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December 08, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-08

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The Weather
Light snow, not quite so cola
today; 'tomorrow partly cloudy
to cloudy.


Sirt igau


Reserh In Student Affairs .,.
Crusading Still Goes On . ,



* i
Gilven Big
Ten Meet
Track Championships Will
Be Held In Ann Arbor,
May 24 And 25
Drinking At Ganes
Shar' ply Criticized
Faculty Committee Plans
To Determine Eligibility'
Of Six Grid Stars
CHICAGO, Dec. 7 -(P)- While the
football coaches drew off by them-
selves for a post-mortem on the re-
cent season, the athletic directors
named places and dates for 1935
championship meets, and coaches of
other sports built schedules at the
opening sessions of the Western Con-
ference winter meeting today.
Chicago lost its last major track
and field event when the directors
awarded the Big Ten championship
event to the University of Michigan
for May 24 to 25. For the past nine
years the meet has been held at
Northwestern University. The last
three meets at Evanston, however,
were so poorly attended that a shift
of scenery was decided upon.
Other Meets Planned
The indoor title meet again will be
held in the University of Chicago
field house, March 9, while theswim-
ming championships will be decided
in the University of Illinois pool
March 16. The golf tournament will
be held at Northwestern again May
20 and 21. Northwestern also drew
the tennis meet for May 23, 24, and
25. The wrestling tournament will be
held March 8 and 9, either at Chi-
cago or the University of Iowa.
The quantity, and perhaps the
quality, of drinking at Big Ten foot-
ball games caused directors to plan
action against the practice. In a'
formal resolution, the directors de-
cided "to adopt very positive measures
towards reducing this evil to the low-
est possible minimum" and solicited
"the help of friends of college foot-3
ball in curbing the activties of those
who make college football games
occasions for drinking."
Grid Schedules Unchanged
No new additions to the 1935 foot-
ball schedules were announced, but
it lflO donnrtprl th ot Chi non miht

Angell Tells Value Of Research
Work For Classroom Subjects
By MARIE MURPHY When asked what suggestions he
"I would not regret indifference to had for extending the student's inter-
assignments so much if students were est beyond the daily work, Professor
neglecting them to pursue other in- Angell replied that he firmly believes
tellectual interests," Prof. Robert A. in the thesis courses, "for a littlesi
Angell of the sociology department dividual effort on the part of the stu
said recently in reference to the I dent arouses his interest and is worth I
popular student attitude toward more to him than an ordinary year's
courses. "The trouble is that the stu- lecture. Each student ought to find
dent who is not keeping up with his a field of interest which he could
studies," he said, "is, nine times out pursue."
of ennotdeeloinghi mid ot- The campus at large might well
dof lsevoping his mind out- consider various activities, he believes,
with a view of cutting down to em-
Classroom knowledge seems to be phasis on those which do not yield
wrapped up in lecture notes, accord- commensurate returns in personal de-
ing to Professor Angell, carefully tied velopment to the participants. "I
up, apd then placed in some safe place sometimes wonder whether athletic
never to be referred to again. If, on managerships and much of the rout-
the other hand, the student could be ine work of the business staffs of the
encouraged to keep his newly ac- publications do not consume time dis-
quired information out in the open, proportionate to the value received,"
Professor Angell urged, where it couldIhe d.
be developed, enlarged upon, and hesaid.
related to other bits of knoledge, he m Ty he entsnd t
would begin to experience a "grow- lack of enthusiasm for their work is,
ing intelligence" and a real appre- due more to American life," he sug-
ciation of education. gests, "than it is directly attributable
"The average student feels injured to the faculty and students. We have 1
and imposed upon," he added, "if had standards of external success1
the professor so much as suggests placed before us as ultimate goals too
some unrequired outside reading that j long, until a good job with a big
might be done. The majority of them salary is thought to be the prime ob-
have seldom browsed through books ject of life." This attitude accounts
on related subjects," he said. (Continued on Page 6)r

By Corn

1 Session
O f Republican
Are Overridden

C vernor Orders
Combined Meeting

Announce Tryouts For
Daily Sophomore Staff
All sophomores, scholastically
eligible, interested in working on
the editorial staff of The Daily,
are requested to report to the Stu-
dent Publications Building, May-
nard Street any afternoon next
Sophomores trying out will beI
eligible for night editor's positions
in May, for which a regular salary
is paid, and eventually for a senior
Headline-writing, proof-reading,
and the covering of minor beats,
will be the work of the new try-
outs for the first fewtweeks, after
which time those showing the
most promise will be given more
important assignments.
Board To Pick
Candidates For
Frosh Election
Undergraduate Council To
Use New Plan Of Voting
For Lower Class Ballot

Represents United States

Minister Warns W o r I d
That Little Entente Will
Fight If Attacked
Students Riot Over
Jugo - Slav Action

European ension
Grows As Conflict
Looms In Balkans


Inly Purpose Of I
Assembly Is To D
Contested Elections


7 2

LANSING, Dec. 7.-(A)-Overrid-
ing the prospects of Republican lead-
ers that it will be a needless waste
of time and money, Democratic state
officials today pushed plans for the
most unusual special session of the
legislature in Michigan history.
Governor Comstock was prepared
to order the Legislature to assemble
here Monday afternoon in a "joint
session." Fearing the Senate might
not be able to muster a quorum should

Post Completes
Another Flight
In Stratosphere
Claims To Have Exceeded
Record Made On Initial
Hop Monday
BARTLESVILLE, Okla, Dec. 7 --(P)
- Landing downwind with a dead
stick, Wiley Post completed his
stratosphere hop at 5:02 p.m. (De-
troit time) today, with the declara-
tion: "Iwent higher than I did last
If, as Post indicated be believed,
he soared somewhere near the 50,000
foot level on Monday's flight, he
went far beyond the listed record of
47,352.2 feet held by Lieut. Donati, of
"I'm all right," he remarked, as he
clambered from the ship in his cum-
bersome "stratosphere diving" suit.
As nervous aides sought to help
him out of the suit, he laughed and
remarked: "You fellows are more
nervous than I am" and held out his

Mercury Records
New Winter Low
The mercury hit its lowest peak for
the present winter shortly before 7
a.m. yesterday when the official ther-
mometer of the University Observa-
tory registered 9.8 degrees.
The temperature last night hov-
ered around 10 degrees, though yes-
terday afternoon it was somewhat
higher. Observatory officials stated
their belief that, while 9.8 was quite
low for Dec. 7 in previous years, no
record was broken.
A slight rise in the temperature,
together with cloudy weather and
possible snow, was predicted for today.
Freuchen Is Next

Speaker Of


The next speaker scheduled onI
the 1934-35 series of University Lec-;
tures is Capt. Peter Freuchen, Dan-
ish explorer, former governor of
Thule Colony, Greenland, and author,
of the book "Eskimo," on which the

iwas repr eu nat uncago mign - motion picture of the same name was
list a game with a southern team. In hands to show how steady they were. based. He will lecture at 8 p.m.
an effort to trim expenses, the Ohio The motor quit on the way down, Monday in the Natural Science Audi-
State tennis team will meet Illinois Post said, apparently choked by the torium on "The Eskimos As I Know
on the Purdue court,' and tackle rich mixture which he had been feed-IThem''
Northwestern at Michigan. The ing it at the higher altitudes. His te .h
Buckeyes meet Illinois at Purdue landing was perfect under precar- . an nfmaltaln he en-
May 3, before tackling the Boiler- ious conditions.gg n flnnenmmtn dmeea Ia sk"sneihuc s t x-i
makers the next day. The same plan "It wasn't so bad," Post commented. eral subject of his Arctic explorations
will be used at Ann Arbor May 10 The altimeter, he said, quit regis- in the geology lecture room, 2054 N.S.
willbe sedat nn AborMay 10The formal lecture will be illustrated
and 11 for the Northwestern and tering about 42,000 or 43,000 feet, as
Michigan dual event it did last Monday. by 4,000 feet of silent film not in-
The big business of the meeting, Post was anxious to take a look cluded in the picture, "Eskimo."
action by the faculty committee on at the barographs which indicated Captain Freuchen's lecture is being
the eligibility of five Minnesota foot- he reached a height of some 50,000 sponsored by Professor-Emeritus Wil-f
ball stars, and one from Ohio State, feet on Monday's flight, but even a Liam H. Hobbs.
was scheduled to follow the joint cursory examination of the delicate
dinner of the faculty men and ath- instrument was postponed until the Dr. Ward To Talk
letic directors tonight. return of A. M. Alcorn, DepartmentI
of Commerce inspector, from Tulsa.I At Youth Congress
Calibration of the barographs will;
Auto Workers To I require several days.
9,; Post had intended taking off earlier Dr. Harry F. Ward, professor of
Elect Bargainers ;in the day but due to difficulty in Christian Ethics at the Union Theo-I
warming up the ship's motor and ad- logical Seminary in New York, will
DETROIT, Dec. 7 -(P)- A: plan to 1 justing his oxygen tank connections deliver the closing address at the'
insure the thousands of employees and barograph, the take-off was de- Michigan Youth Congress to be held
in the nation's gigantic automobile layed several hours. I here Dec. 14-16, it was announced
industry a fair opportunity, without The temperature here was 20 de- yesterday by officials of the group.
fear of intimidation, to elect their grees and a fifteen-mile wind from Dr. Ward, famed as a liberal think-
own representatives to bargain with the northwest swept the field. er on religious and economic prob-
their employers was announced to- On his flight Monday, Post was lems, gave a series of four addresses
night by the President's three-man blown away from the airport here here last fall on the general theme
automobile labor board. by terrific winds in the stratosphere of "Religion and the Economic Crisis."
The board, composed of Dr. Leo and landed at Muskogee. It was also announced yesterday
Wolman,, Nicholas Kelley, and Rich- He was dissatsified with Monday's that the Young Democrat Clubs in
ard L. Byrd, disclosed that within a flight and was not certain he had Michigan would send more than 300
few weeks the first a series of plant broken the record set by Lieut. Donati. delegates to the Congress.
elections would be held. The plant
elected for the first test is the Cadil-
lac division of the General Mot Trends In Modern Medicine
Corp. here, and the step was seen as;
the most important move by the
board since President Roosevelt i AreDescribed By Dr. Forsythe

Republican senators stay away, or { Freshman elections in the literary
that a deadlock might ensue over the college will be conducted next Wed-
question of going into joint conven- nesday under the same plan of voting
tion should the question be sub- as was this week's sophomore ballot-
mitted to the individual houses, the ing, it was decided at yesterday's
governor proposed to order the mem- ; meeting of the Undergraduate Coun-
bers to report directly to Lieut.-Gov. cil. The Electoral Board will meet at
Allen E. Stebbins for a combined 10 a.m. today to pick the candidates
meeting of the House and Senate. A for next week's voting.
majority of the membership of both Carl Hilty, '35, president of the
branches then would be all that would Council, said yesterday that the
he required to organize for business. Council realizes that some of the de-
The governor was backed by an in- tails of the plan are not as yet per-
formal legal opinion from Attorney fected, but it feels that as the stu-
General Patrick H. O'Brien. dents become better acquainted with
The governor admitted his only the plan and come to realize the ef-
purpose in ordering the extraordinary feet it is trying to produce, they will
special session, or convention, is to respond more readily.
give Guy M. Wilson, Democratic can- It was on that assumption, he said,
didate for secretary of state, a chance that it was decided to have the
to get a recount. lower classmen choose their officers
It appeared likely the only election under the same conditions that pre-
contests the legislature would be vailed for the second sophomore elec-
asked to settle are those between Wil- ion.
son and Orville E. Atwood, Republican I Hilty also announced that there
secretary of state, and O'Brien and! would be five committee jobs avail-
Harry S. Toy, Republican candidate able for the Soph Prom. Three of
for attorney general. these will be given to students in the
Iliterary college, the other two going
to the engineering college.
Senate Group The president and dance chairman
of the class will draw up a list of
R U w T students in the literary college to
Reveals W Rwhom they would give jobs on the
committees and submit the list to the
Mun'tion Deals Electoral Board which will make the
appointments. In the engineering col-
lege, dance committee members will
DuPont Officials Opposed ,be chosen as they have been in former
To Government Control
Of Munition Plants Naval Officials
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 -UP)- Six Stl
duPont officials cracked back at the!S l Hope For
Senate Munitions. Committee today
with an emphatic assertion that Gov- Rescue Of Ulm
ernmental control of chemical and .
munitions plants would result in more,
not less, gun and powder-making. I HONOLULU, Dec. 7. - M)A - -
This rejoinder was aroused by state- fusing to give up hope of finding alive
ments from Chairman Gerald Nye Lieut. Charles T. P. Ulm and his two
and from the Committee counsel, fellow Australian airmen lost at sea
Stephen Raushenbush, that testimony since Tuesday, naval authorities de-
in the investigation pointed toward cided to continue the search with all
that one method of eliminating available surface boats and airplanes.
abuses. The decision was announced by
"National defense ought to be a Rear Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, com-
Government owned and controlled mandant at the Pearl Harbor Naval
project," Nye said. "The sooner we Base, after a conference with men
cease this practice of arming the who have hunted four days for the
world, the better off we will be." aviators who were forced down on a
Dr. Fin Sparre, duPont chemist, flight from Oakland, Calif.
suggested ironically that the Govern- Having searched surrounding wat-
ment should also take over the farms ers for 200 or more miles from the
which produce the raw materials for Hawaiian Islands, the naval men dis-
explosives. Maj. K. K. V. Casey, the cussed whether even a remote chance
company's military sales manager, of finding the missing fliers would
produced a letter from abroad tend- warrant a search a thousand miles
ing to show that a Government northwestward. Currents in that di-
monopoly in arms manufacture would rection, it was thought, may have car-
result in increased production. Irenee ried the men to some one of the nu-
merous reefs and shoals that stretch
duPont quoted Woodrow Wilson. across the Pacific to the lonely cable
Evidence was introduced that the station at Midway Island.
duPonts had made an agreement for; _stationatMidwayIsland,
the exchange of patents, including I
military secrets, with the British Do t ffl e.'1 u
munitions makers, Nobel, Ltd. ThesF
duPonts rejoined that this was con-
ditional upon War Department ap- StudentsA
proval, and that actually no secrets
had been divulged.
In 1923, it developed, however, an By JOHN J. FLAHERTY
improvement in powder manufactur- United States Postoffice figures re.
Ngbe, methods was transmitted to veal that Ann Arbor has twice as
Nobel, but the duPonts contended much incoming as outgoing mail and
that it was actually an old process. authorities are convinced that Uni-
Documents were presented to show versity students are poor letter writ-
that the War Department, to keep ers - checks may come every week
the duPonts in the powder business but letters home are few and far be-
after the war, had sanctioned their tween.
giving technical aid to other govern- In addition to this unbalance in
ments. direction, other factors combine to
The afternoon session was attended make Ann Arbor's Postoffice system
by the duPonts, Irenee, Lammot and unique, according to Postmaster A. C.
Felix, and their officials. uniqu, acoring oPomasterC.
Pa'l k The ~,vyom tf mvail and, iareol

Norman H. Davis (above), Presi-
dent Roosevelt's "unofficial ambassa-
dor" to Europe, is playing an impor-
tant role in the current tense politi-
cal situation.
Industry PlansI
To Co-Operate
With New Deal'
Five-Point Program For
Recovery Recommended
By Business Leaders
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. - (A) -Indus-
try lined up with the government to-
day in a program of recovery marked
by a strong stand for "co-operation."
Industrialists ended their meeting
Thursday night by recommending:
1. Extension of a modified NRA for
one year.
2. Appointment by President Roose-
velt of a commission to outline a pro-
gram for unemployment insurance,
old-age pensions and other social se-
curity measures.
3. Development of a program of co-
operation with the government by
committees from the National Asso-
ciation of Manufacturers and the
United States Chamber of Commerce.
4. Formation of a larger commit-
tee representing all business elements
in a united front for co-operation.
5. A "platform of recovery" urging
a balanced federal budget, a return
to the gold standard, return of busi-
ness to private enterprise as opposed!
to governmentalecontrol and modified
regulations for relations between la-
bor and industry.
This platform was presented earlier
in the week and was debated for sev-
eral days before it was adopted
Thursday night by the Manufactur-
ers' association and the American
Congress of Industry which met in
joint session.
The added recommendation for ex-
tension of NRA petitioned the gov-
ernment to end its control over in-
dustry except as necessary to permit
fair, free and open competition and
to conserve natural resources. The
proposed new recovery act, effective
for one year after the present act
expires next June 16, would be ad-
ministered by an independent "court"
of five with power to approve or dis-
approve codes voluntarily submitted
by industrial groups.

Britain, Japan, And U. S.
Far From Making Naval
(By Associated Press)
The grim word 'war" echoed
through the halls of the League of
Nations, seat of peace, Friday.
Elsewhere, events seemed to por-
tend toward conflict. Jugo-Slav-Hun-
garian tension increased. Italy and
Ethiopia clashed in Africa. Britain,
Japan and the United States found
themselves still far from an agree-
ment on naval limitations. Paraguay
and Bolivia fought doggedly on.
GENEVA --Eduard Benes, Czecho-
slovak foreign minister, warned the
world the Little Entente - Jugo-
Slavia, Roumania, and Czech-Slo-
vakia--would fight if its alliance is
attacked. Hungarian and Jugo-Slav
delegates hurled bitter charges at
each other as the responsibility for
King Alexander's assassination at
Marseilles Oct. 9 was discussed.
SZEGED, Hungary - Students, in-
censed at Jugo-Slavia's. expulsion of
thousands of Hungarians, demon-
strated riotously as government rep-
resentatives took testimony concern-
ing last night's trans-border excur-
sion of Serb regulars.
KARIBOR, Jugo-Slavia-Travei-
lers said Hungarians were arming
residents along the border, describ-
ing alleged tremendous precautions
to resist an expedition.
BELGRADE-The government de-
nied any regular army troops had
crossed the border. A spokesman said
"there has been no mobilization of
our troops at the Hungarian border."
ROME-Benito Mussolini's govern-
ment, Hungary's good neighbor,
watched the situation with grave eyes,
fearing serious developments.
LONDON - With naval negotia-
tions still at an impasse, Japan's
delegates awaited instructions from
Tokio as to whether they should make
new proposals after Norman H. Davis,
American, warned yesterday that the
end of existing treaties might mean
unlimited shipbuilding.
TOKIO - Japan stood pat. Come
what may, spokesmen said, she will
denounce the 1922 Washington naval
ROME - An energetic Italian pro-
test was delivered to the Addis Ababab
government after Ethiopian troops
attacked an Italian outpost - the
second such incident in three weeks.
BUENOS AIRES-Paraguay, press-
ing her late season drive, threatened
the Bolivian major army base at
YOUNGSTOWN, Dec. 7. -(aP) -
Americans of Hungarian and Croa-
tian extraction were startled by the
sensational assertion today that prior
to the assassination of King Alexan-
der of Jugo-Slavia, a "death sen-
tence" for him was announced and
cheered at a meeting of Croatians in
The assertion, made in Geneva, by
Tibor Eckhardt, Hungarian repesen-
tative to the League of Nations, prob-
ably was based on misinformations,
said Joseph Kiraja, president of the
Croatian circle of the United States
and Canada.
SZEGED, Hungary, Dec. 7.-(P) -
A riotous demonstration against
Yugo-Slavia by Hungarian university
students here today heightened the
tension growing out of Yugo-Slavia's
expulsion of thousands of Hungar-
With many of the desolate refugees
in this border town Hungary's sec-
ond city, representatives of the Bud-
apest government this evening were
busy taking testimony concerning ex-
cursions across the border early today
by Serbian troops. Attached to the
Yugo-Slav army, retired after inter-

mittent forays, temporarily relieving
a highly dangerous situation.
. Heavy police guards, held ready
for emergencies, kept watchful eyes
on the students today as, parading in

created it last spring with instruc-
tions to seek peace for the industry
over which strike clouds had long
ominously hung.
RALEIGH, N. C., Dec. 7.- (P) -
Bascom Green, his son Lester, and
his son-in-law, Robert Edward Black,
all of High Point, were electrocuted
today for their part in the killing of
T. C. Barnes, cashier of a Taylors-
ville bank, in an attempted robbery.
- - {


~ *1

By WILLIAM H. FLEMING "Human beings are animals," he
The monthly report of the Health said. "However, modern life is not'
Service for November will show an natural to him. Irregular hours, new
increase of from 2,000 to 3,000 dis- kinds of food, modern living, and sex-
pensary calls over the corresponding ual desires -repressed through eco-
months of the two previous years, nomic and social reasons at a time
Dr. Warren G. Forsythe, director of when they are the strongest are ex-
the Health Service, said yesterday. amples of the unnatural mode of
"This increase is not due to any living of modern man.'
specific cause," Dr. Forsythe stated. Dr. Forsythe said that it is the job
"We have not experienced an epi- of the mental hygienist to help the
demic or a general rise in the num- individual solve problems which arise
ber of diseases which students fall in connection with unnatural living.
heir to, but it is a reflection of the "Our own experience here with an
general trend of mankind to take in- ever expanding demand for service
creased advantage of the improve- in that regard," he remarked, "is an

es Show That
iswer Few Letters*
the myriad of scientific journals are
thought to account for this seeming
It is hard on the letter carriers -
all this mail - but not so bad as it
used to be. Before the approved
rooming house contracts with stu-
dents, which require them to live in
the same house for at least a semes-
ter, men of Michigan had rather a
capricious taste in domiciles. In the
words of Postmaster Pack "they used
to move over-night and our student
directory was a perfect mad house."
Three distinct directories must be
compiled by the postoffice: student,
',. it a -rua C- h l i .

Tickets On Sale Fori
TV ,, , A * ,. .,

UCL .1 11CpVUtfl MU11,alU 1JUILk -
post is unusually high when compared
with other cities. Muskegon, for in-
tance . has: nnnniuinn nearv rouhI

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