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OMEN'S -EDITOR ................. .ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, Davd G. Macdonald.
.John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Par-
ker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson Josephine McLean,
* Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider,
Marie Murphy.
RtEPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton
B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Rich-
ard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd Fred W. Neal, Robert
Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman, Donald
Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard
Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins,
Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendr, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein,
Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway. Marion Holden, Lois
King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,
Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly
Solomon, Laura Winograd, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
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1 WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen
Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
Kohlig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
a dine Field,. Betty Bowman; July Trosper, Marjorie
Langenderfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.
' The Business Of
The Supreme Court.. ..
United States Supreme Court, con-
firming the action of the University of Califor-
nia in dismissing,two students for failure to ob-
serve the rule of compulsory military training,
has brought no end of adverse criticism upon the
nine members of the nation's tribunal.
It is obvious that this criticism is not well-
founded. Instead of striking at the practice of
compulsory military training on the basis of mor-
ality, the critics make their thrust at the Supreme
Court and its individual members, all of whom
concurred with Mr. Justice Butler in his opinion.
What the court did, in effect, was to interpret
the action of the University of California on a
purely constitutional ground. It simply held that
it is within the right of any land-grant institution
to require military training of its male students.
It further made it plain that these colleges are
not compelled to require compulsory drill, as
many supposed was made necessary by the Mor-
ril Act of 1862.
From the ethical standpoint, all nine of these
men may have been definitely opposed to the
practice of military training in the universities
and colleges, yet in Mr. Justice Butler's opinion
and his colleagues' concurrence, they were correctly
discharging the problem at hand, that of clarifying
the issue as interpreted in the constitution.
Since Michigan is not a land-grant university,
the decision does not have any immediate effect
locally. Yet the matter involved is obviously a far-
reaching one. And the question is not settled with
this decision, Of the 69 land-grant colleges in the
United States, only two (Minnesota and Wiscon-
sin) have optional military training. The fight for
military emancipation continues strong in many
of these schools and in the repudiation of the old
interpretation of the Mor'rill Act is seen a victory
for the opponents of compulsory training.
The military system in evidence here appears to
be the most satisfactory. The abolition of com-
pulsory training in favor of the optional type would
be more in accord with the traditional American
tenets of personal freedom and peace. Yet, it is
unfair to charge the Supreme Court with every-
thing from militarism to hostility to democracy
because it did what it was supposed to do.
Burden Of Proof With
Munitions Makers ...
controlled since it is purely a governmental mat-
ter. The committee has held the view that the
huge excess profits that munition makers make,
especially during time of war, lead these companies
to throw their immense capital behind any agita-
tion toward conflict.
Just ,why the government's owning the muni-
tion industry should result in an increase in pro-
duction is not clear, although the argument may
have validity. Granted such an increase, however,
it would not involve the agitation that tends to
create ill-feeling between nations that the methods
used by profit-seeking industries do.
The public must continue its vigilance, lest the
munitions makers, in an attempt to save them-
selves, have purposely confused the issue. It still
seems logical that taking the profit out of war is
one important step toward peace.
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Follow-Up On Women's Stockings
To the Editor:
I ivas surprised on reading this morning's Daily
(Saturday) that not a single Michigan coed had
clawed at your editorial throat in Campus Opin-
ion for that bit of rationalization you made in
explaining the prevalence of news on your Page 5
concerning Miss So-'n-So's stockings and shoe
laces to match. You intimated the girls were "shal-
low" and "dull" for being so "breathlessly" enam-
ored with such (implied) trivia. And yet, not one
peep is in evidence from the maligned-which may
prove your contention that more of your readers
read Page 5 than Page 4.
But I quite agree with Mr. Miller, of Thursday's
Campus Opinion, that The Daily, as a campus
mouthpiece (?), should not emulate the big town
dailies in dealing with such "sartorial rubbish."
You failed to state, in your explanation why you
think you must appeal to all types of readers, who
or what makes you think precisely that. Why did
you not admit that the advertisers of feminine
apparel and beauty enhancement have convinced
you, perhaps unconsciously for you, that their
splurges on what makes the coed appealing from
the skin outward, must have comparable amounts
of your columns devoted to pure gush or who wears
what stockings and skin lotions, in what ducky
combination, and to what party? This demand-
ing of free publicity in return for, or as an at-
traction to, a particular type of advertising is an
old racket, succumbed to by most newspapers. But
why should The Daily be like most newspapers?
I should think The Daily, -mirroring the activi-
ties at this University, could, with a little wisely
directed effort, dig out actual reflections of this
University's place in society and of what it means
to the state whose educational head it is. I am
not a journalism student, but I have noticed that
the department of journalism does this very com-
petently with its Michigan Journalist, which it all
too infrequently publishes during each second se-
mester. You despise, judging by your editorials, the
Detroit Free Press, as should most intelligent
readers of that sheet of journalistic asinitity who
cannot find any other metropolitan newspaper to
read each morning and §o have to skim through
it while waiting for the more competent afternoon
papers for accurate news reporting. Can't you
see, then, how The Daily also is skimming the
surface of this center of socially important news
material, misplacing emphasis and just managing
to get out a paper once a day, just as the Free
Press does?
There is one school of editorial opinion, I under-
stand, that contends that an editor, if wise and
qualified to hold his chair, can bring his readers
to read any kind of news. Why not try this out
with your "shallow" coed readers-and, too, with
your women's clothing and beauty lotion adver-
tisers-especially when The Daily should reflect
college life, the one period when experimentation
with ideas has a chance to sink in?
I grant you, of course, that coeducational insti-
tutions of learning are fast supplanting social func-
tions and "coming-out" parties in the old home
town as a marriage mart for the local girls whose
families can afford to invest in giving the big sis-
ter the best opportunity to grab a potential doc-
tor, lawyer or merchant chief at a university. And,
too, I grant you that writing up the girl's stockings
will engender in some of them the confidence that
they are doing right well in getting that man, or
gives them a clip-sheet from which they can send
notice home to fond and hopeful parents that
their investment is going to pay-maybe. But
why should our Daily attempt to write up the
stockings of all the little girl frogs in this huge.
University pond? Let the home town newspapers
write them up when, one by one, they come home
with the catch, thus becoming a big frog in the
little home town pond. -R.K..
As Others See It
Here is a famous story of a substitute at a
small western university who had decorated
the bench for four years without ever having
been sent in to play. The last game of his
college career was being played - he was going
to graduate. His college was losing by one
touchdown. Finally there was no one on the
bench but himself and the coach. He sat there
chewing his nails nervously. At length he could
stand it no longer. Edging his way over to the
coach he fell on one knee and pleaded: "Coach,
coach, do me a favor and send me in. Please,
coach, just send me in, get them to hand me
the ball and I swear I'll run through a brick
wall for a touchdown."
"The coach looked at the fellow pityingly
and brusqued back: "Go sit down. Whataya
think this is? A movie?"
The was a time not so long ago when several
Cornell University students pulled a fast one.
They invented a perfectly mythical foreigner - a
Dr. Ernest Schnorber - who was visiting America
for the first time, and was a leading authority
of some ology or other. They sent telegrams to 100
of the leading men in this country inviting them to
a dinner to be given to the said Dr. Schnorber and
included ex-President Roosevelt too. It was sur-
prising the results they got. Everybody admitted
having heard of the gent, many signified their in-
tentions of coming, and many sent regrets at not
being able to come to Ithaca, but all extended
luck and best wishes to the visitor. It was only
exploded as a hoax when the hoaxers themselves,
feeling they had carried the thing far enough, blew
the whole story to the press, and sat back to
enjoy the nation's laughter.
Here's a true story coming from the Univer-
sity of Maryland. It seems as though a stu-
dent wanted his fraternity brother to get a
date and go out for a good time. His friend
however refused saying that he had to go to
bed early and get plenty of sleep. When asked
why he needed the rest he explained: "Tomor-
row's my tough day: gotta shave.
The University of Oklahoma faced a startling
problem this fall when a male freshman student
informed the registrar that he wished to major
in Home Economics. A hurried session with the
dean resulted in his admission.
At the University of Maine one of the hard-
est things to do on a cold winter morning is
to get up, shut the windows, turn on the heat
and get things cozy for rising. Here is how a
couple of roommates solved the problem.
Every night before turning out the lights,
these roommates placed a half-dollar in the
middle of the room in a spot exactly equidis-
tant from each bed. Then in the morning
when the alarm goes off, who gets to them
first, keeps them.
At the University of Illinois there is a co-ed who
carries the first name of Liberty Bond. The ex-
planation: during the World war a reward of a
$1,000 liberty bond was offered to the first baby
born after a certain date if the parents named him
or her Liberty Bond.
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SENATORIAL SNORTS about the Federal relief
program have kept the young administrator,
Harry Hopkins, anything but comfortable in recent
In a small group he was asked what he was
"being thankful about," this being the season for
such sentiments.
"That's easy," grinned Hopkins, "I'm thankful
there are only 96 senators."
Noel Coward, the playwright, hack to miss
a recent evening in Washington, where he had
planned to hear a new two-piano arrangement
of music from his latest play.
So the two pianists had their playing record-
ed as they performed, and mailed the piece
to Coward.
Engineers in the Indian Affairs office are
wondering what kind of road that one in
Oklahoma can be. The Indian foreman in
charge of emergency conservation men work-
ing there wrote in to report: "This road can be
used without culprits."
THE OLD LADY who could always find some-
thing good to say of everyone is one of the
delights of Secretary Roper of the Department of
Commerce when he starts to tell stories.
The old lady was ambushed one day by her
nieces who brought up the subject of the devil. The
old lady looked worried for a minute, and then
smilingly said:
"Well, if some people just had the devil's en-
The small son of the minister to China, Nel-
son T. Johnson, is one of the delights of parties
at the Johnson home.
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Class Cutting
1* ~,~
LAST YEAR, the College of Liberal Arts abolished
the ancient and rigid cut system and the ques-
tion of dropping a student for excessive absences
was left up to the individual instructors. In prac-
tice the new rule has proved a step in the direc-
tion of liberalization, but we should go the whole
way. Like the University of Chicago, Northwestern
University should pass a ruling specifically making
attendance at all class exercises optional.
The argument over class absences centers around
lecture and quiz sections of doubtful importance.
These quiz and lecture sections could easily be
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