS D ALY 1:30TOII p Tomorrow - Two Features SHIRLEY TEMPLE NEIL HAMILTON MARIAN NIXON "BABY TAKE A "ONCE TO EVERY BOW" II BACHELOR" Athena: Pledging services for ten letic Building. A medical examina-j women will be held Wednesday, Dec. ti onor recheck for this year is es- 12, at 8 p.m., in the Athena Room, sential. fourth floor of Angell Hall. All oldI_ members and pledges are required to National Student League will meet be present unless a satisfactory ex- at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Room 304, Un- cuse is given beforehand to Margaret ' ion. "The Political Philosophy of De Dunn, secretary. Leonism" will be discussed. All in-s i i i TO A FUTURE CHEMICAL ENGINEER ® The intelligent use of optical instruments marks the chemist as a man who is progres- sive, competent and efficient. That is why Bausch & Lomb offers op- tical instruments designed especially for the chemist. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 635 St. Paul Street, Rochester, New York. BaUSCh & Lm ppr TODAY AND WEDNESDAY MICHIGAN I ;.. Alpha Nu meets Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Adelphi room, fourth floor of Angell Hall. The feature of the program will be a humorous debate between Alpha Nu and Adelphi on the question : "Resolved : that Huey Long should be elected president of the United States in 1936." All Al- pha Nu pledges must be present. The public is cordially invited to attend the debate. Freshman Glee Club: Regular re- hearsal for all members in the music rooms of the Union, promptly at 5 j o'clock, Wednesday. Luncheon for Graduate Studentsi terested are invited. Catholic Students: There will be a I party for all Catholic students and their friends on Wednesday evening in the Auditorium of the Chapel, from I 8 to 10. Al Cowan and his orchestra will furnish the music. 1 "FLIRTATION WALK" Is Coming E E 11 TICK ETS NOW ii speaks on "ADVENTURES ON THE AIR AND AROUND THE WORLD" Hill Auditorium 1F 1 x $j t ::9sis5N A --ENDS TONIGHT- MAE WEST in "BELLE OF THE NINETIES" .. t WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY KAY FRANCIS in "DR. MONICA" Ell '--- \ ... * .