PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sink Releases Program F or Fifth Concert Boston Symphony Makes Eleventh Appearance In Ann Arbor Tuesday The programs which the Boston Symphony Orchestra, under the di- rection of Dr. Serge Koussevitky, will present at the fifth Choral Un- ion concert Tuesday in Hill Audi-' torium has been released by Presi- dent Charles A. Sink of the School, of Music. concert will be the same as that with which the orchestra opened their New York season in Carnegie Hall on Nov. 19. President Returns To Capital From Vacation The opening number will be Moz- art's overture to "The Marriage of Figaro," while Beethoven's monu- mental "Eroica Symphony, No. 3" will follow.- After the intermission, Modeste Moussorgsky's "Pictures att an Exhibition" will be played. This work was originally written for piano- forte but was rearranged for full or- chestra by the modern French com- poser, Maurice Ravel. Tuesday's' concert will mark the eleventh appearance of this organiza- tion in Ann Arbor. It was first heard in 1890, when it was under the direc- tion of Arthur Nikisch. The last ap- pearance was on Oct. 24, 1933, when Dr. Koussevitky and the orchestra wey presented on the Choral Un- ion series. 'Campus Idol' Has Moment Of Glory;- FAnd Then The Axe Local Men To Attend Speech Group Meeting Six Department Members Will Be Present At New Orleans Convention Six members of the University speech department will attend the nineteenth annual convention of the National Association of Teachers of Speech, to be held Dec. 27, 28, and 29, in New Orleans. John H. Muyskens, associate pro- fessor of phonetics, Waldo M. Abbot, assistant professor of speech, James M. O'Neill, professor of speech, Gail E. Densmore, associate professor of .speech, Floyd K. Riley and James H. McBurney, instructors in speech, will be the local men in attendance. According to the message of H. L. Ewbank, president of the organiza- tion, the convention will include three general sessions and twenty group, meetings. The addresses at the gen- eral sessions will present the broad educational, social and cultural impli- cations of the teaching of speech, while the twenty group meetings will be divided into four main fiields of interest, with a series of five meet- ings in each field. These divisions will accommodate the individual es- pecially interested in interpretation and dramatics, original speech, speech' scie,nce, or the psychology and peda- gogy of speech. More than 90 men and women will appear on the convention's program, according to the president. Included will be a number of young scholars recommended by members of various speech departments for their distin- guished work in research. Listed on the program as speakers from the University are Harlan Bloomer, in the voice science session,! William P. Halstead, Grad., in the' techniques of dramatic science pro- duction, Professor O'Neill, presiding over the session of rhetoric and ora- tory, Mr. McBurney, in the same ses- sion, and Professor Muyskens, on re- cent studies in speech science. Forsythe Tells Of Trend In Mediine (Continued fr om Page 1) Records Fail To Show Hoover's Arms Parley !y ,U iateI freba ,jioO After three weeks cf study and play at his home in Warm Springs, Ga., President Rocisevelt (left) is shown with his son, James, on the rear of his train as he departed for Washington. While at Warm Springs the President worked out a program he plans to submit to the new Con- gress to put the New Deal on a permanent basis. Ancient Japanese Buddha Is Obtained By School Museum -rzSmciaiect Press Photo The Senate munitions committee investigation in Washington was told by Stephen Raushenbush (right), committee counsel, that a search cf records failed to bear out former President Hoover's contention that, he called a conference of sporting arms makers before the 1935 Geneva convention at the request of the state department. Raushenbush is shown in conference at the hearing with S. M. Stone (left), president of the Colt Arms Company, and Major K. K. V. Cases, retail sales director of Du Pont Powder Company. Angell Tells Value Of Research Work In Classroom Subjects (Continued from Page 1) our high school students are grad- for the disappointing intellectifal ac- ually coming to the University more tivity, he feels. mature and more stable. Our educa- Tt is time that there was atueaad orestaleiOuoedca Faculty Group Plans To Attend Annual Meeting Three members of the political science department have announced their intention of going to the 30th annual meeting of the American Po- litical Science Association, to be held Wednesday through Saturday of next week in Chicago. Prof. James K. Pollock has been named chairman of the committee to nominate new officers for the Associa- tion, and will also take part in a round table discussion on "Chang- ing Alignments in American Politics," Tlong with men from various colleges and universities throughout the coun- try. Prof. Arthur W. Bromage will be chairman of a round table discussion on "Methods of Civic Reform in Rural Areas." Prof. Thomas H. Reed, who is now absent on leave, is a member of the board of editors of the American Po- litical Science Review and is also chairman of the committee on policy of the Association. He will take part in some of the discussions. U.S. Joins Attempt To End Chaco War WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 -(P)- As a "good neighbor" the United States accepted today the role of peace- maker in cooperation with other American republics, in an attempt to end the long jungle war between Bolivia and Paraguay. With the belligerents still locked in a desperate struggle in the Gran Chaco, Secretary of State Hull in- formed the League of Nations this government would cooperate in the peace plan by assuming two responsi- bilities: 1- -Name an American member to the neutral supervisory commis- sion, which will try to end the war quickly. 2 -Name American delegates to a Pan-American peace conference at Buenos Aires, designed to negotiate a lasting settlement of the 50-year- old border dispute and insure future peace in South America. Since the United States is not a member of the League, Hull declined to become involved in any league or European entanglements by collab- orating with the league's Chaco ad- visory commission at Geneva. 300 Acres Leelonou County 4500 ft. frontage on Traverse Lake, i1320 ft. frontage on Lake Michigan, about 16 acres virgin timber, 1 mile off M-22. Ideal location for Boys' or Girls' camp or for subdividing. Write STATE BANK OF CEDAR, Cedar, j Michigan. 0- CHICAGO, Dec. 7 -(AP)- "Campus By FRED WARNER NEAL Idol," the grand champion steer of the thirty-fifth International Live- An ancient wooden Buddha that stock Exposition, was bought at auc- was used in a Japanese temple more tion for $3 a pound Thursday by the than 600 years ago, arrived at the Kroger Grocery & Baking Co., of University Museums yesterday from Cincinati. Yokohoma, the final acquisition of The price was more than double Dr. Walter Koelz' year and a half the $1.30 a pound bid for "Briarcliff search for art treasures in the Orient. Model," last year. It was the fifth About two and a half feet high, time in the history of the sale that the ancient statue of the "God of the the price reached $3. East" was exquisitely carved out of "Campus Idol," weighed 1,144 pine. Dr. Koelz, Museums explorer, pounds at sale, and will bring its stated that the image was an unusual- owner, Iowa State College at Ames, ly rare and artistic one, of a type ex- $3,432. ceedingly difficult to get. He said it The buyers announced that the calf was "exceedingly valuable."y would be slaughtered in Chicago, The Buddha, Dr. Koelz believes; probably Monday, and a quarter sent came from Nara, an ancient holy immediately to Cincinnati, St. Louis, capital. Its right arm was burn6d Detroit and Cleveland, where ranking slightly, and some of its toes were charitable organizations will select an broken off; but aside from this, the orphanage to which the beef will be image is in excellent condition for donated. all the many centuries it has been revered by the "worshippers of the' Democrats Plan To rising sun." The Buddha is standing in a life- Revamp State Party like artistic pose. The noted explor- er pointed out that this was unlike D -(A:")-The Dem the Chinese and Tibetan. Buddhas, DETROIT, Dec. 7 -(P-TeDi-wihaeusal fmtladmd ocratic party, still involved in faction- whh are usually of metal and made al disputes, considered today a plan almost entirely for grace, regardless to tighten patronage awards into a! of resemblance to life. ; comthn patagair ands nto ee- Dr. Koelz described the difficulty of compact party affair and to decen- getting rare works of art from Japan tralize the power of the heads of the under the new governmental ruling state organization. _hr hc oplsalsc bet A meeting of the central committee there which compels all such objects here Thursday was offered a proposal, with Wayne County support, that hereafter every Democratic candidate ST U D E N TS for public office and every Democrat- The American Legion will pay you ic office holder be required to pledge for your spare time between now himself to hire at least 75 per cent of and Christmas. See Mr. Marsh, Post per Commandler at Larmee Battery Shop. ' his employees from the accredited 112 South Ashley. ranks of the party. to be registered and forbids them to l leave the empire. Among the hundreds of priceless art treasurers brought from Tibet and India by Dr. Koelz are old Llama temple bells several thousand years old, horns made out of human thigh bones, exquisite gold and silver cloth, and an old dagger of Damascus steel, inlaid with gold and silver. In his trips across the desert wastes of Tibet, Dr. Koelz rode horseback. Although he went through numerous harrnwinLA x eVrience in which hi.- to these standards, he maintains, par-j ticularly in a university community where they should be subject to care- ful scrutiny and re-evaluation. Our high schools are partially at' fault for not developing more ma- ture students for college material, but the tremendous over-crowding and mass production methods of the lower schools prevent efforts for real edu- cation there, he said. "Yet I be- lieve," said Professor Angell, "as compared with ten years ago, that tional system is new and I feel cer- tai that it will gradually evolve to higher intellectual standards. "My classes in sociology have un- dergone a noticeable change in the last five years," he said, "for there is much greater zest in discussions, more rapid-fire questioning, and a greater alertness on the part of stu- dents. This greater interest in so- cial questions is probably a reflection in a large part to the general ques- tioning of the 'status quo,' the ac- cepted mores, and institutions that hoehna nrvaantthr7Ihnf tha N 1121 iV llg ~ lit elle 11 11cI Ilshas been prevalent througnout ie teeth, laboratory tests, and mental the condition, and Dr. Forsythe said tally says, "Well, what of it?" If thedrhygiene interviews. that the demand for such service at country. bandit shoots you, ie shoots you. If Another example cited by Dr. For- the Health Service is increasing so "It is difficult to say how much is he misses you, he misses you." I sythe of the specialization of physi- fast that a full-time dietitian will due to an increase in intellectual hemissyu,_hmsse cians in new fields is that of the dieti- probably have to be employed. interest on the part of the students, tian. Today, when patients are un- "Modern medicine has. conquered however," he said. "No doubt much Hder or overweight, Dr. Forsythe ex- the curse of the plague and epidemic i of this added enthusiasm and partici- Co-eds of San Diego, Calif., state plained, they are turned over to a to a great extent," Dr. Forsythe stated, pation in discussion is peculiar to teachers college have organized a dietitian.& These specialists prepare a "and now it is using the discoveries the social science departments and rowing club and are being instructed diet telling patients when, what, and of science in the task of improving may not be true on the campus at by the San Diego rowing club. j how much to eat in order to correct the lot of mankind." large." > l I wmh'Ll f WWWwpft%%- wmwww.. meEY lo- Aq Christmas Suggestions: * * * * TOILET SETS Evening in Paris Yardley's Cutex Coty's PEN & PENCIL SETS TOBACCOS Cigars Pipes Cigarettes SHAVING SETS Parker Sheaffer Yairdley's Williams We Carry a Complete Line of RONSON LIGHTERS